Training and education of Chihuahuas at home: features of team training

When to start

Raising a Chihuahua will give the expected results only if you start it from the moment your pet appears in the house. You need to raise a puppy through conversation and explanations. You need to punish or scold your pet immediately after incorrect behavior. This is the only way the baby will understand what caused your anger and why he was punished.

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Raising a Chihuahua

How to raise a Chihuahua? When training a puppy at home, you need to shape his character and wean him from bad habits. For example, an untrained animal will have to run onto the road, but a trained animal will only need the command “Stop!”

A well-mannered pet is considered to be:

  • sleeps and relieves himself in specially designated places;
  • does not “beg” for food from the table;
  • does not bark for no apparent reason;
  • does not howl when left alone at home;
  • does not throw himself at the feet of guests;
  • does not chew furniture or shoes.

Instilling good manners

As soon as a puppy or adult appears in your home, immediately train him to use the toilet. It is best if he runs outside when he needs to and relieves himself there.

It is also necessary to arrange a special place for this inside the house. Most often, a dog toilet is installed in the bathroom or in the master's toilet. These are the optimal places.

  • In order to train a Chihuahua to use the toilet, you need to put newspaper in a designated place, which will have the smell of its discharge.

Toilet removal is very important, since a small puppy still has little control over his needs and can relieve himself in the house without waiting for a walk. In general, these are incredibly clean dogs, but, to the great regret of their owners, they cannot go against their physiology.

Dogs go to the toilet about 3-4 times during the day. As a rule, this is immediately after waking up in the morning, after meals and after vigorous activity, for example, after walking or outdoor games.

  • If you want to care for this breed correctly, without harming it, but only helping it, then forget about various types of punishments.

Show patience and restraint. Teach cleanliness gradually, according to plan, regularly and persistently. Only in this case will you be able to achieve good results.

Learn to predetermine what your puppy wants based on his actions and help him do the right thing.

For example, when a puppy wants to go to the toilet, he begins to make circular movements, he sniffs the floor or the ground if you are outside. At this moment, pick up the puppy with both hands and safely place him on the previously prepared newspaper.

Do this once, twice, three times, as many times as you like until the puppy starts doing it on his own. And of course, don’t forget about encouragement! Chihuahua went to the toilet on his own - a treat!

Also today there are a lot of helpers for toilet training your pet.

For example, there are special “markers” that mark the place where you need to do your job. You can also find special sprays on the market that need to be sprayed in those rooms where the puppy is not allowed to shit.

How to train to the tray

How to train a Chihuahua to toilet train your puppy? First, you should buy several of them and place them where the puppy “likes” to relieve himself. It is necessary to put the baby in the tray after sleeping and eating, because it is at this time that this need is in greatest demand.

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Most owners of Chihuahua dogs use special diapers instead of a tray. These products for dogs actively absorb feces and can be used for a long time. Several diapers should be laid on the floor and the pet should be closely monitored. If he sits on the diaper, the puppy should be praised, but if not, strictly say “Ugh!” or “You can’t!” Any puddles that appear should be wiped off and the floor underneath treated with special products that can combat the smell.


In order for a pet to learn to follow commands and become obedient, it is necessary to find an approach to it. Strictness, motivation and praise are essential components of successful training for even the smallest dog.

The basic rules and methods of training a “decorative” Chihuahua dog are clearly demonstrated in the video.

How to stop barking

In the first days of a puppy's stay in a new home, the pet develops the habit of barking at all objects that frighten it. To prevent barking from turning into aggression and biting, your dog must be controlled.

You can prevent the development of the habit of senseless barking by distracting your pet. To do this, just call him by name or start talking quietly. If your Chihuahua becomes silent, praise him, reward him with treats, or pet him. If it continues to bark, do not scold the dog, but simply do not react to its barking. The animal will see your indifference and calm down. Once this happens, reward him.

Some owners who cannot train their pet on their own use an anti-bark device. This “miracle of technology” is able to suppress and control “empty” barking using ultrasonic radiation, which dogs cannot tolerate.

Basic mistakes in parenting

We've all tried new things, faced the unknown, and made mistakes. As they say, everything comes with experience. The main thing is the desire to learn, including from mistakes, and we have compiled for you a list of the most common ones:

  • Subsequence. Many dog ​​owners quickly give up training if they don’t see results for a long time. We would like to note that all animals, like people, are unique. Some people need more time, some less. Be patient and soon your pet will surprise you.
  • Extra noise. Nothing should distract you and your dog. Turn off the TV, radio, computer and fully concentrate on practicing the commands.
  • Quiet place. You should not train your dog in the yard amid the noise of children and other distractions. Choose a quiet, secluded place where you and your dog will not be disturbed.
  • On empty stomach. Never handle a well-fed animal, because it will definitely want to sleep. A hungry dog ​​will be much more willing to follow all your commands.
  • You are a leader. Never follow your dog's lead. Once you succumb to her manipulations and deviate from your own demands, your authority will be lost.
  • Control yourself. Don't scream, you won't achieve anything by doing this. If you lack patience, seek help from a professional dog trainer.

We teach basic commands

How to teach a Chihuahua commands? The main condition is timeliness and consistency. You can teach a dog new commands only at the age of 1 year, having previously taught the previous ones.

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  • Team "Ugh!" used when the dog performs prohibited actions. You need to accustom your pet to this command as early as possible. In this case, it is necessary to select the item and strictly order it. If the dog does not obey, the command is repeated, and he is punished by being “punched” in the face with the taken away object.
  • The command “Sit!” The puppy is trained as it develops (at the age of 2–2.5 months). To do this, they call the dog, show him a tasty treat, raise his hand with the food in such a way that he can see the treat only while sitting. It is acceptable to press on the dog's back near the tail. Tell the sitting animal “Sit!”, treat it with a treat and praise it.
  • The command “Lie down!” You can only teach a dog that has mastered the “Sit!” command. To do this, the hand is lowered with delicacy, and, holding the pet by the collar, they force it to lie down. Next, the animal is praised and treated with a treat.
  • The command “Show your teeth!” The dog must learn to perform before the age of 4 months. To develop the corresponding skill in a Chihuahua, sit it close to you and, pronouncing a command, open its mouth, holding it open. Reinforcement of the skill is the same: food and praise.

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At the age of 6-8 weeks, the dog is accustomed to wearing a leash and collar, after being allowed to sniff them. For the first time, accessories are worn briefly and only during the game.

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So, before getting a pet, you need to remember one thing: the owner bears full responsibility for the upbringing of the dog. If your Chihuahua behaves inappropriately, it means that you did not give him the proper attention and patience.

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What is the difference between training and education?

Training is the strict training of a dog with a certain set of commands used in everyday life.

Education is an activity that is carried out with the aim of instilling rules of behavior in a pet. In the first case, training can last up to six months, in the second – the entire life cycle. A well-mannered dog automatically follows commands, understands the rules of good behavior, and knows about punishments. The main instrument of influence is the owner’s voice, intonation. The animal becomes obedient for a tasty reward.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

If you abuse shouting, punishment, or rudeness, the dog develops a constant feeling of fear instead of gratitude and respect. Anxiety can develop if you raise your little Chihuahua with physical abuse.

When trained from puppyhood, the dog develops trust in its owner. The little dog perceives family members as older, experienced leaders. A young, mature animal can overestimate the situation and begin to dominate.

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