Post-vaccination sarcoma in cats causes, treatment, prevention
Clinical signs and diagnosis Post-vaccination sarcoma is a very characteristic tumor that an experienced veterinarian
Neon colored aquarium fish
Neons / Latin: Paracheirodon, Paracheirodon innesi, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Paracheirodon simulans
Neons are small aquarium fish suitable for breeding at home. Juveniles
How to increase a cat's appetite? Appetite stimulants for cats
A pet’s reluctance to eat can be associated with pathological and physiological factors. Appetite stimulants for
French bulldog colors, blue french bulldog.
French Bulldog
The French Bulldog is a breed of elite city dog, available in different colors. Moreover, the blue French bulldog in
Why does a dog hide in a dark place: a detailed analysis of the problem
Inexperienced owners regularly ask the question: “Why does the dog hide in a dark place?” An animal can really
What to do if your cat has a lump on his neck
6621Pavel When owners notice that a cat has a bump on the withers, thoughts arise in their heads
Aquarium for red-eared turtle
Unusual pets: red-eared turtles. How long can these animals live without water?
Keeping red-eared turtles Keeping red-eared turtles often turns out to be more difficult than expected at first glance.
During the shedding period, your pets need special care to survive this period comfortably.
Spring and autumn molt. What animals shed and change fur color in spring and autumn? Why do animals change color in winter?
04/09/2014 clinic Twice a year, in autumn and spring, for owners of furry pets it comes
American Staffordshire Terrier: a reliable protector, guard and loyal friend in one person
History of origin and interesting facts about the Staffordshire Terrier Staff dog has medieval roots. Before
Azinox for cats: instructions for use, composition and reviews
The combination of cat and helminths is familiar not only to veterinarians. Ordinary cat owners also face this. Parasites
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