French Bulldog
French bulldog diseases and their treatment
French Bulldog Each breed of dog has a predisposition to certain diseases. We have collected information about
Why is there blood dripping from the end of a male dog? Men's health with genital discharge in dogs
Purulent discharge from the dog's urethra. Discharge from the penis in male dogs Discharge
First mating of a German Shepherd
On what day of heat should a shepherd dog be bred?
Reproduction is a basic instinct in animals, therefore mating a German Shepherd is required to produce offspring.
Blood test in cats: normal, interpretation of general and biochemical analysis
Blood test for cats: interpretation, norm and deviations Veterinary Service of the Vladimir Region
Total protein The analysis is interpreted exclusively by a doctor. However, it also wouldn’t hurt for the pet owner to know
General and biochemical blood test of a cat - what will the examination show?
If you regularly read articles about health problems in pets, as well as
Salvinia plants
Salvinia eared contents description reproduction photo.
The genus Salvínia has 12 species, most of which are distributed on the African continent. Domain (Regio)
African pygmy hedgehog: care and maintenance at home
Care and maintenance African pygmy hedgehogs are not able to live in their natural environment. Decorative animals
Bowl with wet cat food
Soup with a cat and pies with kittens: 5 countries where they eat cats
What is better - buying or cooking? Experts believe that everything depends on the owner’s capabilities
Levomycetin for diarrhea in cats: description of the drug, use options and dosage
03/21/2019 Drozd Nikolaevich Animals Eye pathologies are a fairly common occurrence in cats. Leading position
Husky and Doberman mix
Types of husky mestizos join the discussion Share with friends Today among purebred dogs that have become
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