What are the largest breeds of geese?
Geese have high meat productivity. Birds have well-developed plumage. They are bred to obtain
Malamute in the field
Malamute (Alaskan Malamute) / Alaskan Malamute
History of the origin of the breed One of the most ancient dog breeds characteristic of North America is
border collie breed pictures
Dog breeds similar to Border Collie
Group of collie breeds Collie (eng. Collie) is a group of breeds of herding and working dogs, originally
Research work on the topic: “The influence of cats on human health.”
Fluffy healers of soul and body: what are the benefits of cats for human health and
Is the siskin a migratory or sedentary bird?
People who are just planning to have a bird in their home are advised to choose a siskin. He is unpretentious in
Such a different poodle: large, small, dwarf and toy
History of origin Cynologists are still arguing where the breed was bred, in France or in
how do fleas reproduce in cats
A few nuances of how fleas reproduce in cats and the peculiarities of their life activity
Fleas belong to the category of parasites with complete transformation. In other words, young individuals who are only
How to distinguish a female from a male Corella
The cockatiel or Australian cockatoo is one of the most enjoyable pet birds. These are smart, active parrots
A British cat's eyes are watery - reasons and what to do?
Why do cats have watery eyes, main diseases. In what situations do British eyes need to be treated:
Natural aeration
Aquarium aerator: what is it and its types
Nowadays, artificially created reservoirs are increasingly becoming popular. They can be located
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