Aquarium aerator: what is it and its types

Nowadays, artificially created reservoirs are increasingly becoming popular. They can be located either separately or as part of a landscape project, serving as an integral part and a picturesque decoration of the landscape.

As a rule, such reservoirs are inhabited by various freshwater animals, which require appropriate care. The fact is that in reservoirs with stagnant water there is no proper circulation, and therefore oxygen is quickly consumed, which causes water pollution and the reservoir acquires an unattractive color.

In the natural environment, nature itself organizes the necessary movement and purification of water and its saturation with oxygen, but in artificially created reservoirs these tasks cannot be accomplished without human help and appropriate devices.

Aeration is the saturation of water with oxygen using special equipment - an aerator. Such a device promotes better water circulation within a reservoir: large or small, which has a beneficial effect on all aquatic flora and fauna.

  • 2 Making a device for a pond with your own hands
  • 3 Ready-made devices
  • 4 Aquarium compressor
  • 5 How to make it yourself

Aeration of reservoirs

The greatest need for aeration arises in the summer, when the water temperature rises and, accordingly, the oxygen content decreases, and in the winter, when the water freezes.
Aeration of the reservoir provides:

  • removal of excess amounts of various gases, creating normal conditions for living organisms;
  • minimal siltation of the reservoir, which has a beneficial effect on its inhabitants;
  • optimal water circulation and production of the required amount of oxygen.

Currently, a water compressor is most often used in conjunction with other devices, for example, filters, skimmers, pumps, and cleaning devices.

There are many types and types of different devices for enriching water with oxygen. Depending on the operating conditions, design features and principle of operation, a tubular or disk aerator is used.

A submersible tubular aerator will be more relevant for ponds where fish are found.

Expert recommendation: in addition to aeration, to maintain the normal state of the biosystem, you should not forget about some plants, for example, hornwort, which is also capable of releasing enough oxygen.

Methods of water aeration

There are two ways to aerate water resources in a home pond: natural and artificial.


Natural aeration is based on recreating conditions in a container that are as close to natural as possible.

To do this, the home tank is populated with snails, the peculiarity of which is considered to be an increase in oxygen in the water.

Important! The presence of snails in the aquarium allows you to determine the oxygen level. If snails are located on the walls of a pond or on the tops of plants, then the O2 level in the water is low. If the snails spend time below, on stones or soil, then the level is sufficient for a comfortable existence.

In addition, a number of plants are planted in the reservoir, which are able to regulate oxygen flows and saturate the water with necessary nutrients.


The artificial method includes the use of air compressors or specialized pumps. The former allow for uniform heat and gas exchange between water layers and create high-quality aeration.

Modern compressors come in two types:

  • piston: they do an excellent job of saturating water resources with oxygen, but do not attract with their high cost;
  • membrane: they have a low price, but have little power and create a lot of noise during operation. To minimize noise, it is recommended to install compressors in special soundproof boxes.

Aeration pumps move water flows much more intensely.
As a rule, such devices are equipped with a filter and a special hose through which air is sucked in and released to the surface. When giving preference to a pump, you should take into account its throughput: this indicator should be equal to at least 1/3 of the total volume of water in the tank. Find out what a sump is in an aquarium and what it is needed for.

Making a device for a pond with your own hands

When talking about creating an aerator for a pond with your own hands, you should understand that this involves purchasing several devices that are combined in such a way that they can perform a given function.
You can make several options for aerators yourself, which will differ in their operating principle and performance. The final choice will be determined by the volume of the reservoir and the presence of certain types of living creatures in it.

Fountain. Any object that can withstand water can be suitable for decorating the base: a vase, pot, slide, etc.
When choosing a pump, you should take into account its performance qualities: a weak one will not cope with a large volume, a strong one may produce a stream instead of a fountain. This is more of an option for a small artificial pond in the garden. Floating. The basis is a low-power submersible pump.
It is fixed on a base made of lightweight material, for example, plastic, polystyrene foam, etc.

For optimal jet height, the outlet must be equipped with a sprayer and an adapter.
This is practically a mobile, periodically functioning fountain. Windbreaker. This device (unlike the finished version) is not equipped with a compressor.
Wind energy is transferred to blades located in the water.

Here functionality comes to the fore rather than aesthetics.

Such a device consists of a driving shaft (its length will depend on the depth of the reservoir), blades (upper and lower).

Submersible. In this case, a standard auto compressor is used as a basis.

Additionally purchased:

  • supply hose;
  • a pipe with perforation and a plug (a kind of membrane);
  • sprayer (if necessary).

The compressor itself should be located above the reservoir level, and the hose at the bottom.

Water pump. This is a bottom version of the aerator. It is advisable to place the device itself in a special room, and place only the sprayer in the water. In this case, it must be below the water supply level and at least 15 centimeters from the bottom.

We invite you to watch a video in which an experienced user explains how to make a pond aerator with your own hands:

What devices are there for this?

Aeration can be natural - due to plants and snails - or artificial. It occurs due to air compressors and specialized pumps.


The compressor drives oxygen deep into the water, it goes through the tubes and ends up in the sprayer.
There it is made into small bubbles, which then disperse throughout the entire volume of water.

Compressors differ in characteristics. These are power, productivity, depth of water pumping.

The compressor system is designed as follows:

  1. Air duct systems.
  2. Perekhodnikov.
  3. Check valves.
  4. Sprayer.

How to make an aerator with your own hands?

If you don’t have the means to buy a compressor, you can replace it with a homemade one and use it for the first time. To make such a device you need experience, otherwise it can lead to a short circuit in the water. This result is dangerous for fish and humans.

If you decide to make a compressor with your own hands, then strictly follow the instructions when creating it:

  1. Take a small electric heater and connect it to an electrical circuit. The power of the device should not exceed 12 volts. If necessary (for example, the power goes out), you can connect the device to a battery or accumulator. Connect the eccentric to the engine. This is necessary for the pump to move. With its help, water circulates, which enriches it with oxygen. This device operates silently.
  2. The second method is carried out using a magnet. The electromagnetic starter must be at 50 Hz frequency if the voltage is 220 volts. Attach the pump to the electromagnet. Due to its influence, the membrane will begin to move at the same frequency. Air passes through the pump, and the water is saturated with oxygen. This compressor is noisy.


Nowadays there are various types of aerators for aquariums sold.
It needs to have sufficient power (0.5 liters per 1 hour of water). An aerator with this indicator can work with a ceramic sprayer, which produces small bubbles, and this is useful for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Each compressor model has its own characteristics. It is important to choose the right compressor that meets all requirements.

If the aquarium is located in a crowded room, choose a silent device , also pay attention to the presence of smooth adjustment of the air flow. With this adjustment, you can easily install any filter and nozzle on the compressor.

An aeration compressor can be purchased in specialized stores, as well as online. The average price of compresses in Moscow and St. Petersburg is about a thousand rubles.

Pipes with air ducts are the main components of the compressor. They must have special characteristics. Buy tubes made from vinyl chloride or synthetic rubber. Do not install tubes made of medical grade, black or red-yellowish in color, into the aquarium. They are dangerous for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Make sure that aeration is carried out constantly and that the tubes do not have kinks that could prevent air from entering the aquarium.

It is important to choose the right nozzles for the compressor . The appearance of the aquarium, the quality of aeration and the safety of living creatures in your pond depend on them. The sprayer should not produce harmful substances. For such purposes, abrasive stones or sandstone are used. Wooden, ceramic and porous synthetic nozzles are also well suited.


Aerating water with a compressor without electricity is impossible. In homes where there are power outages, it is better to use an oxidizer or aeration stone. It consists of a glass container, a plastic lid with holes, a catalyst and a base.

This device saturates the water with oxygen gradually. Such a device requires replacement from time to time. It is weaker than a compressor, but if the surface of the aquarium is small and there are a lot of plants, then the oxidizer may be the only way of aeration. also absolutely silent and suppresses pathogenic bacteria in the aquarium .

Filter with aeration (pumps)

In small aquariums it is better to use internal filters, which, at the same time, also aerate the water.
The devices look like a system consisting of a pump, filter material and a special tube. The pumps release water through the sponge and suck water out of the tube. Oxygen is mixed with water and enters the reservoir in the form of small bubbles. In this way, the water is purified silently, but if the aquarium is dirty, it becomes weaker.

If you use pumps, you will notice that they mix the water faster than compressors . They have a built-in filter, and air is sucked through a special hose that is located on the surface.

This method will be the only way to aerate while cleaning the aquarium in a timely manner.

Ready-made devices

Thus, the choice of a specific aeration device should be guided by two main components: the volume of the reservoir and the rate of oxygen saturation.
Currently, low-noise devices of small dimensions are available that can deliver relatively high powers.

As a rule, aerators are designed for a long period of operation, so they use wear-resistant, energy-saving elements.

Through the use of compressors, it is possible to obtain the optimal temperature balance of a reservoir, which has a beneficial effect on all its flora and fauna, and also prevents flowering and the accumulation of bottom sediments.

You might be interested in an article about shower aerators. Read an informative article about the design of aerators for faucets here.

Aquarium compressor

An aerator for an aquarium is no less necessary than for a reservoir of any size.
After all, with a relatively small number of plants, the water in the aquarium is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen.

And as a result of the vital activity of various aquarium organisms, a lot of carbon dioxide enters the water. In this case, an aerator is simply necessary.

A standard compressor consists of a hose, pump and sprayer. Tiny air bubbles are distributed throughout the water. The principle applies here - the smaller they are and at the same time there are many of them, the better.

Among the main functions of aquarium aeration are the following:

  • saturation of water with oxygen;
  • creating the necessary water circulation;
  • temperature optimization;
  • destruction of the resulting film;
  • imitation of flow, especially necessary for certain types of fish.

Today, many companies offer various types of compressors, where the power of the device directly depends on the volume of the aquarium.
The price here will depend on the aerator model, its type, performance, additional functions and other components.

For residential premises, a silent compressor will be most relevant, which is due to the fairly common location of the aquarium in a recreational space, where excess noise is completely unnecessary.

In addition to its main functions, the filter compressor also purifies the water. A fairly common option is a combined aerator, which has fewer different parts, which also improves the design of the aquarium.

Air injection here is carried out by submersible sprayers, the main advantages of which are the absence of noise, various vibrations and the absence of the need for frequent washing.

The depth of the location will depend on the aerator model.

An aquarium with an illuminated aerator will look especially impressive. The fish's home will be filled with very beautiful multi-colored bubbles.

You may also be interested in an article about aerators for septic tanks. Read an article about making a faucet aerator with your own hands here.

After reading this article, you will receive information about aerators for water from a well.

How to check that the indicator is normal?

It is easy to find out that aeration is normal. The fish behave normally and do not cause alarming suspicion. If aeration is disrupted, they change behavior - they often swim up and swallow water. The situation becomes critical when the fish swallow the void. We urgently need to take action.

  • Too much aeration will not bring any benefit, but rather will harm the inhabitants of the aquarium. An excess of oxygen causes gas embolism in fish - air bubbles appear in their blood and the fish dies. To prevent this from happening, do not install too many compressors, they will cause a supersaturation of oxygen in the water.
  • If aeration is too weak . The normal oxygen concentration is 5 mg/l or slightly more. If aeration is below this indicator, then many fish will simply suffocate and plants will die. No benefit can be found in this.

How to make it yourself

This device works on the principle of accumulating air and gradually supplying it to the aquarium.
In this case, air can accumulate in a certain tank. Thus, to make your own aquarium compressor, you will need the following items:

  • rubber tank (as an air accumulator);
  • pump (you can use a car, bicycle, etc.);
  • tee (three-way faucet);
  • plastic base - tube (a regular dropper with a clamp is ideal).

Assembling the aerator consists of the following steps:

  1. Three tubes must be removed from the tee: one to the pump, the other to the reservoir, and the third will serve as an outlet air duct (dropper with a clamp), the end of which must be plugged.
  2. Then, after making an indentation, you need to make several small holes in the tube for air to escape.

Please note: you need to ensure that all connections are sealed and securely fastened.

  1. To collect air using a tee, it is necessary to open a path from the reservoir to the pump. If you use a ball as an air accumulator, then you can inflate it completely. When this direction is closed, the path from the reservoir (for example, a ball) to the outlet tube is turned on. In order for the air to spread gradually, the diameter of the tube in one place must be adjusted using a clamp, which should be located on the outside of the aquarium, near the tee. The air flow speed needs to be adjusted. Thus, the compressor is ready for operation.

One of the disadvantages of this device is the need to periodically pump the tank. For an aquarium with a volume of up to one hundred liters, this will need to be done approximately twice a day. Naturally, the compressor needs to be monitored.

Please note: it is most important to aerate the aquarium at night, since photosynthesis occurs during the daytime, and at night a situation may arise when carbon dioxide is formed in excess.

Mixing the layers using aeration is also important to equalize the water temperature. This removes the film that forms on the surface, which prevents gas exchange. Aeration of the aquarium also needs to be maintained with special flora.

Watch an interesting video that shows in detail all the stages of making an aquarium aerator with your own hands:

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