How to use the drug Execan for cats for chronic and inflammatory processes

The modern drug Exekan for cats, the instructions of which allow you to familiarize yourself with the features of its use, is prescribed for acute and chronic inflammatory processes of an allergic nature. An allergic reaction in cats is difficult to notice, since the animal's body is covered with hair and it is difficult to notice a rash or redness right away. The pathological process in cats proceeds rather slowly, and therefore owners turn to the veterinarian when the animal already has complications.

In cats, allergies are mainly manifested by dry skin, which causes the loss of shine in the coat, the appearance of dandruff and flaking, and the cat suffers from itching. There are three forms of allergies in cats:

  • Insecticidal;
  • Food;
  • Atopic.

The latter allergy with a more severe clinical picture. Affects mainly hybrid breeds created artificially. This kind of allergy is difficult to treat, over a relatively long period of time, and it is this form of the disease that Execan for cats copes with.

Instructions for use

It is produced in briquettes resembling refined sugar in shape, which can be given dry or dissolved in water. But due to the sucrose content, pets can enjoy them without coercion. If the cat is still stubborn, you can crush a sugar cube and add it to the food or dilute it in water and pour it into the mouth through a syringe.

As a rule, the medication is prescribed for eczema and inflammatory skin lesions of allergic etiology in acute or chronic form, unless they are caused by bacteria or fungi.

The medication can only be used as prescribed by a specialist after an examination and tests.

However, like any medicine, it has its contraindications, including: hypersensitivity to components, diabetes mellitus, gestation period, infectious diseases.

During therapeutic measures, side effects may be observed in the form of a gag reflex, increased appetite and thirst, the development of gastrointestinal ulcers, convulsions, swelling, increased blood pressure, frequent urge to urinate, and the appearance of bald spots.

Limitations and negative consequences

Prohibitions on the use of Exekan are the pet’s increased sensitivity to the components of the medication, the animal’s weight is less than 1 kg, pregnancy, and lactation in cats. The drug is not prescribed to animals with infectious pathologies, or to those suffering from diabetes.

Side effects during treatment can be expressed by vomiting (in the presence of hypersensitivity), increased thirst, increased appetite, and increased urine volume.

An overdose is unacceptable; it can lead to dangerous consequences, including:

  • Cushing's syndrome - excessive production of the hormone cortisol, which leads to decreased activity, increased aggression, noticeable behavioral changes, and skin manifestations;
  • hypernatremia;
  • swelling;
  • alopecia;
  • development of osteoporosis – bone fragility;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • convulsions;
  • hypertension, etc.

Dosage of the drug

During therapy, it is important to follow the regimen and dose prescribed by your veterinarian.

Weight, kgThe first four days, the norm per dayThe next 8 days, the norm per day
Up to 1Less than half a sugar½ cube
Over 1half a cubequarter sugar

It is imperative to adhere to the treatment regimen: once every 24 hours. It is prescribed for 12 days, with one dosage in the first four days and a different dosage in the next eight. Upon completion of the course, stop taking it, even if the result is negative.

You should not miss the next dose. If, however, an appointment was missed, then treatment continues according to the regimen. You should not give double the norm to your pet.


What sweets can a cat eat?

During the summer heat, many owners, showing false concern for their pet, give it ice cream. It seems that both the dairy product itself and cooling the body should only bring benefits. But in fact they do a lot of harm to the cat.

Ice cream for a cat, if necessary, can be easily made independently by freezing unsweetened natural yogurt, fermented baked milk or a mixture of cottage cheese and kefir. Almost all pets love these impromptu treats.

You can give cats a little corn and bell pepper, they have a sweetish taste. The sugar content in them is minimal, and there is a lot of healthy fiber. Almost all cats like these products.

It’s only better if the vegetables are boiled and the peppers are peeled. Under no circumstances should these products be consumed in canned form.

How it works

It is a medication that has a powerful antiphlogistic effect and shows high effectiveness. Dexamethasone, which is included in the composition, is slowly absorbed in the intestine, so its concentration is maintained for a long time, which ensures the maximum possible effect. In addition, Exekan normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxic substances from the liver and relieves skin symptoms. Vitamins B3 and B6 are involved in the regeneration of the epidermis, and methionine removes excess adipose tissue and toxic substances from the liver.

Release form

Exekan for cats includes:

  1. Dexamethasone 1 mg;
  2. Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) 10 mg;
  3. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) 50 mg;
  4. Methanonine 300 mg;
  5. Filler (sucrose) about 8g.

The drug is available in the form of a whitish sugar cube (weight 8 grams), which dissolves in water, making use more convenient. The product is packaged in 8 cubes in sealed blisters. Each package contains 2 briquettes. The instructions for use indicate that Execan for cats should be stored at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees.


Analogues according to indications.

NameActive ingredientRelease formContraindicationsNegative consequencesPrice, rubles
TavegilClemastine Tablets, injections Allergic reaction to components.Intestinal disorder.180 and above
SuprastinChloropyramineSwelling, drowsiness.100 or more
AllergospotTriamcinolone, Methionine, vitaminssuspensionThe period of gestation and milk feeding of kittens, viral diseases.Skin irritation, digestive disorders.From 150
AntichesPolcortolonPowderNot identifiedFrom 90

Table: comparisons

NameMain active substanceIndicationsContraindicationsCost, rubles
PrednisolonePrednisoloneRheumatism, polyarthritis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, emergency conditions that require the administration of corticosteroids, lupus erythematosus, inflammation of the middle ear. Diabetes mellitus, gestation period, gastrointestinal ulcer, renal failure, diseases of infectious etiology, vaccination.From 100
DexamethasoneDexamethasoneFrom 35
PolcortolonTriamcinoloneFrom 383

Execan analogue - prednisolone

The principle of action of the medicine

The principle of action of this veterinary drug is based on the following properties:

  • stabilization of cell membrane permeability;
  • preventing the production of inflammatory mediators;
  • inhibition of the synthesis and secretion of allergy mediators and a decrease in the number of basophils;
  • providing artificial immunosuppression;
  • assistance in overcoming the body’s shock state and detoxifying it;
  • restoration of sensitivity of adrenergic receptors to catecholamines;
  • interaction with specific cytoplasmic receptors with the formation of a complex that induces the formation of proteins;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • improvement of cellular redox reactions of amino acids;
  • restoration of affected skin;
  • prevention of fat accumulation in the liver due to deficiency of choline, which is involved in the synthesis of phospholipids.

Owner reviews

Elena, Saratov. For me, the process of feeding our beauty this sugar was a huge torture. She was stubborn and it was impossible to persuade her to eat the cube. I started giving it diluted in a syringe. The result became noticeable within a day. She stopped itching so terribly and became much calmer.

Valentina, Kyiv. I crushed the briquette with a knife and gave it to Bona. It smells somewhat like cat food. She chewed it, but not very willingly. After a couple of days, she began to itch less. I'm glad everything went well without any side effects.

Ivan, Togliatti. This is not the first time he has helped us. Literally on the second day our little one’s itching went away, and on the 3rd day we completely forgot that we had anything. It is easy to give, especially since its smell is attractive to animals. Mine bursts on both cheeks, does not spit and does not twist its nose.


A drug called Execan is intended for pets (dogs and cats) suffering from various forms of allergic dermatitis or eczema. Inflammatory processes of non-infectious etiology can be both acute and chronic. The key symptom of the disease is severe itching, forcing the animal to scratch its skin until it bleeds.

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Most often, the first manifestations of allergies - a rash, redness of the skin - go unnoticed by the owners, since the animal’s body is covered with hair (the only exception is hairless cats). But attention is drawn to the itching, in the fight against which the animal begins to scratch intensely. The following allergy symptoms can be noted :

  • Faded wool.
  • The appearance of dandruff.

The veterinarian can also prescribe Execan for arthritis and liver pathologies.

It should be understood that this drug does not treat the allergy itself, but only temporarily relieves its symptoms, bringing relief to the animal. The drug Execan will also not cope with bacterial dermatitis.

Reviews from veterinarians

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Tereshkova, veterinarian. It contains Dexamethasone, which is a potent and long-acting corticosteroid. It is great for helping relieve itching. However, you should not abuse it or take it for a long time. This is fraught with serious consequences (hepatitis, Cushing's syndrome). It is also ineffective for pyoderma, and will only worsen the situation, temporarily masking the symptoms. In the case of inflammatory lesions of the skin, its use is justified.

Nikolai Lvovich, veterinarian. This is a real salvation for animals with allergies. It quickly relieves itching and other symptoms, but you should not take it without a prescription. An incorrectly selected dose can cause harm to the animal. The big advantage is that it can be bought at almost any veterinary clinic or pharmacy.

Galina Petrovna. This is the best remedy for dermatitis caused by allergens, but it is worth noting that it is based on a hormone. Unauthorized use can cause serious consequences. In my practice, there were cases when the cat drank a lot of water. I have not observed a fatal outcome from him in 10 years of work.

To summarize, we can say that Execan for cats is a hormonal agent that shows high effectiveness in the treatment of dermatitis of allergic and other etiologies. A synthetic glucocorticoid provides an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching, which leads to scratching.

Storage conditions

Exekan belongs to drugs of the fourth hazard class. But despite this, owners should exercise caution during treatment. So, when dividing a briquette, you cannot smoke, eat, or drink. If the product gets on mucous tissues, it is necessary to rinse them with clean water. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor, taking with you the instructions indicating the composition of the medicine.

All parts of the blisters and used packaging must be disposed of. The briquettes remaining after treatment should be stored separately from feed and food. Sweet sugar cubes always attract children and pets. Therefore, hide them out of reach. The validity period of the medicine is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

It is recommended to store the drug in a dark and dry place out of reach of children. Suitable temperature conditions are from 10° C to 25°. The shelf life under such conditions is 3 years from the date of production. It is prohibited to take an expired drug. There are no special disposal measures: used packaging is thrown away with household waste.

Food allergies in cats and dogs. Veterinarian advice

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