Characteristics of dogs of the Alano (Spanish Bulldog) breed with reviews and photos

History of the origin of the breed

The peculiarity of the ancient Alano breed is that they are the progenitors of many dogs belonging to the Molosser family. The Spanish bulldogs themselves were domesticated in ancient times and came to Spain along with the nomadic tribes of pastoralists and warriors of the Sarmatians - the Alans.

A universal dog was needed that could serve as a shepherd, protector and fighter - the tribes fought wars of conquest. All these qualities were perfectly combined in Alano.

Alano-Bulgarian nomads brought dogs to the territory of the Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of the 5th century, then they were expelled to Africa, but the dogs remained. Some of them were brought by the conquistadors to the New World.

The first mention of Spanish bulldogs dates back to the 14th century in the “Book of Hunting,” dedicated to the praise of fighting dogs. It was noted that the Alan’s jaws were as if they were made of metal; the dog was ready to grab everything that moved.

Since the 19th century, Alanos became regular participants in bullfights and accompanied their owners on driven wild boar hunts and participated in fights. In 1883, bullfighting was officially banned due to its cruelty, and subsequently driven hunting was also banned.

The breed practically disappeared; some individuals survived only in distant regions of the country - they grazed and guarded livestock.

At the end of the 20th century, a group of dog handlers became concerned with the issue of restoring the breed. The remaining Alano representatives were collected and the selection of breed lines began.

In 1997, the first Spanish bulldog was recreated, the Spanish Society for the Development, Support and Breeding of the Alano was created and in 2004 the breed was officially recognized in Spain.

There are currently about 1,000 dogs of this breed in the world.

Appearance: breed standard

Purebred modern Alan fighting dogs can be found in Italy and Spain or in the Caucasus, where they are used incognito for dog fighting, which is prohibited in the Russian Federation. The Alan breed of dogs numbers about 700 individuals in the world. In appearance, he is a powerful, ferocious, but with a sense of his own dignity, an Alan warrior dog.

Description ItemsSEFCA breed standard
TypeLightweight build, body of a good runner, tireless pursuer.
FrameElongated, with developed muscles, powerful bones, chest low. The abdominal line is taut, the limbs are stable and muscular. There is a re-tracking mark on the back.
CharacterNordic, stress resistant.
HeadType - brachycephalic, roughly sculpted, large, forehead with prominent frontal bones.
ScullStrong, all lines are strictly parallel.
NoseBlack, fleshy with voluminous nostrils.
LipsThe jowls are not hanging, external and internal pigmentation is pronounced.
JawsStrong, well developed. An undercut of more than 3 mm is not allowed, as an option - “pincers”. The teeth are strong, wide, blunt with rough edges.
EyesThe color ranges from bright amber to brown, with a well-defined black dot of the pupil.
EarsCropped, with open ear. Fit tightly to the skull.
NeckPowerful, muscular, with dewlap.
TailNot docked, length to the hock joint, dense along the entire length (whip)

Description of the breed

  • the head is large, the skull is brachycephalic;
  • short muzzle with contrasting black lips;
  • The ears are miniature compared to the head. Shape: triangular or pointed with rounded edges;
  • the eyes are elliptical in shape. Color: from black to amber;
  • the neck is short, but very dense and muscular;
  • wide chest;
  • paws are muscular, smooth and parallel;
  • The toes are long and the pads are hard. The breed does not have dewclaws;
  • tail shape: saber. Thick and fairly short;
  • the skin is rough. There are many folds on the body, mainly on the muzzle;
  • the coat is thick, but short and harsh;
  • There is no uniform standard for color. It can be very diverse: shades of red, fawn, copper, gray and similar shades. A black mask on the face and white spots on the paws and chest are allowed.

Brief characteristics of the Alano breed

  • Other possible names: Spanish Bulldog, Alano, Spanish Alano, Alano, Alano espanol.
  • Adult height: males 60-65 cm, females 55-61 cm.
  • Weight: norm for a male is 38-45 kg, for a female 33-38 kg.
  • Characteristic color: all shades of brindle, fawn with a black mask.
  • Coat length: short, smooth.
  • Life expectancy: 11-13 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: smart, loyal, balanced, independent, patient.
  • Breed difficulty: independent.
  • Average price: from $500 to $2800.

Character and behavioral characteristics

A dog's temperament is determined by its origin; these are true Spaniards. They are energetic, dexterous, and have lightning-fast reactions. In battle and hunting, they are result-oriented, show innovative thinking and independence in decision-making. This does not mean that the dog will disobey the command.

Despite their impressive size and reputation as a bloodthirsty fighter, dogs are absolutely subordinate to humans. The breed shows virtually no desire to win authority from the owner and test his strength.

At home he shows himself to be an affectionate and good-natured pet. They are very people-oriented and love children. They get along well with other animals without showing aggression.

Alano is only suitable for indoor living. This does not mean that they can live in an apartment - they need constant movement and being outside, the best option for keeping them is to live in a private house.

Advantages and disadvantages

Alans are very balanced, they do not have spontaneous attacks of aggression. These are devoted and faithful dogs who love all members of their family equally. They are always ready to protect their owners from possible danger.

The disadvantages of the breed include their desire to constantly dominate. Therefore, such a dog is not suitable for people with a soft character; the dog must feel the strength of its owner’s spirit . Also, if you do not allow the Alan to splash out his energy through active walks and games, the dog can become very aggressive.

When choosing a dog, would you choose a Spanish bulldog? What do you like and what don't you like about his character? Share interesting facts that you know about the Alans.

Education and training

Raising a puppy begins from the first days at home, teaching it its name, collar and place. Gradually they are accustomed to a diet and walking regime.

Despite the serious size and myths about the bloodthirstiness of the Alano, the owner can cope with their upbringing and training on his own. Although, experienced dog handlers do not recommend having such a dog as your first pet.

During training, consider the following points:

  • you cannot use physical force or roughness;
  • achieve a trusting relationship with your pet;
  • make it clear that you are the leader.

Dog nicknames: names for Alano Espanyol

Most people prefer to choose a short, sonorous name for their dog.

You will have to say your dog's name many times a day, and if it is too long, it will be tiring.

When choosing what to call Alano, you can follow two methods.

  • The first and easiest: open the list of the most suitable names for this breed and choose the one that you like best .
  • Second: choose an unusual name from other sources, for example, from mythology or literature, name the dog after your favorite celebrity , or come up with your own exclusive name .

There are many suitable names for Alan girls:

  • Erma
  • Nike
  • Alicia
  • Biyanka
  • Dagny
  • O'Malley
  • Leona
  • Destiny
  • Marnie
  • Zulba

The following names are good for an Alan boy:

  • Dhoni
  • Valium
  • Bogatyr
  • Heron
  • Fill it up
  • Carly
  • Cray
  • Erd
  • Augustine
  • Desoto


The ancient breed has a strong immune system, which allows such a pet to live a long time and practically not get sick.

It is believed that Alanos have practically no genetic diseases. Like all large dogs, Spanish Bulldogs are susceptible to:

  • articular dysplasia;
  • arthrosis;
  • otitis;
  • allergies.

A feature of Alano Hispaniol is its rapid blood clotting. This has a positive effect on the health of dogs, since neither their ancient activities nor their current ones are safe. Alano simply needs fast wound healing and protection from large blood loss.

Dogs need timely vaccination against the most common diseases. Only in this case will the pet be healthy and live a long life.

Alano's diseases, symptoms and treatment

Centuries-old history has made Alanos into healthy and strong dogs with good immunity, in addition, they have a unique feature of the circulatory system - rapid blood clotting, which reduces blood loss during injuries and rapid healing of wounds. Like any breed, these dogs are not immune from dysplasia, viral and bacterial infections, so do not forget about timely vaccinations. The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 12 -16 years.


Both ready-made industrial diets and natural food are suitable. You cannot mix the two types of food.

Dry food is chosen from the premium segment and above, taking into account the label “for active dogs”. Since the Spanish Bulldog requires a large portion of food, ready-made food is the best choice. This will make life easier for the owner, saving him from preparing and preparing a balanced diet on natural food.

Natural food type:

  • 80% of the diet should be a source of protein: meat, offal (large pieces);
  • fermented milk products (up to 9% fat content);
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • vegetables and fruits – raw, potatoes – boiled;
  • There should always be water available to saturate the muscles with oxygen.

Exclude from the diet:

  • sweets and smoked foods;
  • salty foods;
  • spices;
  • tubular bones and chicken.

Dogs are prone to allergic reactions, so you need to strictly monitor their diet and eliminate the product that causes suspicion or change the food.

Maintenance, care and nutrition

Spanish bulldogs are completely unpretentious to their living conditions. For the dog’s comfort, it is important to monitor his appearance and regularly visit the veterinarian.

Tips for caring for your Spanish Alano

  • Once a week, comb the coat with special brushes;
  • the animal’s skin is prone to drying out, so it is recommended to bathe the dog no more than once a month;
  • Wash your eyes and ears weekly with a clean towel;
  • Alano's claws do not grind down, so trim them as they grow;
  • Treat your fur regularly with products against fleas and other insects.

Since dogs of the Spanish Alano breed are energetic and hardy dogs, for full development they need a balanced vitamin food containing 60% protein food (fish, meat and offal). Be sure to include grain porridge, fruits and vegetables in your diet.

To strengthen bones and teeth, it is recommended to give fermented milk products to Spanish Bulldog puppies from the age of one month. Up to 4 months, baby Alan is recommended to be fed at least 4-5 times a day, then the dog is switched to a two-time diet.

The Spanish Alano does not tolerate smoked meats and sweets. These products can cause digestive problems for your pet.

Mating, pregnancy and childbirth

Physiologically, the bitch is ready for mating in her first heat, but it cannot be mated so early! The best age for the first mating is the age of 2 years - for a bitch and a dog.

The owner can detect external signs of pregnancy starting from the fifth week, when the mammary glands swell and the abdomen enlarges. The psychological state also changes - the bitch is more affectionate and affectionate.

During pregnancy, the dog needs to be supported with a special complex of vitamins, taken to the toilet more often and equipped with a comfortable place.

From mating to birth it takes from 55 to 73 days. The owner should note the day of mating in order to calculate the due date and track its violation. Early or late birth can lead to the death of the litter, so you need to contact a veterinarian in advance to control the process.

Mating Spanish Bulldogs

In principle, the female is ready to meet a male and for her first heat, but you can’t breed so early! The ideal days for mating are considered to be from 11 to 15 from the start of estrus.

It is best to breed a female by the age of 2, just like males. Under no circumstances should males be bred before two years of age. Early sexual activity will not improve the health of either the dog or the offspring.

  • Before mating, animals need to be given a good walk, but should not be fed. It is better to introduce dogs on neutral territory so that they can get to know each other and run around, and then lead them to the male dog’s territory.
  • Matings should always be carried out only in the territory of the dog. Actually, an act of love can also happen during dating, so don’t interfere with the process.

So, you're in male territory. Most likely, no intervention will be required, and the bitch, having played enough with the male, will allow a persistent suitor to mount.

If one of the partners for mating is small in relation to the other, then you can place a pillow under the hind legs or, if the bitch is shorter, place her belly on a bent knee. This advice is more relevant for small breeds. Just don’t try to bend the bitch’s paws so that the dog can reach her.

After ejaculation, mating occurs. The male can be on the bitch or stand with his back to her. The animals will figure it out on their own. However, if the lady tries to break free or lie down, do not allow her, hold her back a little. Also try not to scare the dogs.

It happens that after mating, mating does not occur and the male immediately loses interest in the female.

Be sure to carry out a control mating after 24-48 hours.

Pregnancy Alano Espanyol and childbirth

From the day of the first mating to the birth itself, 56 to 72 days . It is advisable to note the day of mating in order to know how long the dogs are pregnant. Too early and too late births most often lead to the death of the litter, so in both of the above cases it is necessary to seek help from a qualified veterinarian. The gestation period in dogs may be shortened due to the small number of offspring.

Typically, young females produce fewer puppies.

The litter size increases when the dog reaches 3-4 years of age, then decreases again. The duration of pregnancy in dogs is not very long; it is not so easy to determine that a dog is pregnant.

Obvious signs of pregnancy in dogs appear at quite late stages. Neither palpation nor the appearance of the pet at an early stage of pregnancy will tell the owner whether the mated bitch is expecting offspring or not. The first signs concern not so much the external appearance as the mental state, and therefore the behavior of the pregnant bitch. The dog, as a rule, becomes calmer, shows affection more often and demands affection from others. Sometimes the animal may not even seem completely healthy.

If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the specialist can establish pregnancy by palpation in the third week. After a month, the dog’s belly noticeably enlarges, and in the fifth week the mammary glands swell and lighten. Shortly before giving birth, the bitch's belly drops. A characteristic sign of approaching labor is abundant discharge from the loop, yellowish or greenish in color.

Also prepare a “maternity kit” so that everything you need is at hand, it should include:

  • old duvet covers or large disposable diapers (60*90), on which the bitch will whelp (disposable diapers are preferable - less washing and more cleanliness);
  • a lot of small soft rags ironed with a hot iron from old bedding (to dry puppies);
  • sterile gauze wipes (usually unnecessary, the puppy’s mouth is dried with a piece of cloth, into which, in fact, the puppy is received);
  • a pen, a notebook, scales and thick woolen threads or ribbons (it is better to use floss, because the bitch simply licks and removes woolen threads);
  • afterbirth bowl;
  • a box or basin for puppies with a heating pad (wrapped in a diaper) - this is in case the bitch behaves restlessly during childbirth and there is a risk of losing the puppies... the best option is a bitch giving birth with puppies at the nipples;
  • sterile scissors and a medical clamp (it is not necessary to boil; at the onset of labor, place in a jar with any alcohol);
  • milk chocolate bar;
  • an antiseptic, preferably a spray (Aluminium, Xidicol, Septonex) for treating the umbilical cord.

And also a puppy resuscitation kit:

  • cordiamine to stimulate cardiac activity (a drop on the tongue of a newborn);
  • an oxygen canister (to give a weak puppy a chance to breathe), costs about 400 rubles in pharmacies;
  • small rubber heating pad;
  • a small enema for suctioning mucus from the mouth of a very weak puppy.

As for medications, during a normal birth they will not be needed, and if you had to resort to the help of a veterinarian, then he will have the necessary kit. Just in case, you can keep in stock No-shpu in ampoules, glucose 5% solution for infusion; calcium gluconate (a box, may be useful after childbirth).

Owner reviews

Ivan K.

I am the owner of a beautiful red male. Before this, a Stafford lived in the family. A wonderful dog, but he is more focused on protection and has a fair amount of aggression, including towards people.

I was surprised to read that Alanos were also used to breed Staffies. The dog impressed with its versatility: it will not let you down as a guard or watchman, even on a hunt. I purchased it from a European nursery. We hunt together, even for a bear. An excellent home protector, he never aggressions in vain.

Alexander O.

We have a large family and we chose a dog of such a breed that it would treat all family members almost equally, without singling out one. We planned to breed and sell purebred puppies, so we chose a female.

Indeed, the dog has one owner, with whom it hunts, but the rest of the family members are not empty space. She doesn’t take instructions aggressively and gets along well with children – such games are great!

How to choose a puppy

The Spanish Alano breed is not yet very numerous. Some dishonest owners often pass off crossbreeds as purebred dogs. Since the price of purebred puppies is quite high, it would be advisable to go to a nursery for them or contact breeders who breed this breed.

Experts in this field will help you choose the right pet to suit your requirements: as a companion, a dog for further breeding or a future participant and winner of competitions.


Advantages and disadvantages

This breed has advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered before purchasing an Alano. Among the advantages of dogs are:

  • unpretentious;
  • devoted to the owner;
  • treats children with care;
  • has excellent guard and hunting qualities;
  • There is little noise from him - almost no barking.

Disadvantages of the breed include:

  • has difficulty withstanding the cold;
  • it needs to be trained from the early months;
  • may be aggressive towards strangers and other animals.

Alano is a breed that has changed its specialization several times throughout the history of its existence. For a long time, people cultivated in her the warlike and aggressive behavior necessary for fighting. Therefore, education and training are mandatory conditions for its maintenance.

This is a very energetic breed

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Alano is an ancient breed of dog.
  2. The breed is not officially recognized by the FCI.
  3. Purpose: guard, hunting, shepherd.
  4. They can only live in a private home and require intense exercise.
  5. Alano breeding began in Russia - in Ossetia, the main nurseries - in Europe and the USA.
  6. The cost of dogs is from 500 to 1500 US dollars.

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Alan character

These dogs have amazingly balanced characters. They are calm. And this despite the fact that for a long time they were participants in bloody wars. Dogs are reliable and obedient, but at the same time quite independent. If you are not familiar with other breeds, then this dog is unlikely to be suitable as your first experience. She can take a dominant position and lead the family.

Thus, an Alano can be aggressive towards those whom he considers lower in status. This is a dog for strong-willed people. For those who can gently show the Alano in his place and make it clear that the leader is a person. With such owners they become obedient, submissive and well-mannered. It is important to train them correctly and competently, to make them obedient, since the Spanish Alano is quite a large dog and can cause harm with its strength.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about this Spanish breed:

  • have an extremely independent disposition;
  • the International Association of Cynologists has not yet officially recognized this breed;
  • Alanos continue to be used as guards;
  • in relationships with other pets they take a leadership position.

The breed is still rare because no one has been breeding it for a long time. But thanks to this, it was possible to maintain the purity of the genes, so her original appearance remained almost unchanged. Alano is a breed for experienced dog breeders who can raise an obedient and devoted pet.

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