How to teach a dog the “Fast!” command at home: video instructions

Why do you need to teach your dog the “Fast” command?

In general, the command “Fas” itself is of German origin from the verb “fassen” - “to grab”, “to seize”. That is, by giving this command, the trainer implies an order to attack a stranger, an enemy and delay him until people arrive to help.

The dog should attack only after the owner's permission

Such a command must first be mastered by dogs undergoing service training. This is often necessary during measures to protect public order, counter-terrorism operations, detaining criminals and for other moments of service.

For domestic dogs, the “Fas” command is needed for self-defense in the event of an attack on the owner by a criminal. With proper training, this can save lives or preserve health in the future. Also, in the event of a theft, the dog will be able to catch up with the command “Fas” and detain the robber until the owner arrives.

For your information! Before you start training, you need to correctly assess the character and behavior of your pet.

Where to begin?

Teach the command “Face!” You can have any dog, because by their nature our pets remain predators. But before you start training, it is best to consult with a canine specialist: only he can give specific advice and recommendations for practicing this skill, taking into account your dog’s temperament. Under no circumstances should you artificially incite a pet’s aggression by injuring it: this is not only inhumane, but will also not bring the desired result. A dog ready to attack must be very angry, and such a state is dangerous for the owner himself. That is why when teaching the command “Face!” you will need an assistant wearing a special protective suit that can protect against possible injuries.

  • Tie your pet to a pole or tree. Pick up a rag or stick that can arouse your dog's interest. The main thing is not to use your favorite toy: such an item simply will not be taken seriously.
  • Tease your dog on your own or with the help of an assistant without allowing him to grab the object. As soon as you notice that your pet is closely watching what is in your hands, say the command “Face!”
  • After this, you can move on to the next stage - releasing the pet from the leash. Usually interested dogs take off on their own and try to take possession of the object, but if this does not happen, push the pet towards the assistant, repeating the command again. Remember to praise and treat the animal if it chooses the desired behavior.
  • To achieve an attack, the assistant must try to touch the dog with an object, touching it lightly, but in no way causing pain. Hitting and spanking should only irritate your pet.
  • As soon as you notice that the animal is ready to attack, release the dog by saying the command “Face!”
  • Please note that the dog should react directly to the object, and not to the person: as soon as it is in the dog’s mouth, the activity should be stopped, praising the pet and showing that he is the winner.

After repeating this exercise several times and strengthening the skill of attacking a thing, you can move on to training your pet on a live target.

The assistant should be a person with whom your pet is not familiar: this will make it easier for you to achieve aggression. Ask your assistant to run and release the dog at the command “Face!” Remember: your pet’s primary task is to catch up and grab the person, and not to tear him to pieces. Therefore, at the first request, the dog must stop chasing and return to the owner. If you are not sure that you can be strict and rude enough to your pet during such training, then it is better to trust the professionals. Team "Fas" training - this is a serious activity that requires certain skills from both the dog and the trainer, so you need to be extremely focused and attentive.

It's up to you to decide what to prepare your dog for. The breed of the dog is an important factor; it is funny to teach an Italian greyhound to attack, but it is stupid to leave a guard dog not trained in basic commands. The larger the dog, the more pressing the problem of education and training becomes. A trained dog is easier to socialize in a big city. Life will be calmer for both you and the people living nearby.

When to start teaching the “Fas” command

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It’s not a good idea to start training the “Fas” command too early. They switch to it after studying the general course of training. If the pet only knows “Fas”, then you may not be able to stop him in his actions. Before this, he must master the knowledge of other orders, such as “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “Fu”, “Alien”, and also be psychologically formed. This will allow you to control your pet’s actions both during and after an attack on a dangerous person.

You can start teaching this command from the age of 5 months. First, they teach during the game: take the pet’s favorite toy, allow it to play, and then take it away. That is, in this case, the dog develops the skill of grasping and tugging. It is necessary to allow the dog to sometimes win in such a game so as not to lose interest in the process.

Already in the game, future training skills are laid

Note! At an earlier age, training should not be carried out, as this can make the animal uncontrollable. In addition, the characteristics of the breed should be taken into account, since representatives of different types of dogs are able to achieve psychological maturity at different ages.

First stage of training

First of all, it is recommended to observe the pet’s behavior: how aggressive is the dog towards people like itself, is it afraid of strangers, is it afraid of sharp sounds, does it react to drunk passers-by? If the dog actually turns out to be a coward, you may need the help of a professional.

The dog handler will demonstrate gestures that help coordinate the animal’s actions:

  • The dog sits next to his left leg, the person holds him by the leash. The dog can also be tied to a pole, with the owner again positioned on the left side.
  • The assistant approaches the couple, showing cowardice and waving a rag in front of the animal's face. If the dog starts to growl, bark and tries to grab a rag, this is the most expected reaction.
  • Team "Fas!" It is given clearly and loudly when the dog is ready to attack, while the person must lunge forward with his whole body.
  • When a dog tears a rag, the owner needs to give a command to retreat - “ugh!”, but at the beginning of training, physical force will be required.
  • The first approach is completed - the “attacker” retreats, and the owner must praise the dog.

It is important to choose the right moment to give the command, and this is easier to do if the pet is on a leash - in this case, you can feel it even if the dog begins to growl silently. Representatives of some breeds, for example, the Moscow Watchdog and the Brazilian Fila, prefer to attack silently, but people without experience are not recommended to train such serious dogs on their own.

Another important feature is that the dog learns certain commands better in a playful way, but not this one. Learning should not be like a game activity. But not only excessive goodwill can interfere, anger and sharp shouts are also inappropriate.

Preparatory stages of training

The Fas team is one of the most difficult and dangerous. Learning requires patience. In addition, it is worth purchasing some equipment: a special durable suit for a defender, a piece of durable fabric, a strong stick or a strong rod.

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The training area must be fenced, with no free access for outsiders to the area. In addition, you need to take care of a place where you can firmly tie the animal.

Important! The assistant can be a person previously unknown to the dog.

To consolidate the acquired skills, you can go out with the dog to a more crowded place. But the situation must be kept under strict control in order to react immediately if the animal does not behave quite adequately.

Generally accepted teaching methodology

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The generally accepted method of teaching the command “Fast!” implies a step-by-step set of actions necessary for a clear and correct way to train an animal.


  1. Tie the dog tightly. The instructor stands nearby, the assistant stands to the side, holding a rag and a rod/stick.
  2. Attracting the pet's attention with noise and waving, the assistant gradually approaches him.
  3. At this time, the animal begins to show aggression.
  4. The instructor at this time commands “Fas”. When the dog reacts to the command, it is encouraged by stroking and a gentle voice.
  5. The assistant goes on the attack on the animal, lightly hitting it with a rod/stick.
  6. When the dog tries to grab a rod/stick, they slip him a rag, which he begins to tear.
  7. The helper should try to wrestle with the dog and take the rag away. At this time, the instructor repeats the command “Fast!”
  8. As soon as the dog takes the rag, the assistant needs to run away, demonstrating fear of him.
  9. The animal should be encouraged.
  10. Repeat the exercise several times.

Skill training

Features of the learning process

There are several conditions for training the Fas team that must be taken into account in order to avoid negative consequences:

  • It’s worth thinking carefully about everything before taking responsibility for training a dog;
  • Before teaching an attack command, the dog must be trained in obedience;
  • It is advisable to visit a dog handler from time to time, who will analyze the character of the pet, indicate the correct manner of behavior with him and correct the training lessons if they went the wrong way;
  • do not teach the dog the “Face” command if it does not know the commands “Fu”, “No”, “Alien”;
  • The owner for a training dog must be in authority, respect and understand him;
  • The animal being trained must be physically strong. He needs adequate physical activity, regular walks and a balanced diet.

Important! Any mistake in training can cause a disorder in the dog’s psyche, which can lead to tragic consequences.

Encouragement is an integral part of training

Possible mistakes

During the training process, not everything may go as smoothly as we would like. The trainer needs to take this into account and try to avoid possible mistakes:

  • Do not force your pet to train if it does not behave confidently. It is better to first work on the psychological state of the animal;
  • Do not scream or get angry with your pet, as this can intimidate it even more. It is better to show confidence in your actions, and then the dog will feel it. Showing excessive emotionality is also useless;
  • Don’t throw around the “Alien” command just for fun. The dog will either stop perceiving it completely, or will begin to show aggression towards everyone.

What is meant by the command “Alien”

Strictly speaking, “Stranger” is not a command, but a way to set the tone of behavior; the opposite situation is when you say “Friends” to your dog when friends come to visit you. Having heard the word stranger, the dog should not rush to attack (Face) or defend the entrusted object (Guard). The command is foreign to the dog; it is a signal that there is a suspicious person in front of him, who could hypothetically cause harm.

When executing a command, showing aggression is encouraged - growling, grinning, barking, bristling, taking a position for attack. And at this stage, the trainer is faced with the first nuance - each dog shows aggression in its own way. German shepherds make their position clear by barking, growling, and posturing, while Caucasian dogs will not raise an eyebrow, but will silently prepare to attack. Your task is to observe your pet from early childhood, in games, he will show his natural skills and habits.

Note! The “Alien” command is not mandatory, but is convenient in everyday life. Most often, a fight or attack can be avoided if the pet can visually demonstrate aggression.

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