What is dog trimming? A unique cosmetic procedure for cleaning the coat of some breeds is called trimming.
What is rickets? This disease is associated with a deficiency in the dog’s body of such elements as
During the entire period of gestation, as well as during childbirth and the postpartum period
Milprazone is a combined broad-spectrum drug for therapeutic and preventive deworming. Tablets are prescribed
When and how do dogs sleep How many hours do dogs sleep Dogs can take a long nap
What are dermatoses Skin diseases in dogs, that is, dermatoses, is one of the most
The standard and description of the English greyhound breed are usually divided into 3 types: Hunters; Runners –
The Welsh Terrier is a classic hunting dog. The Welsh Terrier is similar in appearance to the Airedale Terrier, but is independent
The black-and-white color of German Shepherds is currently the most common color. After all, they show red and black dogs
The German Shepherd is considered one of the smartest dog breeds. But in order for the mortgaged