Spitz pregnancy - by day, birth at home, photo

The Spitz is one of the fairly common breeds, a miniature companion dog, ideal for apartment living. When breeding a breed, one of the most important stages is the period of pregnancy of the female.

At this time, in order to get a healthy litter and maintain the health of the pet, it is necessary to provide the latter with proper care. To do this, you need to have a certain understanding of the patterns of bearing puppies in this breed.

How many puppies does it bring?

These small dogs usually have one to three puppies per litter. But there are cases of the birth of four or even more puppies. Experienced Spitz breeders can even influence the number of puppies by crossing their pets on the right days.

Factors influencing the quantity

The size and weight of the parents can also affect the number of puppies. If, for example, the bitch weighs about 4 kg, and the male for crossing is small enough, then there is a greater likelihood that there will be more than 4 puppies in the litter.

First time

As a rule, during the first birth, dogs of this breed give birth to one or two puppies.

Reference! You can never absolutely predict the number of puppies in a litter, because this is nature, and it has its own laws that humans cannot influence.

How to feed bitches?

During the first and second weeks of gestation, the Spitz's diet does not differ from its usual one.

In the third and fourth weeks , due to the manifestations of toxicosis, you should experiment with the dog’s menu. The bitch may refuse her usual food, in which case she needs to be offered several types of food to choose from.

The fifth and sixth weeks are characterized by an increase in the Spitz's appetite due to the formation of bones in the fetuses. The portion size remains the same, but the number of feedings needs to be increased.

Food for a pregnant woman should be enriched with minerals and vitamins (without exceeding the norm, which can provoke the development of pathologies in puppies).

The bitch's diet should be small and varied , and the food should be high in calories. The menu of a female Spitz must include meat, dairy and fish products, and eggs. It is recommended to increase the fat content in the diet.

You can also purchase ready-made food specifically designed for lactating and pregnant bitches.

Home birth

You can give birth to your pet yourself, because the Spitz breed, unlike, for example, pugs, does not have features that can interfere with the natural process of childbirth. However, the owners of these cute dogs should be sufficiently aware of how to prepare their pet for this process and be ready to help her.

Important! You should keep the phone number of a veterinarian handy who can provide assistance in case of an emergency.

You should also prepare in advance the place where the mother and future puppies will live. Think through various nuances that may determine a favorable outcome of childbirth for a Spitz.

How to calculate your dog's due date

The body of dogs of different breeds is slightly different, therefore pregnancy occurs with some differences. For example, to calculate the pregnancy of a Spitz in detail by day, you should use a special calendar. It will help you roughly calculate your due date.

Pregnancy of a toy terrier by day: table

To calculate the pregnancy of a toy terrier by day, a calendar will also help. In general, pregnancy in small breeds such as Yorkies, Chihuahuas and miniature pinschers is the same. Fetal development in large dogs, such as the German Shepherd, takes longer by a couple of days, since the puppies themselves are larger.

Thus, in this matter you should not leave everything to chance. Every day needs to be kept under control so that in the end your pet’s pregnancy ends successfully.

Changes in temperature and behavior before starting

First of all, you need to know that birth in a Spitz occurs approximately from 58 to 67 days of pregnancy.
Important! If, after 70 days after mating, the Spitz bitch has not yet given birth, you need to contact a veterinarian; perhaps the dog has health problems or the pregnancy has stopped.
Be attentive to your pet, its health and life depend on you. Make it a rule after the 58th day of your pet’s pregnancy to measure her temperature twice a day. This is best done when the dog is calm, so the best time to measure the temperature is in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, before he gets ready for bed.

The day before giving birth, the Spitz's temperature drops to 37 degrees. Changes also occur in the pet’s behavior. These active and cheerful dogs become restless, begin to look for a place where they can comfortably give birth to puppies, or try to build a “nest” on their own.

Often the pet begins to follow its owner on its heels, whining and moaning a little, which is why it is so important to provide the dog with support and help during this period.

How to understand that you are about to give birth?

Some dogs may refuse to eat a day before giving birth; this can also be a sign that the pet is about to give birth. The Spitz's breathing quickens, they become nervous and begin to rush about.

One of the clear signs of imminent labor in a Spitz is an enlarged vagina, from which a mucous plug comes out. The plug is usually odorless, and the bitch can lick herself before the Pomeranian owner notices the additional discharge. The fetuses in the pet's belly stop moving several hours before giving birth.

The animal begins to feel chills, she begins to tremble and whine - this is a clear sign of impending birth.

Reference! Very often, a Spitz arches its back or lies on its side, this indicates upcoming contractions before childbirth.

Possible complications in the bitch

During pregnancy and when the Spitz gives birth, unforeseen circumstances may arise for which the owner must be prepared.

Causes of complications:

  • Pomeranians have a large fetus size relative to the size of the mother. In dwarf breeds, pregnancies are often small, so the cubs are often large.
  • Incorrect position of the fetus (head turned, lying with the back of the head forward, etc.)
  • Stillbirth.
  • Deformity (including cleft palate).
  • Swelling from excess fluid in the puppy’s body. In this case, the volume of the fetus increases several times.

After giving birth, a Spitz requires no less attention. Your dog may experience postpartum complications:

  • Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands. Reason: excess milk with a small litter, infection.
  • Metritis is inflammation of the uterus. Reasons: the placenta from the last puppy did not come out, infection, hypothermia.
  • Postpartum eclampsia is a disease called milk fever. It occurs more often in primiparous dogs of small breeds. There is a decrease in calcium levels in the blood, for a reason that remains unclear.

Most often, eclampsia is a complication after whelping. The main symptoms are nervousness, anxiety, rapid breathing. In severe cases, cramps and muscle stiffness may begin. If these signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How does the process work?

With the birth of the first puppy, the pet may whine in pain; further births are less painful. Spitz puppies are born in a shell. Most often, the mother chews it on her own, freeing her baby, but in rare cases human help is necessary.

The next step should be to free the puppy's mouth and nose from mucus; for these purposes, you need to prepare a small enema in advance or turn the puppy upside down. The first squeak of the little kitten should be heard.

During the birth of puppies, the dog produces an “afterbirth,” or placenta, which the animal eats. There is no need to prohibit her from doing this, because it is very nutritious and healthy for the Spitz bitch. Just make sure that she doesn’t eat more than two “afterbirths,” otherwise her stomach may be upset and she will have diarrhea. It's better to put the excess in the refrigerator and feed it to her later.

Now you need to deal with the umbilical cord: it needs to be cut with sterile scissors or clamped with a silk thread at a distance of 3 cm from the abdomen.

Important! The umbilical cord must not be tied in a knot!

How long does it last?

It is difficult to say how long the birth process lasts, because it all depends on how many puppies are born. Each puppy is born 15-30 minutes apart. Sometimes the birth process can take three hours, and sometimes it can take 8 hours. In any case, if the birth proceeds normally, without critical situations, and the new mother feels well, then even a long labor can be considered normal.

After graduation

After giving birth, the Spitz is quite exhausted and most often does not ask to eat; it is enough to give the pet something to drink. You can use water sweetened with honey or weak tea for these purposes.

Attention! You should not use sugar for these purposes, because it can cause fermentation in the dog’s stomach and cause him a lot of trouble.

If your pet is really asking for food, you can limit yourself to a small portion of fermented milk products. So that she can relieve herself, caring owners can prepare a tray for her, but if the animal asks to go outside, you can carry it in your arms and limit the movement of the female, weakened after giving birth.

Don't forget about dog hygiene. The area under the tail and between the hind legs should be thoroughly washed. For these purposes, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or add furatsilin to the water.

Important! If your dog's discharge has a strong, unpleasant odor, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic - this may be a signal that there are inflammatory processes in the body.

Features of caring for a bitch

The first days after fertilization are considered critical for the dog and the embryos. The following negative factors must be excluded:

    stress; overheating and hypothermia in equal measure; severe nutritional disorder; taking antibiotics; X-ray.

From 6 weeks, the bitch is switched to 3 meals a day, but the portions are not increased. The uterus puts pressure on the stomach and a large amount of food causes discomfort in the animal. Food should be more high-calorie and varied.

The owners of a pet during pregnancy try to support it in every possible way and believe that it is necessary to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals consumed. And they make the mistake of doing it uncontrollably.

Calcium supplements can only be given after consultation with a doctor. During pregnancy there is a need for it. But it is replenished due to the increased volume of food eaten.

The consequences of excess calcium are uterine laxity during childbirth, very high blood pressure (eclampsia), convulsive attacks in the postpartum period associated with calcium metabolism disorders.

The same situation is with vitamins. Excessive consumption of vitamins A and D by pregnant dogs harms both the bitch, disrupting the course of pregnancy, and future offspring - there is a high risk of developing a cleft palate and the absence of one testicle.

During the period of gestation, folic acid supplementation is beneficial. It does not accumulate in the body and is not synthesized, so there is no excess.

Starting from the 30th day of pregnancy, sudden movements and active games should be avoided. They go for walks with the dog at a measured, leisurely pace. At the same time, walking the Spitz should be regular and at least 2 hours a day. 2 weeks before the expected birth, they walk 3-4 times a day. Regular activity will make it easier for the bitch to whelp in the future.

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