Welsh Corgi. Excuse me, but have you ever acted in cartoons?

Considered one of the oldest breeds of herding dogs, Welsh Corgis have now become popular pets all over the world.

These charming dogs, who can almost truly smile, have become loyal friends and companions for many owners.

And it is not surprising that every person in whose home this funny little dog has settled wants his pet to live as long a life as possible.

What does a caring owner need to do to keep the Welsh Corgi by his side as long as possible?

Life expectancy of Cardigans and Pembrokes

On average - 12-14 yearsOn average - 12-15 years
Minimum - 9-10 yearsMinimum - 9-10 years
Maximum - 17-18 years oldMaximum - 18-19 years old

Considering that Cardigans and Pembrokes are very similar breeds, their life expectancy is almost the same.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Pembroke Welsh Corgis, which until relatively recently were exclusively working and herding dogs, are distinguished by good health. Under normal conditions and good care, they can live, on average, 12-15 years. However, due to the fact that these dogs have a tendency to become obese, their life expectancy may be reduced by 2-5 years. With proper care and sufficient physical activity, Welsh Corgis can live much longer - up to 18-19 years.”

Character and temperament

The Welsh Corgi is restless and has a cheerful disposition . A character trait is the desire to please the owner. This is a curious dog that remains lively into old age. Loves to explore new places and will become a hardy companion on a hike.

The two varieties of the breed also differ in temperament: the Cardigan is a calm dog, maybe even somewhat cautious, but the Pembroke is an eternal child.

This dog is not prone to noise, because it was originally bred not as a guard dog, but as a herding breed . However, the Welsh Corgi is distinguished by its peculiar bark with overflows. They do not tend to bark often, but in a noisy family they will adopt the habits of people.

Welsh sometimes behaves patronizingly towards the children in the family, regarding them as his wards. Adults need to make sure that the dog does not bite the kids on the knees, as shepherd dogs treat sheep, but this habit is easy to wean.

Age compared to human years (table)

Welsh Corgi agePerson's age
1 year15 years
2 years24 years
3 years28 years
4 years32 years
5 years36 years
6 years42 years
7 years47 years old
8 years51 years old
9 years56 years old
10 years60 years
11 years65 years old
12 years69 years old
13 years74 years old
14 years78 years old
15 years83 years old
16 years87 years old

How to determine age?

To do this, experts recommend paying attention to external signs that, with a greater or lesser degree of accuracy, will indicate how old the pet is approximately.


  • In Welsh Corgis aged 1-2 years, the edges of the teeth are pointed and have trefoil-shaped protrusions. The color of the teeth is white, and they themselves are smooth and shiny.
  • At the age of two, the cusps on the teeth begin to wear off, but they themselves are still snow-white.
  • By the age of four, the tubercles on the teeth are almost completely erased, and their color becomes duller and not white, but grayish.
  • Starting at the age of 5, the teeth gradually begin to turn yellow and the edges of the fangs become dull.
  • At 6-8 years old, the canines are completely blunted, and the incisors begin to take on a concave shape. In addition, hardened plaque called tartar may also appear on the teeth.
  • At 8-10 years old, the Welsh Corgi's teeth completely turn yellow or acquire a brownish tint. The fangs, already fairly worn out and dull, are shortened, and the hooks take on an oval shape.
  • At the age of 12 or more, teeth become loose and may even fall out; at this time, the dog’s bite often deteriorates due to the loss of part of the teeth.

It should be remembered that although this method is considered the most accurate when determining the age of a Welsh Corgi, even it can give an error of up to a year, or even two.

After all, the degree of tooth wear depends not only on age, but also on what food the dog eats, as well as on heredity and the initial strength of the enamel.

The absence of some teeth may also be due not to age, but, for example, due to their loss in the event of injury.


Young Welsh Corgis have a shiny and quite soft coat. It coarsens with age and can become more brittle and dull. In older animals, the fur is uneven in structure, may look somewhat patchy and become dirty more quickly.

The first gray hair on the face usually appears at the age of six, after the age of eight it can move to the animal’s forehead.

However, some individuals turn gray earlier: the first gray hairs appear on them already at the age of three, which is often associated with the individual characteristics of the dog or with metabolic disorders.


Young Welsh Corgis have clean and clear eyes, they seem to sparkle with fun and health..

Older dogs' eyes become dull and may become sunken, and older Corgis may develop cataracts or glaucoma.


Puppies and young corgis are active, active and playful . Older dogs rarely run, they prefer to walk and play less, and, in addition, they sleep much more than in their younger years.

Muscle tone

Young dogs have elastic and strong muscles, but as they age they become more flabby. In addition, if a Welsh Corgi does not exercise much in old age, it may become obese.

How long do corgi dogs live at home?

As one could understand, representatives of this breed were originally wild domesticated dogs, so they have good health. They are very mobile, with powerful and strong muscles; they have not developed any serious genetic pathologies during the development of the breed, excluding glaucoma, epilepsy and retinal atrophy. For this reason, their life expectancy is quite long: Welsh Corgis live about 12-15 years, but with good care this figure increases to 20 years.

In order to extend the life of the Welsh Corgi, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Monitor the dog's weight. Obesity is one of the common problems that causes endocrine disruption, and with it a decrease in quality of life. The load on the heart increases, life expectancy decreases by 2-2.5 years. To prevent this, do not give your pet food from your table and take him for walks regularly.
  • Trust the delivery process only to professionals. Dogs of this breed have a difficult time during childbirth, in 50% of cases they have a cesarean section, and the animal often dies during childbirth. If the issue of breeding a corgi is not a pressing issue for you, sterilize your pet.
  • Keep corgis in an apartment or in an insulated kennel: these dogs do not like cold weather, with the exception of short walks.
  • Watch carefully how young corgis frolic and exercise: due to their elongated spine, they often get back problems when they land poorly on their paws while jumping.
  • Inspect your corgi's eyes daily and clean them with a cotton swab. Take your pet to the veterinarian once every 1-2 months, since conjunctivitis is one of the most common diseases of this breed.
  • Don't bathe your corgi too often: 2-3 times a year is enough. After water treatments, the dog should be kept in a towel for a long time until the fur is dry, and not allowed to walk in a draft - it is better to keep it in a warm room for several hours.

Diet also influences how long Pembroke and Cardigan corgis live. The diet should be balanced, and the meals themselves should not be frequent and in small portions. Corgis often tend to overeat - keep a close eye on them. Small puppies have their food soaked, while older corgis are given premium dry food, which is created for dogs with slow metabolic processes. If you give natural food, give your pet beef. Chicken and pork are prohibited. Some representatives of this breed also like fish, but in boiled form.

In general, the Welsh Corgi is an excellent breed that does not require serious and complex care, and also has good immunity. Therefore, it is enough to simply show attention and love to your pet so that you do not have to worry about its early death. More careful care is required only for dogs that are over 10 years old, as they begin to age - take your pet to the veterinarian regularly so as not to miss a dangerous pathology.

Main causes of premature death

The Welsh Corgi has a predisposition to some serious diseases and pathologies, which can ultimately lead to the death of the animal or to a critical deterioration in the quality of its life, which is why the owner of such a dog may seriously face the question of euthanizing the pet for humane purposes.

Such ailments include the following:

  • Degenerative myelopathy, often causing paralysis of the hind legs.
  • A bleeding disorder, also called von Willebrand syndrome.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Congenital heart defect (patent ductus arteriosus).


Welsh Corgi bitches often experience pathological births, which is associated both with the large size of the puppies (by the time of birth, babies often weigh 500 grams) and with structural features (narrow and long birth canal).

Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of losing your pet, it is necessary to promptly seek veterinary help during childbirth.

But not only diseases cause the premature death of Welsh Corgis.

The owner's inattention or unwillingness to raise and train the pet also often leads to tragic consequences .

Poisoning due to unattended rodent baits, a dog swallowing inedible objects, death under the wheels of a car, a pet falling out of a window - these and many other accidents can be prevented if you treat your dog responsibly.

The Welsh Corgi, like any other dog, needs proper training and commands . In addition, you must remember that you can let your pet off the leash either in a fenced area or away from the highways.

At home, you need to carefully monitor the dog, especially if it is a small puppy who can grab inedible and even dangerous things.

You should immediately remove all chemicals, varnishes, paints, as well as needles, pins and other sharp objects immediately after using them.

The same goes for clothes, shoes and other inedible things that a pet can swallow whole or chew and swallow pieces of fabric or plastic.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi resembles a fox with short legs (see photo). This is a squat, elongated dog, strong and hardy. Moves quickly, easily, energetically, covering long distances in a short time.

Height24.5-30.5 cm.
Welsh Corgi weightMales – 10-12 kg, females – 10-11 kg.
ConstitutionStretched. The height at the withers is 40% less than the length from the nape to the tail.
FrameThe back is long and strong, tapering to a short loin and sloping croup. The neck is slightly convex, flowing into the muscular withers. The chest is deep, reaching below the elbows. The belly is slightly tucked.
HeadShe looks like a fox, the expression on her face is good-natured and cunning. The forehead is wide, flat, flowing smoothly into a narrowed muzzle.
EarsErect, tapering from base to top, rounded tips. If you draw conditional lines from the nose through the eyes to the ends of the ears, you will get an equilateral triangle.
EyesMedium, round. The color of the iris is brown in different shades to match the suit. The eyelids are pigmented black.
NosePure black, without spots, inclusions or light areas.
LipsDry, not thick, painted black.
LimbsShort, strong, elastic. Elbows point back but are not close to the body. Thighs with defined muscles.
PawsOval, arched, with short claws. 2 fingers protrude slightly in the middle. Rudimental fingers are docked.
TailShort from birth or docked.
WoolStraight, medium length with short, dense undercoat.
ColorThe most popular is deer from light to rich red. Other colors are sable and black with red tan. Regardless of color, white spots are allowed on the face, head, neck, and chest.

In Europe and the USA, tail and ear docking was banned in 2012. Abroad, these procedures are considered cruel. However, in Russia they prefer Pembrokes with short tails - the RKF standard allows only short dogs for exhibitions.

How to extend the life of a pet?

First of all, measures to prolong the life of the Welsh Corgi should be aimed at preventing obesity and related comorbidities . To do this, it is necessary to provide the pet with adequate physical activity.

To ensure that your pet receives the physical activity it needs, your Welsh Corgi can engage in sports, such as freestyle or agility, while it is still young.

Origin of the breed

The breed was developed in Wales from dogs of Flemish origin in the 13th century. The basis for breeding the breed is considered to be the Swedish Vallhund (Western Spitz) and the Icelandic dog.

Despite their attractive appearance, Welsh Corgis were not widespread. The breed began to gain popularity with an exhibition in 1892, where they were noticed.

In 1933, the Duke of York gave his daughters Elizabeth and Margaret Rose Welsh Corgi puppies. This incident, of course, could not but affect the popularity of this breed.

Proper nutrition

The main problem for these short-legged dogs is their tendency to become obese. Therefore, Welsh Corgis should never be overfed.


If the dog eats ready-made food, then the daily intake must be measured in strict accordance with the recommendations and based on the pet’s weight.

If a corgi eats natural food, then approximately 30% of its diet should be meat or offal, with the exception of kidneys, lungs and liver.

Among the varieties of meat, it is better to give preference to turkey, rabbit, and lamb . Pork should not be given at all, and Welsh Corgi chicken should be fed with caution, as it is quite allergenic.

The rest of the diet should consist of vegetables, as well as rice and buckwheat porridge.

It is useful to give your dog fermented milk products, as well as fresh chopped herbs . During the period of growth, pregnancy, and also on the recommendation of a veterinarian, you need to add vitamin and mineral supplements to natural food.

Quality maintenance and care

The optimal living conditions for a Welsh Corgi would be either an apartment or a private house, but not a kennel or an enclosure.

A pet of this breed must constantly be in the company of people; isolation will not have the best effect on its psyche and may even affect its life expectancy.

Caring for this dog is easy . Welsh Corgis need to be combed with a comb 1 to 3 times a week, and during the shedding period - every day. In most cases, they do not require a haircut.

Ears and eyes should be cleaned as needed, and nails should be trimmed periodically if they have grown so long that they begin to curl down.

Teeth require minimal care if the dog eats enough solid food.

Due to the fact that Welsh Corgis are prone to eczema, they should only be washed when absolutely necessary, and their coat should be dried thoroughly after bathing..

Proper care

Rules that will extend the life of your pet:

  1. Living at home;
  2. The right diet with the right amount of minerals and vitamin complex;
  3. Bathe no more than 3 times a year;
  4. Frequent eye examinations;
  5. Call a veterinarian for delivery (a caesarean section may be required);
  6. Select training exercises that are safe for the spine.

These dogs need to be kept in a house or apartment. It is possible in an insulated enclosure, but not in winter. They can't stand the cold. These dogs cannot be used in harness.

A common breed problem is the occurrence of conjunctivitis. You need to wipe your eyes with a cotton pad once a month.

For walking and training, you need to choose a comfortable collar and leash. The collar should be tension-free and there should be a leash that complements it. It is recommended to buy a harness only after the dog has learned to walk correctly on a leash.

An important sign of a dog's health is a healthy coat. Caring for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is simple. For short hair, it is enough to brush it twice a week. In spring and summer, dogs begin to shed. You need to constantly brush your pet's teeth and ears.

After bathing, your pet should be kept in a towel until the fur is completely dry. And don’t let wet people in a draft. For bathing, you need to choose high-quality cosmetics. Owners should thoroughly rinse the shampoo from the animal's fur and undercoat.

Caring for an older dog

Caring for a Welsh Corgi in old age is not much different from caring for a young dog, except that now you may have to trim the nails more often due to the fact that the pet has begun to move less.

It is very important to pay attention to the veterinary aspect: conduct preventive examinations in the clinic, and also closely monitor the health of the elderly dog.

If any pathologies appear, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

In any case, you need to remember that not only high-quality care is an integral part of the long life of a Welsh Corgi.

An aging pet should feel that it is still needed by its owners and is dear to them just as much as when it was a very young, active and playful dog..

Corgi to the family:

Welsh Corgis are quite sociable with everyone, be it animals or people. Their special energy has a positive effect even on aggressive animals. Absolutely conflict-free corgis are suitable for families with children of all ages. In addition, children can learn kindness and affection from the corgi. Dogs, in turn, will never bite or show aggression, but will patiently wait until your children stop pulling their ears and short legs.

Corgis will always try to protect their “wards” from trouble, although they seem to be very optimistic dogs.

They consider it their duty to make as many friends as possible on the street; they will willingly play with cats and are not afraid of large dogs.

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