How to distinguish a British kitten from an ordinary one


These short-haired cats of medium or large size are descended from aboriginal relatives who have long lived in Great Britain. The Englishman Harrison Wear worked on creating the breed in the second half of the 19th century, and the British received official recognition in the 80s as a “short-haired breed.”

In the 60s of the twentieth century, the appearance of this active and strong cat began to change under the influence of targeted selection, which was carried out to increase the size and weight of the animals. Thus, breeders added some Persian blood to the native genotype, and also used the Chartreux breed for breeding. As a result, British cats dressed in new luxurious “fur coats” - the structure of the coat was enriched with dense undercoat, and in general the coat became soft and “plush”. Already in this form, the breed received official recognition as the “British Shorthair” in 1984.

Photo: British Shorthair cat


Head: Round due to well-developed cheeks and wide cheekbones. A strong and even chin, together with the nose, forming a vertical line. The forehead is medium convex, turning into a short, wide, straight nose.

Eyes: Large, round, widely spaced, usually wide open. The standard color of the irises is bright orange, copper, but the eyes can be blue (point color), lavender or emerald green (chinchilla color).

Ears: small in size, set low and wide, rounded.

Body: strong, squat, dense, medium to large in size (females reach a weight of 6 kg, males - up to 13 kg). Straight, short back. Wide and massive chest, shoulders and hips.

Limbs: Legs short and thick, with round, strong paws.

Tail: Medium length, wide at the base and rounded at the end. "Plush" but not fluffy.

Coat: short, dense, with thick undercoat, shiny. Faults include coats that are too long, too soft, or too tight.

Color: the most popular are solid colors (blue – it was even separated into a separate breed “British Shorthair Blue Cat”, as well as lilac, black, chocolate). Less popular are “tabbies” (silver, spotted, striped, marbled, ticked), and tortoiseshells (black and red, blue and cream). Smoky British cats (smoke, chinchilla, cameo) have a contrasting color - the undercoat is maximally white, and the tips of the hair are black. In bicolors (a combination of the main color and white), small spots are allowed on the back and legs. With the colorful (Siamese) color scheme, the fur on the cat's body is white, and the mask on the face, ears, paws and tail are colored.

Psychological portrait:

British shorthair cats are true aristocrats: calm, balanced, clean and smart - they grasp everything on the fly. They are affectionate, value human company very much, but at the same time they are quite independent, do not require constant attention, and will always find something to do with themselves. The British love to talk to their owners with a characteristic meow, which can sometimes last for hours - because the pet wants to tell about everything that is happening at home when no one is around.

At the same time, these affectionate animals have a sense of self-esteem, and come to their owners to communicate only when they deserve it. And yet the British are not vindictive, patient, do not scratch or show aggression. True, sometimes cats can literally be jealous of their housewives, and be very offended if they suddenly did not return home for the night - there have been cases when cats staged demonstrative strikes and tried to ignore the guilty housewives.

Despite the constant “Cheshire smile” (there is an opinion that it was from these cats that Lewis Carroll copied the now legendary character) and cheerful disposition, British cats do not organize noisy games and crazy races around the apartment, rarely ask for anything, and do not kick out their owners beds at night, and in general behave in a very cultured and reserved manner. Very often you can see such pets dozing off on the owner’s desk - a kind of gentle and unobtrusive talisman for good luck. And indeed: few people can remain indifferent to the expressive bright eyes, plush fur coat and gentle disposition of these affectionate cats, ideal for keeping at home. In addition, British Shorthair cats are highly trainable, which is why they have become the subject of several feature films.

Toilet training

Adult British cats know very well where to go to the toilet. If they were raised correctly, then they will not mark their living space. When the kitten is very small, it will need to be trained to use a litter tray. As a rule, the previous owners have already taken care of this, but there are still situations when the breeder did not teach him to go to the toilet in a certain place, or the kitten forgot everything due to stress.

It is recommended that after eating, take the Briton to the tray and let him dig in it. Sometimes kittens taste stones, and this can be considered normal. It is important for the baby to sniff everything and understand what exactly is in front of him.

You may have to take him to this place several times if the British kitten does not learn everything he needs the first time. It is worth being patient and also asking the breeder what kind of filler he used. In most cases, there are no problems with place training.

It is important to clean the toilet on time and not let it become dirty. The British kitten has a love of cleanliness, so he may avoid dirty places.

Maintenance and care:

British Shorthair cats live up to twenty years and have good health, which will remain so if the pet is fed properly: these animals have an excellent appetite, but they are strictly prohibited from all fatty or excessive amounts of fish (one small fish a couple of times a week is enough). During molting, it is imperative to give cats vitamins.

The plush short hair of British cats does not tangle, so it does not require special care - occasionally it needs to be combed and washed, but mostly the cats take care of their coat themselves.

Cream British kittens

British cats

, what are they?
What we actually pay our attention to is an unusual external and powerful appearance, especially in cats
, a friendly and piercing gaze.
A British cat
is not only your friend, it is an unimaginably beautiful pupil that you really want to stroke and cuddle.
Look at these British Shorthair kittens, cats and British cats
Is it really possible to argue with the fact that they are unimaginably good? British cats
are independent in almost everything, self-sufficient, they are quite attentive to all household members.
The British
absolutely accurately guess the mood of their owner and will not interfere with him if the owner is not in a good mood or is not feeling very well.
And if one of the household members needs the affection of a cat, she will naturally come to him to caress her, sing a purring song to cheer up the person. It is impossible not to point out that the British cat
has a uniquely malleable disposition, as a result of which you should not worry about your cat showing hostility towards strangers.
Representatives of the British cat breed
are active animals.
They are energetic and playful, as a result of which they are still quite careful with the property of their owners. Naturally, there are exceptions, but in most cases these teddy bears do not cause big problems for the owner. British Shorthair cats
get along very well with small children.
If you have children, then you have no doubt that your child will definitely be
the best and most faithful friend
a British cat


Information on the sale of British kittens with photos of cream, beige, peach, blue, lilac, chocolate, black, red, fawn, cinnamon

Tips for caring for kittens, feeding and raising cats. Cattery of British cats TAMAKY*RU
A cat of the British breed will become a good and faithful friend and companion in your life.
We really want our British kittens
always bring joy to their new homes.
We assure you that British cats
have a stable psyche, good health, and a peaceful character, which is very important in homes where there are small children and they always establish ideal relationships with their owners.
Buying British kittens
means buying pets that will become full members of your family.
The sale of British shorthair kittens from the TAMAKY*RU nursery
is carried out by drawing up a written purchase and sale agreement defining the rights and obligations of the Buyer and Seller.
Transfer of a complete package of documents for the kitten: an international veterinary passport, recommendations for the care, feeding and maintenance of British cats
Club pedigree for a British kitten
and documents for ownership-Transfer are issued by agreement with the Seller.
All British kittens are sold from the nursery
at the age of no earlier than 3 months, accustomed to independent food, toilet and scratching posts, vaccinated according to age.
If you decide to buy

a plush British kitten
for yourself as a pet or for further participation in breeding and exhibitions, then on this page we offer you our
British kittens
of various
from classic
to rare colors in the world
, as well as no less rare different colored

Good luck with your choice.

AT THIS MOMENT THE KENNEL HAS BRITISH KITTENS FOR SALE: - blue and lilac CATS, - blue-cream, lilac-cream and rare Cinnamon color CATS!

If you want to buy a British kitten in Moscow, call or write to us. We are always happy to communicate with you. And we will be very happy if a British kitten purchased in our nursery ends up in the hands of loving and caring owners.

Birth of British kittens

, this is an important event in our
nursery TAMAKY*RU
After all, little plush lumps are born - British kittens
, which will later turn into real
Having reached a certain age, they will find their loving and caring owners and leave their father's home. This is a bit of a sad event for us, but we always hope that all our students have the best owners in the World! And indeed it is! We constantly communicate with the new owners of our graduates. We receive interesting reviews from them and many photos of British cats
British cats
, which we always publish on our website in the NEWS and REVIEWS sections.

Now we would like to introduce you to our babies, plush British kittens

who already know how to eat on their own, use the toilet (tray) and rush around the apartment so quickly that you don’t have time to watch them as they appear here and there, jumping over each other, falling and lying on the floor playing.
You constantly want to touch them with your face and kiss them. After all, they are so warm and soft, sweet British


Purebred British Shorthair cats do not need assistance during childbirth, and in a litter they produce 5-7 apparently healthy kittens - without ossification of the spine or creases in the tail. A good pedigree guarantees not only external compliance with breed standards, but also innate social skills (mental characteristics, neatness, quick toilet training, scratching post and feeding). British cat kittens adapt well to their new home and quickly become not just family members, but also her favorites. They also easily get along with children, with whom they play with pleasure, as well as other cats, dogs and other pets - thanks to their democratic nature, balanced character and undeniable intelligence.

Feeding and caring for the British Shorthair breed

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> Since cats have rich fur, they need to be brushed regularly. It is enough to resort to this procedure once a week. For combing, it is recommended to purchase rubber combs. First, they are carried out against the animal's fur, and then along the hair growth. During the shedding period, grooming should be more frequent.

As for swimming, it is optional. An exception can be made only in the case of very heavily soiled fur coats. To maintain cleanliness and shine of the coat, it is enough to use dry shampoos.

In order to prevent inflammatory diseases of the gums and teeth, it is necessary to monitor the oral cavity and brush your beloved cat’s teeth. This hygiene is done approximately once a week. Other procedures worth noting include wiping the ears with a swab and periodically trimming overgrown claws.

Particular attention should be paid to feeding British shorthaired pets . This is associated not only with a tendency to obesity, but also with maintaining the quality of the coat. To maintain optimal shape, an adult pet requires 70 kcal per 1 kg of weight. The bulk of the feed should be lean meat. In addition, vegetables, grains, fish, and dairy products are required in the diet.

What to feed kittens at 1.5 months

You can also feed with ready-made food, for example Royal Canin for British shorthair cats.

Health of British Shorthairs

Since the breed is a product not only of targeted crossings, but also of formation in natural conditions, its representatives have fairly good health. Serious hereditary diseases have escaped the British Shorthair breed. However, during development, animals can exhibit three diseases: gingivitis, polycystic kidney disease and dystrophic cardiomyopathy.

The latter disease is considered incurable and requires owners to regularly examine their pets at the veterinarian, as well as an ultrasound of the heart. The following signs are warning signs of serious heart problems:

  • Decreased interest in the outside world.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Weak heartbeat.
  • Shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing.
  • A bluish tint to the paw pads.

Another breed problem that occurs most often is obesity. Excess weight gain is observed after castration with excessive eating and a sedentary lifestyle. The only way out in this situation is to control nutrition and consciously involve pets in outdoor games.

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Despite their good immunity, kittens of this breed are vulnerable to infections and viruses before reaching the age of one and a half years. Vaccinations begin before the age of 2.5 months. Vaccination is repeated every 3-7 weeks. After 15 weeks, vaccinations are given once a year.

If the breeding pair is selected correctly, repeated close inbreeding is excluded and the blood type is taken into account, then the cats will have excellent health. All important breeding factors are necessarily taken into account in nurseries, which allows us to say that a purebred British Shorthair cat is a healthy creature. Health allows you to bear strong cats without problems. The duration of pregnancy is 63-65 days.

With careful care and health care, the life expectancy of British Shorthairs reaches up to 15 years, maintaining good health, excellent appearance and a stable mental state.


British Shorthair - All about the cat breed | Cat breed - British Shorthair


Lack of aggression is the same feature of the British cat as the fat tail on the stomach) british cat


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