Does a cat have a soul, where does it go after death, and can the spirit of a deceased person move into an animal?

Where do cats go after they die? The answer to this question worries many owners. The passing of a beloved pet into another world causes severe mental pain, leaving hope that he will be happy and peaceful in heaven.

Do pets have souls? Pets, like people, have personal characteristics inherent to a particular creature. They can be stubborn or obedient, affectionate or independent. The kitten becomes attached to the owner, feels his mood, and is able to understand speech. Animals definitely have a soul. Where does it go when the pet leaves the living world and goes to the rainbow?

Reincarnation theory

There is an opinion that cats have 9 lives. This means that the furry creature will be incarnated into a new body until it lives all its 9 lives. Next, the cat’s soul gets the opportunity to reincarnate into a human body. Of course, this theory cannot be tested in practice; you have to take its word for it.

Proponents of the theory of reincarnation of souls believe that the human soul can move after death into the body of an animal in order to be closer to its dear people remaining on earth.

Hindus, in particular, believe this. Therefore, according to Vedic teachings, animal meat should not be eaten. It is on the theory of reincarnation that true vegetarianism is based, and not on the principles of healthy eating.

Opinion of Nectarius of Optina

Where do cats go after they die? In developing the discussion about the exceptional position of cats, we should mention the words of Hieromonk Nektary of Optina. He argued that all cats go to heaven in gratitude for the services of this animal during the Great Flood. According to legend, the mouse was going to gnaw the bottom of Noah's ark, which could destroy all living things remaining on earth, taken by Noah on the ark. But the timely intervention of the cat saved all the inhabitants of the ark from death, for which her descendants were awarded the eternal privilege of residing in Paradise. But this statement was neither confirmed nor refuted by the official church. At the moment, none of the church leaders have clearly answered the question of where cats go after death. Orthodoxy is unable to clarify this issue.

Perhaps other well-known religions will provide more clarity. Let's consider the points of view of the largest and most popular religious movements - Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam - and try to isolate the rational grain from very different positions.

Orthodox view

What does the Orthodox Church think about this? The Christian Church does not recognize the reincarnation of souls and does not believe in reincarnation. But the presence of a soul in a cat does not deny. However, according to the church fathers, you should not worry too much about the death of your pet and put him on a par with people.

The holy scripture says that there will be a “new earth and a new heaven,” and in that new world the lamb will graze next to the wolf. That is, animals will not disappear anywhere - their place is in heaven with humans.

In the Catholic Church there is Saint Gertrude, who is the patroness of cats. The Orthodox Church encourages prayers to the Lord and saints for their pets if they need additional protection.

On a note! Holy Scripture says nothing about where the soul of a cat goes after death. The Gospel is given to people to correct sins, and the souls of animals are sinless.

There is a belief that the Lord singled out the cat from all animals because it saved Noah's Ark from drowning. This brave animal pacified a crazed mouse that was trying to chew a hole in the ship to escape.

In Islam

Where do cats go after they die? Islam has its own interesting interpretation. In general, Islam is very loyal to animals in general and teaches its followers justice, tolerance and mercy towards the animal world. The cat itself is highly revered in the Muslim world, because the great prophet Muhammad himself allowed her to sit on his lap when he read his sermons, and also drank water from the same dish with her and even cut off his sleeve when the cat fell asleep on it - he did not want her disturb.

However, according to the Koran, cats are not entitled to heaven, even though they have a soul, for this is a divine reward for thinking righteous people who choose the right path in life. Since the cat has no choice, she is not responsible for her actions and does not need Allah’s forgiveness. Their soul is mortal, and when the earthly path is completed, it turns to dust along with their bodily shell.

Eastern religions

In Islam , cats are treated with special care because the Prophet Muhammad himself paid attention to them. This holy man did not disdain to sleep with cats in the same bed and even drink from the same cup. Therefore, the Muslim religion instills a kind attitude towards animals from childhood.

Taking care of and helping all living beings is what Islam calls for.

Islam has a different opinion regarding the presence of cats in heaven. Muslims believe that all animals are sinless and have nothing to repent of. Paradise was created for man, his corrected soul. After death, animals are buried, their bodily shells dissolve and become part of the common space. According to Islam, a cat has no soul.

Judaism believes that animals have souls just like humans. They can go to heaven after death if they deserve it through their actions on earth. Judaism also considers several types of animal souls - lower and higher. The lower souls are reincarnated as animals, while the higher ones may deserve to become human.

In Buddhism there is no concept of soul. They believe that there is a world stream of consciousness that takes on different bodily forms.

For cats, as for humans, hell and heaven are a certain psychological state. This state depends on the person or animal itself, how they organize their thinking and their life in the physical shell. That is, animals also have karma.

The opinion of clairvoyants and the experience of people

Among people with various esoteric and extrasensory abilities, there are those who are able to understand the language of animals. Such clairvoyants share the thoughts and feelings of animals with ordinary people. Some of them claim that cats are not afraid of death, but treat it as a transition of the soul to a new state. They know that the place where their soul goes is ideal. A happy and carefree life awaits them there.

Cats also sense well when the period of rapid departure to another world begins. They usually change their usual behavior a little. If you carefully observe the pet, it will give a signal to its owner. Shortly before the death of the physical body, they will show that they are ready to depart to a better world in order to have time to say goodbye to their owner or owners. Most cats leave home before they die.

Clairvoyants say that cats, like all other domestic animals, need their owner to be nearby at the moment when their soul leaves their mortal body. It is believed that at this moment, if you are ready to listen and look into the eyes of your devoted friend, you can hear what he is thinking about at the moment of transition.

Signs about why a domestic cat dies and what owners can expect.

There are many stories of people sharing their experiences of losing a cat. Many of them say that they continue to feel the presence of their pet even physically. One woman said that she felt her beloved cat, who had left this world several months ago, rub against her leg under the table. Others said that they saw in their children the habits and looks of long-gone pets.

Psychics' opinion

What do people with psychic abilities think about where a cat's soul goes after death? Occultists believe that the souls of animals and people meet in the other world.

Animals often help their beloved owners get used to the new world. And if the animal cannot cope with the longing for its owners, then it is allowed to be reincarnated on earth. In this case, the cat returns to its former home, but as a new pet.

American occultist Max Handel believes that every species of animal is controlled by archangels. Cats have their own governing spirit, dogs have theirs. He explains it this way. There is a certain cloud that contains all the souls (seeds) of animals.

When the time comes for the soul to incarnate into the body, the seed-soul is released from this cloud and is sent into the body of the newborn baby.

The governing spirit helps animals get comfortable in a new world for them; it is the guidance of this spirit that explains the flights of birds and the migration of fish to spawn. The dance of a bee, the ability to build nests and care for babies is all control from above.

The unity of control is noticeable even in the behavior of animals of the same species: they perform the same actions without knowing about each other. Recording in genes is one thing, but behavior in everyday life is hardly controlled by genes.

Clairvoyants describe the death of an animal as a transition from one dimension to another. After leaving for another world, our pets often visit their owners and even make themselves known with various signs:

  • a breeze;
  • flashing light;
  • familiar smell;
  • purring;
  • etc.

If a person is sensitive to changes in the surrounding atmosphere, he can notice these signals. But this is only possible for the first time after leaving; subsequently, the pet’s soul will merge with the group soul and leave the earth forever.

The Legend of Cat Paradise

An ancient legend, according to which all cats fly to a special Paradise after death, is common among pet owners. Every owner wants to believe that his beloved pet will be happy even in the afterlife. It is believed that this legend comes from the mythology of the Scandinavian peoples.

According to this myth, a cat's soul, leaving its body after death, ends up at the Rainbow Bridge. Once she crosses this bridge, he finds himself in a beautiful sunny meadow among his fellow creatures. This is an ideal place for cats - it is always warm, there is a lot of food and fun.

There is also a theory that after death, cats return to their beloved owners in the guise of another pet.

Rosicrucian opinion

The Rosicrucian Order was a medieval theological and mystical organization of scientists and philosophers. They believed that the animal soul differs from the human soul in its lack of individuality. All animals behave the same. An idea of ​​a whole species of animal can be obtained by studying the habits of a single representative.

But a person and his soul are a much more complex spiritual substance. for example, one cannot judge the northern peoples by the habits of an African tribe, and vice versa. That is, human souls are all different, even within the same race or nationality. People of the same nationality in similar situations can act differently, which cannot be said about animals.

Animals have collective management, a collective spirit. A person is the whole world, the universe, he is individual and unique. You can write down the biography of a person, but there are no biographies for animals.


Hindus believe that absolutely all beings have a soul. After death, a cat, like a person, goes to either heaven or hell. It depends on the deeds she has committed. If most of the cat's actions were good, then she has pure karma, which means she will go to heaven. And if the pet’s actions, on the contrary, were unkind, then he will go to hell. According to Hindu teaching, souls do not remain in heaven or hell forever. Sooner or later they return back to this world, but in a different capacity. The soul can incarnate into absolutely any creature - from bacteria to humans.

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Veterinarians' opinion

What do veterinarians think about where a cat's soul goes after death? They believe that animals also have souls, just like humans. The ancient Greek philosophers Hippocrates and Pythagoras shared the same opinion. Hippocrates was sure that there is a single world soul, just that everyone’s body is different.

Modern science does not give a clear definition of the concept of soul, but recognizes the mental activity of humans and animals. In Greek, soul is pronounced psyche. That is, the presence of the psyche indicates that the soul also exists - mental activity.

The soul of a cat in ancient philosophy

Philosophers, the greatest minds of Antiquity, became the founders of many directions in modern science. They were among the first people to take a step towards understanding the human essence and the world around it. Among the most prominent thinkers who raised the topic of the existence of the soul and its purpose in their teachings are Plato and Aristotle.


Plato was the founder of one of the most famous ancient Greek schools - the Academy. His students made discoveries and conquered the heights of philosophy. The concept of soul appears in Plato's works several times, but is not the main one.

According to his teachings, the entire animate world consists of matter and ideas. Matter is the physical shell of everything that exists - it is something that can be touched. The idea of ​​an entity is an invisible force that animates a certain being. In his philosophy, these two concepts exist separately.

Plato writes that the idea or soul of a living being is part of the Universe. When new matter is born, this part breathes life into it. After the death of the body, the soul returns to its origins.

According to Platonic thoughts, cat souls are also immortal, and after the death of the outer shell, they return to the Universe and can revive the body of another creature.

Aristotle's teachings

Aristotle was one of Plato's most prominent students. But in his works he does not continue the thought of his mentor, but contrasts his own teaching with Platonic ideas. In the works of Aristotle, the theme of the existence of the soul, its purpose and posthumous fate is explored in more depth. He also gave the world a treatise in three volumes, “On the Soul,” where he fully revealed all his research, theories, etc.

In this treatise, the ancient Greek philosopher refuted Plato's idea that matter and its idea exist separately from each other. But Aristotle argued that matter and form (as he calls the force that his teacher defined as an idea) are two parts of a single whole, and the form of a living being, which is his soul, appears along with the birth of matter.

He also derived a peculiar hierarchy of types of souls:

  • vegetable;
  • animal;
  • human.

According to the teachings of the philosopher, plant and animal souls perish along with the death of their matter.

There are two opinions about the posthumous fate of the cat's soul. Plato believes that she will return to the Universe in order to revive some body again in the future and become a living being. Aristotle insists that the soul is mortal, like matter.

Where is the rainbow

You can often hear that the cat went over the rainbow or to the rainbow. What does it mean? Since ancient times, the rainbow has been represented as a bridge between the world of the living and the dead. Therefore, when they say that the cat went over the rainbow, they mean his death.

People believe that in that space their beloved animals have plenty of food and water, they feel comfortable and warm. There they frolic on green lawns and wait to meet their owners. Old or crippled animals turn into young and mischievous, but they will still be recognizable.

This faith gives you hope of meeting your beloved pet and never being separated from it again.

Cat owners' opinions on where their pets end up after death

Since humans have an inherent desire to believe in the best, avid cat lovers who dote on their pets are, of course, inclined to believe in life after death and in the opportunity to meet their cat in another, more perfect life. Since no one has yet been able to give an intelligible answer to the questions about whether cats have a soul and where it goes after their death, the opinion of the owners on this issue echoes the ideas of the religion that they profess. In any case, the choice is theirs, but each of them is convinced that they can still walk in the Gardens of Eden with their beloved cat, otherwise what is the point in all our earthly attachments?

Bottom line

After death, the soul of a cat is in a special space in which the souls of all animals reside. However, there is no clear opinion about this. Each religion has its own idea about the posthumous existence of animal souls, often they are contradictory.

Some believe that animals do not have a soul, others endow them with a common world soul. Disputes about the posthumous existence of animals continue among theologians; they have not come to a consensus.

Science says nothing about the soul, since the subject of its research is matter. It is impossible to find out the truth. But people believe that the soul of a beloved pet does not dissolve into oblivion, but lives in a special space. And the soul of a cat or dog goes into this space along the rainbow.

Advice from psychics. Preparing for the transition to another world

If you believe in the existence of parallel worlds, it becomes clear where cats go after death. Psychics are not only confident of this, but also advise preparing your smaller brothers - pets - for the transition from our dimension to the neighboring one. They claim that cats understand human speech well, but they cannot answer. If your pet is on the verge of death, tell him what awaits him in a parallel life. About how good and fun he will be there, which of his departed relatives he will meet there and how joyful their meeting will be. Mention what you love and will remember and that when your time comes, you will meet in a better life. It will be easier for them to leave, and this will brighten up their anticipation of the meeting.

Animal's revenge after death

The call to the police came unexpectedly: at night in a shelter for stray dogs in the American city of Detroit, the veterinarian on duty was attacked by several huge dogs. Fortunately, there were no consequences, but they still decided to punish the hooligans, and the victim described them in detail. Everything would be fine, but the police did not find any mongrels with the above characteristics at the shelter. We dug into the archives and found out that they were all euthanized a month ago. Needless to say, after such an incident the institution had to be closed due to a lack of staff: the shelter’s bad reputation quickly spread around the area, and people did not want to work there for any money.

Mon, 26 Oct 2021 01:00:24 +0300

@ Inna Kondaurova

If the body of an animal is found outside the home

If the pet's corpse is found outside the house, the signs are more favorable. Whether the deceased was the pet of the one who discovered it, or is it someone else’s pet, according to signs, such a find promises:

  • quick financial receipts;
  • successful trip;
  • meeting your betrothed if the animal was white;
  • a collision with an enemy if the corpse had black fur.

This favor of fate is explained by the fact that the owner is not involved in the death of the pet, and when dying, the furry protector takes all the troubles with him.

Maybe that’s why it is believed that cats leave the house before they die, so as not to cause moral suffering to the owner and not bring trouble to his family.

Beautiful Scandinavian myth

In Scandinavian mythology there is a beautiful legend about the Rainbow Bridge. This is a real paradise for pets, where they go after death. This fabulous place has a lot of sunshine, warmth, food and water. Old and sick pets become young, healthy and energetic again. All the animals frolic happily and play with each other, not noticing the passage of time. According to legend, the owner can meet his four-legged friend after death on the Rainbow Bridge and never be separated from him again. This myth is believed by many pet owners. It serves as a consolation for people who have lost their pets and hope to meet them in the afterlife.

Of course, it is impossible to definitively answer the question of whether cats have souls. After all, scientists and religious leaders have completely different points of view on this matter. However, each cat owner himself chooses the most convincing version for himself. Most people prefer to believe that their pets do not disappear after death, but end up in another world.

Take your pet on its final journey

A pet who leaves you does not deserve to be hurt, and you do not deserve to feel guilty. The cat does not leave to harm or hurt, she does this to protect you, remember this! If your pet stays with you until the end, treat it with respect and respect! Perhaps he didn’t leave because he was weak, or maybe he simply couldn’t make up his mind, maybe he was scared, maybe he only sees support in you.

Be courageous, you will feel bad, but don’t show your worries, your task is to provide your pet with maximum comfort, you can take care of emotions later. At the time of sending off, your pet will be bothered by chills. Prepare a heating pad and blanket in advance to maintain a comfortable temperature.

The best option is to constantly hold your pet in your arms. Being next to you, the cat will feel warmth, hear the beating of the heart and breathing - these are the three most powerful factors that allow a weak pet to calm down. Basic instincts are at work here; when your pet was a newborn, it was these three factors that told him that his mother was nearby. Try not to leave your pet, even if it takes a day to say goodbye, stay close - this is the best thing you can do.

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