Prevalence and modes of infection Pathogenesis and symptoms Diagnostics Treatment Home animal care Prevention
Korat Korats are one of the oldest cat breeds. Their fur does not have much variety
What are paraanal glands? Paraanal glands are special sacs located symmetrically on the sides
The behavior of pets is not always predictable. Sometimes, after experiencing fright or severe stress, home
The British Shorthair is a purebred version of the traditional English cat, with a characteristic stocky body, dense padding
Composition and features Forvet is a medicine that has pronounced immunostimulating and antiviral properties. Available
16445Administration If a cat poops with blood, in most cases this is really an urgent matter
Composition of Milprazone, release forms and storage conditions Milprazone is a combination drug with extensive antiparasitic properties.
In this article I will talk about the Nobivac Rabies vaccine. I will dwell on the components of the drug, on the indications
Release form, composition and packaging Ipaketine for cats is available in powder form for use