The character of British cats and their behavior
Character of British cats: main features, behavior, bad habits, pros and cons of the breed
Peculiarities of behavior and disposition of British cats When characterizing British cats, you need to understand that everything depends on
how cats purr
A detailed description of why cats purr, why they do it and how + answers to any exciting questions related to this topic
Purring is a quiet and prolonged vibration emitted by some representatives of the cat family. Many people give
Egyptian Mau - breed characteristics and cat care
Many people, when choosing a pet, are guided not only by the external characteristics of the breed, but
Sphynx cat: a breed in the “nude” style
The history of the appearance of hairless cat breeds 1830 Naturalist Johan Rudolf Rengger described South American cats,
Feeding the cat
How to negotiate with your cat: learning to understand gestures and purring language
Why does a cat meow for no reason? There is always an explanation for such animal behavior. You only need
Cat breed British Chinchilla, a long-haired miracle with green eyes and a calm character
The British chinchilla was artificially bred in Great Britain. It got its name from the rodent of the same name.
Scottish Fold: Description of the breed, Color options, Health, How to choose a kitten + Video
History of the breed The first cat with unusual, curved ears appeared by chance in 1961 on
Turkish Angora.jpg
Turkish Angora: character, care and reviews from owners (photo)
History of the origin of Turkish Angoras global $ads_google; //data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true;
How many years do Siberian cats live at home?
Representatives of this breed, like other furry pets, regardless of gender and age, can be
Symptoms of otodectosis
Where do ear mites come from and how do they manifest themselves in cats?
What is otodectosis in cats? A disease of the outer ear caused by microscopic parasites Otodectes cynotis is known
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