How to remove a tick from a cat at home - Advice from a veterinarian
The cat was bitten by a tick, what to do? Of course, you should remove it as soon as possible. Myself
Vakderm for cats and cats
Vaccine against lichen for cats and kittens. Does a cat need a shingles vaccination?
Save the article: Infections that affect the skin, fur and claws of a cat are much easier to prevent than
How to stop a dog from shitting on the bed
How to stop a dog from peeing on the bed and what to do if it doesn’t work
Bad habits of pets cause a lot of problems for breeders. One of the most unpleasant is coping
antibiotic for animals amoxilav
Amoxicillin for dogs: can it be used for treatment, how to calculate the dose, how to give
For viral diseases, the use of drugs is permissible when the animal is at risk of complications. When prescribing, it is important to observe
How to choose the right kitten
How to choose a kitten in a nursery or from a breeder: recommendations for future owners
A new family member is a big responsibility. Even before worries regarding maintenance and care, the future
The kitten has dirty ears: what to do at home
In normal condition, cats' ears are a healthy pink color. If upon examination you
Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World (11 photos)
Posted by Dmitry June 10, 2015 6:28 pm Tags: animals cat 2339 11 Today we
Ragamuffin - a pet “bear cub” with an angelic disposition
If you ask people who have chosen a Ragamuffin cat, you will hear the following:
Cat hearing
The structure of a cat's ears: anatomy, care, diseases
Structural Features A cat’s ears consist of three main sections: the outer ear; average; internal.
what can you feed a kitten 1-5 months old?
When to start feeding kittens: how to introduce them, diet, what not to feed, age for first feeding
The appearance of a small kitten in the house is not only joy for all household members, but
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