Gamavit: instructions for use for birds, rabbits and chickens, composition and dosage

General description of the drug, release form

The vitamin supplement is produced in the form of an injectable sterile solution - a red, transparent liquid without sediment. Bottled in glass bottles of 5, 10 and 100 ml.

Gamavit is a solution for injection. Administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally

The containers are hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and caps. 1 ml of the composition contains 0.50 mg of acidic hydrolyzate of denatured (emulsified) placenta, as well as 0.02 mg of sodium nucleinate.

The bottle and instructions for using Gamavit are packed in a cardboard box.

Gamavit for dogs: what is it, the benefits of the drug

Belongs to the group of immunomodulatory agents of natural origin. During numerous clinical trials and practical use of the drug, it was found that it can enhance the natural resistance of the dog’s body.

In addition, the drug can significantly increase the bactericidal properties of blood serum, and it is recommended to use it to increase the resistance of animals to stress and physical activity.

Finally, the drug is good for its pronounced immunomodulatory effect, which is why it is useful to prescribe it to pets recovering from severe infectious diseases.

Important! Gamavit is considered the safest medicine for animals (as far as possible). It does not have a negative effect on embryos or on the body of pregnant females

Some owners and even veterinarians are wary of Gamavit, for some reason considering it a homeopathic remedy. But this is not at all true. Gamavit is a truly working drug, based on proven, effective components. Therefore, it really improves the animal’s immune status.

This medicine is a domestic development; it is also produced in our country. This determines not only an attractive price, but also accessibility: you can find Gamavit in almost any veterinary pharmacy, which cannot be said about more “famous” products.

Composition of the drug

As we have already said, the medicine contains very “real” components:

  • Sodium nucleinate. It accelerates the leukocyte reaction and also significantly stimulates the functioning of red bone marrow.
  • Hydrolyzed emulsified placenta. A natural component that has long been used in medicine and veterinary medicine as an immunomodulator and stimulator of regeneration processes.
  • Medium 199. This is an aqueous mixture of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, amino acids and glucose. In itself, it has no special meaning for the dog’s body. In this case, the composition is used to properly preserve the cells of the placenta and maintain them in a “working” state.
  • Specially purified injection water is used as a filler.

The appearance of high-quality Gamavit is a translucent red liquid. Precipitation, formation of mucous inclusions, and serious discoloration are not allowed. All this indicates that the drug is unsuitable for use.

This often happens if, as a result of “savings,” breeders store an already started bottle. This cannot be done: microflora can enter the liquid from the external environment, which makes attempts to preserve the drug useless. It should be used during one therapeutic course.


As such, there are no analogues. In general, this is precisely the main value of the drug.

Release form

Currently, the drug is produced only in the form of an injection solution. There are three forms of packaging: three, six and one hundred milliliters. The medicine is poured into transparent glass bottles, sealed with rubber caps. They are protected from above with aluminum caps. Vials are delivered to pharmacies packed in cardboard boxes. In addition to the medicine itself, each of them includes instructions for use.

Gamavit is a drug of biological origin, and therefore special attention should be paid to the labeling of bottles. Each of them must be clearly and easily readable marked with the production lot number and expiration date.

Proper storage of the drug

We have already written that Gamavit is a drug of biological origin. This means that storage in his case takes on special significance. In this case, it is necessary to carefully follow a number of rules prescribed by the manufacturer:

  • The medicine can only be stored in a warm room. Freezing the composition is unacceptable. During storage, the temperature should be maintained between 2 and 25° Celsius. Overheating is also unacceptable. Excessively high temperatures contribute to the decomposition of the drug into its constituent components.
  • The storage location must be protected from direct sunlight. The latter are detrimental to the drug, causing its rapid decomposition and loss of medicinal properties.
  • Like any drug of biological origin (and any other, for that matter), Gamavit should be stored separately from food products, out of the reach of children and pets.

But even in cases where all the rules were strictly followed, the total shelf life of the medicine is no more than two years from the date of its manufacture. When it expires, the drug cannot be administered to the dog. As we already wrote above, the use of a drug with a changed color is strictly prohibited, as well as if there are any impurities in its thickness. Expired or spoiled medicine is disposed of as biological waste.

Indications for use

Note that the indications for the use of this drug are quite varied, but they are all easily divided into two large groups:

  • Use for prophylactic purposes.
  • Introduction for the actual treatment.

Let's take a closer look at both options.

Indications for use of the drug and dosage

Veterinarians prescribe the complex to birds and animals for preventive purposes and treatment of diseases of various etiologies:

  • toxicosis of females at various stages of pregnancy;
  • intoxications and poisonings;
  • in the postoperative period for quick recovery;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis;
  • weakened immune system;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • parasitic and infectious lesions;
  • acidosis, rickets and anemia.

Gamavit is administered intravenously, intramuscularly and subcutaneously. For animals with low body weight and poultry, the drug can be mixed into the feed.

Dosage for preventive purposes: per 1 kg of weight - 0.1 ml of solution. Dosage for treatment: per 1 kg of weight - 0.5 ml.

Be sure to read:

Treatment of respiratory diseases in birds with iodine bomb Dixam and Kliodesiv, instructions for use

For chickens

Day-old broiler chickens are prescribed feeding according to the formula: 5 ml of a vitamin mixture diluted in 1 liter of water. Watering is carried out once a day for 4-5 days in a row.

It is recommended to fill drinking bowls according to the following schedule: chicken (duck) consumes water every 2 hours.

For the birds

The solution is no less useful for adult birds, especially laying hens. Thanks to the complex of vitamins, egg production and egg weight increase, and young laying hens quickly gain weight.

To feed adults, use the following dosage regimen: dissolve 5 ml of the product in a liter of water and fill the bird's drinking bowls. Give once every 2 hours.

For rabbits

Rabbits need vitamins to support the immune system, reduce the effects of stress or various intoxications, gain weight and increase resistance to disease.

Animals are fed or given intravenous (or subcutaneous) injections. For drinking, the following scheme is used: 0.3-1 ml of vitamin mixture per day for 2-4 weeks, 1-3 times a week.

For injection, take 0.1 ml of the composition per 1 kg of rabbit weight once a day, and also apply for a course of 2-4 weeks, 1-3 times a week.

To increase stress resistance, a single injection is used, calculated as follows: 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Pregnant females are also prescribed to take Gamavit a week before the upcoming birth in the following dosage: 0.025-0.05 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.

This will have a beneficial effect on labor and will make it easier for the female in the last days before giving birth.

Features of use in cats: step-by-step instructions

If the veterinarian prescribes intravenous injections with Gamavit, then the injections will most likely have to be done at the veterinary clinic. Most often, these are emergency cases when the veterinarian immediately gives an injection on the first visit. But you can do subcutaneous and intramuscular injections yourself. If you do not have experience with a syringe, here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. You need to lay the cat on its stomach (you can pet it or talk to it affectionately, the main thing is that it calms down and lies still). Some people ask household members to hold their pet, and this behavior of people can lead to panic in the animal.
  2. We take a syringe of any suitable capacity, but the needle should only be thin (the bases of the needles are always the same diameter, so you can take a sterile needle from another syringe).

    The syringe itself can be of any volume, and the needle must be the thinnest (ideally from an insulin syringe)

  3. There is no need to completely uncork the bottle. The aluminum cap has semicircular notches; if you bend one of them, you will have access to the rubber stopper.
  4. Carefully remove the cap from the needle and insert it into the bottle through the rubber stopper so that the tip of the needle is in the solution.
  5. We pull the syringe plunger towards ourselves until the required amount of solution is filled into the syringe (you can take it with a small margin).

    It is convenient to draw the solution from an inverted bottle (the liquid will not leak out)

  6. Carefully remove the needle and check the liquid level on the syringe scale. You need to lift the syringe vertically (needle up) to release all the excess air. If there are any bubbles left on the walls of the syringe, they can be knocked down with light clicks; all bubbles must also be squeezed out with a piston. To control the lack of air, you can squeeze out 1-2 drops of the solution (the remaining air will come out along with them).
  7. Next, you need to feel the withers (this is the area of ​​​​the skin between the back of the head and the shoulder blades). Without much squeezing, we pull back the skin, insert the needle at an angle of approximately 45 degrees by 1.5 cm (for kittens - by 0.5–1 cm depending on the size of the body) and carefully squeeze out the solution to the end. There is no need to “crawl” the needle while it is under the skin (it will hurt the cat, the edge of the needle is cut at an angle). After administering the solution, release the skin and remove the needle. There is no need to rub the injection site, but you can pet the cat, talk to it, and calm it down.

    When inserting a needle under the skin, movements should be smooth but confident.

    If you are prescribed intramuscular injections, the injection site is easiest to find on the cat's thigh. The widest part of the hind leg is ideal. In this case, we do the same thing, only we insert the needle at an angle of 90 degrees, and there is no need to pull the skin back (you can spread the fur with your fingers to better see the intended injection site). With an intramuscular injection, the cat will try to escape, as some vitamin injections are very painful, so you can ask someone to hold the cat by the upper body.

Video: how to inject yourself

Can it be used to treat kittens and pregnant cats?

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that one of the indications is pregnancy or childbirth. Gamavit is also indicated for kittens (including for “gaining” weight). Many newborns and weak kittens are prescribed this particular immunomodulator. Owners of such animals note that the drug is really able to “lift” their pet.

Pregnant cats are prescribed such complexes less frequently, but if the animal is wormed, then immunomodulators can relieve signs of poisoning (deworming often leads to poisoning by waste products and decay of helminths). In addition, Gamavit is often recommended for weak cats before giving birth, since stimulation of the body makes it easier to endure this process and avoid subsequent complications.

Delicate animals (or those for whom it is not possible to receive an injection) are prescribed watering. These are usually newborn kittens with small bodies. The owner of such a baby should know that Gamavit is diluted with water, and the resulting solution is given to the kitten after eating. The fact is that gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid breaks down some vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, giving Gamavit before meals is pointless (ideally 1.5 hours after feeding). Veterinarians note that when drinking, less active substance will enter the animal’s bloodstream than with injections. Therefore, you need to dilute a little more solution in water than you would inject with a syringe (almost 2 times).

Some owners specifically ask the veterinarian to prescribe watering because they are afraid to give injections. But from personal experience, I was convinced that giving a kitten an injection is easier than giving it something to drink. Moreover, the smaller the kitten, the easier it is. Usually babies sit/lie quietly while I administer the drug. In addition, it is easier to hold a small cat in your hand than an adult cat that saw a syringe and panicked.

It is easier to give injections to small kittens than to adult animals.

Interaction with other drugs

Despite the fact that Gamavit has a complex, multicomponent composition, no direct incompatibility with other drugs has been identified. Moreover, in the treatment of almost any disease, an immunomodulator is prescribed regardless of what drugs were prescribed as the main treatment drugs. Therefore, most often the question of compatibility arises in cases where, in addition to Gamavit, additional vitamins are prescribed.

In general, Gamavit contains amino acids and vitamins in doses that are much less than therapeutic ones. Therefore, there should not be an overdose. However, you need to take precautions if you use Gamavit Forte instead of Gamavit. This immunomodulator contains a significant amount of useful components, so it is not recommended to combine it with Roncoleukin (an increased amount of interferons in the body will show incorrect data when tested for virus carriage or infections).

One day, a friend of mine’s kitten fell ill (weakened after treatment for helminthiasis). The veterinarian will only prescribe Gamavit (to increase the body's resistance). The baby's owners decided that this was not enough and additionally bought Fosprenil (also an immunostimulating agent). Over the phone, the veterinarian gave permission to inject both drugs. The fact is that with this combination the effectiveness of both drugs increases, but they only need to be administered in different syringes and at different points.

Gamavit is compatible with most other veterinary drugs

Possible side effects and contraindications

If you use Gamavit in accordance with the instructions, there will be no side effects or complications. However, there are a number of restrictions and contraindications:

  1. Gamavit cannot be used to treat cats with individual intolerance to the components (if an allergy is detected, the use of Gamavit is stopped, and the veterinarian prescribes antihistamines).
  2. A contraindication is the presence of cancer in a cat (Gamavit will provoke tumor growth).
  3. Immunostimulants should not be used for viral leukemia.
  4. Acquired epilepsy (you must consult a specialist).

Veterinarians recommend closely monitoring compliance with the drug use schedule. Skipping the next dose leads to a decrease in therapeutic effectiveness. If at least one dose is missed, it should be administered as soon as possible, and then according to the schedule.

A veterinarian I know told me that individual intolerance may not be detected at the first appointment. Sometimes you need to undergo, for example, a course of treatment, and then one of the components of the drug accumulates in the body and makes itself felt. This is how the body reacts to a substance that it considers unnecessary. This allergy is a protective reaction of the body.

If your cat begins to feel worse after using Gamavit, she may be allergic to one of the components

How to inject Gamavit

The solution is administered to the animal/bird subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously:

  • Subcutaneous injection is the simplest and most common injection method. For rabbits, cats and other animals, it is applied to the withers area. It is necessary to carefully pull off the skin with one hand, insert the needle with the other, and then carefully inject the solution.
  • The intramuscular method involves injection into the thigh or shoulder of a dog, rabbit, cat, etc. This can be done without the help of a specialist, but only if the animal behaves calmly at the sight of the syringe. The individual must be firmly secured (it is better to do this together) and, using an insulin syringe, insert a needle into the pet’s thigh or shoulder to a depth of 1.5 cm.
  • Only a person with special skills or a doctor can administer medicine intravenously The method is used in emergency situations, when an animal, for example, has been severely poisoned.

Be sure to read:

Ditrim: instructions for use in veterinary medicine, indications for use and doses


Immunity is the most important system of the animal body. Its task is to block foreign antigens by producing antibodies. If the immune system fails, the body's cells are attacked by viruses and bacteria, toxins and parasites. The slightest infection can cause serious complications, so immunomodulators are prescribed to normalize the functioning of the immune system.

It is important to understand that their uncontrolled use will bring harm, not benefit, therefore immunomodulatory drugs are used only as prescribed by a veterinarian as an addition to the main therapy. Their tasks:

  1. Stimulate the body's own defenses;
  2. Increase cell activity.

Gamavit is used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is prescribed:

  • to prevent negative reactions of the dog’s body to stress factors, overload (before exhibitions, long trips, change of owner, mating, etc.);
  • increasing the survival rate of puppies, in order to prevent malnutrition and early mortality;
  • maintaining weakened and exhausted animals;
  • reducing the risk of complications after severe infectious diseases, surgery, vaccination;
  • improving the condition of the coat.

For medicinal purposes the drug is used:

  • for recovery after injury, illness;
  • accelerating the recovery of females after childbirth;
  • for food and drug poisoning;
  • treatment of helminthic infestations;
  • to improve the fertility of females;
  • maintaining the condition of toxicosis in pregnant animals.

Indications for the use of immunomodulators are:

  • frequent colds, which can lead to dangerous complications;
  • plague;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • staphylococcal and streptococcal infections;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • period after chemotherapy;
  • protozoal infections.

Immunomodulators have a cumulative effect. Veterinarians do not recommend getting carried away with them, since most of the drugs with this effect have been produced for no more than 10-15 years, and there is not much practice in their use. It is believed that immunomodulators affect the DNA structure, so they cannot be used for self-medication or violate the dosage.

They will help stimulate the body’s defenses in combination with medications:

  • balanced diet;
  • walks;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • proper care.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Thanks to its unique composition, Gamavit has a wide spectrum of action in veterinary medicine:

  • has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes occurring in the cellular systems of internal organs and tissues;
  • stimulates the body's hidden immune reserves;
  • has high antioxidant qualities;
  • increases the egg production of birds;
  • protects the animal’s body from toxic substances of exo- and endogenous species;
  • helps the nutrients contained in the feed to be better absorbed;
  • promotes rapid recovery of the body after physical activity;
  • allows the animal to quickly gain weight;
  • reduces the negative impact of stress.

Composition and action

The basis of the drug is sodium nucleinate and placenta hydrolyzate. The first component is produced from yeast and is a highly active biological agent that stimulates the formation of leukocytes and increases the body's protective functions. It accelerates wound healing and stimulates brain activity, reducing the occurrence of allergic reactions.

When the placenta is split in water, its hydrolyzate is obtained. The substance helps accelerate metabolic processes in cells, the formation of collagen and elastin, and the removal of toxins from the body. Placenta hydrolyzate increases immunity, improves tissue regeneration and accelerates wound healing, and has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

In addition, Gamavit contains a mineral and vitamin complex:

  • minerals – iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium;
  • vitamins of group B, C, A, E;
  • vital amino acids.

This composition of the drug helps to increase the animal’s body’s resistance to attacks by foreign agents - viruses, bacteria, as well as to the negative effects of stress factors. In small puppies, taking the drug increases survival rate, supports a weakened, exhausted body, and helps speed up recovery after injuries, fractures and surgeries.

Important! Gamavit has a complex effect on the animal’s body, has deintoxication, hepatoprotective, and antioxidant properties.

Important instructions for using the medicine

To increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of the vitamin supplement, it can be combined with Fosprenil. You can eat the products of animals that have taken the vitamin supplement without fear - no traces of the intake remain in the meat.

When using the product, work should be carried out wearing rubber gloves, a respirator and protective clothing. If the medicine gets on your skin or eyes, rinse immediately with clean water.

Be sure to read:

Chiktonik and Gammatonic: instructions for use for birds, indications, dosage, principle of operation

Do not smoke, use flammable substances, drink alcohol or eat food while working with the medicine.

After working with the composition, wash your face and hands with antibacterial soap and rinse your mouth. If ingested, consult a doctor immediately. Dispose of empty containers.

Recommendations for using Gamavit

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points.

  • Under no circumstances should you inject the medicine if the liquid has changed color or a sediment has appeared in it. Do not use the drug if it has been frozen or been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. The same applies to violating the seal of the bottle.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the next administration of the medicine is done on time, otherwise its effect may be weakened. Also, during the treatment process, the recommended intervals between procedures should be observed.
  • Gamavit can be combined with other drugs, for example, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral agents, vitamin complexes. In this case, the dosage of the medicine and the duration of its administration are determined only by a veterinarian.
  • The injection site must be treated with alcohol. Only new sterile syringes are used for injection. Before drawing the solution into the syringe, you need to shake it.
  • After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap, even if the manipulation was carried out with gloves. If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with running water.

Although Gamavit for dogs can be purchased without a prescription, its use requires prior consultation with a veterinarian to assess the pet’s condition and draw up the correct treatment regimen. Self-administration of the medicine can lead to complications.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug should be transported and stored in cardboard packaging at positive temperatures (up to 25°C).

The solution is strictly prohibited from freezing. It should not be exposed to the sun's rays. It must be used immediately after opening the bottle.

In an open container, the drug retains its properties for no more than a day. All this time it should be in the refrigerator door.

Subject to the conditions of transportation and storage, the shelf life of Gamavit is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The release date of the drug and the expiration date are stamped on the packaging and indicated in the instructions supplied with the drug by the manufacturer.


It is recommended to keep the drug "Gamavit" in a dark place, away from food and out of reach of children, for example, on the top shelf of the refrigerator door under a hood.

Storage mode: at temperatures from +4 to +25 degrees, without freezing the product. Duration – 24 months from the date of manufacture. If the bottle is printed, the shelf life is significantly reduced - from 2 weeks to a month.

Do not use “Gamavit” at the slightest suspicion that it is of poor quality!

An expired medical product must be destroyed. Similar actions are performed with the container if it is damaged, contains impurities, cloudiness, changes in consistency and color from red to burgundy, white, or brown.

Contraindications and side effects

Gamavit is a latest generation immunostimulant. It is prescribed for difficult pregnancy, as well as for sick, weakened animals. Therefore, the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components, which is extremely rare. In this case, it is necessary to use high-quality analogues of the product.

Side effects may occur if the injection is performed incorrectly.

So, without massage, the lump under the skin hurts and bothers the dog. If the needle is inserted too deep into the muscle, your dog may limp for several hours. A dropped catheter will not deliver the medicine into the vein. If sterility conditions are not observed, there is a risk of infection of the animal.

Gamavit: cost and analogues

The price of Gamavit for dogs depends on the packaging:

  • 5 ml – about 70 rubles;
  • 10 ml – about 120 rubles;
  • 100 ml – about 900 rubles.

Some other drugs for treating animals have similar immunomodulatory properties. Analogues of Gamavit are: Maksidin, Ronco Leikin, Gamavit forte, Aminovital, Vitam, Placentol. They strengthen the immune system, have regenerative and protective properties, and help increase stress resistance.

On the Internet you can find different reviews about the drug for dogs Gamavit. Some experts believe that it is of little help in treating serious diseases. However, most veterinarians, as well as owners and breeders, note a significant improvement in the well-being of animals after undergoing a course of treatment, especially when used correctly.

Cost of "Gamavit"

You can purchase the drug at a veterinary pharmacy; if it is not available, you can order it individually on certified websites. To avoid tampering, be sure to read the composition of the product and visually assess the condition of the bottle/packaging.

Pay attention to the color of the liquid and its consistency: any deviations from the standard are unacceptable

Price range: for a 100 ml bottle - about 1 thousand rubles, however, experts recommend taking small dosages to increase the effectiveness of their use. An ampoule of 5 ml will cost the consumer 50-80 rubles (packaging - 5 bottles), 10 ml - from 90 to 140 rubles.


Alla, Rybinsk

“My dachshund suffered from pyometra. Unfortunately, I didn’t take her to the vet on time, and the disease turned out to be in an advanced state. The specialist prescribed me treatment with drugs, including Gamavit. We managed to cure the dog.”

Vladimir, Yaroslavl

“My child and I went to the shelter to choose a puppy for home. The son really wanted to take one skinny, tortured dog. We immediately took him to the vet. He prescribed Gamavit injections. Within a month the dog was unrecognizable. She was healthy and beautiful.”

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