What does a French bulldog look like at 2 months old?

Development of French bulldog puppies by month. Proper care for them, balanced nutrition, switching to dry food. Features of behavior and character in different periods.

In the past of French bulldogs there are formidable dogs from Spain, baiting dogs from England, temperamental terriers and decorative pugs. All this left an imprint on their appearance and character. The breed was recognized at the end of the 19th century in Europe.

French Bulldogs are small Molossians that have certain characteristics. Their puppies are born quite large, change quickly and become active dogs with a lot of energy.

Newborn puppies

They stay in the womb for almost 2 months. They are born with closed eyes, a pink nose, eyelids and a short tail. The ears are not erect yet; they rise much later.

At this age, all their actions are aimed at eating, sleeping and heating. Newborn French Bulldogs instinctively seek out a warm place. Milk is sucked several times a day, and the bitch cleans and cares for them while she feeds.

Weight is gaining rapidly. By 10 days of age, the eyes open a little. They are still blue and cloudy. Sometimes puppies are born with their eyes open, but this is not the norm.

Important: Be sure to weigh yourself daily to monitor growth.

In the first days they move by crawling, with sharp claws helping them in this. They squeak when they are hungry. Between feedings they sleep near their mother or huddle together. Without heat, food is poorly digested.

Milk teeth erupt by 3 weeks in the amount of 28 pieces. The hearing appears earlier - on 10-14 days.

Mating and birth

Puberty in males occurs closer to the age of one. In bitches earlier - in the 6-8 month period. But until the body is fully prepared, mating cannot be carried out. After all, early birth can undermine the health of a bulldog. The unstable psyche of a male dog can be further undermined; the pet will become irrevocably damaged if it is brought in early for breeding. Further, when he smells the heat of a passing bitch, he can break away from the owner and run away. The final formation of the French bulldog’s body ends at the age of 1.5-2 years. It is not recommended to bring dogs until this time.

Pregnancy can occur on one of the days of estrus. The special period lasts about three weeks. The best days for conception are considered to be 12-13 days from the start of estrus. The female's pregnancy lasts 2 months. At this time, you should be more attentive to the dog’s health and nutrition.

Before giving birth, it is necessary to prepare the animal:

  • cut your nails;
  • shave the hair near the nipples and genitals;
  • Wash your pet's body with warm water and soap.

In most cases, the bitch copes with childbirth herself. But if she is weak or does not have enough experience, the owner must help her in this difficult task. The owner should check with a specialist in advance about how to properly remove small puppies so as not to harm them or the mother. Some breeders do not want their pet or pet to have offspring. Each dog owner has different reasons for this. Then there is nothing left to do but sterilize or castrate the dog.

Caring for puppies

Complementary feeding begins at 3-4 weeks, depending on the number of puppies in the litter and the condition of the mother. Liquid milk porridges are given first; it is better to use goat's milk. After a few days, small pieces of meat are placed in bowls.

At one and a half months they are already constantly fed with adult food 5-6 times a day. Fresh water is always available in sufficient quantities.

Dry food is first soaked. It should be suitable for small breed puppies with sensitive stomachs and skin. Serving instructions are included on each package.

The transition to natural food or ready-made food occurs much later. Not earlier than 3-4 months, taking into account the condition of the particular dog. Until this period, they can be fed by their mother, which provides additional immunity.

It is advisable to bathe French bulldog puppies after 3 months. Small pets are not subjected to such procedures unless absolutely necessary. Remedies for parasites, including worms and fleas, are used before vaccinations. In the future, drops and tablets will be needed every 3-4 months.

When baby teeth fall out and molars appear, the puppy is given healthy foods. They will reduce itchy gums and keep items away from your French Bulldog's strong jaws.

They are taught to use water treatments and brushing early. The ears are treated with a suitable lotion, the claws are trimmed every month, and the skin folds on the face are wiped with damp cloths. They accumulate discharge from the eyes and dust, which can lead to irritation and hair loss.

Touching and funny, but so serious and stubborn - French bulldogs. They fall between the medium and miniature breeds. Membership in these groups can be judged by the size of an individual representative.

Power frequency

Until the baby is 1.5-2 months old, it is not safe to separate him from his mother’s milk.

A small French bulldog puppy needs to eat 6 times a day with breaks of 3-4 hours. The older the dog gets, the smaller the number of meals should be.

For example, a six-month-old puppy should eat three times a day, while one-year-old bulldogs should be fed twice a day. It is worth giving the dog equal portions and removing the plate 15 minutes after eating, even if the “meal” is not finished. Puppies should not overeat and eat as much as they can.

Puppy development

Breeders calculate the estimated future weight of bulldogs as follows:

  • An adult dog will weigh twice its weight at 4 months of age.
  • The weight of a small bulldog at 8 weeks is about 25% of its weight in the mature period.

Adult "Frenchies" weigh 8-15 kg, "Frenchies" - 8-12 kg. The maximum height at the withers is 35-37 cm.


Newborn bulldog puppies up to 15 days of age. They don’t see or hear anything, but they have sharp claws; to avoid injury, they are carefully trimmed on days 4-6 of life. Babies have developed sucking and feeding reflexes.

Photos and videos of newborn French bulldog puppies:

Milk period

The suckling (milk) period lasts up to 1.5-2 months. On days 10-14, babies' ears open and eyes emerge. At 3 weeks, baby teeth appear.

Primary analyzers and orientation reflexes develop, and excitation processes return to normal. A one-month-old puppy begins to understand his feelings, he wants to explore the world, taste and smell his surroundings.

Selection of puppies

Caring for a French bulldog puppy at home is not at all difficult. It is best to pick up a puppy from a breeder when it is 2 months old. At this time, mental instability manifests itself, and the puppy becomes hyperactive. Experts advise starting training immediately.

There is no need to be embarrassed to ask the breeder about the pet’s pedigree. You also need to find out what health problems the baby’s parents had. This is especially important to know if the pet will participate in competitions in the future.

When purchasing a puppy, you need to check its health. It is recommended to ensure that it is completely healthy. To do this, you need to check the skin, fur, belly and eyes. The coat should shine. The abdomen should be firm and soft. There should be no blemishes on the skin. If pus comes out of the eyes, this is a sign of bacterial or viral conjunctivitis. You definitely need to check the baby's mouth too. The mucous membrane should have a bright pink tint. If it is too pale, then this indicates anemia.

Factors influencing development

A puppy can develop behind or ahead of the average. This is due to the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition. There is a high probability that large parents will have rather large bulldog children. Small mothers and fathers rarely give birth to animals of impressive size.
  • Gender. Female French Bulldogs are traditionally smaller than males.
  • Individual characteristics. Just like people, dogs can be prone to being overweight or having a dystrophic, lean physique.
  • Nutrition. Animals that eat in a timely manner and have a good appetite rarely lag behind their peers in development. They grow faster and become large representatives of the breed.
  • Birth defects, hormonal diseases. Lagging behind or overtaking fellow developmental peers may have pathological reasons. A veterinarian can determine them based on laboratory tests and the results of complex diagnostics.

The puppy’s development is affected not only by the period of feeding with mother’s milk, but also by the correct diet in the new home. Feeding a puppy more often, more in the hope of raising a large bulldog, is wrong. This dog is prone to gaining excess weight - without proper physical activity, what he eats will not do any good, but will be deposited in fatty tissues.

Training and education

Training and education of a French bulldog puppy should begin from the moment the pet arrives in its new home. A stubborn and slightly lazy dog ​​will try to avoid training in any way. However, the owner should be patient and repeat previously learned lessons. The main task of the teacher is to socialize the baby, as well as to accustom him to the regime. From a young age, the dog is gradually accustomed to the basic commands: sit, no, near, and others.

There is no need to scold your dog if it cannot remember how to perform an action correctly. The dog may get upset, and without the mood, no activity will be beneficial. When the task is completed correctly, the animal must be praised and encouraged.

If you put in some effort, the dog's aggression will only manifest itself in emergency situations. The pet will begin to bark and defend itself and its owner only in real danger. With proper upbringing, the bulldog will spend all his free time during walks calmly. Even aggression towards foreign animals will not be noticed. If you raise a Frenchman according to all the rules, he will make a wonderful friend and helper.

Feeding the puppy

In order for a bulldog to grow into a large, healthy dog, the owner takes care of his diet from the first days. Factors taken into account:

  • Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity.
  • Bulldogs often develop allergies.
  • “Frenchies” do not have the strongest teeth: they wear down quickly, so the dog is not given hard food or bones.

When switching from milk to independent nutrition, new products are introduced gradually, little by little, paying attention to possible allergic reactions. At first, bulldogs eat thick soups and thin porridges. Then little by little add boiled lean meat, fermented milk products, boiled and raw chopped vegetables. The contents of the diet are as follows:

  • 35% carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables, fruits.
  • 65% proteins: meat, fish, dairy, offal.

French Bulldog puppy weight table by month

Age, monthWeight
Newborn puppy weight200-300 gr
Puppy weight 4 weeks (1 month)1-1.5 kg
Puppy weight at 2 months2-2.5 kg
Puppy weight at 3 months3.2-5.2 kg
Puppy weight at 4 months4-6.5 kg
Puppy weight at 5 months4.8-7.8 kg
Puppy weight at 6 months5.6-9.1 kg
Puppy weight at 7 months6.4-10.4 kg
Puppy weight at 8 months7.2-11.7 kg
Puppy weight at 9 months8-13 kg
Puppy weight at 10-12 months9-15 kg

Factors influencing growth

Genetic factors have the greatest influence on the height and weight of a French Bulldog. Next most important are environmental factors—puppies that breastfeed well and frequently in the first weeks of life are likely to grow faster and become larger.

Proper diet for your puppy after weaning can also affect his growth rate. Puppies that do not get enough food or are fed low-calorie food may grow smaller. Overfeeding can cause bulldog obesity. Disorders and diseases can also affect its growth and final size.

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