Cats with big ears: a review of the most popular breeds

Features of cats with big ears

Cats with big ears can easily cope with hot summers

Among representatives of different breeds, there are animals with large ears. Such cats stand out for their non-standard appearance. The serval is considered to have the largest shells. It is not a pet and lives in Africa. Among domesticated animals, large ears are found in cats of oriental breeds. The ancestors of these pets needed such organs for a comfortable life in hot countries.

Long-eared cats can easily endure the heat. This is due to the fact that there are many blood vessels on the surface of the skin of their organs. The blood passes through the surface of the capillaries and cools. The higher the temperature fluctuates, the faster the blood circulates and becomes cooler. The remaining functions of cats with long and large ears are no different from other felines: they equally hear and feel what is happening nearby.

Maine Coon

Unlike other breeds, the pointed ears of Maine Coons, which are located on the very top of the head, are decorated with “tassels”. They are giants in the pet world with long, thick hair that can weigh up to 15 kg. Despite their size, they are distinguished by a calm, friendly character and never release their claws without a serious reason. Maine Coons have a favorable attitude towards water, and they also love to dip their paws in a bowl of water before drinking.

The average price of Maine Coon kittens is 15,000-50,000 rubles.

Domestic cat breeds with big ears

Graceful oriental cat

Among the pets with impressive ears there are representatives of African and Asian origin. In addition, the breed of some tailed animals with this feature was bred artificially.

Oriental cat

Orientals were developed by crossing Siamese breeds with short-haired cats of a single color. These are slender animals with triangular large ears that resemble fans. They have almond-shaped, slightly slanted eyes.

Cats of this breed are sociable animals that find it difficult to be alone. Orientals love to play a lot and get along easily with other pets. They do not require special care, as they take good care of their fur on their own. It is not recommended to bathe them.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons stand out for their impressive size and elongated muzzle. The weight of tailed animals reaches 15 kilograms. They have a body with well-developed muscle mass. They have thick, long hair, and their eyes are set slightly askew. The animal ears are decorated with fluffy tassels at the tips.

Terrible Maine Coon

These pets are friendly and affectionate. They are not very active; they prefer to relax next to family members on the sofa or lie in some cozy place. Despite their menacing appearance, these are cats with a calm temperament. Maine Coons can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. They have good health and an average life expectancy of 12 years.

Abyssinian cat

One of the most ancient cat breeds. Abyssinian cats are small, with a rounded muzzle and large eyes. They have soft, short fur that ranges from dark brown to silver. Pets are widespread in many countries.

Abyssinian handsome

Animals have a restless and playful nature, they want to be around people and other animals. They are wonderful companions and are not prone to aggression. But they need constant communication with their owner, so they do not tolerate loneliness well. Tailed animals are undemanding when it comes to special nutrition and usually quickly become accustomed to the tray. The smooth-haired pet is easy to care for.


Somali cats are similar to the Abyssinian cats from which they originated. The main difference between representatives of this breed is their long hair. Animals sometimes have soft tassels on their large ears, their tail is long and fluffy, and their muzzle is elongated.

Complaisant Somalia

Pets surprise you with their intelligence. They often behave obediently and make contact easily. At the same time, cats are silent. Despite their sociability, while the owners are at work, the cats do not get bored and quietly wait for the apartment residents. Such animals are suitable for families with children. Their fur does not mat or tangle, making them easy to care for. At the same time, Somali cats are not susceptible to genetic diseases, they have good immunity.

Devon Rex

Devon Rexes have short and wavy hair. They have thin legs, a short muzzle, and ears with a wide base and a rounded tip. Cats especially stand out because of their large eyes.

Curious Devon Rex

Animals of this breed love to purr and meow loudly. This purr is very mobile, he is nimble and jumping like a hare. If a Devon Rex likes the last shelf of a closet, he will definitely climb there. Kittens of this breed resemble dogs and can learn to run after a ball. Pets are playful at any age. Cats do not require special care, but their ears need to be constantly looked after, as they quickly become dirty due to the standing position.

Devon rex

Huge ears are the first thing that catches your eye when you see a Devon Rex. They have a wide base and a rounded tip, are set low and look almost to the sides. Devon Rexes have soft, curly fur, a flattened face with high cheekbones and round, large eyes. They are loyal and playful pets with wonderful dog-like personalities, which is why they, like dogs, wag their tails when they are happy about something.

Average prices for Devon Rex kittens are 15,000-30,000 rubles, depending on class and blood lines, but adult animals are cheaper.

Hybrid cats with big ears

Savannah and Chausie
Breeds that are bred from wild cats are considered hybrid. Among such animals there are owners of rather large ears. These are mainly rare and expensive representatives of felines. These include:

  1. Savannah. This breed was created by crossing an Abyssinian with a Serval. Savannahs reach 15 kilograms. They have a bright appearance: spotted fur, expressive muzzle, long neck, rounded ears. Cats are very active and love to explore new places. They need to be kept in a large room, an aviary.
  2. Chausie. Short-haired animals appeared due to the hybridization of the Hausa and the Abyssinian. In appearance they look like caracals. They grow up to 7–15 kilograms. They come in black, black ticked and black and silver ticked. There are tassels at the tips of their ears. Pets love to socialize, they have a cheerful character, but at the same time they are independent. Chausies are active animals; it is more convenient for them to live in a spacious house.

Active caraquet

  • Caraquet. The breed was created by crossing the caracal with the Abyssinian breed. The caracat has sandy or silver fur, and its ears end in black tassels. The animals are in good health. Pets have pronounced hunting instincts. They love to move. They prefer to stay awake at night. Caraquetas, like descendants of wild animals, sometimes behave stubbornly.


Siamese cats have a capricious character.
Siamese cats can be put at the top of the list. In addition to their unusually sized ears, they have a long, lean build, a thin neck, and elongated limbs. They have a short fur coat. The color is a characteristic bicolor. Almost all representatives of the breed are distinguished by their wayward character and independence.

Rare and non-standard cat breeds

Curly poodlecat

Some families live in little-known tailed animals with unusual ears. These breeds include:

  • Poodlecat is a curly and fluffy cat. Exotic animals were bred recently and did not have time to become popular. There are straight-eared and lop-eared four-legged friends. Their character is friendly. They are inquisitive, sociable and loyal like a dog.

Bright toyger

  • Toyger. This breed of cat with large ears is so called because its appearance resembles a toy tiger. Toygers are short-haired pets. They are peaceful, intelligent and quickly become attached to humans. These long-eared animals are easy to care for and quickly adapt to apartment life.

If you decide to get a toyger, keep in mind that such a cat loves to sharpen its claws. To prevent it from ruining your furniture, be sure to buy a scratching post!

Mysterious Havana Brown

  • Havana Browns are playful, shaggy friends with a dark brown color. Kittens of this breed require constant attention. Pets are curious and sociable at any age. Although cats were bred in the 1950s, they are not particularly common.

Somali (Abyssinian Longhair)

Beautiful animals with a muscular, flexible body, long, brightly colored hair and a fluffy tail. The large, alert ears have a wide base and moderately pointed tips, and the inner surface of the auricle is covered with tufts of hair. They are active, playful and sociable, get along well with other pets and love long walks in the fresh air.

The price of kittens starts from 6,000 rubles.


An American breed with a characteristic leopard print color and quite impressive size. The height of an adult animal can reach 50-70 cm, and weight – 15 kg. Representatives have a powerful body, strong limbs and a relatively small head on which wide, large ears are located. They are easy to train and love to swim and walk on a leash. But sometimes they develop a wild character, especially after reaching 3 years of age.

This is one of the most expensive breeds in the world: prices start from 4-7.5 thousand dollars, and for first-generation pets the cost can reach 20 thousand dollars. Moreover, males have a lower cost than females, since they are infertile until the 4th generation.

Ukrainian Levkoy

The breed originated by crossing Scottish Fold cats with Don Sphynx cats. The result was a cat with a naked body, a rounded muzzle and huge, curved, round ears.

The name “Ukrainian Levkoy” was formed because of the flower, which is similar to the curl of the animal’s ears. They are sociable and easy-going in nature, and are distinguished by their affection for their owner.


The Canadian Sphynx is a representative of the oldest breeds. They have a unique appearance - an elongated muzzle, lemon-shaped eyes, an intelligent look, bare skin and very large ears. According to official sources, the first Sphinx lived in Ancient Egypt.

The Petersburg and Don Sphynx were developed in Russia, and the Peterbald breed was developed by crossing an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. Caring for hairless cats is quite problematic.

Their skin needs to be cleansed every day, their diet should be balanced. It is also necessary to take care of clothing so that the pet does not get too cold. The Sphinx needs care like a child, but has the look of a sage and the appearance of an inhabitant of other planets.


The cats are similar in appearance to the Savannah breed, but are smaller in size. They have high protruding ears that take up most of the head, honey-colored eyes, a strongly built body with smooth short hair with a beautiful spotted pattern. These animals are very sociable, non-aggressive and prefer an active lifestyle, so they need space and a place to play.

The price of kittens varies between 30,000-35,000 rubles.

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