TOP 10 cutest and most affectionate cat breeds, photo

Cats, unlike dogs, are not able to protect their owner; they will not guard the house or guard the territory. However, this does not stop people from showing boundless love for these furry four-legged pets. There are more than two hundred and fifty cat breeds in the world, which differ in coat length, color and temperament. And each breed finds its admirers. And no matter what abilities cats have, the first impression determines their appearance. We present breeds that have a cute appearance, thanks to which they are popular.

American Shorthair

Smart, unpretentious cats have long won the hearts of cat lovers. Their varied colors allow you to choose a pet that will appeal to all family members. They are friendly and do not show aggression towards children or strangers. An inquisitive mind combined with an attractive appearance made them desirable in every home.

Who is the most tender in the world?

Among modern purebred cats, there are several varieties that are distinguished by the kindest attitude towards people.


Exotic cats, which appeared as a result of crossing a Persian cat and an American shorthair, have won the hearts of animal lovers with their slowness and unusual appearance. The sweet expression of the face, combined with the constant desire to lie on the owner’s lap, makes the exotic a very desirable pet.

Features of the breed include other things:

  • long-term adaptation to new people and changed surroundings;
  • playfulness throughout life (especially if someone is watching them while they are having fun);
  • friendly attitude towards children and other pets.

In general, the American exotic cat gives the impression of a small soft toy with a slightly sad look and a devoted soul.

Exotic cats are very gentle and attached to their owner.

Russian blue

Initially, the purr of this breed was considered a very reserved animal, but in reality everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. These purebred cats, according to the owners' reviews, are an example of calmness and loyalty to the owner. Russian Blues love to cuddle up to family members and play with children. But these clever people are wary of strangers, but they do not get involved in conflict.

These animals are also characterized by:

  • take a long time to look closely at the new owner;
  • become attached to the owner for life;
  • the desire to accompany the breadwinner everywhere.

But due to its high intelligence, the Russian Blue will never be too intrusive and, at the slightest sign from the owner, will retire to its secluded place.

Russian Blues are smart and loyal cats

Maine Coon

The impressive size and long fur of these beautiful animals makes you want to cuddle them. But a stern look and a powerful physique stop many lovers of excessive familiarity. But in vain. After all, Maine Coons are one of the calmest and most balanced good-natured cats in the cat world. At the same time, these giants are able to show energy and a cheerful disposition when playing with children.

Maine Coons also have something else in common:

  • do not climb cabinets and tables;
  • are friends with dogs;
  • hunt small domestic animals (hamsters, rats).

Despite their balanced disposition, Maine Coons react sharply to loneliness and the absence of a breadwinner. Such life changes can cause them to lose their appetite and become depressed.

Maine Coons are the embodiment of kindness and home warmth

Burmese cat

The mustachioed pets of the Burmese breed are beautiful in everything - from their bright appearance to their charming disposition. These purrs are tactful and always feel when the owner should not be disturbed. At such moments, the Burmese will go about his business or will patiently wait for the attention of the breadwinner in his “den.”

The breed is also characterized by other characteristics:

  • ability to learn simple commands;
  • friendly attitude towards all household members and especially children;
  • peaceful coexistence with other pets in the same territory.

It is also interesting that Burmese, according to the owners, are excellent healers. They can drive away a stressful state, as a result of which the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and overall well-being noticeably improves.

Burmese cats are lovely and gentle creatures

Persian cat

In childhood, Persian cats resemble perky little balls of fluff, constantly scurrying around the house. Their attention can be attracted by anything - from a sunbeam to a fly on the window. However, with age, interest in the world around him is lost, and the fluffy focuses his life on following the breadwinner, wherever this road leads. The favorite pastime of an adult Persian is to lie next to the owner on the sofa or at the head of the bed while he sleeps.

Long-haired cats also manifest themselves in the following:

  • patiently endure all children's pranks, turning into an obedient “toy”;
  • they greet guests with distrust and do not approach strangers in the house;
  • They look indifferently at the presence of other pets in the house.

Persian cats rightfully bear the title of one of the most gentle and tame purrs among their tailed relatives.

Persian cats have always been considered rather lazy pets.

British Shorthair

Cats with an independent character and an intelligent look - this is how the “British” can be briefly described. These smart animals do not need constant attention from the owner and are not accustomed to often fawning over members of the household. They happily play with children, but if the fun goes beyond certain limits, they will resort to hitting with their paws or even releasing their claws.

The breed, originally from Foggy Albion, is also notable for the fact that:

  • trainable;
  • calmly tolerates long absence of the owner;
  • with a caring and attentive attitude, he shows all his tenderness and love.

And if there are other animals in the house, then a British cat can easily turn into a kind of leader of the pack, which no one will dare to object to.

British cats are discreet and independent pets

Canadian Sphynx

A cat, devoid of fur, seems to show with its entire appearance that it needs human warmth and increased care. And in response to a tender attitude, this unusual purring pet will give the breadwinner love and devotion.

The characteristics of all representatives of the breed boil down to the following points:

  • curious and sociable disposition;
  • friendly attitude towards strangers;
  • a patient attitude towards any mischief on the part of children (even “body art” on the skin).

And when an animal gets tired of increased attention to its own person, it does not release its claws and does not hiss angrily, like other cats in similar cases. This peace-loving pet just begins to meow loudly and plaintively, so that the owner resolves the conflict situation and returns comfortable living conditions in the house.

Sphinxes are as affectionate as they are unusual.


Cats that can turn into “rag dolls” (and this is how the name of the breed is translated) are gentle and imposing animals. But they are not averse to participating in a noisy party or playing with children.

Blue-eyed cats have other features:

  • when danger arises, they try to hide and run away;
  • they can become overly attached to the owner if they have been the center of attention of the family since childhood;
  • due to a reduced pain threshold and the ability to greatly relax, they are susceptible to injury.

Otherwise, Ragdolls are considered a favorite among gentle cat lovers. These beauties are able to sit all day long in the arms of their breadwinner or wander relentlessly after their household members.

Ragdoll cats are the most gentle pets, able to completely relax in the hands of their owner.

Abyssinian cat

It would never occur to one to call these red-haired beasts slow or loving to lie on their knees. It is difficult to find a more energetic cat than the Abyssinian. However, in the character of such a daredevil there is room for affection, interspersed with bouts of tenderness.

Abyssinian cats are active and playful animals with a good disposition.

In addition, the Abyssinian breed is famous for the following qualities:

  • high intelligence and sociability, even in the company of strangers;
  • friendliness and curiosity;
  • a manifestation of jealousy towards the owner, which is why they can harm other household members.

These are the dogs that breeders recommend for families with children. You definitely won’t get bored with such a lively and playful animal.

Video: the most affectionate cats according to breeders

Abyssinian cat

This graceful beast attracts attention at first sight. Proportionally built cats with a regal gait come from hot Ethiopia. Externally, Abyssinian cats resemble their large relatives - pumas. The standard colors are: all shades of red, silver, gray and fawn. Unlike their predatory relatives, these cats are affectionate, flexible and love to be the center of attention. Abyssinians, unlike other representatives of the cat family, love water treatments. Thanks to careful selection, these cats do not show aggression; they are always calm and positive.

TOP 10 cute photos of cats

Muzzle of a brown kitten with gray eyes in profile

White kitten wearing a panda hat

Fluffy gray and white cat with black eyes

Kitten in a daisy costume

Fluffy white and red kitten with sad eyes

A small red kitten wrapped in blue fur

Scottish Fold

The breed has become popular recently, but this has not stopped it from winning the hearts of millions of people. Plush fur, a cute small muzzle with hanging small ears give the animal a toy appearance. Children, when they see Scottish Folds, tend to cuddle and stroke them, which representatives of this breed do not really like. When two lop-eared individuals are crossed, non-viable offspring are born. For this reason, they wanted to abandon this breed. Later, a pattern was discovered according to which, in order to obtain healthy offspring, fold-eared cats must be crossed with straight-eared relatives. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their willfulness. They don't meow like other cats, but squeak quietly. From the first months of life, lop cats are able to stand on their hind legs and freeze.


These cats were bred a long time ago, but despite this, they remain at the peak of popularity. The Persian breed requires the pet to have long white hair, beautiful eyes and a stubborn character. In any situation, Persians remain calm and equanimous. If they don’t like the situation, person or animal, they hurry to retire to a secluded place. Don't think that these cats can be offended. They are capable of not only standing up for themselves, but also taking revenge on the offender for a long time. Persians are attached to one family member, whom they consider their master - they idolize him.

TOP 10 cutest and most affectionate cat breeds, photo

Do you love cats and dream of having a furry pet, but don’t know what breed of cat to choose? Then here you are, we will tell you about the cutest and most affectionate cat breeds.

Who needs an affectionate cat? As a rule, for those people who value close contact with their pet. When you want to take a cat in your arms, or when it sits or lies on your lap, purrs and looks devotedly into your eyes. I immediately want to cuddle her, stroke her and forgive her all her pranks. However, there are cat breeds that do not like interaction. Therefore, when choosing a pet, you should familiarize yourself with at least the brief characteristics of cat breeds.

TOP 10 cutest and most affectionate cat breeds

Russian blue cat

At first glance, the Russian Blue cat seems too independent. But this is far from true. She loves to lie on her owner's lap and embodies tenderness and affection. But such trust and respect from a cat still needs to be earned. And this can only be achieved with kindness and affectionate treatment. The Russian Blue cat will reciprocate your feelings, have no doubt. She has an easy-going character, she is playful and loves children.

Siberian cat

The Siberian cat has a rather independent character, but they become very attached to their owners. They also love to play with children; they are patient and balanced by nature, often becoming real friends for children.

Canadian Sphynx

The friendliest and tame cat breed. They treat all people well, including both owners and guests, willingly allow themselves to be petted and are always ready for outdoor games.


Cats of this breed are famous for their soft and obedient character; they constantly require affection. Don’t let this scare you, they are ready to return it a hundred times more.

Neva Masquerade

This breed is related to the Siberian cat breed. The Neva Masquerade cat took from it a beautiful fur coat and good manners. They are always ready to help their owner - to give warmth and affection, to listen, to support and to encourage with purring. By choosing a Neva masquerade cat, you will find a true, reliable friend in your pet.

Burmese cat

Beautiful, graceful, the cat behaves calmly and sedately. She loves her owner and clings to him, purring melodiously. We can say that this cat creates an atmosphere of harmony and calm around itself. But despite all its sedateness, the Burmese cat loves to move around and play with children.

Abyssinian cat

This cat breed looks like a tiny puma. This is not surprising, because the blood of a distant ancestor flows in her - the African cat. Abyssinians captivate with their sophistication and kindness of character. In addition, she is not capricious and flexible. The Abyssinian cat is very affectionate, attached to its owner and follows him everywhere.


Exotic loves to sleep in his owner's arms. He is calm, affectionate, and accompanies his owner wherever possible. It’s better for a cat to go on a hike with its owner, so as not to be left at home alone.

Maine Coon

A great handsome man and the owner of an equally big and kind heart. Maine Coon cats are very smart and friendly. They take root in families with small children and other animals without any problems. The Maine Coon is trainable, loves outdoor games, and follows simple commands. If given the chance, he will never miss it to show his owner his love, affection and devotion.

Manx cat

The Manx is a cat from the Isle of Man. She is very playful, seeks company, loves to play, her favorite place is on her owner’s lap. Manx is a loyal, patient and sociable friend for both adults and children. A distinctive feature of appearance is the absence of a tail. You can even go on a visit with this cat; she will make friends with everyone.

TOP 10 cutest and most affectionate cat breeds

Russian blue

These representatives of the cat family have not only a pleasant appearance, but also high mental abilities.
They easily remember some commands and gestures of people and use it with pleasure. However, forced training will not give any results. Russian Blues follow those commands that are beneficial to them. You shouldn’t be upset about this - they always behave calmly and meekly. These cats love to hunt. They don't care who becomes their victim. They are endlessly devoted to all family members and get used to their place of residence. They are ready to console and purr “their” people, to their delight. Strangers are given a wide berth. We also recommend reading:

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Maine Coon

The cats are huge in size and have an interesting coloration, which is why they are called raccoons. Fluffy giants reach seventeen kilograms in weight. They are excellent hunters. Their huge size does not prevent them from loving their owner limitlessly and being affectionate towards him. They are curious, love active games, and compete with other animals. They are jealous of the owner's extraneous hobbies. They want to be the center for him.

DRAWN pictures of cute cats

A drawn gray tabby cat stands with a bouquet of flowers, winking mischievously and sticking out his tongue

Tabby cat sleeps in an embrace with three fish

Tabby brown cat sleeps with red and brown kittens

Drawn red and gray cat playing cutely

Beautiful gray cat with flowers on her head

A brown kitten with a fluffy tail hugged a blue ball of wool

American Curl

As a result of natural mutations, this breed got unusually shaped ears that are turned outward.
The name of the breed translates as “curl”. The length of the coat can be of different lengths and colors. They tend to take a leading position among other pets. In addition to their pleasant appearance, they are distinguished by a calm disposition and the ability to quickly adapt to any terrain or situation. American Curls are focused on constant communication with people and do not tolerate loneliness well. They quickly forget grievances and are not jealous.

Pictures of cats on AVU

Top 10 pictures of cats for your avatar

A mischievous brown kitten peeks out from torn paper

A cat in round glasses sits at a laptop

Beautiful cat winks

A tricolor cat in round glasses and a beret lies thoughtfully

Muzzle of a gray tabby kitten wearing round black glasses

Muzzle of a brown kitten with black eyes

Original pictures of cats for avatar

Ginger cat in a red uniform

A white cat in a red uniform and a fluffy tail stands with his back

The gray kitten is ready for Halloween, wearing a black hat on his head and a pumpkin-shaped medallion on his neck.

Beautiful fluffy white cat with green eyes with a raised paw in the night

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