How to give Furazolidone to a cat?
Furazolidone for diarrhea in a kitten: use, dosage, effectiveness
6865Pavel Many breeders are in no hurry to contact qualified specialists at the first sign of diarrhea in their pet
Estrus in Labradors: how long does it last, at what age does it start?
How many times and when to breed a Labrador Retriever (your pet), according to the RKF regulations, can give birth
Why do we need educational toys for dogs, and what are they?
Why do puppies need toys Games play a practical role in a puppy’s life; they help the pet get ready
How to determine if a rabbit is pregnant?
Beginning breeders often wonder how many months a pregnant rabbit walks. Rabbits grow and develop
Cat tongue under a microscope
What to do if your cat has a blue tongue? Possible reasons
A cat's tongue is often compared to sandpaper or a grater because it is covered in very fine
Varieties of Hygrophila longifolia.
Hygrophila loosestrife contents description reproduction photo
Long-leaved hygrophila (Hygrophila spec, longifolia) The name is given conditionally. The species is not precisely defined. Family Acanthaceae -
Attentiveness test
Pug. What problems does this breed have?
Visual organs This eye health problem is relevant for pugs. The dog is susceptible to eye inflammation,
Pomeranian Spitz: description of the breed, characteristics
There is a beautiful legend that the Magi with gifts came to worship the infant Christ, accompanied by three
Amoxicillin for animals
Instructions for use of the drug Amoxicillin 150
Indications for use, dosage and method The drug is prescribed for bacterial infections and inflammatory processes:
7 easy ways to make a cat bed with your own hands
How to make a cat bed from a sweater with your own hands Photo: @HGTV / YouTube What
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