Strong and muscular pit bull terrier
Raising and training a pit bull: how to subdue a muscular fighter?
The muscular American Pit Bull Terrier at first glance gives the impression of a stern and cruel dog. For many
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Ocicat cat: description, photo, keeping at home
History of origin The breed arose as an unexpected result of the work of breeder Virginia Daley. Initially it was planned to withdraw
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Injection solution for dogs, calves and pigs Bayer Baytril 5%, treatment for viral diseases
Description of the antibiotic Baytril is an antibiotic belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones. Its mechanism of action is aimed at
How to induce labor in a cat: stimulation and acceleration
Childbirth in a cat. How can I help her and what should I do? In the wild, cats are independent,
What do you call a pet rat? List for girls and boys. Best names for rats
Domestic rats are pets that also have their own character and striking differences, just like
A kitten's eye is leaking, what should I do? The kitten has watery eyes and a runny nose - Healthy breathing. The kitten's eyes are watery after eating
The kitten sneezes and his eyes water. All cats sneeze from time to time and, I must admit,
The cat is sleeping
The kitten sleeps a lot - let’s find out if this is normal or not!
Our beloved cats are the most important couch potatoes. The time of their activity is much less than the state
Uveitis in cats
Treatment for uveitis in a cat's eyes. What is uveitis in cats and dogs and how to treat it
Why does the disease develop? In half of the cases, it is not possible to identify the cause that contributed to the occurrence of uveitis
Is it right to let your pets sleep in your bed?
Why does a dog tend to sleep on the bed with its owner? Pets often experience
Are Oranda and Redcap the same breed of goldfish?
The Oranda fish from the Carp family, a variety of Veiltail, is beloved by aquarists for its unusual appearance.
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