How to install a heater in an aquarium: professional help
An electric water heater for an aquarium is designed to maintain the temperature background necessary for plant growth and
The dog attacks other dogs, what should I do?
The dog barks and rushes at other dogs - what to do and how to wean it off?
Regardless of age, breed and size, the dog must be socialized. A well-mannered pet is not
Why does a dog dig in the bed: reasons and how to overcome the animal’s natural needs
Our Doberman, Sheila, suddenly started digging the floor in the apartment. She's almost a year old. To the games
Why does my cat bleed from her vagina?
Discharge in a cat: what does it mean, causes, norm and pathology, what to do, how to treat
In cats, spotting can be either normal or a sign of serious illness.
Origin History - American Pit Bull Terrier
Pit bull (American pit bull terrier): description of the breed, character and care
Preparing the house for the arrival of a puppy Little pit bulls are ready to go to a new home after
What to do about a kitten's hot paws. The cat has cold paws: identifying the causes and preventing the consequences
Your pet is sick Just yesterday, your furry friend was running around the house like crazy.
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How to rinse a cat's nose yourself: instructions
10150Pavel 2 Like all animals, cats, unfortunately, get sick. They also have
Why were people tried in ancient Egypt for killing a cat?
The cats of Ancient Egypt became famous throughout the world thanks to the respectful attitude of the Egyptians towards these delightful
Cytological examination of skin in dogs
(c) Veterinary center for the treatment and rehabilitation of animals “Zoostatus”. Varshavskoe highway, 125 building 1. Atheroma –
When does a Spitz's teeth change?
Everything you need to know about Pomeranian teeth changing
Main problems associated with the number of teeth Changing teeth in a Pomeranian is complex and
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