Is it right to let your pets sleep in your bed?

Why does a dog want to sleep on the bed with its owner?

Pets very often have a desire to arrange their sleeping place next to their owner. There can be many reasons why dogs sleep with their owner.

Feeling satisfied and safe

The dog asks to be taken to bed in order to feel maximum comfort. This way she will feel safe while her owner is around. The dog himself also feels the need to protect the owner. A dog in bed shows trust and deep affection through its behavior.

Important! She will feel loved and needed next to you.

The puppy feels safe if he lies next to his owner

Lack of attention

One of the reasons why dogs sleep with their owner is a lack of attention from their owner or owner during the day. Sleeping on a bed together is like compensation for lost attention. The puppy may try to climb on top of the owner, cuddle up to him, or get closer to the head. This sign will mean that the animal lacks love and affection.

The owner taught

Often the animal categorically refuses to sleep in another place, since from childhood it was taught to sleep next to itself. It only takes a few days to form a lasting habit. And after that he will forever refuse to sleep on his bed.

Relaxation and fighting insomnia

Dogs are very emotional animals. They react acutely to a new place, new people, and can be overstimulated by excessive activity during the day. All this causes stress in the animal, which can cause insomnia.

Attention! The owner in this situation becomes a source of security and comfort.

Four-legged dog helps its owner sleep

A loving animal always keenly senses the state of its owner. If a person is in pain and cannot sleep for a long time, the dog tries to surround him with warmth and attention. This is typical primarily for animals that have a very trusting relationship with the owner.

Precautionary measures

If your dog sleeps with you, there are some precautions you need to take:

  • Your pet must be vaccinated and treated against parasites.
  • After each walk (especially in the evening), thoroughly (with tar soap) wash your pet’s paws, belly, and butt. It is not necessary to wash the body with soap every time; simply wipe it with a damp palm.
  • From time to time, check your pet for fleas and skin infections that can be dangerous to humans (lichen, fungus). If something is wrong, you will immediately notice changes in the skin and coat (redness, hair coming out, etc.).
  • Be sure to maintain hygiene. Clean your animal's teeth, ears, and trim its nails.
  • Do wet cleaning of the room where you sleep more often.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

Well, if you still can’t get enough sleep when your dog sleeps with you, then you need to come to some kind of compromise.

How safe is it for a dog to sleep with its owner?

Sleeping with the owner can be dangerous for the dog himself. A person may accidentally put his foot on the puppy or throw him to the floor, thereby injuring him. But this is the only disadvantage of sleeping together. In all other aspects, animals feel very comfortable and safe when close to humans.

The danger of co-sleeping is the possibility of accidentally injuring your pet.

Loss of nurture and control

If the owner of a dog puts it into bed with him and is not against sleeping together, then sooner or later he will face unforeseen, but very serious problems. The pet will begin to show obsessiveness and bad manners, will constantly demand attention to itself, and will not allow the owner to go about his business.

Soon the dog will stop responding to commands, as it will feel like a dominant, head of the family. The animal will stop obeying and respecting the owner, will begin to show aggression, will growl and bite, and will also refuse to leave its favorite bed and leave the room. This should not be allowed, because the dog may attack the owner.

How safe is it for the owner?

Most often, the human body reacts well to a dog being nearby in a dream. But there are certain circumstances that can make co-sleeping unsafe. These are not only parasites, but also various infections and allergic reactions.

You should be careful if you have allergies

People who are prone to allergic reactions need to be very careful. This is one of the main reasons why having a dog on the bed is undesirable.

Important! At night, during sleep, the human body is most sensitive to external stimuli. If a dog owner is prone to allergies, spending a night near the pet can lead to the development of asthma.

In such situations, the dog bed should be removed from the bedroom altogether. It is also recommended to do wet cleaning in the house more often and change bed linen.

Increased risk of getting meningitis

There is a controversial opinion that sleeping with a puppy can cause meningitis. This is due to the fact that pets often lie with their heads on the pillow. Keeping a dog next to your head all night can provoke staphylococcus and parasitic diseases. But this is a big misconception. A pet cannot cause its owner to become infected with serious diseases.

"Chocolate" on your pillow

Every owner thinks his dog is a genius. You have established deep contact, you understand each other perfectly. But imagine the situation: your genius left traces of chocolate on your pillow. And guess what? This is not chocolate! Dogs are not afraid to play with feces and even eat it. Therefore, your pet most likely has traces of feces on its paws and fur. So when your dog sleeps in your bed, traces of feces are left on your bedding and on you.

Is sleeping with dogs beneficial?

If the dog lies next to the owner under the blanket at night, this will cause certain inconvenience and trouble. But scientific research has proven that such co-sleeping brings not only discomfort, but also benefits from a psychological point of view.

In a dream, a person develops a close connection with a pet. A home friend can relieve the owner of tension, stress, and make him feel safe. The pet's measured sniffing has a relaxing effect. This is a real sedative. American psychologists claim that sleeping next to a person is inherent in a dog at the genetic level. She acts as a security guard who will promptly warn about a fire or thieves breaking into the house.

Important! Studies have shown that sleeping next to a pet can lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol in the blood.

There is an interesting fact. Experts have proven that if a person sleeps next to a dog, he is charged with energy and strengthens his immunity. This acts on him as a vaccine against inflammation, colds, and poisoning.

A night's rest with a pet has a relaxing effect on a person

You do it anyway, don't you?

Yes, this behavior is easily understandable. Your pet is a full-fledged member of your family, and all the diseases listed above are rare. No one can stop you from sleeping with your pet, but if you all decide not to fight this habit, then you should take care of your own safety. Make sure your pet visits the veterinarian periodically and receives all necessary medications that the veterinarian prescribes. Wash your dog daily after walks and check him for signs of possessiveness or aggressive behavior.

Every dog ​​lover dreams of understanding the feelings of his four-legged friend. New scientific research by American and Japanese scientists has shown that dogs show love and loyalty in certain ways. Sometimes these signs are so original that it is very difficult for the owner to recognize them. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Well-known dog psychologist Brian Hare discusses this. In his opinion, when a dog looks into the eyes of its owner, its body produces the love hormone oxytocin. This substance forms a close attachment between the mother and the newborn baby. If you want to make eye contact with your dog, it is better to do this while playing with your pet. Under no circumstances force your dog to look you in the eye. Your actions may anger him.

The dog yawns with its owner

Yawning can be extremely contagious. We often yawn together with the person we like. Dogs can also be susceptible to collective yawning. Devoted creatures, yawning for company with the owner, express empathy and sympathy for him.

The dog cuddles up to its owner

The dog perceives a person as a reliable friend and protector. Therefore, in moments of anxiety, the dog begins to huddle close to its beloved owner.

Dog being petted after eating

Any well-fed dog dreams of being stroked or scratched. Gregory Burns' wonderful book, How Dogs Love Us, talks about the behavior of four-legged pets after eating.

Various treats are very often used as rewards when raising and training dogs. But the animal also needs a warm relationship with its owner. If a dog, after eating, comes running to you to caress, then this symbolizes love and tenderness on its part.

The dog actively moves its eyebrows and ears

Many people think that a dog's tail is a barometer of a dog's mood. In the USA, they even created a translator that determines the emotional state of a dog by the movement of its tail. However, most feelings can be read on a dog's face. Recently, Japanese scientists conducted an interesting experiment. They wanted to find out how our faithful friends react to familiar and unfamiliar people, other dogs, and various objects.

The dogs began to twitch their eyebrows when they saw their owner or their fellow tribesman. At the same time, the animals' left eyebrow was mainly raised. And when they saw strangers, the dogs remained calm and equanimous.

Then the dogs began to be shown different objects. The dog would move its left ear back when it noticed its collar with a leash or a warm blanket. The animal associates these things with walking outside.

According to the findings of the researchers, the dog reacts with facial expressions to what it values. This is one of the main signs of a dog’s reverent attitude towards its owner.

The dog is quietly and faithfully waiting for you at home

Some dog lovers are firmly convinced of one thing. A dog that hates being left alone at home loves its owner devotedly. Such people, according to Burns, are deeply mistaken. In this case, the dog is driven not by attachment to the owner, but by fear of separation. And love manifests itself through trust. A dog trusts its owner if it calmly waits for his return on the mat or in another cozy place in the house.

The dog greets you joyfully

And when we return home, our four-legged friends cheerfully rejoice at our arrival. They wag their tail, squeal joyfully, run around their beloved owner, ask to be held in his arms and lick his face. Dogs express sincere love, loyalty and devotion in this way.

The dog loves to sleep next to its owner

A dog of any breed is a pack creature. Therefore, she always strives to be close to her owner, whom she considers the leader of the pack, and even to share a bed with him.

However, for many dogs, especially large ones, the owner’s bed is a taboo area, since not every owner will be happy to see dog hair on their blankets and pillows.

The dog brings you his toys

Is it time to say goodbye to your sleep partner?

Although the diseases listed above, such as bubonic plague, are quite rare, they are still worth thinking about. There is a much higher chance that you will become infected with something if you allow your pet to lick your face and your mouth, but co-sleeping also puts your health at risk. As for infants, small children, as well as people with impaired immune systems, they are strictly prohibited from sleeping in the same bed or even in the same room with animals, as this is too dangerous.

You may become infected with bubonic plague

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Yes, you read that right. Bubonic plague is not just a disease from history books. Dogs and cats can still carry fleas that spread this disease, and if you sleep with them you will be at serious risk. When you sleep with your pets, fleas can jump from the pet's fur to your bedding.

Why do people sleep with their pets?

Once your furry friend has first found a place on your bed, it will be difficult for both you and him to stop sleeping together. Dogs provide companionship when you're alone or in a less-than-ideal relationship. They provide extra warmth on a cold night.

They give a feeling of security, this is especially true for children who are afraid of the dark. Sleeping together can even strengthen your bond with your pet. It is worth admitting that it is very difficult to refuse a warm and furry bundle of unconditional love.

Your pet could be a carrier of staphylococcus

Animals can transmit serious staph infections to their owners. Many of them are resistant to antibiotics, making them very difficult to treat. Dogs and cats can carry this bacteria in their mouths and in their saliva.

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