How to remove stitches from a cat yourself after sterilization: step-by-step instructions
11562Administration 1 Castration (sterilization) of a domestic cat is a simple operation. In duration it takes 10-20
dog poop
Gray feces in a dog. How to make your dog's stool harder. What does color say?
Green stool Stool acquires a green color due to the large secretion of bile or gallstones.
What kind of care is required for a dog after castration?
Caring for the dog on the first day after surgery Condition of the dog after sterilization Feeding –
The cat sits by the flower
How to recognize a heart attack in a cat in time and begin treatment
Heart disease in an animal is always difficult to predict. Pets are not people, they are not
Features of brachycephalic breeds and corneal ulcers in dogs
Brachycephaly is an anatomical term translated from Latin as “wide and short head”, often used
Horse skeleton: structural features of bones and internal organs
Everyone knows what horses look like, but few people think about what a horse's skeleton is like.
Feeding Abyssinian cats: the right food for health
Features of the breed To raise a healthy Abyssinian kitten, before choosing a diet for your pet,
How to accustom a dog to dry food
What you need to know to train your dog to eat food
The debate about whether it is worth feeding a dog industrial food has not subsided for many years.
How to make aquaterrariums for red-eared turtles with your own hands
Posted on Sep 2nd, 2019 by Olya Categories: Addictions All turtles are reptiles
Why cats sleep on their owners: a mystical and scientific explanation
— Signs and superstitions — Signs about the places where cats sleep Cats have been around for centuries
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