Mating rabbits at home for beginners
For those who want to start breeding animals for commercial purposes, one of the most suitable
A cat has a hard belly before giving birth
The cat has a big belly after giving birth, what does this mean?
Article from the portal: A cat’s excellent health is characterized by a moist, cool nose, good appetite and
Treatment of papillomas and warts in dogs: in the ear, on the lip, on the neck and body
Papillomatosis in dogs: causes and methods of treatment
Localization of papillomas in dogs Papillomas are round formations of a pinkish tint with a smooth surface. Their
Polydipsia in dogs - excessive consumption of water by the animal
The norm of water consumption in a dog An attack of thirst in an animal can be single, for example, when
How can you replace live food for feeding fry?
Aquarium fish are not just beautiful pets. They demand attention and
Piperazine for dogs dosage in tablets
It is undesirable to use medical “human” drugs in veterinary medicine. Veterinary pharmacies offer many more effective
All about two-month-old Labrador puppies: description of pets and basic rules of keeping
Labrador bites A small Labrador puppy that has recently arrived in the family seems to be a harmless creature that is so
Body temperature in cats: norm, deviations and methods of measurement
The process of giving birth to kittens is not an easy task. At this time there is always a possibility
Water test - how to wash a Yorkie puppy, bathe an adult dog correctly?
How to bathe a Yorkshire Terrier puppy? Proper coat care The cost of this shampoo is above average,
Whom to choose? Boy or girl?
Keeping a dog in an apartment From the point of view of convenience, keeping a German Shepherd in an apartment
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