Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog) is a large dog, distinguished by powerful bones, strength and calmness, an excellent watchman and guard.

Characteristic features are love of freedom, pride and excellent fighting qualities.

Such a dog will never fulfill the whims of its owner; it can only be a friend or an enemy.

Therefore, maintaining it requires a strong character and considerable experience in dog breeding.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

White Alabais are an ancient breed of molossoid dogs . Their ancestors were the dogs of Ancient Mesopotamia, which, in turn, descended from the Tibetan Great Danes, which came to the territory of modern Central Asia more than four thousand years ago.

Central Asian nomads took a liking to large and powerful dogs, distinguished by their outstanding guarding and fighting qualities, and they began to be widely used to protect livestock and homes.

As a result of crossing with local breeds and due to exposure to climatic conditions, Alabai became shorter-haired than their ancestors.

White and motley Alabai appeared with direct human intervention, since shepherds needed light-colored dogs that could be distinguished from a distance from both sheep and wolves.

Even the name “alabay” itself comes from two Turkic words “ala”, which means “motley” and “bai”, which translates as “rich”.

Harsh weather conditions and frequent fights with wolves contributed to the development of endurance, strength and fearlessness of these dogs. At the same time, Central Asian Shepherds have learned to wisely save energy. These dogs will not fuss in vain or bark over trifles.

For a long time, this breed was the result of folk selection and natural selection. Professional dog handlers paid attention to the Alabaev only in the 1930s of the 20th century.

At that time, they tried to use these dogs to guard classified objects, but due to their mental characteristics, it turned out to be impossible to train them in sufficient numbers for this work.

White Alabais received official world recognition in May 1993, when the International Film Festival recognized them as a separate breed called the “Central Asian Shepherd Dog.”.

History of the Alabai breed, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The Alabai breed is not the product of breeders and amateur dog breeders, it is the result of folk selection. Huge dogs appeared next to humans about 6 thousand years ago. This is what archaeologists say, who discovered miniature figurines depicting dogs with cropped ears and tails during excavations of Bronze Age settlements. Surprisingly, one of the very first breeds has retained its appearance almost unchanged to this day.

This breed has many names. The most popular is alabai, the word is translated from the Turkic language as “spotted dog”. In Kazakhstan they are called tobet, in Uzbekistan - buribasar, which means “wolfhound”, and sarkandzhik - in Kyrgyzstan. And the generally accepted name, which is indicated in the international breed standard, is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

The official name of the dog breed, the Central Asian Shepherd, appeared due to the geography of its distribution. The dog was formed over a vast territory - from the Caspian Sea to the Southern Urals. According to some reports, the ancestors of the Alabai were Tibetan mastiffs , to which the blood of various herding dogs was added.

Ancient Central Asian shepherd dogs served as guards for livestock, protected homes and accompanied caravans. These were hardy and seasoned dogs who were not afraid of frost and heat, could fight wild predators, and run great distances. Their descendants inherited from their ancestors a fearless character and the ability to adapt to the harshest conditions.

For a long time, alabai remained assistants to shepherds and shepherds in the countries of Central Asia. Outside these states, giant dogs were known only from the words of travelers. The impetus for professional breeding of the breed was given by Soviet dog handlers. They planned to use the fearsome dogs as guards. They did not change anything in appearance; the dogs were already strong and strong. But certain difficulties arose with the character. It turned out that Central Asian giants are much less trainable than German and Caucasian shepherd dogs, which are accustomed to guard duty. Asians are more stubborn and headstrong; they do not always follow commands and do not obey just anyone.

In Turkmenistan, these dogs are recognized as a national treasure; they are even prohibited from being taken out of the country. They have adopted their own national breed standard and call it the Turkmen Alabai. The head of Turkmenistan presented such a puppy to Russian President Putin in honor of his anniversary in 2021.

The Second World War stopped the popularization of the breed. But in the second half of the 20th century, huge dogs again became of interest to professionals and amateurs. In 1989, the first international standard for the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed was adopted. The FCI document was assigned No. 335. The latest changes were made there in 2009.

Marriage or breed?

White color and coat colors derived from it are considered standard and are not considered a defect in the breed..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The White Alabai, which looks like a polar bear, is rightfully considered one of the strongest dogs in the world. There is no need to anger these huge and powerful dogs, since their protective instinct is already innate. Alabais are brave, but at the same time they are quite reasonable, calm and devoted to their owners. However, not every owner can cope with them, but only a strong and confident person.”

Character traits

White Alabais are majestic and calm, they have a balanced temperament and a strong character . They are smart and easy to train.

But due to their freedom-loving nature, these dogs can become stubborn and disobedient. The main difficulty in raising them is that the Alabai are not characterized by impeccable obedience and the fact that they do not tolerate coercion or the influence of forceful methods.

They are devoted to their owners and behave calmly and confidently in the family . They treat other pets well, but serious conflicts are possible with other people's dogs.

Alabai treat children quite kindly and even patronizingly. Perfectly aware of their strength and power, these dogs take care of the kids and look after them in their own way.

Alabais by nature have strong protective and watchdog instincts, therefore, they guard their territory with special zeal..

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Smart and easy to train
  • Loyal to the owner.
  • Friendly towards the owner and his family members.
  • Possesses innate security and watchdog qualities.
  • Self-confident and courageous.
  • Calm and balanced temperament.
  • They look well-groomed despite the fact that their coat requires minimal care.
  • Unpretentious in terms of feeding.
  • They do not suffer from increased appetite.


  • They need a strong and confident owner and fair but strict treatment.
  • They can be overly aggressive when defending their territory.
  • Too distrustful of strangers.
  • They are often aggressive towards other people's dogs.
  • During socialization there may be difficulties associated with their character traits.
  • They need a lot of physical activity.
  • In conditions that are unusual for a dog, its behavior becomes difficult to predict.

The White Alabai needs to be raised from an early age, carefully suppressing all attempts at disobedience.

Care and maintenance of alabai

The best place for an alabai is a spacious enclosure in the courtyard of a private house. The dog is very unpretentious, he tolerates both severe frost and heat well. But be sure to provide a shelter from the scorching sun; the dog should rest in the shade. Dog handlers categorically do not recommend keeping freedom-loving Central Asian Shepherds on a leash, as this causes them to become more aggressive and their health suffers.

But it is imperative to make the fence strong and high enough, and to provide it with a reliable lock. Central Asians show incredible tenacity and dexterity when they want to leave the territory. And this desire often visits young dogs. They manage to open bolts, take two-meter fences and break down boards and dig tunnels. There is a story about how a bored Alabai made a hole in the wall of a city apartment for his neighbors.

For walking in the city, you will have to purchase several collars and muzzles of the same size and a very strong leash. Don’t forget: an adult Alabai should only be walked in full gear.

The giant dog is completely unsuited to living in an apartment. She needs too much space and long walks to let off steam and get exercise. And it is very difficult to do this for a dog that is not let off the leash. You have to walk for at least two hours every day. And once or twice a week, take your pet out of town so that he can run around freely. Young dogs especially need this; without physical activity, their character deteriorates, and they are more often drawn to “exploits.” Adult Alabai become much calmer, and sometimes even turn into phlegmatic people and couch potatoes. A sedentary dog ​​is convenient for the owner, but this can negatively affect his health.

An adult Alabai is very resilient; it can run behind a bicycle or even a car for a long time, the main thing is that the speed is not too high. And for a young dog such a load may be excessive. The puppy’s joints are not yet strong enough to run for a long time; they need to be taken care of. For young people, you need to alternate between workload and rest.

Care and hygiene

Caring for a Central Asian Shepherd dog if it lives in the yard is not difficult. It is necessary to clean the enclosure and systematically comb out the dog’s fur. Periodically, as a preventative measure, inspect and clean ears, eyes and teeth. The dog is taught such hygiene from an early age. Otherwise, an adult Alabai will not allow you to wield a brush in its mouth.

Keeping an Asian in an apartment will cause much more problems. You will have to brush your dog more often; during shedding, it is better to brush it twice a day. A metal comb or furminator is suitable for grooming. If you skip this procedure, there will be clumps of dog hair everywhere.

Alabai can do without any water procedures without any damage. You should only bathe a huge dog if it gets really dirty. Frequent washing has a bad effect on the quality of the coat; it becomes drier and more brittle.


When it comes to food, Central Asian Shepherds are not at all capricious. In order for the puppy to quickly adapt to new conditions, at first he is fed the same food as in the kennel. Consult the breeder on how to organize the menu at first. After about a month and a half, gradually transfer the kitten to the type of food that you prefer. There are two diet options: natural and industrially produced dry.

Choosing a complete diet for a large dog on your own is not an easy task. Natural nutrition should consist of approximately 70 percent meat and meat by-products. It is better to give them raw, after thoroughly freezing them. Any type will do except pork. It is dangerous due to parasites and high fat content. The rest of the dog’s diet is vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals. It is also necessary to provide vitamin and mineral supplements. Overly salty foods, smoked foods, any spices, sweets and confectionery are strictly prohibited. They harm the health of Alabai.

With any type of food, fresh water should be freely available for the dog. Keep a separate bowl for her and replace the contents daily.

It is a little cheaper and much easier to give Alabai ready-made dry food for large dogs. You just need to pay attention to the quality of the mixture and study the composition. It is better to choose mixtures with a high content of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

Minimum height and weight: male - from 70 cm at the withers with a weight of 50 kg, and a female - 65 cm with a weight of 40 kg.

The head is large, wide, with a flat forehead and a slightly pronounced transition to a rather voluminous muzzle, almost not tapering towards the nose. The lips are well developed, but not drooping. The nose is quite large, black or brown.

Eyes dark, round, rather widely spaced.

Ears in their natural state are medium-sized, triangular, hanging. In Russia and the CIS countries, the ears of representatives of this breed are usually cropped short at an early age.

The neck is short and strong, merging into well-developed withers . The chest is deep and powerful. The back is wide and straight. The croup is slightly sloping. The belly is slightly tucked in.


The white Alabai looks a little high-backed, but its back should not be sagging.

Limbs of moderate length, strong, muscular, with moderately pronounced joint angles.

The tail is set low and usually docked quite short.

The coat is straight, rough and harsh . It can be short, from 3 to 4 cm, or longer - 7-8 cm. The undercoat is thick, well developed.

Alabai puppy development by months

Despite the different rates of growth and weight gain in Central Asian Shepherd puppies, there is a certain dependence of these parameters on the age of the growing pet. The owner of a baby under the age of one year is recommended to carry out control weighing and measurement of the dog’s body girth once a month to monitor the harmonious development of the animal. Significant growth retardation or excessive weight gain before the age of 8-10 months can still be corrected with nutrition and medications; after a year, it is no longer possible to change the formed skeleton.

Weight and height of Alabai at birth

Newborn Central Asian Shepherd puppies have a round, dense body with short legs and a large rounded head. The babies are still quite clumsy and look like small fluffy “barrels”. The weight of the Alabai at birth must be at least 350-550 g, otherwise the babies are considered weak and are subject to culling.

Alabai puppy age 1 week

One month

Provided there are no congenital pathologies and sufficient breast milk production, a lactating bitch will experience a significant increase in weight and height of furry pets during the first 4 weeks of life.

1 month

The weight of a one-month-old Central Asian Shepherd puppy is already 3-5 kg ​​with a height of 25-30 cm. Babies at one and a half months resemble well-fed, nimble lumps with soft fur; at this age it is still impossible to distinguish boys from girls.

Video: month-old Alabai puppies

Two month

Starting from 2 months, intensive growth of bones and muscles occurs, due to which there is a significant increase in the dog’s height and weight and external changes. A two-month-old puppy should be at least 35 cm at the withers and weigh 9-10 kg. An increase in body weight occurs due to the deposition of calcium salts in the growing skeleton. At this age, babies of the same litter may have different rates of growth and weight gain, which, with quality feeding and care, is not a pathology or a cause for concern.

2 months

Three months

In a three-month-old pet, the formation of the musculoskeletal system continues; the dog grows to 40-45 cm, weighing 15-20 kg. The bones of a Central Asian Shepherd puppy at this age are still very fragile due to the immaturity of bone tissue, so training and active games with adult dogs are excluded.

3 months

At 3 months, Alabai resemble cheerful, well-fed bear cubs due to their dense build, round massive head with cropped ears.

Video: Central Asian Shepherd puppies are 3 months old

Four months

At 4 months, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs experience a noticeable lengthening of the limbs and body due to intensive skeletal growth. During this period, the bones are strengthened due to the formation of dense bone tissue. A four-month-old Asian already weighs 25-30 kg with a height at the withers of 50-55 cm. The body of the young animal acquires elongated and narrow graceful outlines with a rounded large head.

Five months

At the age of five months, further growth of the skeleton and formation of the chest occurs, although in most individuals there is a decrease in the intensity of the growth rate. At 5 months, the pet reaches a height of 55-58 cm and weighs 35-37 kg.

5 months

It is very important at this stage to prevent your pet from becoming obese to avoid the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system as a result of increasing load.

Video: Alabai puppy 5 months old

Six to eight months

6 months
If up to six months a young dog grew mainly in height, then from 6 months the formation of muscles and growth in width begins. At the age of 6-8 months, an increase in skeletal growth occurs with the final formation and strengthening of the bones. In the same period, muscle growth is observed, due to which the thin Alabai with long thin limbs gradually takes on the appearance of an adult dog with massive body contours. A six-month-old puppy already looks like a young “calf”, having a height of 60-65 cm and a weight of 35-50 kg.

Video: Alabai age 7 months

Nine to twelve months

At 9-10 months, Asians complete bone growth and the formation of the chest; further increase in body weight occurs due to muscle growth. The thin body and limbs gradually become overgrown with round, elastic muscles. At this age, based on exterior differences, it is already possible to accurately determine the gender of the dog. Males grow up to 80 cm with a weight of 70 kg, have a massive overweight body and a large bear-like head. Bitches have a height at the withers of about 70 cm with a body weight of 60 kg and a more graceful silhouette.

12 months

One or two years

At 1-2 years of age, further formation of exterior characteristics occurs due to the development of muscles. This process may be accompanied by a slight loss in height due to relaxation of the ligamentous apparatus, but the result is a harmoniously harmonious dog with a powerful body and outstanding appearance. The smartest large pet at this age can reach 75-95 cm at the withers and weigh 75-80 kg.

1.5 years

Two years and older

The formation of the exterior in males can last up to 2-3, and sometimes up to 5 years. In females, this process stops at 9-18 months at the first heat. Early mating in both sexes negatively affects the development of the locomotor-muscular system. The dog continues to grow in width due to increased muscle mass. At 2–3 years, most individuals complete muscle growth and the final maturation of the nervous system occurs. The weight of an adult Alabai is 65-80 kg, depending on gender, the height at the withers reaches 70-80 cm. Although there are handsome ones with a height of about 96-98 cm, which, when standing on their hind legs, are taller than any person!

Alabai over 3 years old

When raising a Central Asian Shepherd, it is necessary to remember the uneven growth rate and the average height and weight of the dog depending on age. The parameters of the parents of growing young animals are of no small importance. A graceful, stately beauty can be raised from a clumsy little puppy only if it has good heredity, high-quality feeding and care, and competent regular physical activity.

Shades of colors

  • White . The white color of the Alabai is not always snow-white. There are a lot of white dogs, whose coat color has a pale cream or barely noticeable grayish tint. With this color, dogs, as a rule, have a black or dark brown pigmentation on the nose, rims of the eyelids and lips.
  • Black and white . On the main black background there are quite large white markings, which, as a rule, are located on the head, muzzle, neck, chest, paws and tip of the tail. The belly and the inside of the hind legs may also be white.
  • Red and white . The main background is reddish or fawn, on which the white markings are located.
  • Gray-white . With this color, on a zone-gray background there are white markings, which, depending on the main shade of the coat, can either contrast or almost merge with it.
  • Tiger white . On a dark or light brindle background there are white spots of a fairly large size.
  • Tricolor . The main black color is complemented by reddish or fawn markings, as well as white markings.
  • Motley . The main background is white, with small spots of black, brindle or reddish color scattered across it.
  • Speckled . With this color, small colored markings in the form of specks are scattered on a white background.

With black, red, gray or brindle-white color, white markings should cover no more than 50% of the animal’s body.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

On average, the life expectancy of white Alabais is 12-15 years.

At the same time, they may be susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Arthritis and arthrosis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Dysplasia
  • Volvulus of the stomach or intestines
  • Myositis
  • Various deviations in physique: too big or, conversely, small in stature, male dogs of the bitch type, etc.
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Diseases of the reproductive system in bitches.

Alabai cats leading a sedentary lifestyle often develop arrhythmia or obesity when kept in chains or indoors.

Health and illness

Nature has endowed these giants with fairly good health. They have excellent immunity, so they rarely suffer from infectious diseases. If you care for the Alabai correctly, it will live 12-15 years.

However, due to illiterate feeding, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs can gain excess weight. Obesity develops especially often in phlegmatic and sedentary individuals. Large and heavy dogs may develop pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Most often they have joint diseases. Their prevention is a balanced diet and physical activity.

Basic rules of care

The White Alabai is not suitable for living in an apartment, but it should not be kept on a chain either . These dogs feel best when moving freely around a fenced area.

At the same time, the pet will still need to be provided with at least two daily walks lasting at least an hour and jogging.

The coat of these dogs does not require careful care: it is enough to just comb the Alabai with a brush 2-3 times a week, and during shedding, remove dead undercoat using a furminator or a special mitten.

Teeth should be periodically examined and, if necessary, cleaned with a dog brush and toothpaste..

The ears are cleaned approximately once a week with a damp cloth. The external auditory canal, if wax has accumulated there, is cleaned with cotton swabs without pushing them deep into the ear.

If necessary, wipe the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in the composition for cleaning them.

If the dog walks on the asphalt a lot, the claws wear down on their own . If the white alabai runs more on the grass, then as they grow, they need to be shortened with a nail clipper.

Bath the dog 2-3 times a year, and preferably after the end of the seasonal shedding.

What do the puppies look like?

White Alabai puppies look quite powerful and bony.
They have strong and strong paws, a not too large head, a short body and a serious, but not evil look, characteristic of representatives of this breed .

Also, kids already have the makings of voluminous muscles. Their fur is not as coarse as that of adult dogs: it looks and feels like plush.

How to choose?

You should not buy a puppy at the market or through an advertisement in the local newspaper . Firstly, this way you can buy not an Alabai at all, but simply a large mongrel with cropped ears and tail.

And, secondly, even if the puppy is purebred, you can never be sure that its parents were not excluded from breeding due to mental or health problems.


It is best to buy a puppy from a specialized nursery, the owner of which takes care that the offspring of his dogs are beautiful, healthy and have a stable psyche.

When choosing a puppy from a litter, you need to first of all pay attention to medium-sized babies . They are more likely to grow up standard than too large or, conversely, small.

You also need to pay attention to the appearance of the puppy and how active and mobile he is. A healthy little Alabai is quite playful and curious, he shows interest in strangers and is not afraid to approach them to get to know them.

How to choose a Central Asian Shepherd puppy

The Central Asian Shepherd is not an easy dog. Therefore, before choosing a puppy, think carefully about all the issues related to this. Just one desire will not be enough.

Alabai is absolutely not suitable as a first pet. It should not be given to a child, or to someone who has only kept ornamental breeds. It will be difficult for a fragile girl to cope with a massive dog. It is not suitable for a sedentary, unathletic or nervous person. You should not take this dog into your apartment. In addition, keeping a large dog is an expensive pleasure.

If you are ready to create all the conditions for your future pet and are determined to raise and train it, carefully choose a reliable breeder. Read reviews about it on the Internet, go to the kennel on an excursion, talk to the dogs. Purchasing a huge dog puppy from unverified people is very dangerous. It’s not so bad if the dog does not match the breed’s exterior or has “inappropriate” documents. Although this is important for some. It is much worse if you buy a puppy with a weakened psyche, who will subsequently show aggression.

When it comes to choosing a puppy, pay attention to its health. This is indicated by dense fur, clear eyes and ears, and a well-fed appearance. Assess the character of your future pet. He should be curious, active and playful. If you need a guard, do not choose a shy and timid kitten. An overly aggressive puppy can also be a problem.

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