Runny nose
Why does a guinea pig sneeze, what to do and how to help it
What are the benefits of guinea pigs? The first guinea pigs came to Europe thanks to the conquistador de
How can you treat a dog's eyes when they turn sour?
Hereditary predisposition There is a list of diseases to which animals of this species may be hereditarily predisposed. Briefly
Enterocolitis in a cat - 4 ways to treat the problem
Causes The disease can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or helminths. Should not be excluded
Tools for brushing and grooming your dog
How to brush your dog? A dog is not just a pet, it is a friend who needs
How cats tolerate castration: how long does it take for a cat to recover from anesthesia, how behavior changes, rules of care. Food for neuter...
How do cats cope with castration: how long does it take for a cat to recover from anesthesia, how behavior changes, rules of care. Food for neutered…
04/25/2019 Drozd Nikolaevich Animals Owners of domestic cats often resort to castration. Most often this
Names for pit bull boys
Nicknames for pit bulls - the best ideas for boys and girls
The American Pit Bull Terrier—that is, the pit bull—is the subject of much controversy. Some consider them dangerous
Yorkie mix puppies. Purebred vs Metis - who to choose?
Appearance of a Yorkie Dogs born as a result of crossing two subspecies do not have specific standards.
Rating review of healthy and tasty treats for cats
We all love to treat ourselves to tasty treats. Some people buy themselves a cappuccino, others prefer it
Sokoke or Soukok: description of the cat breed, character, photo and price
Home » Breeds » About the Sokoke cat breed Kenya is not only a republican
Ringer-Locke solution: instructions for use, how to properly administer to animals, dosage
Ringer-Locke solution: instructions for use, how to properly administer to animals, dosage
The Ringer-Locke composition (Solutio Ringer-Locke) is an isotonic solution and has a multicomponent composition, including
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