How can you treat a dog's eyes when they turn sour?

Predisposition is hereditary

There is a list of diseases to which animals of this species may be hereditarily predisposed. Let us briefly list them:

  • hypoglycemia; this disease is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels; affects puppies up to 4 months of age, although it sometimes occurs in adults; manifests itself in the form of general weakness and unsteady gait; may be the result of poor nutrition;
  • retinal dysplasia; expressed in its stratification or improper development; this disease is common and dangerous for Yorkies; may result in complete blindness;
  • dislocation of the kneecap; alas, this is the scourge of all small breeds, so watch your pet more carefully;
  • Partes disease; This is necrosis of the head of the femur, and it occurs even in humans; Usually joint ailments bypass these terriers, but this one strikes quite often;
  • tracheal collapse; another problem with dwarf dogs; Often it develops due to an incorrectly selected leash.

These ailments are dangerous in their own way and require attention, especially since Yorkshire terriers are predisposed to them. Be careful and, at the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor. But there are other diseases that can overtake your four-legged friend, and which are much more common in Yorkies.

Signs and symptoms

When the disease occurs, your Yorkie experiences discomfort and a strong burning sensation (in the eye area). Behaves nervously or passively, often scratches your eyelids with your paw and squints your eyes.

PiroplasmosisIn this case, all the mucous membranes of the animal become inflamed. The disease is associated with numerous tick bites
AtaxiaOne of the symptoms is continuous streams of tears from the pet’s eyes. Initially, this is a disease of the brain, or more precisely, of a separate part of it: the cerebellum.
Infectious hepatitisThere is blurred vision and the appearance of yellow spots in the white area. Accordingly, this is a liver disease

With such diseases, there is no need for eye treatment, since the symptoms will disappear only after direct treatment of the disease.

Treatment methods

Let us note right away that, as a rule, puppies under one year of age do not suffer from it. This happens due to the still preserved immunity transmitted through mother’s milk, more carefully selected food and generally not such a wide halo of habitat as that of an adult. Let’s start with the fact that allergies in animals, like in humans, can be expressed by internal and external signs. External signs are rashes of red spots on the skin, peeling, and phlegm. You can notice them where there is little fur:

  • on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose;
  • on the tummy;
  • on the paws;
  • on the inner surface of the ears.

Internal signs include coughing, refusal to eat, and diarrhea.

Sometimes terriers can lose their hair seemingly for no reason. This may also be a sign of an allergen.

How do these allergens appear? It can be:

  • house dust; it contains countless components that can cause irritation;
  • plant pollen; small dogs “collect” it during walks even from the shortest plants;
  • the presence of fur or leather products in the house;
  • the reaction is caused by household chemicals, and in Yorkies this type of allergy occurs more often than other small breeds;
  • insect bites.

A special mention should be made of food allergies; they are also very common in this species.

The small weight of the animal (about 3 kg) is not always taken into account by inexperienced owners when feeding: a piece of an ordinary apple, for example, can become an allergen for a Yorkshire terrier, because for us it is a piece, but for a small dog and his body it is a whole piece.

IMPORTANT! You cannot treat allergies in a pet on your own. The process can become chronic.

Today there are many veterinary medications that can quickly stop allergy attacks and identify the allergen.

Try to follow the veterinarian’s recommendations, walk less with your pet among the vegetation during the flowering period, and do wet cleaning more often. And watch your dog’s diet more carefully, then you won’t have to worry about his health.

There are several ways to treat conjunctivitis in animals. It all depends on the type, form, neglect and complications of the disease. The procedures can be carried out in natural home conditions, but under the supervision of a doctor.

To rid your pet of conjunctivitis, treatment is prescribed.

Traditional methods

These methods are mainly used by experienced breeders and dog handlers. It is necessary to wipe the Yorkie's eye area and apply lotions on them. You can use one of the solutions for this: tea, calendula, chamomile, eyebright, furatsilin or potassium permanganate. It would be a good idea to inject a few drops of iris oil into your pet's eyes.

Why do dogs have sour eyes: causes, treatment methods

Pets need daily hygiene procedures to protect them from infection.

If a dog’s eyes turn sour, this indicates the development of serious diseases and decreased immunity. The disease can lead to loss of vision and the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

Main symptoms

Discharge from a dog's eyes in the form of pus and excessive tearing are signs of the development of an infection in the body. If a symptom appears, you should monitor the general condition of the dog.

Associated symptoms:

  1. Discharge of a thick yellow and gray liquid.
  2. Itchy skin, redness on the ears, around the eyes.
  3. Dry and hot nose.
  4. Inflammation of the eyeball.
  5. An increase in the animal's body temperature.
  6. The dog becomes lethargic and has no appetite.

All these symptoms indicate the presence of a disease that requires urgent diagnosis. It is necessary to examine all mucous membranes, take blood and urine tests.


Discharge from the eyes can indicate infection, allergies, parasites and diseases of the internal organs.

Provoking factors:

  • foreign body, speck;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • viral and fungal infections;
  • parasites;
  • irritation;
  • eyeball injury;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • exposure to toxins.

Any eye inflammation can lead to vision loss, so accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are necessary.

Main reasons:

  1. With prolonged allergies, your pet may experience purulent discharge from the eyes. An environment is created for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.
  2. Fungal diseases are often local in nature. The dog's eyes become sour and tearfulness increases.
  3. Viral diseases are characterized by the rapid development of the disease. The eyes fester, the body temperature rises, the stool changes.
  4. Parasites such as fleas, ticks and worms cause allergies.
  5. Diseases of internal organs, endocrine system. The most common cause is diabetes mellitus and liver disease.
  6. Chronic diseases of the tear ducts.

Any disease has several symptoms at the same time . Associated causes may not be immediately noticeable, so if the eyes become sour, you should monitor the animal.

Allergic reactions

An allergy in dogs is a reaction of the immune system to an irritant. It can occur due to eating poor quality food or inhaling toxins. The dog develops itching and dandruff on its fur.

Most often, symptoms appear during the warm season.

When an allergy occurs, the cause of its occurrence is first identified. In dogs it is more often food-borne. Owners will have to carefully review the animal’s diet, eliminating provoking foods.

Bacterial infections

In addition to sour eyes, bacterial infections cause a number of unpleasant symptoms in your pet. The disease is difficult for animals and is accompanied by depression. The dog becomes lethargic.

Symptoms in the presence of bacteria:

  • the animal does not eat;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • loose stools;
  • fever;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting, heartburn;
  • dyspnea.

The presence of all signs at the same time indicates an advanced form of the disease. You will need quick help and medication.


Worms, ticks and fleas affect the functioning of the body and cause allergic reactions. There is a decrease in immunity . The eyes turn sour and purulent discharge appears. When bitten, the dog may itch and damage the organ of vision with the claw.

Fungal diseases

Fungi affect not only the eye area, but also the skin. The fur begins to fall out in large quantities. An unpleasant odor appears from the ears. With fungal infections, one eye may become sour - this depends on the location of the lesion.


Purulent conjunctivitis is dangerous for dogs.

Pet owners will immediately notice symptoms characteristic of the disease:

  • yellowish discharge;
  • red tint of the eyeball;
  • accumulation of pus;
  • eyes water and itch.

The disease has 3 stages. At the last stage, the animal weakens, cannot open its eyelids, appetite disappears, and weight loss occurs.

Pathology in puppies

Souring of a puppy's eyes occurs due to the fact that the immune system has not yet strengthened. You should carefully monitor the baby’s condition and carry out hygiene procedures every evening.

If the puppy feels unwell, has watery eyes and no appetite, you should contact a veterinary clinic. Timely diagnosis will determine the causes of the disease.


Comprehensive eye treatment includes hygienic treatment, nutritional review, and medication. What to do if your dog has sour eyes:

  1. Consult a doctor for a diagnosis.
  2. Provide first aid to your pet.
  3. Eliminate allergenic foods.
  4. Follow your veterinarian's recommendations.

If necessary, the dog is given a special collar to protect its face. Be sure to follow a diet. Products that cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract are excluded from the animal’s diet.

First aid

Before going to the veterinarian, you should give your pet some help. It includes eye treatment at home.

The procedure is carried out using:

  • boiled water;
  • diluted furatsilin;
  • freshly brewed black tea;
  • decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula.

Apply the product to a cotton pad and gently wipe from the outer corner to the inner. Use a clean cotton swab for each eye .

Foreign body removal

If a speck gets into your dog's eye, it must be removed. After removal, it is recommended to wash your eyes with antiseptics 3 times a day. For this purpose, furacilin diluted in water and potassium permanganate are used.

Use weak solutions so as not to damage the mucous membranes. Rinsing is done until the inflammation subsides.


Medicines should be dripped into the eyes after hygiene procedures, so as not to reintroduce the infection. Improvements will be noticeable after the first procedure.

How to treat:

  • Levomycetin drops;
  • Desacid.


Drops are allowed in the absence of allergic reactions. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. They are used with the permission of a veterinarian, as they are classified as antibiotics.


  • for puppies 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • adult dogs: 2 drops in each eye.


Antimicrobial drops are allowed for dogs. These drugs have a quick effect.


  • 2-4 drops in each eye;
  • for prevention, 1-2 drops.

The course of treatment lasts at least 7 days. Allowed for puppies, adults and pregnant dogs.

How to rinse

Hygiene procedures are carried out in the morning. They include not only treatment, but also instillation of medications if treatment is being carried out at this time.

How to wash your dog's eyes at home:

  1. Apply a product, such as chamomile infusion, to a clean cotton swab.
  2. Gently apply it to the eye socket.
  3. After 2-3 minutes, remove the discharge with smooth movements.
  4. Wipe again with a clean disc.

Both eyes of the animal are treated in this way. Movements should not cause discomfort to the pet.

Folk remedies

Medication treatment is not always allowed for animals. In this case, folk methods of treating eyes from pus will help.

Folk remedies:

  1. Strong black tea. They wash their eyes.
  2. Fresh aloe juice diluted in water. Proportions: 1 tbsp. juice per 200 ml of water.
  3. Freshly squeezed carrot juice with vegetable oil (added to food). This remedy helps improve immunity.

If there are allergic reactions, you should review your dog’s diet and eliminate harmful foods. Dishes must be fresh.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures will make it possible to avoid sour eyes. Particular attention should be paid to breeds with long hair and flat faces .

Prevention measures:

  1. Treat eyes daily. To do this, just wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water.
  2. Monitor the animal's diet. Avoid fried, salty and sweet foods.
  3. Trim long hair in the eye area.
  4. Avoid contact with stray animals.
  5. Treat your dog for fleas and ticks.
  6. Provide the animal with a clean place to sleep and eat.
  7. If a foreign body gets in, it must be removed immediately.
  8. Visit your veterinarian regularly to rule out diseases of the internal organs. It is especially important to treat the genitourinary system.

Hygienic procedures are selected individually for each breed. For short-haired cats, it is enough to wash their eyes and monitor their condition. Longhaired cats have their fur cut monthly.


Any eye disease in an animal is dangerous to health. The development of infection without timely treatment can lead to death.


  • loss of vision;
  • decreased immunity;
  • significant weight loss;
  • development of strabismus.

For any inflammation of the eye, you should seek help from a veterinarian. It is prohibited to treat a dog with medications without a doctor’s prescription. This can lead to irreparable consequences.

The cause may be debris, damage, infectious and fungal diseases. The doctor prescribes the correct treatment and introduces preventive measures.



Reasons for appearance

Conjunctivitis in the Yorkshire Terrier can be caused by pathogens. They enter from the external environment onto the surface of the eyeball, protected by the conjunctiva, and penetrate the conjunctival sac. If a dog’s immune system is weakened, an inflammatory process occurs, after which it develops into a complicated disease.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Yorkshire terriers are among the dogs at risk for conjunctivitis. It is recommended to carefully monitor the animal’s eyes, check them periodically, perform preventive measures and treat them with special means.

Causes of lacrimation

Dogs' eyes are very often exposed to inflammatory processes for reasons such as:

  1. The hair is not pulled back into a separate ponytail. If your pet's bangs regularly get into the eyes, it can cause irritation of the eye mucosa.
  2. There are bacteria and harmful microorganisms on the bangs. In this case, the hair serves as a real carrier of harmful organisms, which, when they come into contact with the eyes, can cause the development of suppuration.
  3. Tightly tied hair. A large number of owners try to tighten the elastic band in the dog's tail as tightly as possible. Ultimately, the conjunctiva becomes exposed, a large number of tears are secreted, and pathogenic microflora develops.
  4. The dog has an infectious disease, an allergy.
  5. Particular obstruction of the tear ducts. The process of development of pus in the eyes can also occur due to the fact that the pet’s tears stop going into the nasal cavity.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular reasons.


The reasons for the development of tears in a dog's eyes can be different. But first of all, it is worth highlighting a specific allergy to any item in the environment.

For example, you bought a new plant for your house, spring has come and there is a lot of flowering outside, or you decided to change something in the apartment and started renovations. Also, the reasons for the development of allergies can be sweets that are prohibited for Yorkies to eat or a sudden change in food.

If the Yorkshire's tear stream is clogged, then in this case, tears may begin to flow from the eye area. It is worth regularly trimming the hair near your pet's eyes, because if it gets in, it can cause particular irritation.


If the cause of the disease is hair getting into the eyes, then the pet’s bangs should be treated. For this effect, you can use shampoo specifically for Yorkshire terriers. The bangs should be washed more thoroughly, rinsed thoroughly, and then dried and tied with a special elastic band, but not tightly. At the inner corner of the eyes, the hair is most often not so long that it can be tucked into a tail. It is for this reason that it should be cut off to a normal level.

Other factors

If your pet has an ear infection, this also causes watery eyes, which occurs along with the development of red spots.

As puppies begin to lose their initial teeth (called baby teeth in most cases), they begin to experience a significant change in their developmental processes that can negatively impact their tear valves. During this period of time, babies should be given a large number of chew toys.

The influence of environmental factors on the dog. Fleas or ticks are not only unwanted insects for your home, but also unwanted enemies for your dog.

A large number of dog breeders think that the development of wet spots is due to a genetic predisposition. Some experts agree with this. They noticed that adults who do not have tear stains, or have minimal tear stains, have offspring that also rarely have tear stains.

Do not try to play the role of a doctor and treat an animal.

So, your client has a delicate problem. Don't panic right away. Determine the cause of your diarrhea. There are quite a lot of them:

  • food poisoning;
  • the appearance of worms;
  • sudden change in diet, feeding frequency or food;
  • excessive food consumption;
  • entry into the gastrointestinal tract of an animal foreign body
  • allergic reaction;
  • infection.

READ A cat doesn’t eat or drink: reasons for refusing to eat and first aid
If, say, a small stomach upset lasted only one day, it means that some low-quality product just came across its menu at one time, and the body has already dealt with it. To be safe, give your terrier a quarter of chloramphenicol or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is better not to give food, the water should be fresh all the time.

But if the process continues for more than 2 days, and even worsens, sound the alarm.

ATTENTION! Diarrhea can be a sign of dangerous diseases, such as plague or parvovirus enteritis.

True, this is possible if you decide to save on vaccinations at one time.

Medicines are sold in pharmacies in the form of lotions, drops and ready-made solutions. You can also purchase sanitary napkins for your eyelids. The drugs have different prices and purposes. The listed remedies should be used with caution.

If rinsing does not help, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian. Before purchasing a medicine, you need to carefully study its composition. You should not take solutions that contain antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, ethyl alcohol and other aggressive chemical components.

Why does the Yorkie...? (What to do, if…)

We will use the word “fester” to conventionally refer to opaque discharge from the eyes of varying consistency, color and odor. Pus in the eyes is a serious inflammation of the eye! Pus comes in different colors. And by the color of the pus one can judge the disease. But it is better to entrust this to a veterinarian. A dog owner may make a mistake and start treating his eyes with the wrong medicine. Yorkshire terriers often have eyes that become inflamed. And there are several significant reasons for this: 1. The bangs above the eyes cannot be removed. Hair constantly gets into your dog's eyes, causing irritation. Also, a lot of bacteria accumulate on the bangs. These two factors cause suppuration of the eyes. 2. The hair is tied too tightly with an elastic band on the forehead, which causes the upper eyelids to lift (tighten the skin). This leads to exposure of the conjunctiva and profuse tear production begins. Then pathogenic microflora joins and the eyes begin to fester. 3. The dog has obstruction of the tear ducts. And the tear does not go into the nasal cavity. This also contributes to suppuration of the eyes. 4. The dog is sick with one of the infectious diseases. And this is quite dangerous. Your steps: 1. Wash the dog's bangs with shampoo for Yorkshire Terriers, rinse it very well, dry it and secure it on the dog's forehead. Shorten the hair at the inner corner of the eyes so that it does not get into the eyes. 2. If the elastic band securing your bangs is too tight, loosen it and always remove it at night. 3. Make silver water. Place a silver object, such as a spoon, in a glass of spring or filtered water and leave for two days. Then pour some silver water into a saucer. And wash each eye in the morning with a separate cotton swab in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Also rinse the fur surrounding the eye. 4. Submit a swab from the eye to the laboratory and find out which microflora causes suppuration of the eyes. And based on the results of the analysis, it will be possible to select a medicine. 5. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Yorkshire Terrier - Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Champion of the RKF - Coeur De Lys Jean Paul Laurent - Why do the Yorkshire Terrier's eyes water? We will use the word “tearing” to refer to the constant filling of a dog’s eyes with tears. The discharge is transparent. Yorkies' eyes water in several cases: 1. Infection or blockage of the tear duct. 2. Allergy to a component of the external environment (the dog eats too much sweets, your apartment is being renovated, you brought a new flower into the house, a poplar, linden tree is blooming outside, and so on). 3. Getting hair from the bangs or hair growing near the eye into the eyes. 4. Entry of a foreign object into the lower or upper eyelid, for example a small hair, a small insect (midge), a grain of sand. 5. Severe anxiety or chronic stress. 6. Presence of worms. Your actions: 1. Carefully examine the dog's eyes. Remove any hair that may get into your dog's eyes. 2. Remove objects from the room where the dog is located that caused the eyes to begin to water. 3. Rinse your dog's eyes with contact lens rinse solution. 4. Give anthelmintic. 5. Remove factors that make the dog very nervous. 6. Consult a doctor. — Why do Yorkies' eyes run? By the words “running eyes” we will denote the wet areas that form on the fur under the inner corner of the dog’s eye. They can be of different colors: red or brown. The reasons for the formation of such tracks: 1. Infection or blockage of the tear duct and, as a consequence, severe lacrimation, since the tears do not go into the nasal cavity. 2. Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. 3. Inflammation of the eyelids. 4. Allergy to food components. 5. Hair getting into your eyes. Your actions: 1. Remove hair that may get into the dog’s eyes. 2. Take a swab from the eye and determine which microflora forms discharge from the eye. 3. Treat eye inflammation based on test results. 4. Wash wet areas under the eyes with eye lotion. 5. Pay attention to the dog’s diet. Remove all new or allergenic foods (sweet, rich, containing eggs, etc.) from the diet. Start feeding hypoallergenic dry food. 6. See a doctor. — Why does the Yorkshire Terrier cough? Cough is a serious symptom that implies a serious illness: 1. Heart failure. In heart failure, fluid accumulates in the lungs, and the dog tries to remove it by coughing. 2. Pulmonary edema, when all the bronchi are spasmed, and the dog has difficulty breathing and coughs. 3. Allergic reaction to finely dispersed components of the external environment (household dust, small mites, pollen of flowering plants, and so on). 4. Infectious diseases (kennel cough, canine distemper). 5. Foreign object in the pulmonary system. Your actions: Urgently see a doctor!!!!!!!!! - Why does a Yorkie smell like a dog? Yorkie dogs, which when healthy, rarely smell like dogs. If your dog has an unpleasant odor to you, this may be due to: 1. Rare brushing and removal of dead hair. 2. Inflammation of the ears. 3. Inflammation and overflow of the paraanal sinuses. 4. Inflammation of the skin between the fingers. 5. Inflammation of the skin in the armpit and groin areas. 6. Hair pollution under the eyes. 7. Presence of tangles in the wool. Your actions: 1. Smell the dog and determine from which area of ​​the dog’s body the dog smell is most noticeable. 2. Carefully examine those areas of the dog’s body that give off a strong unpleasant odor. 3. Look for scratches, redness of the skin or imperfections in the skin. If there are any, then carefully cut these areas down to the skin, rinse with chlorhexidine and lubricate them with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). If the area of ​​skin damage is large, then you need to consult a doctor. 4. Examine the ears and if you find crusts and redness on the ear, then you need a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. 5. Take the dog to the groomer for a haircut, combing and washing. You can do this yourself. 6. Examine the anal sinuses and if they are full, empty them. 7. Carefully examine the dog's eyes. Remove any hair that may get into your dog's eyes. 8. Wash the dog's bangs with shampoo for Yorkshire Terriers, rinse them well, dry them and secure them on the dog's forehead. Shorten the hair at the inner corner of the eyes so that it does not get into the eyes. — Why does the Yorkshire Terrier scratch its ears? If a dog scratches its ears, it means it is itching. Itching occurs when: 1. Accumulation of wax in the ear canal. 2. A foreign object or water gets into the ear. 3. Accumulations of dead hair in the ear. 4. Ear mites. Your actions: 1. Remove hair from the ear canal. 2. Remove wax from the ear canal. 3. Treat your ear with ear lotion. 4. Show the dog to the doctor. — Why do Yorkies lick? If a dog frequently grooms its body, this means that: 1. It is itchy. 2. She is in pain. 3. She is stressed. 4. She's bored. Your actions: Show the dog to the doctor. — Why is my Yorkie puppy itching? If the puppy is less than 3 months old, then itching most often occurs for 2 reasons: 1. Insects (fleas, ticks, lice, lice). 2. Allergic reaction to a component of the external environment (food, flowers, chemicals). If the puppy is more than 3 months old, then itching occurs for the following reasons: 1. Insects. 2. Allergic reaction. 3. Atopy. 4. Overflow of the paraanal sinuses. 5. Fungal and bacterial infection. Your actions: 1. Use insect killers for puppies. 2. Check the condition of the paraanal sinuses. 3. Switch the puppy to hypoallergenic food for a month. 4. Show it to a doctor. — Why doesn’t the Yorkshire Terrier eat? If your Yorkshire Terrier isn't eating, here are some things to think about: 1. He's getting too many table kibble. 2. You feed him a lot and often. 3. Your dog suffers from gastrointestinal problems. 4. The dog is in pain. 5. The dog is vomiting. 6. The dog is experiencing extreme stress. — Why is the Yorkie vomiting? There are several types of vomiting: 1. Physiological vomiting. It occurs when food is swallowed too quickly and in nursing bitches. This is called regurgitation. 2. Pathological. When the body tries to get rid of a pathogenic component and when the body is intoxicated. Your actions: 1. Feed the dog more often and little by little. If a nursing bitch regurgitates food for the puppies, it means it’s time to feed them. 2. Show the dog to the doctor. — Why does a Yorkshire Terrier feel sick? If you observe vomiting in the morning, and it contains bile, then this is the so-called hungry vomiting. If the dog is vomiting, does not eat and is lethargic, then the dog is seriously ill. Your actions: 1. Feed the dog early in the morning. 2. Show the dog to the doctor.

If a Yorkshire Terrier's eyes fester, this may indicate that the dog has various problems, ranging from banal irritation of the mucous membrane to serious pathology. Due to the anatomical structure of this breed, discharge from the eyes is a common problem. However, the seriousness of the problem can only be judged after a visit to the veterinarian.

Types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the organs of vision. This disease affects the mucous membranes that cover the eyeballs and eyelids. Most often, the reason when a Yorkie's eyes fester is reduced immunity or some kind of chronic disease.

Catarrhal - appears when the Yorkie's eyeball is injured or infected.

This type is accompanied by:

  • hyperemia;
  • redness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • purulent and lacrimal discharge.

Purulent - can develop if bacteria or pathogens get on the membrane of the Yorkie's eyes. Typically, this type of conjunctivitis spreads very quickly. The disease has a complicated form.

Yorkie symptoms:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • general increase in body temperature;
  • hot nose;
  • fear of light;
  • vomit.

Expert opinionAnna Abramenko

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If you ignore treatment for conjunctivitis, your dog may lose its vision.

Allergic - this type often manifests itself in animals with weak immunity. For such a disease to occur, it is enough that any allergen gets on the conjunctiva or mucous membrane of the animal.


  • eyelids and corneas turn red;
  • eyes are streaming.

Follicular - can occur if dust, dirt or foreign body particles get on the membrane of the Yorkie's eye. The eyelid and its lymphatic follicle are affected. This disease is accompanied by:

  • severe redness;
  • copious purulent discharge;
  • Lymphatic follicles accumulate on the surface of the eyelids.

In case of complications, the follicular appearance becomes catarrhal.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

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All types of disease have forms: acute and chronic. The first is curable, and the second either subsides or progresses.

Eye diseases

Tear fluid includes three types:

  • Aqueous - begins to be produced by special glands that are located around the orbit of the eye.
  • The fat or sebaceous fraction is produced by the meibomian gland, which is located between the cartilage of the eyelid and the conjunctiva, which open on the free edge of the eyelid. They perform a special role as a barrier, which prevents tears from rolling over the edge of the lower eyelid and their further evaporation.
  • A moisturizing, otherwise mucin, fraction, which is produced by goblet cells of the conjunctival membrane, secreting a special mucin, which creates a special contact of the tear fluid.

Diseases that disrupt the process of tear formation should be divided into two groups: a lack of tear fluid (aka dry eye) or its excess (watery eye).

Epiphora (watery eye)

This disease is characterized by a continuous process of tear production. At this time, watery or mucous discharge from the eyes begins to overfill the eyelids, flowing down the sides of the pet’s muzzle, forming special streaks at this time, and in light-colored dogs - colored tear tracks.

The regular process of moisturizing the skin in the area where tears flow can develop a particular inflammation and, in most cases, infection, which can lead to difficulty seeing, as well as a change in general behavior.

With this type of disease, lacrimation can in no way be related to the emotional experiences of the pet, but is caused only by an obstacle in the tear drainage pathways or by an increase in the secretion of tears. It is worth remembering that dogs cannot cry like people.

Dry eye

The lack of fluid is provoked by a genetic disorder of the lacrimal system, in which the lacrimal canals narrow or become completely impassable. Due to delayed outflow, the lacrimal gland often becomes inflamed. And insufficient moisture can affect the cornea or conjunctiva.

Disruption of the general flow of tears

The release of tears without any particular reason can occur during a disturbance in the general flow of tears associated with various vectors. For example, congenital narrowing or obstruction of one of the eyelid ducts that collect tears in the inner corner of the eye - cicatricial narrowing of the opening, or the main nasolacrimal duct. May occur due to the development of obstruction by decay products in cells. For example, when a foreign body gets in - meadow grass seed.

If your pet has a blocked tear duct, you should immediately go for an examination to a veterinarian. He will be able to comprehensively examine your Yorkie and determine whether the tear ducts need to be opened.

Before you begin to act comprehensively, it is worth finding out what is associated with the process of inflammation in the eyes, and only then decide how you can treat your Yorkie at home.

The dog's irritated eyes should be washed with a solution from simple lenses or boric acid. There is no need to use tea leaves for rinsing, as it may contain elements that will only worsen the pet’s condition.

If pus has dried in the eyelid area, then it should be soaked using cotton wool, which will be soaked in a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution or plain warm water (it should be boiled in advance). Soaked crusts should be quietly removed using a simple napkin or cotton wool. After the pus is finished, drops such as “Iris” or “Leopard” should be placed in each eye. Only 2-3 drops are enough for each eye, instilled no more than three times a day. Difficulties with purulent discharge will go away after 3-4 days. If this does not happen, then you will have to show the sick animal to the veterinarian.

It is also worth remembering about traditional medicine. In order to treat a dog's bangs, you can create a special silver water. To do this, place a silver object in a glass of clean water and keep it there for two days.

If you cannot determine on your own why your pet has started the process of suppuration, you should see a specialist. At the veterinary clinic, you will not only undergo a comprehensive examination of your pet, but will also conduct several tests, including an eye smear. All this will help achieve results in identifying the microflora that causes suppuration in the eye area. Based on all the data collected during the examination and examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary drugs and medicines.

It is worth noting that in the case when a dog, in addition to the development of suppuration in the eyes, has other complications, for example, apathy, as well as loss of appetite, increased temperature and problems with normal stool, then you should immediately tell the veterinarian about this.

Sometimes there may be a need to take special antibiotics that will effectively eliminate all bacteria. The choice of drugs, their dosage, as well as the correct course of administration should also be prescribed by the doctor himself. And with the viral form of conjunctivitis, the use of antibiotics is considered completely pointless, since they will be useless against viral forms.

Don't delay treatment!

Features of walking a dog

The situation may be the opposite - your dog’s stool is difficult. There are too many reasons here too:

  • economy class food;
  • eating small bones;
  • lack of drinking;
  • again – the presence of worms;
  • binge eating;
  • low daily physical activity;
  • the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus.

To help your pet, prepare thinner food for him. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil there. Eliminate chicken, bones and rice from the menu. But, if the process continues anyway, seeing a doctor is already a necessity.

REMEMBER! Prolonged constipation can lead to intestinal rupture and death.

The Yorkshire Terrier differs from other breeds in its coat, which does not cause allergies in humans, and the absence of undercoat, which does not allow them to walk without quality dog ​​clothing in winter.

That is why this breed can be classified as a so-called indoor dog. Puppies are trained to use the tray from the first months of life.

When walking a terrier in winter, you need to wear overalls to prevent your pet from freezing. In summer you can wear special cotton overalls.

Important! It is necessary to walk it on a tape measure with a collar; you cannot let it off the leash, since the bold and fearless Yorkie may be in danger if there is a road and cars nearby, or if it gets lost.

After a walk, your four-legged friend needs to be washed. If not completely, then be sure to wash the paws, belly and face.

In order for your Yorkshire Terrier to have every chance of avoiding most diseases, you need to monitor its health and feed it properly. For a dog of this breed, not only the correct balance in the diet is important, but also a sufficient amount of vitamins.

If you feed your pet with ready-made food, then you need to buy only high-quality food. Unlike cheap brands, these foods contain a full range of vitamins, minerals and other vital substances.

If your Yorkie's diet consists of natural food, you need to know what vitamins are contained in a particular product. Here are some examples:

  • vitamin A: apples, carrots, liver;
  • vitamin B: liver, yeast;
  • vitamin C: tomatoes, liver, kidneys;
  • vitamin D: cottage cheese, cheese, vegetable oil;
  • vitamin E: vegetable oil, olive oil;
  • vitamin K: lettuce, nettle.

In addition to natural food, you will also have to add multivitamins to your Yorkshire Terrier's food. “Trivit” with a high content of vitamins A, D, E is perfect.

But not a single animal is immune from any disease. Let's look at the most common diseases of Yorkshire terriers.

First aid

If it is not possible to take your Yorkshire Terrier to a veterinarian, you must immediately provide him with first aid. To do this, you can resort to treatment methods with folk remedies.

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The course must be carried out 3-4 times a day for two to three weeks. The dosage and medications are prescribed directly by veterinarians.

Thanks to such actions, the owner will relieve his pet from sharp, painful pain. If you don’t have any medications on hand, you can buy the herb “eyebright” at the pharmacy. Infuse the plant for three hours (1 glass of hot water per 10 g). Wash your eyes with the resulting solution and make lotions (compresses).

We should not forget that the animal is a carrier of the disease, which can also infect humans. It would be a good idea for the owner of the Yorkie to get checked at the clinic.


Cats are clean animals that constantly “wash themselves” and take care of their fur. But even they sometimes have health problems, in which many owners notice their watery eyes.

There are also a lot of reasons for the appearance of discharge in a kitten or adult cat. They are also susceptible to conjunctivitis and keratitis. The symptoms and treatment of these diseases occur in the same way as in dogs, so we will not describe them.

Speaking about why a cat’s eyes are running, it should be said that these representatives of the animal world are characterized by such pathologies as:

  1. Dacryocystitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal sac, as a result of which the lumen of the tear ducts narrows. As it develops, the discharge from the eye acquires a yellowish or brownish tint.
  2. Rhinotracheitis (cat flu). It is a disease in which an infection of the upper respiratory tract occurs. Brown discharge is a complication in this case.
  3. Allergy. When it develops, the cat may experience serous discharge, swelling of the eyelids, etc. The main factors that provoke allergies in cats are cigarette smoke, chemicals, dust and pollen.
  4. Uveitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the iris and often develops against the background of diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. With the development of uveitis, brown discharge is mainly observed, which dries out, forming dark crusts in the corners of the organs of vision.
  5. Trichiasis. Another pathology that may be accompanied by discharge in a cat. It is characterized by abnormal growth of eyelashes towards the eyeball. The cilia irritate it, causing inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes, which causes this symptom to appear.
  6. Dry eye. This condition is also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca and dry eye syndrome. As this disease develops, there is an abnormal decrease in tear production, which causes inflammation and irritation of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  7. Tumor. Oncological diseases are also typical for animals and can affect various organs, including the eyes. As they develop, they experience red discharge from their eyes, sometimes dark brown.

Structure of the lacrimal apparatus

When epiphora develops, it cannot be considered as an independent pathology, since it is only a sign that sometimes indicates more dangerous diseases.

The lacrimal apparatus consists of lacrimal glands and lacrimal ducts. The gland secretes a clear, slightly alkaline mixture that flows into the eyes; its components are water, protein, salts and lysozyme, which has an antibacterial effect. It is important to mention Harder's lacrimal gland. Despite its name, it does not form tears, but an oily mixture.

The lacrimal ducts have lacrimal puncta, which are located closer to the eyeball and are immersed in the lacrimal lake. Next come the channels (lower and upper), it is turned towards the nose. The canals run separately and pass into the apical lobe of the lacrimal sac. Along the path of the tear ducts there are a number of valves that block the movement of tears in the opposite direction, which is why the liquid moves only from the eyes to the nose and into the mouth.

Tears from the glands go under the conjunctiva, and then, under their own weight and due to the blinking of the eyelids, they flow into the tear pool. Here the fluid is absorbed by the lacrimal puncta, then it flows through the lacrimal canaliculi and penetrates into the lacrimal sac, and from it into the nose and mouth.

What not to do if you have watery eyes

  • Never wash your pet's eyes with hydrogen peroxide! This causes toxic burns and can be extremely dangerous.
  • Don't let your dog rub his eyes. Use a protective collar if your dog persists in scratching his sore eye.
  • Don't force your eyes open! With such injuries, the eye may leak.
  • Be careful with self-medication. Many hormonal drugs (gels and drops), if used incorrectly, can only worsen the situation. Because of them, your beloved dog may lose his sight forever.

Always soberly assess the situation and do not delay going to the veterinarian!

Why do Yorkies tremble?

Many owners become worried when their little dog trembles. But before you sound the alarm, you need to figure out why Yorkshire terriers tremble in the first place.

Firstly, dogs of this breed may shiver from the cold. The reason for this is the small size of the animals, due to which they are very sensitive to temperature drops. Therefore, in winter, you will have to dress and shoe your pet warmly or walk while holding it in your bosom. We talked about clothing for dogs of this breed in the article “Clothing for Yorkshire Terriers.”

If your home is cold and your pet is constantly shivering because of this, you need to insulate his sleeping place with another bedding, and install additional heaters in the apartment. Do not forget that you should not let your Yorkshire Terrier too close to heating appliances, otherwise it may damage its coat.

Secondly, any stressful situation can make a Yorkshire Terrier tremble. A sudden change of environment, fear of punishment, loud noises - a dog can tremble due to anything when it experiences fear or anxiety.

Thirdly, the Yorkshire Terrier may begin to tremble when it is overcome by pleasant excitement. For example, a dog trembles in anticipation of a treat, playing with a favorite toy, or a long-awaited walk.

Fourthly, trembling can be caused by low blood sugar - hypoglycemia. This disease is also accompanied by increased salivation, lethargy, and lack of appetite. In severe cases, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible.

To avoid serious complications, it is necessary to begin timely treatment. A sick Yorkshire Terrier should be fed a properly balanced diet, honey should be given two to three times a week at the rate of a teaspoon of honey per two hundred milliliters of warm water. In case of a seizure, you need to give the dog an injection of five percent glucose.

Fifthly, trembling in an animal can be caused by an allergic reaction or poisoning. If you suspect that something wrong has happened to your pet, go to the hospital immediately. After the necessary examination and tests, the doctor will explain to you why your pet is trembling and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Ear diseases are always difficult for humans, let alone small Yorkies.

With their increased sensitivity, a draft is enough and inflammation of the middle ear is guaranteed.

What to do: dress your dog warmly for walks, dry it thoroughly and comb out the coat after any wetness. Don't keep your Yorkie in warm conditions - harden it: take regular and active walks in windless, not very cold weather. Be wary if your Yorkie scratches his ears or shakes his head strangely. Monitor ear odor and discharge. And don't self-medicate.

Another common problem is ear mites, which small Yorkies are more susceptible to than larger dogs.

What to do: get a vaccine for prevention, go to a clinic for treatment.

  • Allergic reactions and dermatitis. They are expressed by the fact that the animal scratches itself, an increase in temperature occurs. An accurate diagnosis is made by a doctor, who also prescribes medications.
  • The breed has a genetic predisposition to joint diseases.
  • Dislocations in the area of ​​the kneecap. Since the breed is very fragile, they should not be allowed to jump from high platforms.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas. Symptoms are vomiting, refusal to eat, lethargy and weakness. Treatment is prescribed after an accurate diagnosis.
  • Eye diseases. In case of excessive tears or, on the contrary, dryness, you need to consult a specialist.

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How to put drops in a dog's eyes

The dog should be given eye drops when it is calm and relaxed. If the animal shows anxiety, you must first talk, stroke or calm it with other usual methods.

Then the small dog is taken on your lap, turning its back to you, and the large dog is seated on the floor, positioned behind it, so as not to frighten you with the sight of the medicine. After this, the manipulations are performed according to the following scheme:

  • the eyes and periocular area are cleaned of accumulated secretions and dirt using a bandage soaked in warm boiled water or a medicine;
  • with one hand, spread the eyelids, slightly pulling the lower one;
  • the required number of drops are released from the bottle in the second hand into the conjunctival cavity;
  • check whether the medicine got exactly behind the eyelid, and did not flow past, and if necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • hold the dog for several minutes to prevent it from scratching its eye or shaking its head if discomfort occurs;
  • The second eye is treated in a similar way.

Important! If a dog is prescribed treatment with two drugs at the same time, they should be instilled with an interval of at least 20 minutes. In most cases, eye drops with different effects are used, which can reduce the effectiveness of each other.

You should always monitor the condition of your dog’s eyes in order to notice and begin treatment in time, preventing the development of serious complications. There are a large number of ophthalmic drugs. Therefore, it is important to know which eye drops can be used for dogs at home to prevent, treat, or eliminate discomfort from foreign objects. In many cases, this can save the dog’s vision, health and even life.

Vaccination of puppies

Vaccinations for Yorkies - puppies are usually given at the age of 1.5 - 2 months - it depends on when the puppy stopped feeding mother's milk. If it continues, then it is worth holding off on vaccination.

The second time is vaccinated after 2 or 4 weeks. And the third vaccination is given closer to the time when the Yorkie turns one year old and all the baby teeth are replaced.

Two weeks before vaccination, the pet is given anthelmintic drugs, and after vaccination it is not advisable to go out for a walk for 2 weeks or a month.

Adult terriers are vaccinated once a year.

Important! Vaccination is done only if the animal is completely healthy. If your pet is sick, postpone vaccination until complete recovery.

Mechanical damage

A small scratch or grain of dust is enough to cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. While walking, stones, dust, branches, grass and even thorns can get into your dog's eyes. Usually in this case, discharge is observed only from one eye. Due to infection in the wound, suppuration occurs, and white discharge is observed from the dog’s eye.

More often, it is thanks to tears that the eye itself is cleared of foreign objects. But if suppuration begins, the dog definitely needs human help. Discharge from a dog's eyes can occur due to a head injury. They also often happen after the dog has swam in a pond. The cause may be sand and algae floating in the water.

Purulent discharge from the eyes of a dog is possible when the upper or lower eyelid is inverted. In this case, the eyelashes and fur scratch the mucous membrane, which leads to serious damage. As a result, ulcers form on the surface; in more severe cases, the animal may lose an eye.

The dog's eyes are watery: why, how to treat the animal at home?

Involuntary lacrimation in a pet occurs under the influence of many factors. In some cases, the problem does not require a visit to the veterinarian and treatment, in others it signals a pathology. To determine the condition of the eyes, the owner must observe the animal’s well-being for several days, and if there are no signs of recovery, go for a consultation with a doctor.

Causes of lacrimation in dogs

Involuntary tears in a dog can occur due to a variety of illnesses. The list of commonly encountered pathologies includes:

  • Allergies - appear when a dog comes into contact with household dust, detergents and cleaning products, toilet water, plant pollen, medications, or when introducing new food into the diet. The pathology is manifested by redness and tearing of the eyes, rhinitis, sneezing and coughing.
  • Blepharitis - symptoms include hyperemia, swelling, involuntary lacrimation, obsessive itching. The causes of inflammation of the eyelids are considered to be trauma, systemic diseases, allergic reactions, and demodicosis.
  • Viral, bacterial, fungal infections - a large amount of discharge from the organs of vision is not always accompanied by additional symptoms. Most pathologies occur in a latent form; the correct diagnosis is determined only after a diagnostic examination.

Inflammation of the third eyelid

  • Inflammation of the third eyelid - Gardner's gland is responsible for protecting the cornea from external irritants. During the inflammatory process, it swells, turns red, and a yellow mucous secretion oozes from the eyes.
  • Turn of the century. Signs of the disease include incomplete closure of the eyelids, inflammation and discharge from the pet's eyes.


  • Conjunctivitis is a consequence of allergic reactions, viral infections, deformation changes in the lacrimal canal, and various injuries. The dog's eyes become red and constantly watery, and a little later a yellowish-greenish exudate begins to ooze out of them. At the initial stage of conjunctivitis, tears flow from only one eye, then the pathology affects the second. In the acute phase of the disease, the pet squints, closes its eyes completely, or blinks frequently.
  • Mechanical damage - fights, injuries from hard objects lead to damage and subsequent inflammation. As a result, one organ of vision swells and pus oozes from it.

In some cases, lacrimation is associated with non-pathological causes. No veterinary assistance required:

  1. When a foreign body penetrates the mucous membranes, dust particles, fur, insects stick tightly and cause irritation, the eye begins to water. The problem often occurs when walking in forested areas or car trips. Long-haired dogs suffer from irritation when they get their own hair in their eyes.
  2. With increased dry air, insufficient humidity in living spaces, especially in winter, becomes the reason why the eyes constantly water.

The same list includes the wrong diet for your pet. Excess of cereals, potatoes, baked goods causes irritation of the organs of vision. If the menu contains a large amount of carbohydrates, then over time the dog develops an allergic reaction to them.

In what cases is the help of a veterinarian necessary?

You should seek help if you have the following symptoms:

  • discharge of purulent exudate from the eyes;
  • prolonged lacrimation - about a day;
  • the appearance of swelling in the corners of the eye, inflammation and redness of its protein membranes;
  • non-standard coloring of tears - if a greenish or yellowish tint appears;
  • injuries, fever, unreasonable anxiety of the dog;
  • lethargy, apathy, general malaise.

Ophthalmological diseases can cause partial or complete loss of vision. Blindness can only be avoided with timely treatment.

How to help a dog at home?

Primary care begins with examining the animal in a calm environment. You need to do eye treatment at home according to the following algorithm:

  • wash your hands thoroughly and then wipe them with an antiseptic solution;
  • find a place with maximum illumination, sit or lay the pet on a stable surface;
  • open your eye slightly and examine it carefully.

During the procedure, you may notice particles of dust, dirt, hair fibers, swelling of the corners, and redness of the organs of vision. Particular attention is paid to discharge - mucous, purulent or transparent. Further manipulations depend on the information received:

  1. Inflammation - rinse with saline solution or special eye drops. From 5 to 8 procedures per day.
  2. Detection of dust, small particles, hair or traces of aerosol requires careful wiping of the cornea with a swab moistened with clean drinking water. Movements are carried out from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, without pressure. If hair accumulates, it is removed, and the organs of vision are washed again.
  3. Increased dryness of the air - increase the humidity of the room using special devices, irritation is relieved with artificial tears, Dacrolux or Hypromellose. The composition of the drugs is similar to tear fluid and helps get rid of dryness.
  4. The problem of an incorrectly chosen diet is solved by changing the menu: fatty and sweet foods are removed from it. The owner must control the amount of carbohydrates supplied and not exceed the recommended amount.

Necessary drugs

Pathological conditions caused by diseases are eliminated with the help of specialized medications - drops or eye ointments. The following drugs are used in treatment:

  • Bars - a medicinal solution has a spectrum of action similar to Tsiprovet. The main components are chloramphenicol and furatsilin. Qualitative characteristics allow the medication to be used in cases of conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, and injuries to the eyeballs.
  • “Diamond Eyes” - drops are intended for preventive treatment, the composition includes taurine, succinic acid, chlorhexidine. The medication is recommended for daily care of the dog’s vision organs; it easily removes dried particles in their corners. Used for involuntary lacrimation, inflammation of the mucous membrane, to prevent the formation of conjunctivitis, for age-related changes in the cornea, cataracts, and injuries.
  • Optimmune - produced in the form of eye ointment and drops, used for dry eye syndrome, for the treatment of scleritis, ketouveitis, keratitis. Prohibited for use in case of fungal infections.
  • “Chamomile” solution – contains an infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile and other medicinal herbs, secondary sodium phosphate. The drug prevents irritation from dust and normalizes the self-cleaning process.
  • Solcoseryl - gel activates tissue regeneration and restores mucous membranes. Used for mechanical injuries and inflammatory reactions.
  • Tobrex - eye drops help with external infectious processes that involve not only the eyes, but also nearby tissues. Designed to suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora that are not resistant to tobramycin.
  • Ciprovet drops have an anti-inflammatory effect and show good results in the fight against gram-negative and gram-positive microflora: staphylococcal, chlamydial infections, mycoplasma. The active ingredient of the drug destroys pathogens at the DNA level. Recommended for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis and corneal ulcerations.
  • Ciprolet - ophthalmic drops contain ciprofloxacin. Suppresses the vital activity of streptococcus, chlamydia, listeria. The medicine is useless in the fight against Treponema pallidum, bacteroides, and fungal pathogens.

Self-medication with pharmaceutical drugs is strictly prohibited. The course of treatment and frequency of treatment are prescribed by the attending physician. An incorrectly selected medicine can cause serious damage to the eyes, reduce visual acuity, and provoke complications.

How to help and what to do

The dog’s eyes are red and purulent, which means you need to make an appointment with a veterinarian. This is not even discussed, since there are many reasons for this condition. The problem is serious; without proper treatment, complications can develop that lead to loss of vision. After diagnosis, the doctor will tell you what can be done.

What if a visit is not possible right now? Do you live in a rural area and it’s a long drive to the nearest clinic, or is your appointment scheduled for the next day? In this case, you can try to provide first aid to relieve pain in the animal.

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