Dogo Argentino: description of the breed, character, content

a brief description of

Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat
Country of origin
Lifespan14–16 years old
Height male60–68 cm
Rising bitch60–65 cm
Weight male40–45 kg
Weight bitch40–43 kg

Dogo Argentino, Argentine Mastiff, Dogo Argentino are the names of one breed, the only one that was bred in Argentina. Representatives of this breed are classified as service dogs; they were bred to hunt large game: jaguars, wild boars and pumas. Dogo Argentinos chased wild animals in a whole pack, and the dog that caught the victim and brought it to the owner was valued.

The Argentine Mastiff is a noble, courageous, peace-loving and good-natured breed towards people. One look at this snow-white, handsome man makes you feel respect and sincere admiration for him.

The breed belongs to group 2 according to the ICF classification, section “Molossians”


* We invite you to watch a video about the Dogo Argentino . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Dogo Argentino looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of the Dogo Argentino
  • Dogo Argentino - description of breeds
  • Popular Dogo Argentino colors
  • Character and habits of Dogo Argentino
  • Interesting facts about Dogo Argentinos
  • Pros and cons of Dogo Argentinos
  • Breeding Dogo Argentino
  • Caring for Dogo Argentinos
  • Diet of Dogo Argentino
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Dogo Argentino - price and how to buy it correctly

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Outwardly, the Dogo Argentino evokes fear, apprehension and mistrust. Dogs that look like a huge pit bull are perceived by others as a source of danger and aggression. However, breeders of this breed know that this is absolutely not true. The Dogo Argentino is a big, brave, kind-hearted dog with a sense of self-esteem. These dogs are a real source of energy and joy. This breed is a type of mastiff. Often they are chosen as security guards, bodyguards and even guides.


Everyone who wants to have a snow-white pet at home is concerned with the question: how much does a Dogo Argentino cost? The cost varies and is influenced by many factors: the nursery, the distance of the nursery from the central region, the dog’s parents, its external characteristics.

A Dogo Argentino, the price of which also depends on the class of the animal, costs an average of 30 thousand rubles. There are, of course, unscrupulous breeders who sell puppies for 10-15 thousand rubles, but no one can predict which of them will become adult dogs.

Puppies in the breeding and show classes have higher price tags: from 35 to 60 thousand rubles. They have a good pedigree, appearance and psychology correspond to breed standards.

History of the origin of the Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is one of the youngest dog breeds existing today. The scientist and researcher Antonio Martinez began breeding this breed in the 20s of the twentieth century. His assistant was his brother Augusto Martinez. They sought to develop a new breed of dog, unlike any existing one. Their primary task was to create a hardy, reliable, courageous and courageous friend and comrade.

Interesting fact : At least a dozen other breeds were used to develop this breed. In search of suitable animals, the brothers attended dog fights. During one of these visits, they noticed a huge, bloodthirsty dog ​​nicknamed “skinner.” The dog was the result of crossing a boxer, a Spanish mastiff, an English bulldog and a bull terrier. Scientists had to spend an incredible amount of time and effort to cope with uncontrollable aggression and instill in the dog the hunting instinct and many other important and necessary qualities.

In 1928, Antonio compiled approximate characteristics of the new breed. All qualities present in the list were borrowed from those breeds of animals that were used in the selection process. The scientist’s method was called “Antonio’s formula.”

Main characteristics of the Dogo Argentino:

  • The power and readiness to fight is borrowed from the fighting dog;
  • The bull terrier has courage and fearlessness;
  • A bulldog has a powerful chest and an iron grip;
  • The boxer has an easy-going character and activity;
  • The Spanish Mastiff has self-esteem and charm;
  • The height at the withers is that of a Great Dane;
  • The Irish Wolfhound has incredible speed and endurance;
  • The English Pointer has hunting instincts and a developed sense of sensitivity;
  • Pure white color - the Great Pyrenees dog;
  • The Dogue de Bordeaux has powerful jaws.

The brothers have been selecting and breeding Dogo Argentinos for several decades. In 1964, the resulting breed was recognized by the Argentine Canine Federation, and in 1973, the Dogo Argentino was included in the list of the International Canine Federation.

History of the breed

A wonderful specimen
It’s worth saying right away that the Argentine mastiff or argentino mastiff was bred relatively recently, even the exact date is known - 1928. The breeder, very young, eighteen-year-old Antonio Nores Martinez, dreamed of breeding a breed that would be suitable for hunting in the difficult conditions of the Argentine mountains.

Interesting! The Dogo Argentino is the only breed bred in Argentina and officially recognized by the world community.

A variety of breeders were used: Great Dane, Spanish Mastiff, Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Pyrenean Dog, English Pointer, Dogue de Bordeaux and Irish Wolfhound. Each of the breeds contributed, which made it possible to create a magnificent specimen that gained enormous popularity in South America.

Dogo Argentino - description of the breed

The Dogo Argentino is the embodiment of beauty, grace, stature and ideal proportions. A distinctive feature can be considered a powerful, well-developed, muscular chest. Representatives of this breed do not have very pronounced sexual dimorphism - females are slightly lighter and smaller than males. The body height at the withers of males is 68-69 centimeters, of females - 65-66 centimeters. Body weight of males is 45-46 kilograms, females - 40-41 kilograms.

Features and characteristics of the Dogo Argentino:

  • Powerful, strong head with a massive, protruding forehead;
  • The muzzle is quite large, protruding somewhat forward;
  • The tip of the nose is painted black. The nostrils are large and widely spaced;
  • Powerful, large jaws, which are characterized by an iron grip. The bite can be straight or scissor. The teeth are large, white, very sharp. The lips are fleshy, with jowls;
  • On the voluminous muzzle there are small, almond-shaped eyes. They are most often nut or dark brown in color, far apart from each other;
  • The ears are located high on the top of the head. They are pointed at the tips and have a triangular shape;
  • The neck is short, massive, straight, the scruff of the neck is clearly visible on it;
  • The body is massive, large, fit with well-developed muscles. Wide, massive chest area, the back line is smooth and straight, slightly inclined towards the croup;
  • Dogs have a long, saber-shaped tail. It is somewhat thicker at the base and tapers towards the end;
  • The limbs are strong, straight, located strictly parallel to each other. Round feet;
  • The coat is smooth, short, pure white.

The breed standard calls for triangular, cropped ears. However, not all owners want to subject their pet to surgery. Dog handlers and veterinarians recommend carrying out this procedure at the age of no later than 3-3.5 months.

Popular Dogo Argentino colors

Scientists originally from Argentina, the Martinez brothers sought to develop a unique, purebred breed of dogs that would be unlike all those existing at that time. Their goal was achieved. According to the breed standard drawn up by the brothers, the dog did not have many color variations.

Purebred Dogo Argentinos must be white in color. No other colors are provided. White color does not mean at all that the Dogo Argentino dog is an albino.

According to the standard, the presence of a dark spot in the area of ​​one eye is allowed. The size of such a spot should not occupy an area of ​​more than one tenth of the surface of the head. In most cases, even dogs that have the acceptable size of such a dark spot in the eye area will be considered as a secondary option when choosing a pet or as a mating partner. All other color options are regarded as defective and are under no circumstances allowed for mating.

Interesting fact: Pure, uniform white color is considered the gold standard, the hallmark of the breed. That is why Dogo Argentinos are also called “white death”. There is another name for representatives of this breed: “white angel of death.” The dogs are called so for their pure, noble white color and huge jaws with an iron grip.

In the description of the breed standard, as recommended by the International Canine Federation, it is stated that deviations from snow-white color towards a light cream or milky shade are allowed.

Character and habits of Dogo Argentino

Dog breeders note that the Dogo Argentino is a living example of a repulsive and intimidating appearance, behind which lies kindness and devotion. Huge jaws, impressive dimensions, athletic appearance and many other signs inspire fear and mistrust. However, in practice, this is a very kind and affectionate animal that simply adores its owner and all members of his family.

Dogo Argentinos become reliable, loyal friends and comrades. They will never disturb their owners again without good reason, they will not bark for no reason or cause inconvenience.

Representatives of this breed tend to demand attention, love, affection and attention. They really love tactile contact with people, they love to climb into their arms and sleep just like that, practically in an embrace with their owner. If this behavior is unacceptable, it is best not to get a Great Dane.

It is recommended to own such dogs for those who already have sufficient experience with dogs. The owner must feel and understand his pet. By nature, Dogo Argentinos have a sense of leadership and a desire to dominate in certain situations. They also love to lead an active lifestyle and need to constantly maintain physical fitness and hone their hunting skills.

Representatives of this breed very jealously guard their territory. When entering their property, they always notify the owner about this by loud barking. Often these dogs are used as reliable bodyguards. History describes cases when Great Danes fearlessly entered into fights even with large predators, and became winners.

Interesting fact: Another advantage of the breed is that Great Danes get along well with children, which cannot be said about other pets. Finding various small animals and birds is extremely undesirable, since dogs have a very well developed hunting instinct. The only exceptions may be some breeds of dogs with which the puppy grew up together.

Dogo Argentinos cannot be called demanding in terms of living conditions. Dogs have a set of qualities necessary for training.

How to choose a puppy

If you want to get a healthy pet, it is best to purchase a baby from a breeder who can provide you with a passport and documents confirming that the animal meets the breed standard.

Dogo Argentino puppy with mom

It is preferable to wean the puppy from its mother at one and a half months. When meeting a toddler, pay attention to the conditions in which he is kept. The place should be dry, fairly sunny and ventilated, but without drafts. Your future pet is the baby who has a healthy appetite, activity and a desire to get involved in the next fun game. An isolated and cowardly puppy is a bad purchase.

Special attention should be paid to the appearance of the animal. The Dogo Argentino's coat should be shiny, its nose should be moist, and its ears should be clean. Guided by the results of these simple observations, you can choose the healthiest and most affectionate puppy who will become your most loyal friend.

Interesting facts about Dogo Argentinos

There are many curious and very interesting facts associated with this breed:

  • In ten countries around the world, representatives of this breed are officially banned;
  • Often these dogs are called "Dogo Argentino" or "Argentine Mastiffs";
  • Dogs of this breed are considered a national treasure of Argentina;
  • For some time, these dogs were used for police service, but later this was prohibited, since in the process of apprehending criminals, the dogs cause severe injuries to them. Today they are used for service in authorities only in their homeland;
  • Dogs of this breed combine two completely opposite qualities: enormous, immeasurable love for the owner and aggression and even cruelty towards offenders;
  • The specific structure of the jaw allows serious injuries to be caused in a split second;
  • Every owner must win the love and respect of his pet until it reaches one year of age;
  • In many regions there is an opinion that Dogo Argentinos are fighting dog breeds. However, this is a misconception. Although in many countries in America and Asia they are regularly used as participants in dog fighting;
  • As a result of breeding, about a dozen different breeds of dogs were used;
  • Dogo Argentinos are lovers of mischievous, fun, fun games. That is why they will become good, reliable friends to young children;
  • It is necessary to communicate with the dog on equal terms and respect its mental and physical abilities. It is not recommended to raise your voice at her, as Great Danes do not like and do not tolerate such treatment.

Characteristics, description, character

Adult Dogo Argentinos weigh: males - from 40 to 45 kg, females - from 40 to 43 kg. Height is 60-68 cm and 60-65 cm for males and females, respectively.

The Dogo Argentino, whose characteristics and breed standards were updated in 2012, is an athletic dog with a large skull, strong neck, powerful jaws and short hair. They are white in color, but nut or cream are acceptable. The eyelids must have black pigmentation and black spots on the ears are allowed.

The Dogo Argentino is a guard dog, a fighting dog and a hunting dog. All these three hypostases left their mark on the character of the Dogo Argentino. The epithet “killing machine” is often thrown at this breed. Only those who have no experience communicating with it can call a dog this way. In reality, Dogo Argentino is friendly, affectionate and cheerful.

He perfectly combines courage, hunter instincts and boundless love for his owner. He feels the emotions of a person close to him so subtly that they can attack the one who is the culprit of the owner’s worries. Therefore, one of the owner’s important tasks is to teach the dog to control himself so as not to become a participant in an unpleasant or tragic situation.

The Dogo Argentino is a dominant dog, it is in his blood, because without the desire to be a leader, it is impossible to declare oneself in the pack, overtake all relatives and catch game. Will try to dominate in relations with the owner. Only proper education will help build the necessary hierarchy.

The Argentine gets along well with the family, is attentive and peaceful, treats children with understanding and tenderness, but on the condition that the little restless ones also show kindness towards him.

Pros and cons of Dogo Argentinos

Before you get a Dogo Argentino, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the breed. It is worth noting that the dog is not suitable for everyone, so you definitely need to weigh the pros and cons.

Advantages of the breed:

  • Noble, aristocratic appearance;
  • Devotion and the ability to become a good comrade, friend;
  • Strength, courage, endurance;
  • Excellent sense of smell and hunting skills;
  • The Dogo Argentino is an excellent and very reliable guard, in some cases it can even be a bodyguard;
  • The dog is undemanding to living conditions and care;
  • Gets along well with children of almost any age;
  • Rarely gives voice, barks loudly in exceptional cases.

In addition to the above advantages, the breed has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing a pet.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • The dog requires a lot of attention, they need constant tactile contact;
  • The Dogo Argentino cannot tolerate cold or severe frost;
  • All representatives of this breed are prone to developing allergic reactions;
  • Not all Great Danes are easy to train and train. Dogs tend to demonstrate leadership qualities and dominate;
  • Does not get along with other pets, especially small animals and birds;
  • Tends to defend and defend its territory, often enters into crayfish with other breeds of dogs;
  • If a dog ends up with people who do not have the skills to raise and communicate with animals, it can become a real threat to others.

Education, training

The Dogo Argentino is a dog for an experienced or very patient owner. She is peaceful and friendly, but certain difficulties may arise when raising her. When to start education? From the first days, as soon as the puppy appeared in the house.

When communicating and teaching, shouting, rudeness, and severe punishment, especially physical, should be excluded. The Dogo Argentino is very sensitive, and if treated roughly, it can become a cowardly dog. It should be remembered that a guard dog and a hunter dog are raised differently.

If it is necessary to develop the skills of a guard dog, then the Great Dane should be kept away from strangers in order to develop in him distrust of strangers. If the owner’s goal is to raise a protector, then it should be remembered that, while protecting, the dog will use the skills that were passed on to him from his hunter ancestors, namely: he will grab vital areas with his powerful jaws and wait until the “prey” stops resisting. Experts advise teaching your dog to grab his legs or arms.

Perseverance is mandatory when training; you need to demand that the command be followed to the last, until the result is achieved. The Dogo Argentino is dominant. To build a productive relationship with him, you need to earn his respect and become an authority for him. If, as a puppy, your pet gets the better of you, then it will be impossible to change the character and behavior of an adult dog.

The socialization of the Argentinean should take place from the first months. Communication with other dogs, contacts with family friends, and guests will help develop the correct behavioral skills.

Breeding Dogo Argentino

Breeding Dogo Argentinos is a very expensive proposition. If a dog breeder has enough money, you can safely get and breed representatives of this breed. The main task of the owner is to carefully select a partner for mating. If offspring are given to dogs that are related, there is a high probability of puppies being born with gene pathologies.

Dogs reach sexual maturity between 8 and 12-13 months of age. It is necessary to first agree with the owners of the partner for mating, clarify the status of the dog, the necessary information, life history, pedigree.

Dog handlers do not recommend allowing animals to breed immediately upon reaching puberty. Females are not ready to bear offspring at this age. The optimal mating age for females is 18-20 months, for males - 24 months. At this age, there is a more realistic chance of getting healthy, full-fledged offspring.

The owners of the female must keep a special diary in which the timing of estrus is noted. It is recommended to show both the male and female to the veterinarian 6-7 weeks before the planned mating. The doctor examines the animals and takes the necessary tests to assess readiness for reproduction.

Mating of animals is carried out on the territory of the male, preferably in the morning. After pregnancy has occurred, the owners of the female are recommended to give their pets more attention, love and care. During pregnancy, it is necessary to be observed by a veterinarian and provide a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

From one pregnancy, representatives of this breed give birth to 3 to 6 puppies. After the birth of the offspring, puppies should also be examined by a veterinarian.

Caring for Dogo Argentinos

Argentine Mastiffs are not too demanding when it comes to living conditions. The only conditions are maintaining cleanliness, performing hygiene procedures, and providing the necessary space. When organizing a place to keep an animal, it is necessary to take into account that Argentines cannot be kept at home. It is best if it is a house and not an apartment.

Basic dog care activities:

  • The dog's fur needs to be brushed several times a week. During the shedding process, it is necessary to use a special brush with hard bristles;
  • After walking outside in damp and rainy weather, the dog needs to wash its paws;
  • The owner must take care and monitor the condition of the ears. Use a damp cloth or cotton swab to remove excess wax. If the owner notices that the dog is shaking its head or scratching its ear, you should immediately contact a veterinarian;
  • No additional care is required for your dog's eyes. If mucus accumulates in them, it is necessary to additionally rinse them with boiled water or contact a veterinarian;
  • To care for the coat, you need to use special cosmetics. When choosing hygiene products, give preference to products that do not have a strong odor and a minimum amount of synthetic additives, so as not to provoke the development of an allergic reaction;
  • A special tooth powder is used to care for teeth. Argentines have only 42 teeth. At three months of age, dogs begin to change their teeth. During this period, a rational, balanced diet should be provided;
  • If you walk a dog for a sufficient amount of time, its nails will grind down on their own, and there is no need to trim them.

Care and maintenance

The Dogo Argentino requires minimal but constant care, the lion's share of which falls on the dog's snow-white coat. It should be combed no more than twice a week using a rubberized mitten or brush. During the molting period - autumn and spring - the procedure is repeated daily. Thorough brushing removes dead guard hair and, in addition, pleases the dog with a pleasant massage. It is worth noting that the Dogo Argentino is not the most suitable breed for squeamish and overly clean people: the dog sheds profusely, so you will have to regularly clean clothes and furniture of hair. Think about a different breed if you are allergic: white “needles” in all corners of the apartment will be a good reason to burst out with a loud “Apchhi!”

It is highly not recommended to give your pet a weekly bath: once a month is enough. To do this, use mild shampoos, preferably for light-colored dogs. Make sure your apartment is completely draft-free after bathing your Dogo Argentino. Otherwise, the animal may catch a cold.

Despite the fact that a dog’s ears can be cropped for up to three months, they also need your attention. Once a week, blot your ears with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Important: wax and pungent odor should be absent, and the ears should maintain a healthy pink tint.

The animal's eyes also need attention. Remember to gently wash them with chamomile tea using a small piece of soft, lint-free cloth. Discharge, noticeable redness, swollen eyelids and excessive tearing are reasons to consult a veterinarian.

To shorten nails, purchase a special tool for large dog breeds and a file that will help smooth out sharp edges and nicks. The procedure is repeated once a week. After a walk, it is recommended to carefully examine your pet's paws. Have you noticed any cracks appearing on the pads? Rub vegetable oil into their surface and give it to the dog in the amount of one teaspoon per day.


Last on the list, but by no means least important, are the animal’s teeth. They need thorough cleaning with a special paste twice a week. Use a finger attachment or a brush.

Note: to prevent the appearance of tartar, it is recommended to include solid food and fresh tomatoes in your dog’s diet. This will help maintain your pet's oral health.

Your pet's nutrition should be balanced and correct from puppyhood. Please note that Argentinean babies have an enviable appetite and can quickly gain weight if you indulge their pitiful glances and squeals. In general, you should be guided by the fact that the volume of food consumed should not exceed 7% of the puppy’s total weight. Moreover, after six months, it is recommended to switch to two meals a day instead of feeding your pet four times a day.

Focus on one of two possible types of food: natural or ready-made high-quality food. It is strictly forbidden to mix both options if you do not want your dog to develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Prepared food should include grains and vegetables. The absence of chicken meat is preferable because it is allergenic for most breeds. Natural food should be served fresh. Typically, it is based on boiled offal and lean meat, as well as low-fat milk. Dogo Argentino can also be given boiled sea fish without bones. Include vegetables and fruits in your dog's diet depending on the season.

Dogo Argentino should not eat the following foods:

Dogo Argentino resting

  • river fish in any form;
  • baked goods with yeast;
  • grapes and nuts;
  • smoked products;
  • tubular bones;
  • fat meat;
  • sweets;
  • legumes

It is recommended to feed the Dogo Argentino from a stand: this way the animal will maintain its proud posture. There should always be fresh water in one of the bowls. Please note that the portion is eaten by the dog in a maximum of twenty minutes. If there is too much food, put it aside until the next feeding.

Dogo Argentino in the fog

Diet of Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentinos can be fed commercially produced dry food or natural food. Animals are very sensitive to changes in nutrition. In this regard, it is not recommended to mix industrial food and natural food.

Due to the fact that dogs are very susceptible to developing allergies, the diet should be hypoallergenic. Chicken meat is a strong allergen for them. Balanced feeds should not contain it.

Basic rules for rational nutrition of the Dogo Argentino:

  • Until the age of six months, you need to feed your pet 4 times a day. For older dogs, it is enough to feed them twice a day;
  • Pets must be fed after an active walk;
  • The amount of food is determined based on body weight. For 1 kilogram of weight you need from 25 to 45 grams of dry food, or from 35 to 70 grams of liquid food;
  • It is necessary to count the calorie content of food and maintain proportions. For a Dogo Argentino weighing 50-55 kilograms, the optimal daily amount of carbohydrates is 430 grams, 65 grams of fat and 230 grams of protein;
  • For normal intestinal function, it is necessary to add 30-40 grams of fiber to the diet;
  • Be sure to give your dog the required amount of clean water. Daily norm 350 – 1000 grams;
  • Argentines prefer their meat raw. Sometimes they can be replaced with offal: liver, heart, kidneys, tripe. The latter is a real delicacy;
  • Puppies must add cartilage to their diet. They contribute to the formation of the musculoskeletal system.

When choosing dry food, you should ask for a quality certificate and pay attention to the composition and tightness of the packaging. Be sure to add sea fish, small quantities of vegetables, cereals, and fermented milk products with a low fat content to your diet.

Is it suitable for living in an apartment? On the street?

Dogo Argentinos can be kept in an apartment if they are provided with the necessary physical activity: as a rule, two active walks a day lasting 1.5-2 hours each are enough for them.

But it is better to keep these dogs in the yard of a private house, the main thing is to fence the area well.

In any case, the pet needs to be equipped with a personal place where he can sleep and relax comfortably.

These dogs cannot tolerate the cold, so they should be taken indoors or indoors as soon as the air temperature drops to zero degrees..

Diseases and health problems

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by relatively stable and good health. They are not prone to developing most of the diseases that affect dogs of similar sizes and related breeds. Dogo Argentinos often suffer from deafness. It can be partial or absolute. In the second case, the dog has to be euthanized, since it is impossible to control and predict the animal’s further behavior.

Among the other most typical and common pathologies in representatives of this breed are joint dysplasia, lack of thyroid hormones, glaucoma, and dermatological pathologies.

It is characteristic that Great Danes very often suffer from allergic reactions. It often develops as a result of improper feeding or the use of inappropriate cosmetics to care for the animal.

To exclude all diseases, you must follow a complete list of recommendations for caring for your Dogo Argentino. Proper nutrition, rational care, observation by a veterinarian and vaccinations help maintain health.

Often, the Dogo Argentino, like any other dog, suffers from parasites. It is necessary to ensure that anthelmintic drugs are taken by your pet in a timely manner.

Vision problems begin in animals older than seven years of age. During this period, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor the condition of the eyes. The better the health of dogs, the longer their life expectancy.

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