Biro York and Biewer York: cute companion dogs

Usage:Decorative dog; companion
Color:White-chocolate with a golden tint
Dimensions:Weight 2.7-3.1 kg; height 17-22 cm
Lifespan:13-16 years old

A small decorative dog that recently appeared in the world of four-legged animals is the Biro Yorkie. Its hallmark is its silky coat of original chocolate color. The dog is popular as a companion; thanks to its small size, it is convenient to take the pet with you for a walk, for a visit or shopping. The appearance of the Biro Yorkie is considered to be a consequence of a mutation in the Biewer Yorkie breed. Expressed in a change in coat color. In Biro Yorkies it is chocolate. Also, one of the separate subspecies of Yorkshire is considered to be the Golddust York, which is distinguished by its golden coat color.

Breed standard

Decorative miniature dog with luxurious fur, parted and hanging down at the sides. Characteristics of the breed with a description of standards and disqualifying characteristics are given in Table No. 1. Table No. 1.

OptionsDescription of the breed
HeadSmall, proportional to the body.
MuzzleShortened. There is a characteristic “beard” on the chin.
NeckDense, non-massive.
EarsErect, small, in the shape of an isosceles triangle, covered with long hair. Set high on the head.
EyesSmall, black. The eyelids have a black border.
CheekbonesFlat, do not stand out from the general outline of the head.
NoseRich brown pigmentation.
LipsTight fitting.
BiteScissor and straight.
FrameComposed. The back is absolutely straight, without deflections or a “camel” hump.
LimbsThe front and rear legs are straight and parallel.
PawsSmall, round, fingers gathered into a ball.
WoolThick, long.
TailDirected upward, located on the back.
ColorWhite with chocolate. On the head, the fur shimmers with a golden hue.
MovementsSharp, very fast.

A dog cannot participate in exhibitions and breeding if it has the following defects and shortcomings:

  • Light color of the iris.
  • Absence or weak eyelid pigment.
  • Uneven color of the nose.
  • Curly coat with undercoat; short, thin.
  • White coat color.
  • Bite: overshot or undershot.
  • Aggressive or timid behavior.

Difference from usual

The first and most noticeable difference is the color. Yorkshire terriers have a dark, steel-blue coat, while Biewers have light fur and white markings on their heads, their paws and belly are white. There are other differences in the conformation and mental qualities of Yorkies and Biewers: Biewers have a larger, more muscular and compact physique, they are stronger than Yorkies and move faster due to their stronger limbs; Biewer wool is thicker and denser, tangles are more likely to form on it, but it is more resistant to dirt; Biewers have a more stable psyche and calm character, Yorkies are more hysterical and fearful. The breeds also differ in the time and place of their appearance: Yorkies appeared in the 19th century in Great Britain, and Biewers appeared at the end of the 20th century in Germany. According to experts, beavers have stronger immunity.


Many character traits are inherited from its predecessor, the Biewer York dog. They have a high level of intelligence. Pets understand the owner’s mood at a glance, have courage and a sociable disposition. They cannot stand loneliness and are demanding of attentive attention from their owner.

These are glamorous dogs of miniature size, but with huge, fearless hearts. Without hesitation, they can rush at a large dog, without measuring their strength.

Advantages and disadvantages

Biro York is a joy in the home and a “cure for a bad mood.” The pet is cute, funny, playful, affectionate.

There are other advantages of the breed:

  • takes up little space;
  • calm character;
  • gets along easily with other pets;
  • not aggressive;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • light weight allows you to hold your pet in your arms for a long time;
  • becomes attached to the owner;
  • does not bark in vain.

There are few disadvantages:

  • requires careful grooming;
  • visits to the groomer start at four months;
  • the pet does not tolerate loneliness well;
  • A dog can be capricious if spoiled.


Biro Yorkshire Terrier can become guard dogs. Of course, not in the full sense of the word. The sonorous barking of a dog is like a bell; it can be heard from all corners of the apartment. The dog will definitely warn about the arrival of a stranger as soon as he hears his steps.

Pets are happy to accompany you on walks and car trips. Can become a cheerful friend for children. Yorkie himself remains a child throughout his dog life, so he is ready to play and play pranks tirelessly.

This dog breed is suitable for people suffering from allergies. After all, the dog has almost no undercoat and does not shed.

A wonderful companion will be a joy for a lonely elderly person, brighten up his everyday life and return interest in life.

History of the Biewer York breed

In the mid-80s of the 20th century in Germany, in the city of Hunsruck, the first babies of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom-Pon breed were born into the family of German breeders Werner and Gertrude Biewer. The parents of the first Biewers were Yorkshire terriers - the young champion Darling von Friedheck and the champion Fru-Fru von Friedheck. After 20 years of working with Yorkshire terriers, the appearance of a litter with white spots came as a big surprise to the Biewer family, causing them to begin research into the presence of a possible recessive gene in dogs of this breeding line. The result of this is the creation of the magnificent Biewer breed. In March 1988, when Werner Biewer first appeared with his dogs in the show ring, in the German city of Wiesbaden, he called them black and white Yorkies. One day during dinner, the husband of the German singer Margot Eskens presented her with a Biewer puppy on a platter as a gift. This fact is historical for the breed, since the phrase a la Pom-Pon was added to the main name, which translated from French means “colored ball of yarn.”

How to choose a puppy

A puppy should not be separated from its mother before the baby is 10 weeks old. By this time, young Biro Yorkies have already received their first scheduled vaccinations, which should be noted on the vaccination card.

There should be no aggression in the behavior of the little biro. Healthy curiosity is encouraged.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the health and well-being of the baby. A healthy biro looks well-fed in appearance, has healthy, clear eyes, and a moist nose. The eyes, ears and nose should be free of discharge. The coat is shiny, without tangles, dandruff, or unpleasant odor.

In the photo you can see that the fur of a baby Biro is not the same as that of an adult. With age, it will acquire a more noble appearance.

Education and training

Bedlington Terrier: description of the dog breed

Do not think that such decorative varieties of dogs do not require training. Like all other dogs, they need to know a set of necessary commands.

Important! Raising a pet should start from puppyhood.

You need to raise a pet from a young age

This process involves getting used to a daily routine, walking, learning commands and socialization. It’s worth learning more about each:

  • daily regime. After the puppy gets into the house, it is necessary to accustom him to a certain daily routine and rules of behavior that must be followed. This applies to places to sleep and eat, duration and frequency of walks. Of course, as the dog grows up, some points will change, but from childhood the dog should be taught discipline;
  • learning commands. For a little Biro, it will be enough to learn a few simple commands, such as “Sit”, “Come”, “Stay” and “No”. They are necessary for comfortable coexistence between owner and pet. You should start by practicing commands at home and gradually get used to executing them while walking;
  • socialization. Biro Yorkies are very sociable and friendly, but lack of socialization can cause the dog to grow up to be cowardly. This will cause the owner and pet a lot of problems in the future. You need to introduce your dog to its relatives and other people from a young age. If you plan to travel with your four-legged friend in the future, then you should gradually accustom the puppy to cars, transport and crowded places.

Raising a puppy is not easy work. Due to their active and playful nature, Biro Yorkies are fidgety. This makes training more difficult, and learning may be slower than desired.

Note! Before learning commands, you should teach your puppy concentration. This implies the dog's ability to focus all its attention on the person without being distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Features of maintenance and care

Biro Yorkies are designed for apartment living. Even a small living space will do. A personal place is equipped as close as possible to the owner.


Grooming is the main concern of the owner. In order for the coat to always have a presentable appearance, the owner should master the basics of home grooming:

  • Bathing. Biro Yorkies do not like to swim. But the appearance requires washing the dog once every two weeks. Use a moisturizing shampoo for animals, diluted in half with water. After bathing, the dog is dried with a hairdryer. You can’t leave your dog wet, the pet can easily catch a cold, and the coat will look unkempt.
  • Combing. It is necessary to brush your dog every day. To do this, you will need a set of combs: a metal comb with rotating teeth, a fine-tooth comb, and a soft natural bristle brush.
  • Ear care. The hair from the ears is plucked or cut.
  • Dental care. Damage to teeth, and then their loss, is considered a fault of the breed. To naturally clean teeth from plaque, the dog is given rye bread crackers, tomatoes, and a small brain bone to chew on.

The Biro Yorkie is taught to perform all maintenance procedures from an early age. A trained dog will be happy to expose his sides for brushing.

If the dog is a titled representative of this breed, actively participates in exhibitions or social life, trips to professional grooming salons are definitely necessary. Experienced hairdressers will create a chic hairstyle for your pet, making the dog irresistible.


Biro Yorkies love to go for walks. But they like to do it more because of the communication with other people, for the sake of receiving admiring reviews. Yorkies are sensitive to being praised.

To meet the natural needs of the dog, the dog is walked twice a day. But if the weather is bad outside, then the Biro York will happily stay at home, warm and dry. For such force majeure, the dog must be accustomed to a tray or diaper from an early age.


Biro Yorkie puppies aged 2 to 4 months are fed 5-6 times a day. Six months old - 4 times a day. It is enough to feed a grown pet at the age of 8-10 months three times a day. By the age of one year, they are transferred to the diet and diet for adult dogs: 2 times a day.

Each owner chooses a nutrition plan himself, based on his capabilities and desires. Dry food is popular among breeders. It is believed that they contain a balanced composition of all essential nutrients and minerals. It is better to choose super premium food. A dog is not like a person; it does not need a varied menu.

To avoid food allergies or food insensitivity, you don’t need to buy a new type every day. If the pet eats a certain type of dry food well, there are no problems with stool, the dog is cheerful and active - he is left permanently.

When feeding dry food, you should not alternate between different brands.

When choosing natural food, the owner benefits in material costs. A balanced diet includes lean meat, cereals, fish, raw vegetables and fruits. Once a week you can give offal. The meat is given boiled.

Disadvantages of purebred dogs

To exhibit a pet, it is necessary that its appearance fully meets the breeding requirements. Biewers and biros sometimes have the following deviations from the breed norms:

  • light eyes;
  • lop-eared;
  • predominance of white in color or color similar to the Yorkshire Terrier;
  • missing teeth, distorted jaw;
  • too sparse or curly coat.

When choosing a Biro or Biewer Yorkie, you should carefully read the breeder’s reputation and reviews of his work and the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

Biro Yorkshire Terrier is a Biewer, but with an unusual chocolate color. An interesting combination of dark chocolate color, a white background and a golden tint on the head makes this dog an extremely attractive and exclusive phenomenon in the world of dog breeding!

The reason for separating the Biro Yorkshire Terrier into an independent breed was the unusual color for the Yorkshire Terrier. A well-groomed biro will, to the delight of its owner, attract admiring glances; few will remain indifferent and pass by such beauty.

History of the breed

The Biro breed got its name from the merger of the initial letters of the names of the breeders who bred this breed - Birgit Rösner, From the Lightning Showboy kennel and Roberto Cra, Art of Highclass kennel. Unfortunately, Mrs. Rösner and Mrs. Polak stopped breeding several years ago. Therefore, only one original nursery remained in Germany.

Biro's first Yorkshire Terrier puppy was the female Art of Highclass Relight My Chocolate Fire, born on December 1, 2004 from the famous German breeders Roberto Kra and J. Lutz in the Art of Highclass kennel. It was she who became the world's first registered representative of the Biro Yorkshire Terrier breed.

The mother of the puppies, Alisha vom Wasserschlößchen, gave birth to four babies. Three of the puppies were Biewers and the fourth was a female Biro Yorkshire Terrier that, instead of the typical black/blue pattern on a white background with a tri-color head, had a chocolate pattern on a white coat.

The father of this bitch, which appeared perhaps as a result of a new mutation, was the famous male Uz von der Elsteraue, winner of numerous awards.

Unexpectedly, six weeks later, on January 14, 2005, in another kennel “From the Lightning Showboy”, another Biro Yorkshire Terrier bitch was born to breeders Birgit Rösner and N. Polak - Little Princess from the Lightning Showboy. Her mother was Ailine von Alkotmany, daughter of the already known Alisha vom Wasserschlößchen, and her father was the same Uz von der Elsteraue. The breeders of both nurseries became interested in the appearance of a new color, and decided to continue breeding and strengthening this new species.

Mrs. Dagmar Przystaw, the first chairman of the International General Club of Friends and Dog Lovers (registered union) and the International Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Club (registered union), as well as the 1st German Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Club (registered union), provided great assistance in the development of the breed. including the German Dog Breeders' Society (registered association).

She was the first to recognize the Biro Yorkshire Terrier breed in her societies, and also assisted in its further breeding.

Biro Yorkshire Terrier today

Currently, this breed is popular all over the world, and it is bred in many countries: the USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic and many others (the list of countries is constantly growing). This list of countries is constantly updated. However, the Biro Yorkshire Terrier, like the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, not yet recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and the American Kennel Club (AKC), can only participate in dog shows organized by clubs and associations that are not members of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. (FCI).

In America, the Biro is recognized only by the ICKC (Internationaler Canine Kennel Club) rare breed club.

As for the difference between a Biro and a Biewer, apart from the difference in color, they have no other differences. The Biro, like the Biewer, must have the conformation of a properly bred (according to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) standard) Yorkshire Terrier.

Although some Biro owners note that they are more gentle and calm in temperament than Yorkshire terriers, their character is more fun and inquisitive... But still, these three breeds, despite the similarities in anatomy and coat structure, each have their own standard.

The Biro Yorkshire Terrier is a small, compact terrier with a long, dense coat, whose appearance (except for color) should be identical to that of the Yorkshire Terrier!

This is a dog with a magnificent exterior and a stable psyche. Biro is endowed with extraordinary charm, amazing sensitivity and charm. Thanks to its open, friendly disposition, the Biro Yorkshire Terrier will become a faithful companion for its owner, and, at the same time, a temperamental playmate for children.

The extraordinary patience of the Biro will allow growing girls to replace dolls and they will be able to enjoy braiding their hair and putting various bows on the head of this amazingly calm dog.

The simple character and easy disposition of the Biro Yorkshire Terrier allow him to be kept both as the only dog ​​in the family and in a pack with other dogs.

Of course, any breed of dog with long hair requires increased attention and daily care. In its structure, the delicate and silky coat of Biro Yorkshire Terriers is similar to human hair, in addition, they have no undercoat. These facts can significantly contribute to the formation of tangles, which in turn cause significant discomfort to both the animal and its owner. This is why it is so important to properly care for your Biro's coat.

If your dog is a pet, then daily combing of the coat with a special comb, cleansing the eyes of secretions and bathing once every 2-3 weeks (preferably with professional cosmetics for dogs) will be enough for it. After bathing, you need to shape the ears, trim the nails, the hair between the pads of the toes and tidy up the intimate areas.

Based on existing fashion trends and the structure of your pet’s coat, you can choose the appropriate haircut option for your biro – “puppy”, “summer”, “edging”, as well as “classic” or “show” and your baby will always delight you with his appearance.

Well, if you and your pet decide to attend exhibitions, you will have to be patient and work hard. Caring for the exhibition biro in this case will be daily and labor-intensive. Often, such dogs have more grooming products than their owner. You will need to purchase not only special professional cosmetics, hair dryers, combs, various tools, bows, rubber bands, but also to understand the science of grooming.

This is not to say that the daily care of a show dog is a difficult process, but it is a mandatory daily event. One of the main elements of caring for a show dog is daily brushing with good massage combs, a comb and, of course, moisturizers. You will have to comb the dog quite carefully; superficial combing will lead to the formation of tangles, and in the future - to loss of hair. Preserving the fur of a show dog and keeping it well-groomed is probably one of the main tasks for the owner.

The second activity is swimming. Experienced breeders recommend washing a show dog 1-2 times a week, with the obligatory use of professional shampoos, conditioners, balms or oils. It is quite possible that in order to grow long hair, you will have to learn how to weave curlers, believe me, this is a very exciting activity (I suspect that many reading this article will disagree with me).

Trimming ears, paws, claws, intimate areas, brushing teeth, protecting against fleas and ticks, as well as timely deworming and vaccination are no less important activities that are mandatory not only for a show dog, but also for any of your pets.

Breeding issues

Today, the Biro Yorkshire Terrier breed is quite small and one of the youngest breeds not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

At the same time, biro Yorkshire terriers already have their own fans and true connoisseurs.

Currently the Biro Yorkshire Terrier gene pool is very limited and most breeding dogs are not good enough for breeding purposes. There is already a clearly defined breed standard, but, unfortunately, many do not breed according to this standard, but produce dogs that only “look like Biro” in order to make money from it.

The breeding of the Biro Yorkshire Terrier is now only in its very beginning stages and there is still a lot of work to be done to improve it to establish it as a good type. It is necessary to remove many gross defects: the size of the individuals is too large, the ears are bad, even floppy, many biros still lack a golden tint on the head (the color is only a mixture of brown and white), the chocolate shade of brown on the body is too light, often over-colored, poor quality wool and others.

Standard Biro Yorkshire Terrier

(approved in Germany by the Internantionaler Biewer Yorkshire Terrier Club eV angeschlossen der Deutschen Hunde-und Zuchtgemeinschaft eV).

General form:

a dog with long, thick hair, parted along the top line.


small and flat, by no means round or strongly formed, having thick hair on the crown and chin.


not long.


brown, completely painted over.


small, dark, with an intelligent expression.


small, erect, v-shaped, abundantly covered with short, thick hair. (The hair on the top of the head and chin is long).


with a good output, not massive.


very compact, with a flat topline, well defined lumbar and hip area.


completely straight, covered with thick hair, round paws.


undocked, set high, abundantly covered with hair.


the body is long, smooth, with a silky tint.

chocolate-white-gold, symmetrically colored.
Important: there should be a pronounced shade of gold on the head. Body:
white chocolate, without inclusions of gold, or smooth chocolate with white frill. The chest, belly and paws are white.

Height and weight:
up to 22 cm
up to 3.1 kg

Males should have two developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.


Absence of a characteristic shade of gold on the head. Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a deficiency.

By its essence, the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is one of the rarest and most unusual breeds found in cynology.

Having carefully studied the pedigree of the Biewer York, it is amazingly confirmed that this breed appeared absolutely on the basis of the Yorkshire Terrier breed.

In this article we will look at the differences between the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier and its ancestor; Biro Yorkshire Terrier, as a type of Biewer and the specifics of caring for Biewer Yorkies.


The Biro Yorkshire Terrier is a long-liver and, with proper care, can live 14 years or more. Just like all living beings, it has a tendency to certain ailments.


Characteristic pathologies of the breed:

  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Food allergies.


A standard vaccination schedule will help your pet avoid deadly diseases such as plague and rabies.

What do the puppies look like?

The color of a newborn Yorkie puppy is black and tan, like a Rottweiler, and the fur is about the same length (as the puppies in the photo).

But as they grow older, the color of the coat begins to change, and its length gradually increases.

A small Yorkie begins to bloom from the head, the color of which changes from black to golden-red, and in an adult Yorkie there should be no black hairs left on the head at all.

The color on the chest and paws changes in approximately the same way and, as a result, the fur there acquires a golden-ashy hue.

The steel color begins to appear first from above: on the neck, back and rump.

At the same time, the hair itself lightens unevenly: a grayish tint appears first at its base and only then drops lower, towards the tip.

IMPORTANT! The color is finally formed by the age of two or three, and it is not always the desired color.

Many Yorkies grow noticeably lighter in color, and in some of them the areas of contrasting colors do not have clear outlines.

With age, the texture of the Yorkie's coat also changes: from short and smooth at birth, by the time the pet is one year old, it becomes thinner, longer and silkier, as in the picture below.


The first estrus in Biro Yorkies appears at an early age, especially in males. At 4 months they are ready to do adult things, jumping on their owner’s leg or on their favorite toy. However, it is forbidden to breed dogs until they reach the age of one and a half years. Early matings will have a detrimental effect on both the dog’s health and possible offspring.

The first mating of a Biro Yorkie can be challenging. You may need help from the owner. The second and subsequent matings take place without human intervention.


The Biro dog feels great in an apartment and can go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter box. But this does not mean that the dog should be locked up. She needs activity and fresh air for full development.

Activity and fresh air are essential

You should take your pet for a walk 2 times a day for at least 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to find friends for the pet among its relatives, this will allow the dog to run around and play enough. Yorkies are very active and need regular exercise.

How much do Biro Yorkie puppies cost?

The Biro York breed is not widespread enough, so the price of puppies is significantly high: it starts from 25 thousand rubles. It can reach 100 thousand rubles, it all depends on the titles of the parents and the nursery:

  • Nursery "Gold Benilux" Moscow
  • Nursery "Majenny" St. Petersburg
  • Kennel Club "Leo Binari" Moscow

The Biro Yorkie breed is the choice for people in need of a companion. These dogs will not let you get bored. Unlike its predecessor with hunting inclinations, the Yorkshire Terrier, the Biro York is exclusively a decorative dog. Its purpose is to decorate the world.

Price and owner reviews

It is difficult to name the exact price, given how rare this breed is, and ten clubs are scattered throughout Europe and America and are actually considered closed.

In this case, it is not enough to have money; you also need serious connections in canine circles in order to be able to come to an agreement, get in line for a baby and not stand in this line for ten years. Let's hope that in the coming years Biro York will become available to mere mortals.

Feedback and recommendations from the leading dog handler of the ElRo kennel, Nikiforov Eduard Petrovich, who has been working with Yorkshire terriers for 10 years:

“Keeping a rare breed animal at home is a serious responsibility, especially if you are not a professional. Big money is not always able to solve problems, and Biro Yorks should be especially carefully looked after. This is a new breed, born through natural mutation, and it is not yet completely clear what features other than coat color may be revealed.”

Official description and standard

In 1989, Biewers were recognized as an independent breed by the German Dog Fanciers Club. The first standard was short and concise: representatives were described as Yorkshire terriers with a color combination of white, blue and gold.

Other breeders were intrigued by the little dogs and began breeding them as well. Among the first nurseries to start reproduction were “Agridesheim” and “Sonnenhof”.

The Biewer family maintained direct control of the breeding program in Germany, so their high-breed dogs were difficult to obtain and quite expensive. Werner died in 1997, but his life's work continues thanks to the existence of a unique breed named in his honor.

One of the few photos of Mr. Werner, the creator of these babies.

By 2000, Biewers had fallen out of favor in Germany and the number of breeders had dropped significantly. Their former popularity returned only with their appearance in America. Since the standard has not been improved over all this time, it has caused a lot of controversy among professionals. Early photos initially show two colors on the head of the dog, while in the body color black predominated over blue.

Currently, combinations of “white-blue-gold” or “black-white-gold” on the head are acceptable. As for the body, combinations of black and white and white and blue are allowed here.

A prerequisite is that all colors must be harmoniously distributed.

Origin story

The history of the breed dates back to the end of 2004, when breeder Birgit Resner had three puppies in a litter of Biewers with the standard color for this breed, and the fourth was born with chocolate-colored fur. A few weeks later, a similar situation occurred at another Robert Kear nursery.

They decided to keep the unusual puppies and continue breeding the breed with a chocolate color. The new Biro York breed was named after the first letters of the breeders: BI ─ Birgit, and RO ─ Robert.

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