Diagnosis and treatment of dirofilariasis Dirofilariasis is a parasitic zooanthroponotic disease caused by roundworms (nematodes)
When can you bathe a puppy for the first time? In the first days of life, washing newborn puppies
Glucose, or grape sugar, is the most important element that provides energy to the body. Fluctuations of this indicator in
One of the reasons why people hesitate to have a four-legged friend in their home is
MINI-PEI - MINIATURE SHARPEY I have always been attracted to giants - at the age of 6 I dreamed
Black coloring is rare in Jack Russell Terriers. But such dogs look impressive and elegant. People,
What is toxocariasis? This is an unpleasant disease during which large and
Before adopting a dog, you need to understand that it is very important to teach it certain commands. This
Despite their strong immunity, cats are at risk of contracting infectious diseases. For the treatment of eye diseases
Functions of the testes in the body What functions of the testes in the body are most important? Biologists and veterinarians