What to do if your dog constantly barks?

The dog doesn't bark?

Although dogs have a rich and varied body language, barking is still their form of expression and communication most easily identified by humans. Therefore, a puppy or adult dog that never barks or that suddenly stops barking is often a cause for concern. Although it is true that some pathologies, such as laryngitis , can cause aphonia in dogs.

There are also factors inherent in their nature and some bad habits that can damage their vocal cords and change their vocal output.

Have you noticed that your dog has stopped barking and are worried that he might be sick? Well, don't hesitate to consult your veterinarian to rule out possible pathological causes. And if you want to know more about the reasons that may explain why your dog never barks, we recommend that you continue reading this post.

Educational methods

The most humane methods of weaning from barking are those based on education and training. The choice of a specific method directly depends on the reason for the barking. It’s worth noting right away that they have a more effective effect on puppies, but with adult pets it will be more difficult. Getting them to change their behavior is very difficult.

Raising an adequate reaction to relatives in a puppy

This method is directly related to socialization. It is during a walk that you should begin to introduce your little friend to the outside world. You can negotiate with other owners to meet their pets. This will be safer than allowing contact with unfamiliar adult dogs without owners.

Important! A puppy should only be introduced to another dog with the permission of its owner. Each dog has mental and behavioral characteristics, and only its breeder can know about it.

For friendly behavior during interaction, the puppy should be actively praised, but not during contact. This may give the opposite reaction - the pet may think that the owner is against his friendship with his relatives. For dating, it is better to choose adult dogs with a calm character and moderate activity. New friends who are too playful and active can frighten the baby.

Warning in advance

If the reason for the constant barking is obvious, then it is quite possible to prevent such a reaction. The simplest option is to avoid contact with the source of irritation.

A more complex method is switching to a command. This involves using the commands “come to me” or “near” at the moment when the dog is just about to vocalize. This method must be weaned off gradually, but regularly.

Attention! A prerequisite for using the method of distracting a command is its flawless execution by the dog in any circumstances.

To be distracted by a command, the dog must know it well

Accustoming to loneliness

As mentioned above, many dogs bark out of loneliness and boredom. It is also worth starting to eliminate such a problem from a young age. Gradually you need to leave and leave the puppy alone, increasing the time of absence.

Good behavior should also be praised. You should not shout at your little friend if he did something bad in the absence of the owner - if the action has already been completed, the pet will not understand why he is being scolded.

Another option for stopping your dog from barking at home is to provide entertainment options. To avoid boredom and damage to things as a game, you need to provide your dog with other entertainment options. These can be toys and various devices for obtaining treats.

Attention! Pet stores have a wide selection of products for entertaining dogs - there are interesting games for every pet.

This method can also be used for the inhabitants of the enclosure, but they need to leave the toys at night so that no one complains about their barking during sleep.

An interesting toy will entertain your furry friend alone

Switching attention

Another way to stop a dog from barking and reacting to every noise and rustle is to switch the pet’s attention. This technique should be used every time the dog is about to bark for irritation.

You can distract with a toy, a treat, a joint activity, or a sound (“pi,” for example). The action should be repeated several times in a row daily.

The most effective option would be to switch the dog's attention to the owner. It may be followed by a treat or a game, but the main thing is that the furry friend’s attention will be focused on the person.

Attention! Experts recommend teaching your dog to concentrate on its owner from a young age.

For this, there are a number of special exercises, the implementation of which allows you to teach the dog, despite irritants, to concentrate on a person on command or gesture.

Training course

In a difficult situation, you need to turn to a dog trainer for help.
Sometimes owners of particularly stubborn or emotional pets cannot cope with weaning from barking on their own. Another reason may be the age of the dog - it is more difficult to re-educate an adult, because it has already formed its character and norms of behavior. If your dog constantly barks and you don’t know what to do about it, you should contact a dog handler.

You can take a full training course. Its focus depends on the purpose for which the dog was bred.

The general course will be quite enough for a companion dog, but to develop security qualities, more complex training will be required. In any case, to wean off barking, you should either supplement the program with special classes to eliminate the problem, or work with a dog handler specifically to reduce the pet’s barking.

Dog handlers have many methods - some use the harsh techniques of Antoine Najarian, while private modern dog handlers are more humane.

My dog ​​doesn't bark: pathological reasons

If you notice any abnormality in barking or behavior, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian immediately. There are several pathologies that can cause both aphonia and excessive barking in dogs. When a dog tries to bark and can't sound it, or if it doesn't bark well, these may be symptoms that are being affected by the vocal cords. Because these structures are located in the throat, very close to the larynx and just above the trachea, any injury, inflammation or infection in these regions can affect the ability to bark or make their vocal output sound hoarse.

If your dog has any condition that causes chronic or excessive vomiting, then it is very likely that his larynx and throat are constantly irritated, preventing him from barking properly. Additionally, diseases that affect the respiratory tract can also cause aphonia in our best friends.

On the other hand, if your dog barks excessively, it could be a symptom of stress, boredom, a sedentary lifestyle, or other pathologies. In all the cases mentioned, it is equally important to consult your veterinarian.

Raising a defender

"Face", "Take" and "Alien"

In order for the animal to correctly distinguish between these commands, it is worth initially deciding what the dog’s reaction to them should be.

Thus, the “Alien” command means that danger is possible, but it has not yet arrived. Therefore, the pet must be alert and wait without making a single sound. All attempts to attack when this command is pronounced must be strictly suppressed, since it is this command that should bring the animal into full readiness, but not give it the opportunity to attack first.

In the same case, if the commands “Face” or “Take” are followed, the pet must react with lightning speed and pounce on the attacker. It is very important that such an attack is accompanied by loud barking. Only this can show that the dog is not joking and is quite aggressive.

Thus, if a dog can only yelp and no longer shows any signs of aggression, then it is necessary to work with it quite intensively. If necessary, you can seek help from professional dog handlers, who will be much more effective in helping with this issue.

Breed predisposition is an important factor

There are certain dog breeds that are more expressive, anxious, or distrustful, and that tend to bark more constantly, while others may appear calmer or more introverted. For most of human history, dogs that could bark loudly, scare away predators, and warn their owners of the greatest dangers were the most valuable. However, nowadays, less barking breeds are very much appreciated by those who live in apartments.

The Basenji, which tops the list of dogs that bark the least, does not emit the characteristic bark sound. To us, it may seem that this dog does not bark, since it emits a sound similar to a chuckle to communicate verbally. It is speculated that this feature is due to the structure of its vocal cords being more similar to that of a dingo than a dog.

If you have a Golden Retriever, Labrador, Pug, French Bulldog, Rottweiler or Akita Inu, don't be surprised if your dog barks less than other dogs in the neighborhood. The same applies to dogs who have inherited this genetic predisposition from their parents.

Relationship between pet and person

In order for the dog not to encounter such a problem as the lack of barking in adulthood, he must be taught to bark from infancy. Compliance with this rule does not depend at all on the breed or genetic predisposition of the animal. This is due to the fact that the person must always dominate the dog and all attempts by the pet to reverse must be immediately stopped. The basis of a healthy relationship is complete submission to your owner, obedience and proper routine. However, in addition to all this, you must show your pet your good attitude and love.

The dog feels all your manifestations and only with complete trust and safety will it be able to fully open up and begin to bark exactly when it is necessary. Training will begin to be carried out more effectively, and the pet will understand and do everything that is required of it.

Does your dog wear a collar?

Does your dog pull most of the leash and use the collar to walk? Because this constant exposure can damage or irritate the larynx, throat or vocal cords, causing the dog to stop barking. If your hairy also seems to be panting, coughing, gagging, or having difficulty breathing while walking, playing, or exercising, don't hesitate to take him to the vet quickly.

To avoid these disorders, we should prefer to use harnesses on daily walks with our furries and also teach them not to pull on the leash and walk normally. Remember that a collar is counterproductive and dangerous, and that positive reinforcement is the best way to stimulate and train our best friends without risking their well-being.

Territory defense

When a stranger appears on the territory that the dog is accustomed to consider its own, wariness is a normal reaction of the animal. Our four-legged friends want to protect themselves from unfamiliar people and situations and, of course, their beloved owner and his family. A dog can consider its territory to be the house or apartment where the animal lives, an enclosure or a garden plot where the tailed pet is used to frolicking with its two-legged friends.

At the same time, the dog’s wariness can be caused even by the fact that there is a stranger next to him or his owner, as well as on his territory. In this case, the animal will growl and closely study the new person. If he, in turn, gives a reason, then the dog’s wariness can develop into aggression.

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Have you just adopted a dog and it never barks?

Adopting a dog is an act of love that gives thousands of animals a second chance to have a home and receive the love they so richly deserve. However, it is important to quickly take our new partner to the vet to rule out any pathology and find out their health status. It is also important to consult with your veterinarian to check whether your new partner has had vocal cord removal surgery.

If you have recently adopted a beautiful puppy, it is very possible that your little puppy is not barking immediately after arriving at his new home. Your partner must adapt to new stimuli in their environment in order to feel safe and able to express their personality and feelings with confidence. This phenomenon is commonly known as the "Honeymoon Effect" and can occur in mixed breeds or certain breed puppies.

Additionally, if you adopted an adult dog, the unfortunate possibility is that your new friend isn't barking because he or she has been the victim of physical or emotional abuse. In these cases, we will need to provide patience and professional help to allow our new best friend to regain his confidence and be able to express himself freely without fear.

Please keep in mind that our articles are informational and should not replace veterinary care. Therefore, if your dog stops barking or shows any changes in their appearance or behavior, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Principles and best period to start training a dog

Why a dog doesn’t bark at strangers passing by is a question that a fairly large number of breeders are faced with today. But the answer to it is not always unambiguous. But, in order to begin voice training for a pet, there are a variety of age indicators for each individual breed.

If your pet belongs to one of the aggressive breeds, then he will try to demonstrate all his protective qualities very early. In this case, such attempts must be significantly corrected and, if necessary, stopped by the owner.

However, as for the average period, it is not recommended to teach the dog to bark loudly and loudly until the dog is six months old. This is due to the fact that the baby’s psyche, which has not yet opened up, will not be able to perceive everything correctly and the pet may confuse barking with aggression, which will not do him any good. Such attempts at early training can lead to the animal becoming completely uncontrollable. For example, a dog may obey its owner, but be aggressive towards other members of the household.

Thus, the best age for a dog to train is from nine to twelve months.

It is during this period of his life that the puppy’s fervor will subside a little, and the dog will be able to significantly control his emotions and perceive certain commands. Starting from this age, the dog will begin to significantly distinguish between its own and strangers; the latter will be greeted by a fairly loud bark.

Puppy vision development

Animals are born blind. The first two weeks are guided by smells. Next, attempts to master the limbs begin. They are trying to get up, learning to walk.

The eyes open after two weeks. Later - in individual individuals. This means the little animal is weak. Health status is checked.

Vision appears on the fourth day of open eyes. Some begin to see earlier, after a day. Until eighteen days of life, puppies are prohibited from opening their eyes.

The period for the development of vision varies around twenty days. If vision does not appear, you need to visit a doctor. Independent eye opening occurs after eighteen days of life. Care is required.

Use a sterile cloth soaked in warm water to wet the eye. New tissue is used for the other eye. With clean hands, carefully open the eyelids. Dogs do not open their eyes on their own due to pain from severe blinding.

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