How to choose a Chihuahua puppy and how to care for him

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?
There is no single answer to this question. First of all, you should decide what you expect from the dog, how much time you are willing to devote to training the puppy. Start from this data. The pros and cons for each specific owner can be completely different. First of all, it is worth noting at what age it is definitely not worth adopting a puppy. This boundary mark is 45 days from the date of birth of the animal. Despite the fact that many puppies begin to feed themselves from 3 weeks of age, their mother continues to feed them milk until 1.5 -2 months of age. When breastfeeding, the puppy's immunity is stronger.

Immediately at 45 days, the puppies are certified, during which the owner of the kennel or a specialist from the dog club examines the puppies for breeding value and determines their exhibition prospects.

Puppies with malocclusion, kinked tails, cryptorchids, or color defects are excluded from the breeding program. However, these animals can make wonderful pets at a budget price. Such animals can be adopted after the first vaccination, which is done at 1.5 - 2 months + 7-10 days of quarantine. Babies of this age are already quite socialized, they have managed to receive maternal attention and the skills of being in a dog group among their littermates.

What you should pay attention to:

- the stomach of a small puppy is not capable of sudden and numerous changes in food, so it is advisable to feed the puppy in a new home according to the schedule to which he was accustomed in the breeder’s home. Don't forget to ask what kind of food your new family member is used to. If you are planning to introduce a new type of food, it is advisable to do it gradually, mixing it with what is already familiar. The quality of the new food should be no lower than what the puppy is used to. -the first days in a new home are stressful for the baby, try to provide the puppy with a limited space free of dangers -do not pour out your love like an avalanche, wait until the animal gets used to you -contact with other dogs can be carried out after all vaccinations have been completed

If your plans include exhibition activities and breeding, then the puppy you buy should be older. Since the correct bite of a puppy and the presence of all teeth does not guarantee that everything will be fine after the change. Closer to 7-8 months it is already possible to judge any prospects. It is impossible to guarantee a show career for a 2-month-old puppy. Of course, a mature puppy with show prospects is more expensive, but such an animal, as a rule, has already been trained, and this also costs time and money. Do not be afraid when you are offered the last puppy from the litter , while the rest of the babies have already been sold. A competent breeder sells the best puppies last, often not putting them up for sale at a young age.

The advantages of a grown puppy:

- the animal has a stable digestive system - the dog is less interested in small details on the floor - often such a puppy understands simple commands and knows its place in the house - you can immediately walk with the dog, since the vaccination and quarantine periods have been completed

To adopt or not to adopt an adult dog?

An adult dog is an established character.

Where to buy a puppy

First of all, you will have to decide where is the best place to buy a puppy. There are several main options to consider.

  • Private nurseries.
  • Large boarding nurseries.
  • Purchasing a puppy from an official breeder who has a full package of documents on hand.
  • Some also decide to buy a dog directly, even in the absence of documents.

Almost every direction here needs additional study.

Private nurseries

You can start with a good option. A private kennel is most often a system in which one breeder has several dogs at the same time. The breeder monitors the breeding of pedigree puppies. He puts these promising dogs up for sale.

A big advantage of such private nurseries is the transfer of dogs under a contract and the availability of documents for puppies. Usually the transfer occurs under a co-ownership agreement. But there are also disadvantages: often these nurseries turn into simple conveyors, where everything is aimed at sales and increasing profits.


A large boarding nursery is an ideal option, but it is very rare. After all, boarding houses are expensive to maintain. But in such high-class nurseries they carefully monitor the physical and psychological health of puppies and raise them well. There is an impeccably adjusted system of care and feeding, and all conditions for excellent development are provided.

How to choose the right Chihuahua puppy: tips and advice from experts

In each specific case, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It often happens that an adult dog blends into the family so harmoniously that it becomes one with its new owner. However, if a dog is given away due to a difficult character or aggression, such an animal can only be adopted by a person who has experience in adjusting animal behavior.

One thing is for sure, every dog ​​will definitely have the owner it deserves. And it very often happens that after the first dog, a second, third appears in the house...

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Chihuahua content


Caring for a Chihuahua does not cause a lot of trouble for their owners. They should be bathed once a month with special products designed to care for a specific type of coat. Every day you need to pay attention to the condition of your pet's eyes. Careful cleaning of the ears is carried out weekly. For the comfort of the dog and the correct placement of paws in puppies, it is necessary to trim the claws on their paws. Your pet should be taught this procedure from an early age. Trained dogs do not experience discomfort or pain during such an important hygienic process. For this purpose, special forceps are used, which can be purchased at any pet supply store.


Representatives of the breed are born inhabitants of megacities.
They feel comfortable even in small apartments, but with the obligatory condition that there is something to study and play at home. Chihuahuas do not require excessive exercise; walking and playing with a ball is sufficient for them. Dogs of this breed love to walk outside in good weather. For adverse weather conditions, you should have warm clothing for your pet, as they are all extremely sensitive to cold and need protection from it. To do this, it is enough to purchase several accessories in the form of sweaters, overalls, fur coats, a pair of shoes, etc. icon-bell
Proper care, education and love of the household will create excellent conditions for a happy and long life for your pet. The Chihuahua breed is very loyal to its owner, if this small, brave dog lives in your house, then congratulations to you!

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at what age is it better to adopt a chihuahua puppy?

If you only know about Chihuas by hearsay, but have already become the happy owner of this little dog, here are some tips that will definitely come in handy.

1. If you want to buy a Chihuahua puppy, first check whether any of your household members are allergic to dog hair, also soberly assess your financial capabilities, then visit Chihuahua nurseries. A Chihuahua is an expensive dog that requires constant financial expenditure. Of course, later you will be able to more than recoup your costs by selling puppies. But first, be prepared for the fact that every visit to the veterinarian will cost you a pretty penny, and that if you feed your dog cheap food, it will have constant stomach problems. It is unlikely that you will be able to save money on keeping a dog of this breed. True, people who were able to purchase a Chihuahua say that they do not notice any financial expenses for its maintenance, since this dog compensates for all expenses with its love and affection for its owner.

2. When raising a Chihuahua, try to accustom your pet to a certain daily routine, and most importantly, to the same feeding time. This will be convenient for you and beneficial for the dog, since eating at the same time has a beneficial effect on the dog’s stomach and health. In addition, your dog will not be a beggar. Despite the fact that a Chihuahua usually drinks very little, there should always be clean water in its bowl, preferably boiled or natural mineral water without gases.

3. Give the Chihuahua a separate place to rest; a dog, like a person, can suffer from nervous and physical overload, and restful sleep is very important for it. It is best if the dog's rest area is located in the most remote place so that the dog is not distracted, and also protect the dog from cold and drafts. Don't forget to keep your dog warm after walks.

4. Do not hold the dog in your arms all the time; it should move a lot. If possible, regularly take your dog out into the fresh air and to places where he can run for fun without a collar.

5. Don't feed your dog only meat and meat products, give it vegetables. The first sign that a Chihuahua is lacking vitamins is that the dog starts eating grass during a walk. There's nothing wrong with that; let your predator chew some grass. It’s just better that this grass does not grow in a city or park where other dogs go to the toilet. Regularly give your pet a piece of apple or carrot.

6. Watch the dog’s appearance, to avoid suppuration, be sure to regularly wash the eyes with tea, you need to be especially wary if the dog starts rubbing its eyes with its paws - this means it has problems, possibly micro-wounds, it is better to immediately take it to the veterinarian. After bathing, be sure to thoroughly dry your dog's ears and, if possible, do not get them wet, as water often causes inflammation in the ears. Trim your dog's nails regularly, they grow quickly, and if you don't take care of your nails, it will first be painful for your dog to walk, and then he will begin to place his paws incorrectly.

7. Educate your Chihuahua; if you cannot teach your dog to obey, then send it to school.

8. Never leave your dog alone in a room with a child or in a car. Out of loneliness and boredom, a Chihuahua can do things that you can’t even imagine.

9. From a young age, forbid puppy to bark loudly and for a long time, otherwise he may grow into a lying dog.

10. Do not make a clown and a ostentatious toy out of your dog, that is, for example, when guests come to you, do not start dog concerts or passing the dog from hand to hand and strangers cooing with it, this can cause stress in an unprepared dog. Also, the dog may either begin to become arrogant or afraid of people. Depends on the character of the dog, an arrogant dog is, in the language of experienced specialists, a dog that begins to bark and attract attention in every possible way when people lose interest in it for even a minute. That is, you will not be able to calmly talk with friends if your dog suffers from lack of attention and for this reason whines and barks.

The best thing to do before buying a Chihuahua puppy is to first buy a couple of books about this breed and study them carefully. It would not hurt to get acquainted with experienced dog breeders, breeders of the breed, visit Chihuahua kennels and regularly turn to them for advice. Knowing the Chihuahua's personality traits and basic care rules will help you raise a healthy and beautiful dog.

The Chihuahua is a rather unassuming breed. When looking closely at a puppy, decide what you need it for : to diversify family leisure time or to win exhibition medals. Regardless of your chosen goal, you need to know a number of rules and criteria that will help you choose a healthy and cheerful puppy.

The history of the appearance of the Chihuahua


The Chihuahua dog was first discovered in the late 19th century in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. There are many versions about the origin of this breed, some of them seem completely unrealistic. One thing is certain: they appeared on the territory of ancient Mexico long before the Spaniards arrived on the mainland. It is possible that Chihuahuas have family ties with the ancient Techichi dogs, which were mentioned 1500 years before the beginning of our era. e. Such dogs were considered sacred by the Aztec, Mayan and Toltec peoples. They were so deeply revered that each animal had its own servant. His responsibilities included proper care and feeding of the dog.


The unique Chihuahua dog took part in all holidays and rituals of a religious nature. However, this fate also had a significant drawback, since after the death of the owner the dog was mercilessly killed. This is evidenced by archaeological finds of mummified remains of dogs next to the deceased. Ancient people believed that representatives of the Chihuahua breed took on the sins of their owner, thereby helping to protect souls from punishment and protecting them on the way to heaven.


These dogs made their debut in 1904 at a specialized exhibition in the US state of Philadelphia. It was then that the short-haired Chihuahua dog Midget appeared before famous dog breeders as an official representative. The first article about this breed was published 10 years later in an American newspaper, and in 1923 an American club was founded, which developed a breed standard. True, then it included a description of smooth-haired representatives. At the end of the 40s, a British club was organized, and 5 years later, a tandem of British and American dog breeders set new standards for these dogs, dividing them into 2 types: long-haired and short-haired.


In Europe, they learned about a fully formed breed in the 50s of the last century. Then bright representatives of small dogs were brought to Germany and France. They appeared on the territory of the post-Soviet space in the late 50s, when the Khrushchev family was presented as a gift with two long-haired dogs from Cuba, which turned out to be the founders of the Moscow direction of the Chihuahua breed.


Currently, small pets are one of the most popular decorative breeds all over the world. Chihuahuas are well known in all countries, but they are still revered with special reverence in Mexico. It is there that they have the title of national breed. Many dog ​​breeders, following the example of the ancient Mexicans, believe in the supernatural abilities of these animals. To know everything about the Chihuahua, take a closer look at the description of the breed and the character of the dog.

Does anyone have a Chihuahua?

If you are going to compete for championship titles, check with the seller how promising the puppy is in this regard .

  • The disadvantages of the breed (improper bite and size of the fontanel) do not affect the dog’s health in any way, but significantly reduce its cost.
  • Temperament. It is often directly proportional to size: the larger the puppy, the more active and cheerful it is.
  • Mutual sympathy. It often happens that a puppy chooses its future owner, runs up and cuddles up to him. You, too, can fall victim to the dog's charm by reaching out to one of the kids.
  • A special article is breeding. A medium-sized or larger Chihuahua is suitable for this purpose. It is also recommended to study in great detail the pedigree of the purchased bitch.
  • Raising a Chihuahua

    Small representatives of the Chihuahua breed are perfect for living in a city apartment. The pet's small size allows you to safely travel with them. In unfavorable weather conditions, they easily manage without walking. In this case, the Chihuahua relieves itself in a special tray. This is suitable for those owners who are often too lazy to take their pet outside.

    Dogs of this breed have mental stability, which is rare among representatives of dwarf breeds. Chihuahuas have a soft, flexible character, cheerful disposition and good health, which is ideal for people of different incomes, social status and any age category. The only drawback of the breed is its difficult relationship with children. This is caused by children's perception and desire to play with a small dog instead of a toy.

    To prevent your pet from showing its hot Mexican character in your home, you need to train it from a young age. In this aspect, it is important to socialize the dog in time, i.e. introduce her to new people and friendly representatives of other breeds.

    Puberty in dogs can be accompanied by irritability and constant barking for no apparent reason. Such impulses must be nipped in the bud. Punishment for misconduct must follow immediately after the commission of the offense. At the same time, any physical punishment is not welcome, which can completely ruin the character of a pet.

    To raise a well-mannered pet for your home, you should approach its upbringing extremely seriously. When difficult situations arise, you should never lose your position in front of a stubborn dog. Chihuahuas are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, and therefore proper upbringing and the correct approach to training will turn your pet into a well-mannered family member.

    Pedigree of Chihuahua

    The quality of the breed should be of interest to those who dream of prestigious titles at dog shows. A clear proof of the purity of the breed is the parents of your four-legged friend . Once you see them, you will understand what his prospects are.

    Although, there are no rules without exceptions: the cubs of large individuals do not live up to the expectations of the breeders and grow up less impressive than their parents. In turn, even very small puppies, when growing up, do not grow to parental size.

    When studying a pedigree, they look at the homogeneity of the line , which also manifests itself in the family. This indicator indicates that the breeder accurately rejected non-standard puppies, as well as the pronounced characteristics and purity of the breed. For exhibition specimens this is quite significant.

    It is considered acceptable for a puppy without show ambitions, but such dogs are not used for breeding.

    Important Features

    Chihuahuas, like any other breed, have their own characteristics. Some points may seem strange to the person choosing a dog. Therefore, let's pay attention to them: Due to the miniature size of the Chihuahua, it is difficult for them to stay warm, so they often show signs of shivering. So if the puppy you are about to buy is trembling, then this is not a sign of illness, but of its thoroughbred. In most representatives of the breed, even in adulthood, the fontanel does not overgrow. Although in other puppies, including miniature breeds, the molera disappears by the age of 3 months. The body length of male Chihuahuas is slightly shorter than that of females.

    Choosing a healthy Chihuahua

    Since the adults of this breed have not yet grown, puppies should be taken after they reach two, or even better 2.5 months, when vaccinations have been completed.

    When choosing, pay attention to the following external signs:

    • The coat and skin of a healthy pet are clean, the nose is dry, and the eyes are not watery.
    • Teeth. There should be an equal number of incisors (6) and canines (2) on the lower and upper jaws.
    • Bite. Its defect often appears in Chihuahuas only after changing teeth. Ideally, the lower incisors overlap the upper ones, and the mandibular canine is located in the middle of the last incisor and the upper canine.
    • Traits of the breed, manifested in the length of the muzzle, the shape of the skull and the flat back. The tail is not curled into a ring, the front legs are slender.
    • The puppy does not look lethargic or exhausted.

    Where to buy a puppy?

    If you are buying a Chihuahua, don't rush to the bird market. Otherwise, you will be severely disappointed when, instead of a small dog, the puppy you purchased grows into “something” the size of a greyhound, or worse, you just buy a sick dog. So, how and where to buy a good dog?

    This can be done through the club . With such a purchase, they will tell you in which litter the more promising puppies are expected. They can tell when there will be an interesting event in which high-quality dogs are expected.

    You will also have the opportunity to choose the parents of your puppy at the exhibition. After all, you can buy a puppy from the winning bitch you like. Believe me, both the breeder himself and the club will approach the choice of a male dog very carefully. You can also purchase a puppy from a male winner. It would be good to look at the offspring from him, if any, especially at children from different bitches - how similar they are and how similar they are to the father.

    It doesn’t hurt to inquire about the exhibition career of the children of the father or mother you like. Often one bitch or dog is the ancestor of a whole galaxy of “stars” or, on the contrary, they are followed by a “train” of various defects, such as malocclusion, clubfoot, and the like.

    Most often, a puppy is purchased through advertisements on the Internet , since the choice of sites and offers is simply huge. Here, too, it doesn’t hurt to take an interest in the exhibition career of the puppy’s parents and their ancestors. The breeder must also have a document - a pedigree. This is a document confirming the birth of the puppy and its origin. The pedigree lists four generations of the dog's ancestors. It is filled out in a form approved by the canine organization. This document also confirms that the puppy meets the breed standard. If there is no pedigree, then there is no guarantee that your Chihuahua’s grandmother was not a German Shepherd.

    Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the question: where to buy a puppy? Of course, without documents, a puppy will cost much less, but in such cases is it worth pursuing cheapness?

    Age to purchase a Chihuahua

    It is best to purchase a puppy at the age of 6 - 10 weeks . You will immediately start raising him, you will be able to fully feed him and take him for walks, you will be able to give him everything he needs. And at this age, it is psychologically easier for a puppy to adapt to a new place and a new family.

    Sometimes they also sell raised puppies. You should not immediately refuse such offers. If you are buying a puppy and want to engage in its show career, then the age of 4 - 6 months is simply ideal for purchase. After all, at this age you can clearly see the level of his breed, you will not worry about the correctness of the bite. And if the dog has any shortcomings, they can be seen without any problems.

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