Arabian Mau - characteristics, features, character of cats and main diseases characteristic of the breed (100 photos)

This amazing breed of cats, which did not appear as a result of crossing, but naturally - its descendants were wild desert cats (due to which the Arabian Mau perfectly adapted to the hot climate of tropical countries).

To avoid confusing this breed with any other, pay attention to these characteristics:

  • Body type . Strong and very durable, these are quite large cats with well-developed muscles. Males are slightly larger than females, their weight can reach 8 kg.
  • Head . Round with a curved profile and large vertical ears. The eyes are slightly oval in shape, green or yellow, setting off the color of the coat.
  • Tail . Not very long, slightly wide at the base and tapering towards the tip. Its color fully matches the rest of the coat color.
  • Limbs . They are long, and this makes the Arabian Mau seem taller than it actually is. The feet of the paws are small and neat with oval pads.
  • Wool . Short and close to the body. Not very soft, a little hard, but shiny like silk. The color can be different, from solid to spotted.

What’s interesting: Arabian Mau kittens are born fluffy with a very soft “fur coat,” but as they grow older, their fur loses its silkiness and becomes hard.

History of the origin of Arabian cats

More than a thousand years ago, strong and hardy felines lived in the arid desert of the Arabian Peninsula. They lived in difficult conditions, overcoming the heat of the day and the cold of the night. Cats preferred to go hunting at night. Gradually they began to move to live closer to cities, because it was easier to get food there. Local residents accepted the wild beauties and domesticated them. Thus, desert cats, Arabian Mau, found their home next to humans.

Arabian Mau have lived alongside humans since ancient times.

Today, red, white, gray, striped and spotted Arabian Mau are frequent guests on the streets of cities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Oman and Kuwait. For a long time, residents of Arab countries did not accept Arabian Mau as purebred cats, preferring cats brought “from overseas.”

Most Arabian Mau cats are outdoor cats, but despite this, they are very loved. According to Muslim legends, the Prophet Muhammad had a cat named Muizza. When the cat slept on his clothes, the prophet did not wake it up, but chose something else. One day, when she fell asleep on the sleeve of his robe, Muhammad chose to cut off a piece from the sleeve so as not to disturb her sleep. In memory of the prophet's cat, even stray cats are allowed free entry into the mosque.

For the first time, the Arabian Mau was appreciated by the head of the Middle East Cat Society, Petra Muller, in 2004. She showed compassion and interest in outdoor cats and led a program to increase and improve the Arabian population. In 2008, thanks to her efforts, it was possible to breed 4 generations of cats. In the same year, the cat was recognized by the World Cat Federation (WCF) and a standard was developed for it. The breed was named Arabian Mau in accordance with the historical place of its origin and habitat.

The standards for Anatolian cats on the official WCF website are as follows:

Part of the body Standard
Head Appears round, but slightly longer in width with well defined whisker pads. The profile is slightly curved with a pronounced chin.
Ears Large and slightly spaced apart.
Eyes Oval. Eye color matches coat color.
Frame Medium size, strong structure. The body is not too slender, very muscular.
Legs and paws The legs are long with oval paws.
Tail Medium length, tapering to the tip.
Wool There is no undercoat, the fur lies close to the body. The coat is not smooth to the touch, but looks silky.

The texture of the fur of adult cats should not be too silky, it should be elastic. In young cats, a silky texture is acceptable.

General information

City residents perceived local cats as an integral feature of the city, just as we now perceive pigeons. They preferred to buy kittens of exotic European breeds for home decoration, but catching mice in barns was just the thing for the semi-wild Mau.

Until 2004, the region's native cats were not of interest to the breeding community. It was only thanks to the efforts of Petra Müller that cats were selected to compile a stud book and breed the breed as a full-fledged show cat, and not as a semi-wild animal from the local streets.

The breeder benefited from the health of the selected cats, their strong bodies, which had gone through a long path of natural selection, helped create a breed line in just 4 years. By 2008, the breed was officially recognized by the WCF.

INTERESTING: it is the ancestors of the Arabian Mau that are considered the cats of the Prophet. To this day, all cats are treated with reverence in Islam; they are even allowed free access to mosque buildings.

External data

One of the Arabic proverbs says that “cats appeared when a lion sneezed.” Maybe that’s why even in the photo the Arabian Mau resembles a miniature copy of these majestic animals. Eastern cats, like the proud king of beasts, have the same grace of a predator.

Because the Arabian cat breed developed naturally, its body proportions and colors have remained the same after years of changes.

Arabian women have retained their gracefulness from their wild ancestors


Arabian Mau are characterized by a fairly large palette of colors: from solid black to white-red tabby. Breed standards include the following colors:

  • Red and white-red tabby (mackerel, spotted);
  • Red with any amount of white;
  • White (pure white color, without shades or patterns);
  • Black (pure, deep color, without rust or scorch, without a hint of tint);
  • Black with any amount of white;
  • Silver tabby (mackerel, spotted);
  • Calico, bleached calico with any amount of white;
  • Brown and brown tabby (can be with white, mackerel, spotted).

Most cats that live in hot climates have tabby coats. Presumably this feature is due to the fact that their ancestors survived for a long time in sweltering heat. The alternation of dark and light stripes seems to form a flow of air around the cat, a kind of “draft”. This cools the cat's body.

Arabian Mau have many possible colors

Dimensions and weight

Arabian Mau cats are medium in size. Males are usually larger than females and look more massive. An adult cat can reach a weight of 8 kg, females - 4-6 kg.


Arabian Mau are short-haired, they have a smooth, silky coat that is harsh to the touch. The breed is distinguished by the absence of undercoat. Thanks to this, Arabians are not susceptible to dandruff and shed little. Because of this, the Oriental cat is considered hypoallergenic.

Arabian Mau kittens are born fluffy with a very soft coat, but as they mature, their coat is no longer silky and becomes coarse.


Representatives of this breed look larger than ordinary cats. Males weigh 7-8 kg, females - 4-5.

HeadShaped like an elongated wedge, with a noticeably elongated profile and a defined chin that protrudes slightly forward. The whisker pads are well developed, the forehead is narrow and flat.
NoseMedium size.
EarsLarge, stand upright, ears slightly turned to the sides. The tips are much narrower than the base, rounded. Both inside and outside are covered with fur.
EyesLarge, almond-shaped, the color matches the shade of the coat. The purer and brighter the color, the higher the value of the animal. The outline is outlined in dark.
TorsoMuscular, lean, fit, medium size. Neck: Long and elongated. Limbs are long and straight. The paws are elongated, with elastic and pale pads.
TailEqual to the length of the body, even, tapering towards the end. The tip is smoothed.
WoolTough, short, close to the body. The undercoat is completely absent. In babies and young animals (up to 18 months), thin and soft hair is allowed.

The disqualifying signs are as follows:

  • Small body size;
  • Short legs;
  • Too soft wool (including silky);
  • Underdeveloped limbs;
  • Round muzzle;
  • A different eye shape.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to buy a kitten of this breed in Russia, Belarus or in European countries. The reason is banal: due to the fact that this breed was recognized quite recently, there is only one nursery so far - in Dubai, with the above-mentioned Petra Muller. This breed is not yet widespread outside Arab countries (and, by the way, many felinological organizations do not recognize this breed at all). The price for a kitten starts from 60 thousand rubles and depends on the pedigree, gender of the kitten and class (breed, show, pet).

Description of character

The character of the Arabian Mau is of great interest to breeders. It combines many different images, inherited from wild ancestors and acquired through living next to humans.

The Arabian Mau has many interesting personality traits.

Arabian Mau is a guard dog. Natural instincts force the Arabian woman to protect both her home and its inhabitants if they sense danger. Cats love to survey their territory from a height, so they constantly try to climb trees, roofs, and in apartments - onto cabinets and refrigerators.

Arabian cats prefer open spaces and it is better not to limit their freedom with closed doors.

The Arabian Mau is a hunter. Their wild ancestors were forced to obtain their food by hunting. Therefore, the hunting instincts of the Arabian cat are very pronounced. It is not recommended to have a cat if there are small pets in the house, such as hamsters, and vice versa. Peaceful coexistence is excluded in this case. But in a private home, the Arabian Mau will feel very comfortable.

The Arabian will always protect her territory and owner

Arabian Mau - student. The Arabian has a developed intelligence, which allows these cats to remember simple commands well. Some breeders compare Oriental cats to dogs because they are easy to train.

Arabian cats get used to new conditions very quickly. Curious by nature, they actively explore a new place and subject. Oriental cats really like making new acquaintances; they always greet any guest kindly and with interest.

Arabian Mau is a friend. These cats are very loyal to their owners, although they are freedom-loving. Arabian cats enjoy playing together with their owner, communicating with him and other family members. They become attached to people, showing affection and friendliness.

The Arabian Mau is a great playmate

Maintenance and care of Arabian cats

The Arabian Mau can be called a clean cat, which is genetically instilled with self-hygiene skills. But in order for the cat to always look healthy and well-groomed, the owner needs to help her. Typically, caring for the appearance of an Arabian woman consists of several procedures:

  • Daily ear cleaning;
  • Daily rubbing of eyes;
  • Trimming nails approximately once a week as they grow;
  • Brushing with a special brush for short-haired cats – once a week;
  • Brushing teeth with a special paste for cats – once a month;
  • Bathing no more than once every six months.

Despite the lack of undercoat, the Mau needs to be brushed once a week.

It is recommended to keep the Arabian Mau in a spacious apartment or in a private house with a plot. For their active pastime, it is advisable to install a gaming complex and purchase more toys.

Curiosity pushes the Arabian to constant research. If this cat lives in an apartment, then you need to build or purchase a play complex for it with the ability to climb closer to the ceiling. There is no greater pleasure for the Arabian Mau than to sit on a hill and quickly jump from it.

Because of its origin, the Arabian Mau tolerates heat and cold well. Therefore, there is no need to create a special temperature regime in the apartment. The Arabian's bowls and litter box should be located in an easily accessible but not too open place.

Arabians do best when they have the opportunity to walk outdoors, hunt, climb trees, and explore. You can walk with these cats in any parks and squares, but for such walks you will need a special harness. If the opportunity to go for a walk with the cat is limited or the owner does not want to let it out alone, then you can provide a balcony or loggia for this. You can’t completely give up walking - your cat could get sick.

You can walk with the Arabian Mau by putting a harness on the cat

Health and feeding

The Arabian Mau is a very robust and strong cat. It is considered one of the healthiest breeds. Arabian cats easily live up to 14 years of age and do not suffer from the diseases that affect older cats, such as arthritis. They are not prone to diabetes, heart disease, infectious diseases and oncology. But the owner of an Arabian cat still should not neglect the procedures that are mandatory for all cats. Periodically, it is necessary to carry out prevention of external and internal parasites and adhere to the vaccination schedule. It is especially necessary to follow these procedures if the cat walks outside.

The Arabian woman's diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins. Since these cats tend to overeat, which can lead to obesity, you need to carefully monitor your pet's diet.

You need to watch your Arabian's portion sizes as they tend to overeat

The Arabian cat should be fed high-quality dry and wet food, or a proper natural diet. Below is a list of suitable and prohibited foods for Arabian cats.

Can It is forbidden
Lean meat: chicken, rabbit, beef Pork, geese and duck meat
By-products: lungs, liver, heart Fatty, fried, spicy, smoked
Sea fish: cod, salmon only boiled Any river fish
Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar or additives Milk is prohibited only for adult cats
Cereals: rice, buckwheat, boiled oatmeal Bakery products
Vegetables: carrots, cabbage and others, boiled or raw Confectionery

It must be taken into account that the Arabian Mau, having the opportunity to get food from the master’s table, will definitely take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, products intended for humans must be carefully removed from access.

The volume of a single serving should be calculated based on the age, physical condition and preferences of the Arabian woman. Packages of ready-made food usually indicate feeding proportions. With natural feeding, the portion size is calculated relative to the weight of the animal.

The number of feedings also depends on age.

Age Number of feedings
Kittens up to 3 months 5 times a day
Kittens from 3 to 6 months 4 times a day
Kittens from 6 to 8-9 months 3 times a day
From one year of age 2 times a day
Pregnant cat 3-4 times a day, but the serving size should be reduced
Sick and weakened cat Often, but in small portions. In this case, mandatory monitoring of the animal’s condition is necessary.

All cats, and Arabian Mau in particular, need constant access to clean water. The water in the bowl should be changed every day, even if the cat does not drink very much. When feeding a cat dry food, the availability of clean water is especially important.

The health of the Arabian Mau depends on proper nutrition. If the owner has doubts about the choice of feeding, he should contact a veterinarian. He will tell you what to feed the cat in the future and what vitamins should be added to the diet. In addition, the doctor can conduct some tests and identify abnormalities in the body.

The Arabian cat has excellent health, inherited from its wild ancestors

Interesting facts about the Arabian Mau

  • The Arabian Mau breed was formed without much human intervention. Perhaps this is why the Arabian is not recognized by many organizations of felinologists.
  • The traditional color is white and red tabby. However, according to breed standards, it is possible for a cat to have an unlimited proportion of white on its body.
  • It is very rare to see completely black Arabian Mau. These cats are highly prized by breeders.
  • Some breeders believe that Arabian cats share common characteristics and origins with the forest cat.
  • The Arabian cat is perhaps the only cat breed that feels comfortable in hot climates and is able to survive in the desert.

Horoscope compatibility

Arabian Mau can be kept by people of any astrological sign, but they are more suitable for Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces:

  • Aries are active and energetic by nature; Mau is suitable for them because of its dynamism and playfulness.
  • Sensitive and emotional Cancers will love the Arabian cat's devotion and willingness to spend a lot of time with its owner.
  • Affectionate, friendly Arabian Mau will make good company for sociable Libra.
  • The calm, reserved character of the Arabians goes well with the same character of Pisces, who will find reliable companions in the Mau.
  • Even assertive Scorpios, who strive to be leaders in everything, will appreciate the natural balance of animals.

The Arabian Mau is a new and rare breed that is still classified as exotic. It is bred mainly in its homeland, but it is becoming famous among cat lovers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Let us list the main pros and cons of the Arabian Mau breed.

Advantages Flaws
Attractive appearance: graceful figure, long legs, large ears and smooth coat.

Curious, playful and friendly. They easily find a common language with children.

Smart. They easily remember the way home and always come back. They learn quickly.

Excellent health, no predisposition to genetic diseases.

Easy to care for and considered hypoallergenic.

High price. Can only be purchased from a nursery in the UAE.

They are capricious with the scratching post and can scratch furniture and wallpaper.

Owner reviews

There are many photographs on the Internet depicting homeless Arabian cats.

There are still very few real Arabian Mau in Russia, so there are also few reviews. However, those who have already tried to communicate with such pets have realized how affectionate and at the same time independent character these animals have.

It won’t get lost, it will always find its way home, even a kitten. Clean, knows his place. Good-natured cats, well suited for families where there are already animals (be it cats, dogs or even parrots). Fearless, quickly toilet trained, not pretentious, playful and incredibly affectionate. They quickly become attached to the owner, are persistent, and achieve what they have in mind.

8kechka36, forum user

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