7 cat meows: how to understand what your pet wants to tell you

The cat purrs

Most people are sure that this is the surest sign of feline bliss. They are echoed by cat behaviorists, who consider this statement to be fair in relation to domestic cats. Healthy and happy cats actually purr and purr for a long time! Simply place your hand on your furry pet and lightly stroke it. Did you hear the characteristic purring? Don't doubt it - he loves you very much! Sometimes cats purr to encourage their owner to do something - for example, they ask to be petted, scratched behind the ear, or played with.

It’s even more surprising that sick and dying cats sometimes purr. If you notice something like this, especially in combination with other signs - the cat has stopped caring for itself, refuses to eat, is inactive, etc. - contact your veterinarian.


These beautiful and noble animals have always been associated with witchcraft, so there are a lot of interesting beliefs around them. Some of them also concern meowing:

  • The constant meowing of a cat portends huge troubles.
  • A cat meowing through the window, waking up the owners, brings good news and prophesies the appearance of a baby in the near future.
  • Meowing at a wedding foretells unhappiness in marriage.
  • The loud meowing of a frightened cat, trying to hide and asking to come out, means a natural disaster: earthquakes, tornadoes, eruptions, floods.
  • A loud “meow” on the road is a sign of trouble on the road.

Cats' ability to predict the weather is due to their extraordinary sense of smell.

Smart cats have long understood all the delights of living together with humans. They often manipulate us using meows. If a person constantly pays attention to a cat’s requests, then the animal will do this much more often, without being guided by any reasons. This is how cats try to communicate with people, experiencing pleasant emotions when we enjoy the attention shown.

The cat meows

Cats primarily communicate with their owners through meowing. Quick and accurate translation of meowing - your cat wants something. Here and now. Attention, food, access to a locked room - look at the situation.

Meowing also indicates the cat's current mood. If she meows frequently and obsessively, it means she is very irritated. The cat meows almost non-stop, which means it needs your help. For example, she experiences severe toothache.

Well, a soft, gentle and insinuating cat “meow” is a sign of a complacent mood.


As a pet owner, you already know that a cat makes the classic “meow” for a variety of reasons. However, meowing is not directed at other cats. So what is she trying to tell you? Your cat may meow when she wants you to put her food or pour her water, or as a way of greeting you when you come home, or asking you to pet her and rub her tummy (she rolls over to do this). At the same time, cats can meow in different ways, depending on the situation, for example: “I want to take this place on the sofa” - what they always want.

While your cat's incessant meowing while eating, using the litter box, or at other uncharacteristic times can sometimes mean she's not feeling well, she usually just wants to greet you.

The cat howls

A cat's howl cannot be confused with anything - it is a heart-rending scream, comparable only to a human scream. When two hostile cats meet, they first hiss, then start howling. A howl is a harbinger of an imminent fight.

What if the cat howls at home? This means that she is crying out for help: she is experiencing severe anxiety, pain, and discomfort. Cats also howl during the mating season, especially when they sense the proximity of a mating partner.

The cat squeals or chirps. Some experts even compare this sound to the chirping of birds, and we are forced to admit that there is something like that. Most often you can hear this sound when your pet is sitting on the windowsill and looking with interest at the birds going about their business. And he himself begins to make similar sounds! The nature of these sounds has not yet been solved by scientists and experts. It is now generally accepted that the sound was inherited by the modern domestic cat as an inheritance from the ancient ritual of hunting game birds.

The sounds a cat makes and their meaning

Let's look at how pets "talk" and what it most likely means.

  1. “Moor-meow” pronounced briefly. If you heard these sounds when you appeared in the apartment, it means your pet greeted you like that. But if you have been sitting at home for a long time, and the animal does not need to greet you, but it still makes such sounds, this means disappointment, because there is no opportunity to get any prey.
  2. The pet will announce a lack of attention on my part by meowing pitifully and by following me around the house.
  3. A loud "rattling" sound means your pet is demanding food or other attention. When the animal demands food, it will also make a loud, clear “meow” at the top of its voice.
  4. A short, single, sometimes quiet, “meow” indicates that the pet cannot contain its emotions. In this way he is similar to people, when something happens in between, we unconsciously say something like “oh my God!”
  5. The meowing of kittens is usually plaintive, drawn out and loud. With this ringtone, kittens are looking for their mother. This cannot be confused with anything.
  6. A cat's meow in spring is more like a scream. This is how a cat looks for a sexual partner. The same thing can mean the prolonged meow of a cat in the spring.
  7. Hissing and snorting indicate that your pet is irritated. And during a fight he will sort of howl. It is better not to approach him at this time.

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The cat hisses

This sound is often (and not unreasonably) compared to the menacing hiss of a snake. A sound that, as soon as you hear it, makes you want to retreat and move away. A cat's hiss is formed by a continuous stream of air exhaled by an animal. Hissing is almost always accompanied by body signs: the cat has an arched back, ears pinned back, etc. An unambiguous signal is sent to the enemy: if he does not disappear this very second, then in a couple of moments he will be torn to shreds. Cats commonly hiss at other cats, dogs, and even people. Cat lovers should remember: the cat hisses threateningly - it is better to move away and not irritate it.

The cat growls. Those who have a lot of contact with furry pets are well familiar with this “uterine” sound. It is somewhat similar in nature to hissing, but is more reminiscent of a growl. The sound usually indicates a cat is seriously irritated. In “real” life, you can hear this warning sound if you begin to manipulate the bowl during a meal. The cat will immediately cut you off sharply and “tell” you that this should never be done.

Do you constantly hear a growl as soon as you touch a certain part of the animal's body? Then go see your veterinarian and share your concerns with him. Perhaps the cat needs help.



Cats love to communicate with humans through meowing. They use these sounds only for us because they communicate with each other in a different way.

Let's understand the reasons for the pet's “talkativeness”.

Adult animals

  • To attract attention. This is the most common reason. Most often it is adult cats that suffer from this. Spend some time with your pet, play with it, scratch its belly, and the cat will calm down in a matter of minutes.
  • Without a reason. Sometimes it may seem like there is no reason. In fact, your pet may well just be trying to talk to you.
  • Begging for food. Surely, in addition to the usual diet, you pamper your pet with delicious treats. Sometimes they can be mischievous and ask for something tasty instead of the usual bowl of food. There are two options here: follow your pet’s lead or wait until he calms down and eats what was given.
  • Requirement. In addition to food, cats may demand to open doors or help them climb to a high point.
  • Disturbance. Cats can talk not only by making sounds, but also by gestures. If a cat meows near a bowl of food, water or near a tray and at the same time makes “burrowing” movements, this means that it is dirty there. The cat family is the cleanest animals. Replace the water, add new food, wash the tray (you can read more about how to train a kitten to use the tray here) and the anxiety will go away.
  • After childbirth, during pregnancy. If a cat is in a position or has just gotten out of a position, this is a completely normal reaction to physiology.
  • After sterilization. Your baby is just in pain. Try to keep the animal as calm as possible and move as little as possible.
  • When he wants to go to the toilet. Sometimes an animal may demand to be taken to the toilet. If an animal meows while going to the toilet, this may well be a demonstration of dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the tray.
  • In a dream. Animals can also have bad dreams.


  • Longing for mom. Babies who have just been torn away from their mother are sad and scared. This is the very first and main reason for a kitten to meow. Make a cozy place for him, give him tenderness and care, and he will quickly adapt.
  • Anxiety. The kitten is anxious and uncomfortable in its new home for the first time. He will squeak and look for cover. There is no need to bother the baby, let him look around, understand that there is no danger for him and begin to behave calmer.
  • Hunger. Perhaps the kitten just hasn’t had enough and is asking for some more food. Offer your baby food or water. Having satisfied his needs and being satiated, he will most likely fall asleep sweetly.

Elderly cats

  • Grunt. It’s not just older people who tend to grumble unnecessarily. If the cat is sometimes indignant, then it is unlikely that anything can be done about it. Just try to calm the animal down or correct what it doesn’t like.
  • Fight for territory. If you have a kitten, then the adult cat will be jealous and scream not to enter its territory. All that remains is to wait until the two representatives of the cat family get used to each other. Usually this takes no more than 4 days.


Sick animals also tend to scream. If you smell something wrong, then quickly run to the clinic. Small kittens, adult and elderly cats will scream during illness!


It’s simply impossible not to understand a cat when it hisses. “Don't come near! I’ll kill you!” - this is what the frightened little predator, ready to fight for his life, is trying to convey to you. The source of stress can be a large annoying dog or, even more likely, a small child. Often the cat does not just hiss, but arches his back, raises his fur and bares his fangs, demonstrating how dangerous he is. If your cat hisses, leave him alone and try to eliminate the source of irritation and threat.

Hissing is very individual. Each cat has its own understanding of personal boundaries and comfort zone. Some friendly and sociable cats almost never hiss, while there are also withdrawn, shy and even socially phobic cats who almost always drive away sources of irritation from themselves by hissing. Cats that are most likely to hiss are those that were once either rejected by a person, grew up in a shelter, or were abused.

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