How to flush a dog's stomach at home
Urgent gastric lavage for a dog at home Dogs, like all people, do not have a resistant organism,
Features and character of the Chihuahua breed, history, education, choice of puppy
How to choose a Chihuahua puppy and how to care for him
At what age is it better to adopt a puppy? At what age is it better to adopt a puppy? One-digit answer
How to give Loperamide to a cat with intestinal upset?
7646Pavel 2 Owners of furry meowing pets may encounter any deviations and disturbances in
Alopecia - baldness in cats, signs, causes, treatment
Causes Among the reasons that lead to a cat becoming bald at the tail are: various
How to switch a cat to dry food from other types of food
When choosing the most optimal way to switch a cat to another food, you should not expect that
Eye diseases in hamsters - conjunctivitis, glaucoma and others
Often, when choosing a hamster, people try to find out all the nuances about its health, maintenance, care and
Problems with intestinal prolapse in a 3 month old kitten
The rectum in animals is the final section of the large intestine and is responsible for the evacuation of contents
How to choose a Russian Spaniel puppy and properly care for it
What Cocker Spaniel puppies look like: features of pet development and the basics of proper care
The Russian Spaniel is a breed of dog bred three hundred years ago to hunt
How to fatten a dog? How and what to feed an exhausted dog? Wet dog food
Let's figure out what you need to feed your dog so that he quickly gains weight.
04/21/2019 Drozd Nikolaevich Animals Owners of pet dogs often wonder how to help their pet
Penza plus TV | Why does a dog wake up its owner at night?
VetConsultPlus Information portal The dog got sick The average adult dog sleeps about 12-14 hours a day
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