Does a dog get stressed: how to help your pet
How often have you heard the phrase “all illnesses are caused by stress”? Surely this statement has become a certain
Description and characteristics of the German Shepherd breed
Origin of the word shepherd The shepherd is a fairly common breed, whose name is well known to everyone.
Vindelova fern: contents, reproduction, description, photo
Habitat and appearance characteristics Thailand, or Javan, fern (Microsorum pteropus) is a representative
How long do turtles live: life expectancy of aquatic and land animals
Life of the European marsh turtle There is no consensus on the life expectancy of this species. But that,
photo 1
The tips of the dog's ears are bleeding: cause and treatment
Ear diseases are quite painful phenomena that can occur not only in people, but
Toilet training
How to distinguish a British kitten from an ordinary one
Origin: These short-haired cats of medium to large size are descended from aboriginal relatives who lived for a long time
acana dog food reviews
Acana dog food: review of composition, varieties and reviews from veterinarians and dog breeders
Everyone who has dogs in the house knows very well that they are big too.
turtle shell
Anatomy of a turtle and what its skeleton and shell consists of
In ancient times, there was a belief that the planet Earth rested on the shell of a gigantic turtle.
Stomorgyl is a combined antibacterial drug for the treatment of bacterial infections of the oral cavity.
Stomorgyl for dogs - instructions for use For the treatment of infections of bacterial etiology in dogs
Cat after anesthesia
Anesthesia for cats: types, complications, rehabilitation
The use of anesthesia during surgery is a very exciting moment for owners of furry pets. Even
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