German Shepherd: description of the breed, maintenance and care
Brief description This Germanic dog is considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world.
How to accustom a kitten to your hands: reasons for fear and methods of training
Statistics on the number of pets in Russian families indicate that people
Mycotic dermatitis, fungus, saprolegniosis and bacterial infection in aquatic turtles
Pneumonia (lung inflammation): Symptom. The turtle is lethargic and does not eat well. Most often the turtle swims on the surface
Keeping and feeding a German Shepherd puppy
Adaptation of the puppy Having brought the future protector into the apartment, you need to choose a place that is not located in a draft,
How to give an enema to a cat: procedure from A to Z at home
Enema of cats The method of enema of both people and animals is that in
Food allergies in dogs: signs, what to do, treatment methods
What is pathology? Pathology is an atypical reaction of the immune system that occurs
Blue eyes of a dog
Dry eye syndrome in dogs: signs, treatment methods, consequences
Often dog owners turn to veterinarians with complaints that their pets have
Cat's eye burn
The dog has an inflamed eye: causes, photos, first aid
The eyes of the affected animal should be immediately washed with holy water or, if available, with a 2% solution
Treatment for balanoposthitis in cats at home
Inflammatory lesion of the genital organ - balanoposthitis in a cat, develops as a result of violation of hygiene standards, infectious
Should you be concerned if your dog snores in his sleep?
What is snoring and how does it occur? As with humans, snoring
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