Photo of a cat of the Cymrik breed
Cymric - 110 photos and videos of a detailed description of Celtic cats
Cymric (also called the Welsh cat) is an animal that combines the features of a cat and a dog.
Thromboembolism in cats: clinical signs and treatment methods
Symptoms Prognosis Treatment Thromboembolism is a pathology characterized by acute circulatory disorders (ischemia) of tissues and organs,
sad dog
Hemolysis in dogs: features of the disease, causes and treatment methods. Anemia in dogs - symptoms, causes and treatment
Anemia in dogs is one of the most common diagnostic blood test findings.
cat eats houseplants
How to stop a cat from climbing into flower pots in the house
Cats have different skills and natural instincts, one of which is their love of digging.
Chlamydia in dogs: symptoms, treatment and prevention
Like people, our beloved dogs also sometimes become ill with infectious pathologies. And this topic
What to do if a cat has low leukocytes in the blood?
What you need to know about the level of leukocytes in the blood of cats Let's start with the fact that
inguinal hernia in a dog after surgery
Surgical reduction of inguinal hernias in dogs (females)
Hernia - what is it? If an animal has a convex formation in the abdominal area, then
Folk remedies for worms in cats: important features of treatment
02/16/2017 Almost every cat owner is faced with the problem of infecting their pet with worms.
How to care for a dachshund: maintenance features and useful tips
What you need to know about the breed? For those who just want to buy a dachshund or from whom
Keeping Ancistrus catfish, breeding and caring for it
Habitat The homeland of Ancistrus is the Amazon River in South America. Prefers fast-flowing river waters
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