How Long Does Heat Last in Toy Terriers and What Should You Do?
Stages of puberty in a toy terrier Girl toy terrier Stages of puberty in all dogs take place in
Gould's finches
How long do finches hatch eggs?
Finches are birds from the finch family, which are often kept in captivity. They have
How to make a hamster house with your own hands at home
Houses for hamsters: choice of material, manufacturing stages and useful tips
The question of how to make a house for a hamster with your own hands at home is
Madder for the treatment of urolithiasis in cats
What is madder? Madder (popularly known as crapp) is a perennial herbaceous plant,
Hunting dog
New dog breeds: a fashion fad or a scientific experiment?
Natural and artificial selection In the selection of dog breeds, there are two types of selection, according to which
Can you get lice from a cat or dog?
Who are lice and what do they look like? Let's figure out who lice are and how
Enroxil for cats - an assistant in the fight against bacteria
Enroxil as an antimicrobial agent Enroxil is a foreign veterinary product that is produced at a Slovenian pharmaceutical plant
Beagle puppies were created so cute that we wouldn't kill them right away...
About the benefits of walks Remember that your beagle is, first and foremost, a hound dog. For
Vestibular syndrome in dogs: symptoms and treatment
Diseases of the vestibular system lead to some of the most dramatic manifestations observed in clinical neurology.
Sad dog lying
Patella luxation in dogs: symptoms and treatment
It happens that you suddenly notice a limp in your pet. First it may go through
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