All about the breed of small Chihuahua dogs: advantages and disadvantages


In 1948, the English Club was created, which developed a description of the breed. More than half a century later, these dogs have become very popular on every continent, they are kept as a decorative pet or companion. Below are the benefits of a Chihuahua.


Dogs of this breed have a decorative and recognizable appearance. They are distinguished by a pretty muzzle, large and expressive eyes, and an interested look. There are many colors and two types of coat (short-haired, long-haired), thanks to this variety you can choose a pet according to your preferences.


Unlike other toy dogs, Chihuahuas have a balanced character. With proper upbringing, they rarely demonstrate mood swings or unwanted behavior. Representatives of this breed can adapt to the needs of the owner - they become a decorative pet or a cheerful companion.

Attitude towards other animals

Chihuahuas, which are calm in nature, get along comfortably with other animals in the house and rarely show aggression towards other dogs on the street while walking. They can be kept with a cat, small rodents and birds; representatives of this breed do not have a hunting instinct.

Cost-effectiveness of maintenance

Chihuahuas require less food to feed than medium and large breeds. When using dry kibble, the cost of feeding your pet is negligible. Fewer medications are needed for routine procedures, such as brushing teeth, as well as for surgical, drug therapy in case of serious health problems.

Intellectual abilities

Chihuahuas are highly trainable. They quickly master the basic commands necessary to interact with the owner, as well as complex circus tricks. Training requires regularity and the choice of the right positive reinforcement. Dogs of this breed can withstand severe physical activity, which is important for people leading a sporty lifestyle.


Thanks to its small size, there are no difficulties in choosing a carrier for transporting your dog. They are easy to transport in public transport or in a personal car. Chihuahua houses take up little space; a lounger can be easily placed in a small apartment.


Even in a small apartment and with moderate physical activity, Chihuahuas can live 15 years. The quality of life and its duration directly depend on proper care, genetics and previous diseases.

Pros of the breed

If I said about compactness above, then I want to say a few words about the life expectancy of Chihuahua dogs. The average lifespan is 12-16 years, so the breed ranks first among long-livers. Also one of the oldest in the world!

Despite their small size, Chihuahuas have amazing courage. An enemy several times larger in size will not frighten the baby. With courage and honor he will defend his territory and owner. But the chances of winning, as you understand, are not great.

Few breeds boast a truly rich abundance of colors. Chihuahuas have over 100 coat color combinations. The rarest and most expensive is snow-white, and the most popular is red. The type of coat also plays a significant role. There are 2 variations:

  1. smooth-haired;
  2. long-haired

For people with low incomes, it will be good news that Chihuahuas consume an average of about 60 grams of dry food per day. True "Premium" or "Super-Premium" class. A pack weighing 7 kg will last for several months, which saves your budget. Unfortunately, not every commercial food meets the nutritional needs of a toy dog.

Chihuahuas are devoted to their owner, the only person in the family. The owners note that the small dog experiences a strong feeling of jealousy. This manifests itself in behavior when the owner does not pay enough attention to the ward. For this reason, lonely and elderly people prefer to have a Chihuahua in their apartment. Whether this is a plus or a minus is something everyone decides for themselves.

A small dog requires less space in the apartment. All she needs is a small sleeping place, equipped in the corner of the room. An area of ​​20 square meters is enough to satisfy the Chihuahua's need for exercise. However, short walks in the fresh air before bed are beneficial for both the owner and the dog. Remember that rainy and frosty weather is not the best time for walking. Going outside in the cold season is not recommended without specialized clothing for small dogs.

High intellectual abilities allow you to raise an obedient and socialized pet. Chihuahuas are capable of performing commands and complex stunts, and in a number of countries they serve in the police, where they are engaged in search and rescue work. They provide worthy competition in agility competitions and take prizes. They perfectly sense the mood of the owner and avoid conflict situations.

The breed is easy to care for. It is enough to regularly trim the nails, comb the fur, wipe the tear tracks, and give it a bath. In order for the dog to relieve itself naturally in the right place in the apartment, the owner should start training it to use the litter box.


In addition to the advantages, Chihuahua dogs also have disadvantages. It is important to take them into account when choosing a pet for your family, since the conditions of detention and the features of interaction depend on this.


The compactness of the Chihuahua is both a plus and a minus. Due to their small body size, puppies are often born with pathologies of internal organs and unformed limbs.

They are easily injured during play, falls and other mechanical injuries.

Fatal outcomes are often observed when kept in a private home, in the presence of small children.


Chihuahua owners complain about the dog's waywardness. Some representatives of the breed demonstrate ignorance of the owner's commands and training. They are good actors and can easily manipulate in order to receive treats and petting. It is important to correctly select training methods and conduct classes from the first days of a puppy’s life in the family.


As adults, Chihuahuas become reliable guards. They often demonstrate a desire to protect their owner, even when this is not required. They can rush into fights with larger dogs if they feel threatened by them. This character trait is corrected by proper education and obedience, which must be instilled in puppyhood.

It is important to wean your dog from barking at the bell, guests and new people in the house.

Genetic predisposition

Against the backdrop of the great popularity of the breed, breeders actively crossed Chihuahuas, which led to an increase in genetic pathologies. Often puppies are born with congenital chronic diseases and developmental disorders of internal organs. This breed is characterized by problems with the musculoskeletal system, hydrocephalus, epilepsy, allergies and various eye diseases. When choosing a puppy, you should check the pedigree, carefully examine the baby before purchasing and pay attention to the parents.

Low cold resistance

Even in temperate and warm climates, Chihuahuas can tremble in bad weather. For walks, it is recommended to purchase insulated clothing and boots to protect paw pads from reagents in winter. In frosty weather, it is important to wear clothing for smooth-coated Chihuahuas.

Need for attention

Chihuahuas respond well to the emotional state of the owner, but require a lot of attention to themselves.

They need constant communication, games and care.

Without proper attention, dogs begin to behave restlessly, destroy things in the house and become left to their own devices. This negatively affects the psyche of a puppy who has recently been brought to a new family.

Need for veterinary care

Due to the tendency to chronic diseases and injuries, dogs of this breed should be seen by a veterinarian at least 2 times a year. It is important to regularly brush your teeth and do an ultrasound of the heart and internal organs in order to notice the onset of the pathological process in time. If the diagnosis has already been made, then you should select medicinal food and adjust your lifestyle.

Opinion of owners and specialists

It's time to find out what owners' reviews say about Chihuahuas. The main thing that can be taken away from opinions about the breed is that these dogs have an amazing ability to give warmth and affection. In exchange for attention and care, babies show great love. As one of the happy owners put it, “this is a protector, a princess, a comforter, and an artist all rolled into one.”

Both experts and owners agree that there is simply no better remedy for sadness. Looking at the photos of cute creatures, you readily believe in it. Most dog owners say that grooming is limited mainly to bathing, ear cleaning, and nail trimming. True, many dogs are not at all happy about the last point - this can be written down as a disadvantage.

Almost all owners consider Chihuahuas to be excellent manipulators. If they don’t have enough attention, they will do anything, come up with a lot of reasons, but they will still end up in the arms of their beloved owner.

So: who should have a sneeze? A person who does not enjoy the hassle of having a dog. But at the same time, aware of the urgent need for a creature that will always willingly warm the heart, a creature that you want to hug right in the photo.

Owner reviews

Alina A.

“Before getting a Chihuahua, we carefully studied the pros and cons of an apartment. It’s convenient that the dog is small in size, economical to keep and rarely shows aggression.”

Boris K.

“We have had a long-haired Chihuahua girl in our family for 3 years now. The dog does not require complex care, is very affectionate and healthy. It is convenient to transport and can be taken on long walks. Like other dogs, there are pros and cons, the shortcomings are more than compensated for by boundless love.”

Elena Sh.

“We got a short-haired Chihuahua after reading reviews on the Internet. Our boy is a healthy, calm and smart dog. He doesn’t misbehave at home, he quickly learned commands and even simple tricks. The only shortcomings that can be highlighted are fragile bones; it took a long time to treat a fracture due to a fall from the sofa.”

Cons of the breed

There are more advantages than disadvantages. Families with children under adolescence are not recommended to have a Chihuahua in their home. The breed is fragile, so contact with a small child can lead to physical injury. The dog will not tolerate bullying and will respond to the offender in a rude manner.

Chihuahuas have a high level of heat loss, so they prefer warm southern climates. This is likely due to its Mexican heritage, which maintains warm weather year-round. The main reason why Chihuahuas constantly tremble is the cold. During the cold season, dog clothes will keep you warm.

Decorative dogs, as a rule, have excellent health. However, the skeletal system is very weak and fragile. An unsuccessful jump or fall from a sofa can cause a dislocated kneecap in a Chihuahua. The patella is reducible, but causes discomfort when walking.

A distinctive feature of the breed is a soft spot on the crown of the head. Such puppies must be handled with the utmost care. Usually the fontanel closes by 3-6 months, but can remain open for life.

A person with average or low material income will highlight the high cost of a Chihuahua puppy as a disadvantage. Pedigree offspring with rare colors and stately exterior from famous nurseries are of high value. Often the cost exceeds 50,000 rubles. You can negotiate with a beginning breeder for an amount from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles per puppy. In this case, no one will provide documentary evidence of purebredness and absence of health problems.

Ancient ancestors led a gregarious lifestyle, so Chihuahuas prefer to communicate exclusively with individuals of their own breed. It follows that they do not get along well with other pets, especially cats. There are exceptions. I am a witness to the strong friendship between a chihuahua and a ferret.

Without proper education and socialization, an uncontrollable, cowardly little dog often grows up, which can easily be driven to a neurotic state. She will hate the entire world around her. Every animal or stranger in sight will certainly be covered in multi-story barks. The owner must become the leader, the leader of the pack. Otherwise, a disobedient dog will cause a lot of problems and inconveniences.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Chihuahua is a decorative breed of dog, characterized by its small size and beautiful appearance. Some representatives have a genetic predisposition to diseases.
  2. Advantages of the breed: appearance, economical maintenance, calm attitude towards other animals and compact size.
  3. Disadvantages include moodiness, risk of congenital diseases, poor resistance to cold and a need for attention.

What pros and cons do you know? Share in the comments.

About the virtues of the Chihuahua's character

character is ready to demonstrate a lot of advantages:

  • The dog senses the character of its owner quite subtly. For example, if a person is in a positive mood, the Chihuahua will readily pick up such a state, adopting it himself. This characteristic makes the pet, in my opinion, a wonderful companion.
  • The energy and easy-going nature will definitely appeal to those people who want to escape from life's problems. It is enough to set aside some time to play with your pet - and now the depressed state recedes. Children simply love Chihuahuas! Only with age do the dogs become a little more restrained, but this is also rather a plus.
  • The Chihuahua is a calm dog. Which in no way contradicts his playfulness. More precisely, the baby is completely unhysterical. Seeing a hysterical representative of the breed is rather an exception to the rule. Or a sign that announces that the animal is extremely worried about something.
  • An unobvious, but clearly manifested advantage when living next to a Chihuahua is its courage. Those who say that this little dog has the same reserve of courage that man’s big four-legged friend has are right. When the animal thinks that its owner is in danger, it will rush into battle. Moreover, with an enemy many times larger than his size. I note that a Chihuahua often wins due to the effect of surprise - the opponent simply does not take him seriously at first. But once the enemy relaxes, there will be trouble.
  • Devotion is what fuels courage. Such pets are truly ready to do anything for their owner, despite their tiny size. Although the Chihuahua is called a “pocket dog,” this does not prevent it from having a big heart.

Necessary actions

If you notice that your pet's fur is shedding heavily out of season, then you need to follow several important recommendations that will help you cope with the problem.

Wash your dog two to three times a year, excluding preparation for a show or heavy soiling. Brush the coat periodically: long-haired Chihuahuas every other day, and short-haired ones two to three times a week.

Cosmetics should be selected according to the Chihuahua's coat type, but they should also be suitable for its skin. Always thoroughly rinse shampoo or conditioner from your dog's coat.

Avoid stressful situations that may make your pet nervous. You can take special courses to increase stress resistance in Chihuahuas.

Always use fresh food for feeding, and always wash vegetables, fruits and herbs well. Don't forget about vitamins, especially A and B, and mineral supplements. When feeding ready-made food, choose premium food from a company whose manufacturer has proven itself well. It's a good idea to consult your veterinarian about this.

Once every six months, get tested for the presence of parasites in your pet’s stomach. In addition to a general and biochemical blood test and stool test, you can undergo an ultrasound.

Don't forget to worm your Chihuahua every three months. Also treat your dog’s coat with special products against external parasites.

If all else fails, it is best to consult a veterinarian for advice.

How is your dog's fur doing?

Shedding in a dog

To prevent lost dog hair from causing you inconvenience in the form of hair accumulation on your furniture and clothes, you need to take care of your pet.

Short-haired Chihuahuas are usually brushed two to three times a week with a medium-hard brush. Long-haired Chihuahuas should be combed every other day with a wide-toothed comb with blunt ends. They bathe the dog three times a year.

Twice a year, the pet begins to change its coat. This natural process is called molting. During these periods, you need to comb the Chihuahua's coat daily with a special slicker brush to remove dead hair. Otherwise, the growth of new fur becomes difficult. This causes severe anxiety in the pet and he begins to itch constantly.

Dogs with smooth and short hair shed almost imperceptibly, while for long-haired Chihuahuas this is a real event.

Shedding can be divided into several types.

Age-related molting

This type of shedding occurs in Chihuahua puppies. It is associated with the growing up of the baby. Each puppy is born with a soft, short coat that has very fine hairs.

As the dog gets older, the coat changes. Gradually, the first hairs fall out, and new hair grows in their place. Long-haired Chihuahuas acquire long hair, while short-haired Chihuahuas become the owners of smooth hair that fits tightly to the body.

Seasonal molt

This type of shedding is periodic. Seasonal molting occurs in spring and autumn. By winter, Chihuahuas, especially those with long coats, have thicker fur, and by summer it becomes thinner and shorter.

This shedding begins to occur after the dog changes teeth, that is, at three to four months.

Constant shedding

If a dog constantly lives in an apartment and rarely goes out for walks, then its coat changes gradually throughout the year. This is due to the fact that temperature changes at different times of the year do not affect the dog’s coat in any way.

Shedding after pregnancy

This type of shedding occurs in lactating Chihuahua bitches after cessation of lactation.

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