YAM BK ointment for cats: description, scope, as well as advantages and disadvantages

YAM BK ointment is a drug that is widely used in veterinary medicine, but it is also used to treat rashes and inflammations on human skin. The product has proven its effectiveness against lichen, acne and demodicosis. However, in order not to provoke a worsening of the problem, its use should be agreed with a doctor.

Existing contraindications should also be taken into account.

  • 5 Application procedure
  • 6 Nuances in the treatment of human demodicosis with YaM ointment
  • 7 How to enhance the effect of YAM ointment for demodicosis?
  • 8 Contraindications and side effects
  • 9 Storage conditions and shelf life
  • 10 Analogues and substitutes
  • 11 Conclusion
  • Description

    The drug YAM BK is an oily substance of a gray-brown hue with a uniform consistency, which is available in tubes of 20 g and plastic jars of up to 1 kg. You can buy it at a veterinary pharmacy. The product is characterized by a specific odor.

    The ointment is intended for external use. It is safe for warm-blooded animals and humans. However, it cannot be used as a daily cream, since it is still a medical product with a complex composition. Uncontrolled use of the drug may have the opposite effect.


    If your pet has an allergic reaction to any substances, you should carefully read the instructions for use of Yam BK ointment for animals. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

    The basis of the drug is veterinary petroleum jelly, which has enveloping properties and does not allow medicinal components to be absorbed into the body.

    In combination with lanolin, it helps eliminate flaking and inflammation. Makes skin softer.

    Active treatment drugs are:

    • sulfur - has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, promotes the removal of damaged epidermis, healing of ulcers and wounds. It has a beneficial effect on the hair and prevents its loss;
    • zinc oxide – dries out areas of inflammation, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • salicylic acid – has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

    Additional components:

    • tar is used as an antiseptic, antifungal and acaricidal (to combat ticks) agent. Relieves itching;
    • Lysol destroys pyogenic bacteria and has disinfectant properties;
    • Coal tar non-phenolic creolin has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, has an antifungal and antiparasitic effect. Serves as an antiseptic;
    • turpentine prevents diaper rash from appearing, relieves irritation, relieves pain, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Composition and release form

    Yam BC ointment contains zinc oxide and a sulfur compound, which are the active substances. The product also contains auxiliary components that improve its therapeutic effect.

    Among them:

    • petrolatum;
    • lanolin;
    • salicylic acid;
    • Birch tar.

    This drug does not contain synthetic dyes, flavors, or ethyl alcohol.


    Reviews from veterinarians

    Vladimir, 37 years old, Stavropol

    YAM BK refers to antifungal ointments intended for the local treatment of skin diseases in cats and other animals. For lichen, I prescribe this remedy only as part of complex therapy, since as a single drug it does not always achieve the desired result.

    Angelina, 46 years old, Tyumen

    I often advise cat owners to treat lichen in their pets using YaM BC. The drug allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in a few days, and the hair of animals grows back quickly after its use. I even prescribe it to kittens and pregnant cats. During my practice, there were only a few cases of individual intolerance to this remedy.

    Mikhail, 52 years old, Vladivostok

    Although the components of YAM BC ointment are predominantly natural, I recommend using it with caution in the treatment of cats, since birch tar can cause severe burns to them. Instead of this drug, I prescribe the Vakderm and Polivac vaccines. Although they are expensive, they are safe for cats, and the effect of their use is much higher.

    All information posted on the site is provided in accordance with the User Agreement and is not a direct instruction to action. We strongly recommend that before using any product, you must obtain a face-to-face consultation at an accredited veterinary clinic.

    pharmachologic effect

    The use of Yam ointment for people is due to its fungicidal and acaricidal properties. When the product is applied to the skin, it lingers in the upper layer of the epidermis, but does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, which ensures the safety of its use.

    Other therapeutic properties of the ointment:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antifungal;
    • antibacterial;
    • astringent;
    • antiseptic.

    The ointment acts in such a way that when applied to the skin, it relieves inflammation, dries out rashes, enhances regeneration, and accelerates healing. This drug also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, effectively fights bacteria and improves the general condition of the epidermis.

    General characteristics of the drug

    Thanks to modern medicines, diseases can be treated very quickly with the timely use of effective remedies. To treat skin lesions, Yam ointment is used, which has strong fungicidal, acaricidal and antifungal properties.

    Yam allows you to eliminate the symptoms of lichen, dermatitis, eczema, which are caused by fungi or mites. As a result of the action of the product, the body is quickly cleansed of toxins and the skin and hair are regenerated.

    The drug was originally intended to treat lesions in domestic animals. Later, the medicine began to be used not only in veterinary practice, but also for treating people.

    Thanks to its antiprotozoal activity, the product helps get rid of demodicosis, lichen and acne.

    Indications for use

    YAM BC ointment is characterized by a wide range of applications. It is prescribed for various dermatological problems. The drug is recommended to be used as the main means of therapy only for minor inflammations of the skin, and in advanced cases as an addition to the main treatment.

    For acne

    YAM ointment helps against acne on the face that appears due to the development of dermatitis or an infectious disease. In both cases, it helps relieve discomfort and speed up recovery.

    Attention! YAM ointment should not be used if there are open wounds on the skin. In this case, you need to wait until a crust appears.


    Treatment of deprivation

    According to the instructions, YAM ointment can be used for deprivation in animals, as well as in humans. It helps relieve annoying itching and accelerate skin regeneration in the affected area. In this case, the use of YAM ointment for lichen in humans should be carried out taking into account individual contraindications.

    With demodicosis

    The acaricidal property of YAM ointment allows it to be used for demodicosis. The product has an inhibitory effect on parasites, reduces their numbers and prevents reproduction. But to achieve a sustainable positive result of therapy, it is also necessary to strengthen the body’s immunity.

    YAM Bq ointment for dogs

    Dogs are animals that often live in direct contact with humans, sharing housing with them. But at the same time, animals are actively in contact with the outside world, homeless people and pets. Due to contact with the ground, grass, and branches, dogs often pick up dermatological infections and viruses that humans successfully avoid. At the same time, many diseases can be transmitted to the owner. For example, lichen, scabies.

    Therefore, veterinarians strongly recommend washing dogs' paws thoroughly, combing them and bathing them regularly. And also inspect after each walk. Moreover, if the owner notices inflamed, damaged areas of the skin, pieces of hair that have fallen out and other inflammations, immediately go to the veterinary clinic and have the scrapings taken for tests.

    It is strictly not recommended to use Yam Bq ointment for dogs on unexamined areas of the skin. Also, it is strictly forbidden to use the ointment on damaged areas with wounds, scratches and other mechanical damage.

    YAM Bq ointment for dogs

    YAM Bk ointment for dogs is prescribed for the treatment of lichen, scabies, eczema, microsporia, dermatitis, trichophytosis. The ointment is applied under the bandage for 10-15 minutes once a day, in courses from 5 to 30 days, depending on the veterinarian’s prescription.

    Application procedure

    The instructions for using Yam BK ointment for animals only suggest external application of the product, so the same recommendation should be followed when using it for humans.

    Before using the drug, you need to wipe the inflamed areas with an antiseptic. YAM ointment for demodicosis should be applied pointwise in an even thin layer; the procedure for a person should be repeated twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    Attention! If a burning sensation is felt after applying the ointment, then therapy with this remedy should be abandoned.

    The method of using the drug for acne and lichen is the same as for demodicosis. Only in this case, therapy is carried out only until the inflammation is eliminated.

    Cost of medicine

    If treatment with Yamb is necessary, the medicine should be sought in pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. The drug is intended for the treatment of animals, so it is not sold in regular pharmacies.

    The price of the medicine is about 120-150 for a small jar with a capacity of 20 g. This volume is enough to cure lichen in all family members, including a pet.

    Despite the fact that the drug was developed specifically for the treatment of animals, many dermatologists prescribe the drug to treat lichen in humans. Its rich composition, affordable cost and quick effectiveness make the ointment one of the best drugs against skin lichen.

    In addition to treating lichen, the drug can be used to treat a number of inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.

    Like any other veterinary drug, the ointment does not contain harmful additives or allergens, so it can be safely used to treat people. Before using any medicine, you should consult your doctor and carefully study the instructions for use.

    Nuances in the treatment of human demodicosis with Yam ointment

    For the first three days, the product should be applied and kept for no more than 5 minutes, then the time interval can be increased to 10 minutes, and if there are no unpleasant sensations on the 6th day - up to 15 minutes.

    Important! Therapy cannot be carried out for more than a quarter of an hour, as this can lead to skin irritation.

    After the procedure, the remaining drug should be removed with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil, and then rinsed off with warm water. For demodicosis, the course of treatment with YAM ointment lasts from 1 to 2 months, but improvement becomes noticeable on days 7-10. If this does not happen, then you need to replace the product.

    The drug itself

    How to enhance the effect of YAM ointment for demodicosis?

    It would be quite reckless to use only YaM ointment for demodicosis in humans and count on positive dynamics. This remedy can temporarily reduce the activity of the mite, but without eliminating the main cause that provoked the massive proliferation of parasites, coping with the dermatological problem will be problematic.

    Therefore, the use of Yam ointment is advisable simultaneously with the use of drugs that help increase immunity, normalize hormonal levels, and improve metabolism.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Do not use the product if you are hypersensitive to the components included in its composition. YAM ointment also has a number of contraindications for animals, and therefore for people.

    Among them:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • age up to 6 years.

    When using the product, you must avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth, which can lead to burns. If this happens, the ointment should be washed off immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

    Rules of application

    Before starting treatment, the ointment must be mixed thoroughly. The product should be at room temperature. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 10 days. The duration of therapy depends on the disease and is determined by the veterinarian. It is not necessary to cut the hair before applying the product. If there are crusts on the skin, they should not be removed. You can apply the product directly on top of them; this will not affect the result of the treatment.

    The drug cannot be used after the expiration date. In addition, the medicine should not be frozen or overheated. The ointment can be kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature, which does not exceed 30 degrees.

    Required amount

    For all types of skin lesions in a cat, the same amount of product should be applied. The dose does not depend on the age, weight and breed of the pet. The ointment layer should be uniform and thin.

    Application order

    It is necessary to treat not only the affected area, but also the healthy one (going beyond the boundaries of the lesion by 2–4 cm). This is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas. The product should be rubbed in gently, but not pressed too hard. Treatment should be carried out 2 times a day, using a cotton swab or gauze swab.

    Yam ointment has a thick consistency

    If there are significant skin lesions during application of the product, the pet may experience discomfort and break out, so it is important to carry out the procedure quickly. In this case, it is recommended to stroke the cat and talk to it in a calm and affectionate tone.

    For dermatitis in cats, ointments were used for treatment. Since the lesion was large, applying the product was very inconvenient and took a lot of time. In such cases, I recommend that you always resort to the help of another person, because the cat can easily break free and run away during the procedure. In addition, if the affected area is the stomach, then it is best to purchase a special blanket, since the animal can easily lick the product and become poisoned.

    Precautionary measures

    Rules that are recommended to be followed:

    1. Before starting the procedure, wear gloves. Do not apply ointment with bare hands.
    2. Purchase a special collar that will prevent the cat from licking the product or touching the affected area with its claws (if it is on the withers).
    3. If there are many lesions, then the product should be applied sequentially starting from the withers area.
    4. Avoid getting the ointment in the eyes and mucous membranes.
    5. Do not treat your pet's skin in the genital area and anus.
    6. It is recommended to apply the medicine at regular intervals.

    Protective collar for cats to prevent licking of medicine

    Attention! Combing a cat's fur is contraindicated until it has completely recovered. Otherwise, the infection can easily spread to healthy areas.

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