What a Yorkshire Terrier looks like: breed standard and photos of popular dog types

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular and recognizable dog breeds in the world.

But not everyone knows that, in addition to the standard Yorkies, many more varieties of this breed have been bred, differing from each other in size and color.

And not all future owners of Yorkshire dogs with a standard color think about what a Yorkshire terrier puppy should look like and how its external differences from adult dogs are expressed.

What should a purebred Yorkie of any variety, gender or age look like?

History of the Yorkshire Terrier breed

Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers are descended from different types of Scottish Terriers, and this breed owes its name to the area where it was bred - the county of Yorkshire. Terriers from Scotland, miniature but hardy dogs with a determined character and powerful jaws, were brought to England by Scottish laborers who arrived in Yorkshire in search of work in the mid-19th century.

Before turning from a brave and merciless rodent hunter into a respectable, graceful companion dog, the Yorkshire Terrier went through a long path of genetic transformation. It is not known for certain which breeds of Scottish terriers became the ancestors of the Yorkie, but in their current appearance the features of the Clydesdale Terrier, Paisley Terrier, and Skye Terrier are clearly visible. Presumably, among the founders of the breed were also Waterside Terriers, dogs popular among Yorkshire peasants - hunters of foxes, badgers and small rodents. Some dog experts suggest that at the final stage of the formation of the breed, Maltese dogs took part in the crossing, to which Yorkies supposedly owe their silky fur.

Yorkies began to be shown at dog shows in Great Britain in 1861, first under the name "Rough and Broken-coated", "Broken-haired Scotch". In 1874, the new breed received the official name - Yorkshire Terrier. In 1886, the Kennel Club (English Kennel Club) entered the Yorkie into the stud book as an independent breed. In 1898, breeders adopted its standards, which have not changed to this day.

Yorkshire terrier puppy

This breed began to penetrate the North American continent in the early 70s of the last century. The first Yorkshire Terrier was registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885. By the way, 100 years later the Yorkie himself became the progenitor of a new, very rare breed - The Biewer Terrier, which was first called the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier.

The fame of these cute, energetic dogs with a cheerful disposition reached its peak in the Victorian era. Imitating Queen Victoria, who adored dogs, ladies from the aristocratic circles of Britain and the New World carried their pets everywhere, dressing them up and pampering them like their beloved children.

It is believed that the first Yorkshire Terrier appeared in Russia in 1971. It was presented as a gift to the ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya. The first nursery for breeding Yorkies appeared in 1991 in Mytishchi.

And in our century, Yorkshire terriers remain in the mainstream, entering the top ten most popular breeds in the world. For three years in a row, from 2006 to 2008, they held an honorable 2nd place in the AKC ranking.

Description and features

The homeland of this small but very cute dog is England, or rather one of its counties - Yorkshire. It is known for sure that it was born as a result of crossing several varieties of the Maltese, as well as miniature pinschers.

According to local legend, the dog’s ancestors were formidable rat-catchers, distinguished by their courage and bloodthirstiness. But is it true? Looking at a modern representative of the Yorkshire Terrier breed , it is difficult to believe that his ancestor was a dog with such a set of qualities. But we still will not completely reject this version.

Rodents have always annoyed people, so they fought them in all ways, and training small, nimble dogs was, perhaps, the best of them. One way or another, most of the dogs from the group under consideration have proven themselves to be friendly and not at all evil. So it’s difficult to believe that they were once aggressive towards rats and mice.

Yorkies are a very cheerful and good-natured breed.

The representative of the breed is of a decorative nature. He is not a security guard, and certainly not a bodyguard. The doggie represents an affectionate friend and companion. He is able to cheer up anyone, even a very sad person. In return, he will require tenderness and love. Very sensitive and vulnerable.

Interesting fact! We should thank the English sailors who took them on board with them for the wide distribution of Yorkies around the world. The Europeans and then the Americans liked the animals so much that they wanted to buy them. After this, breeders from around the world began to breed these dogs.

The first representative of the breed entered Russia only at the end of the 20th century. So Yorkies have been bred here relatively recently. At first, they were owned only by celebrities, which is why the dogs acquired great prestige, but nowadays they are adopted by people of different social status and income.

Most members of families who have such a pet consider it unique and almost ideal. This is understandable, because he has a huge number of positive qualities. It is suitable for an experienced hunter, an elderly person, a socialite and even a child.

It can serve as a companion, a home “toy”, a comforter-psychologist and just a loyal friend. The dog tolerates changes of environment well and is easy to carry. Thanks to this, you can take it with you anywhere, even on a sea holiday. The main thing is not to leave her alone for a long time.

Appearance of the Yorkshire Terrier

This miniature dog is quite strong and dignified. Its height from floor to withers is from 15.24 to 23 cm. Standard weight is from 1.81 to 3.17 kg (no more than 3 kg for exhibition specimens).

Puppies have black and brown coats that can be combined in different ways. As they grow older (usually at the age of 5-6 months), the black color gradually begins to acquire bluish tints, and the brown color becomes lighter. By the age of one and a half years, the Yorkshire Terrier's coat from the scruff to the base of the tail already has a dark bluish-steel color, and the muzzle, chest and paws are colored a rich golden fawn.


The Yorkshire Terrier is harmoniously built, its body has a proportional structure. He is quite muscular and elegant at the same time. The dog's back is quite short and horizontal. The height at the withers corresponds to the height of the croup. The Yorkie's posture is proud, and sometimes this little one looks touchingly important.


The dog's head is small, with a flat arch, and its muzzle is slightly elongated.


The Yorkie's eyes are medium-sized, shiny, expressing curiosity and indicating intelligence.


Yorkie muzzle

The ears are miniature, V-shaped, erect, located not too far from each other, covered with soft short hair. The color of the coat is light golden.


The Yorkshire Terrier is characterized by a scissor bite: the upper canines slightly cover the lower ones, and the incisors of the lower jaw are closely adjacent to the back side of the upper, forming a kind of lock.


The Yorkie's front legs should be slender and straight, with no elbow bones protruding in or out. The hind legs, when viewed from the rear, should look straight; when viewed from the side, a slight bend is noticeable. The claws on the paws are black.

It is customary to remove dewclaws (dewclaus) on the hind legs, and at the request of the owners on the front legs.


There is a sense of energy and freedom in the movement of the Yorkshire Terrier. Stiffness is not inherent in the dog.


The tail is traditionally docked to medium length. Cupping itself is not necessary. The tail is densely covered with hair, the color of which is darker and richer than that covering the body.


The pride of the Yorkshire Terrier is its thin, shiny, silky, completely straight coat, which is often called hair. In the classic version, it should be divided from the base of the skull to the tip of the tail and fall completely evenly and straight on both sides of the body, reaching the floor. In order for such a handsome man or beauty to always look impeccable, you will need to devote a considerable amount of time to them every day. This makes sense if the Yorkie is a participant in exhibitions, the hero of TV shows, or is invited to photo shoots. However, among the owners of such “super stars” there are many people who are simply selflessly devoted to this breed of dog.

Yorkshire Terrier after grooming

Most owners of Yorkshire Terriers prefer to cut their hair. There are several dozen haircut models: from simple to incredibly sophisticated. The procedures take place in grooming salons or at home with the invitation of a specialist. Sometimes short-haired Yorkshire terriers create a sensation no less than their long-haired relatives who look like aristocrats.

From time to time, a genetic leap occurs in the Yorkshire Terrier's nature. This is called the "return gene" or simply "return". In this rare case, your black-brown pet's coat will not turn bluish-gold as expected. The black color will remain that way, without any hint of blue, and the brown will turn into golden-red. This Yorkie is called Red Legged Yorkies, literally - red-legged Yorkshire terrier.

What do boys and girls look like and how do they differ?

Like other breeds, Yorkie boys look very impressive and impressive, while girls look more graceful and gentle, and are a pleasure to look at!

Also, their head may visually look somewhat smaller in proportion than that of males.

If in other breeds of dogs boys are usually larger, then in Yorkies this is ambiguous: even among individuals of standard size, a female can be larger than a male, which sometimes creates difficulties in breeding these dogs.

Photo of Yorkshire Terrier

Breed standard

Before talking about the characteristics of the various subspecies, let us outline the main standards inherent in ordinary Yorkshire terriers :

  • dimensions : at the withers 15 - 18 centimeters , weight up to 3.5 kg (depending on the subspecies, but no more);

Important! Don't trust dog breeders who sell dogs that are too small - they often suffer from genetic health problems. Although these are specific types of Yorkies, you should be wary and buy a puppy only from trusted nurseries.

  • wool : long, the structure resembles human hair; must be straight; the color at birth is black (only the muzzle is yellow, golden), then it gradually brightens, and in old age it becomes completely light;
  • eyes : dark, correctly set, not protruding, shiny;
  • bite : scissor bite, teeth set vertically.

Contrary to breed standards, there are special traits in different subspecies. Let's start with color, which is always of great importance in determining the breed.

Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers consider themselves masters of the house, while experiencing the most tender feelings for their owner and needing his attention.
Like all terriers, they are very energetic, hardy, and have good reactions. Yorkies are very brave dogs, ready to defend their home and owner without hesitation. They are smart and easy to train. The gait of the Yorkshire Terrier expresses self-confidence and even some arrogance. Walking without a leash, in the wild, he explores the world with curiosity, loves to sniff everything carefully, and listens to unfamiliar sounds with visible anxiety. Despite their ostentatious independence, Yorkies try to keep their owner in sight, and if they do not detect him, they become worried.

These cute dogs are very friendly and easily find a “common language” with other animals living in the house. When communicating with strangers, the individual traits and peculiarities of the upbringing of each Yorkshire terrier are revealed: some are ready to bark at any stranger, others are ready to almost “kiss” a dog that runs up to him, especially a relative.

Yorkshire Terrier

Briefly about character and temperament

Yorkshires are distinguished by their courage, balance and always good spirits. These dogs are affectionate and loving: they simply adore their owners and are ready to do anything to please them.

Yorkies are smart and quick-witted: they are willing to learn and train.

If it were not for their small size and fragility of build, it would be difficult to find a more suitable breed for sports, for example, agility: after all, Yorkshires are hardy and passionate, like all terriers.

It is the latter circumstance that makes them the “stars” of numerous shows and exhibitions: the Yorkie loves and knows how to show himself in the best light.

These dogs, if raised correctly, do not cause problems: they get along well with other pets and with children, but if necessary, they can also turn out to be good guards.

They also love to accompany their owners everywhere - from going to the store to traveling around the world.

The affectionateness of Yorkies also has the other side of the coin: these dogs are very dependent on their owners and do not tolerate loneliness very well..

Read more about the character of Yorkies here.

Education and training

The Yorkshire Terrier's intelligence is above average, and it is not difficult to teach him “good manners.” You need to raise your pet from childhood, and first of all it needs to be socialized. You should gradually accustom your Yorkie to household noises: first try to speak in lower tones in front of him, do not turn on the TV or receiver loudly, especially do not do this at the same time as the washing machine or vacuum cleaner is running.

Yorkie training

Do not immediately attack your pet with hugs and kisses - he should also get used to caresses gradually. When the dog gets comfortable in your family and home, you can introduce him to other people, take him to unfamiliar places, gradually expanding his horizons. If you do everything step by step, without giving the puppy any reason to worry, he will grow up to be a self-confident, friendly and balanced dog that does not experience shyness or timidity even when meeting an impressively sized fellow dog.

Some difficulties in teaching a Yorkie to commands and order arise due to his stubborn, independent nature and restlessness, so training should be short, and the dog should be rewarded for its success. Choose a specific word or phrase for praise that you will always use. Reward treats should also be at the ready.

Yorkshire terriers do not need to be specially trained to play fun; sometimes they come up with stories for games themselves. But this dog’s ability to turn any household item into a toy should be controlled and his claims to things unsuitable for this purpose should be suppressed.

Child with Yorkshire Terrier

If a dog is mischievous: chewing on slippers, wallpaper, or doing something popular among terriers—digging wherever necessary—punishment can only be the word “ugh” and a stern tone; physical punishment is unacceptable. Express your dissatisfaction only if you catch the dog at the crime scene, otherwise he will not understand what you actually want from him.

It is advisable to develop a daily schedule for the Yorkshire Terrier. Feed him and walk him at the same time. Set aside specific hours for playing, caring for him, and sleeping. York will not object to the regime. On the contrary, this will allow him to feel safe and look forward with pleasure to the next manifestation of attention to his own person. The Yorkshire Terrier is fairly easy to house-train, which is convenient for older people who find it difficult to walk their dog several times a day.

Like every small dog, Yorkshire terriers experience a panicky fear of traffic, which they express in hysterical barking and fussy running. This creates problems when walking or driving, but you can help him overcome this condition. Take your dog for a walk along the sidewalk late in the evening when the number of cars is minimal. When a car approaches, hold the leash tightly, reducing its length if possible, and start a “conversation” with your pet in a confident and calm voice, distracting it from the noise. Continue walking leisurely at the same pace as if nothing is happening. That time when the dog does not show a pronounced fuss when the car appears, treat it with the gift you have stored. In a month or two, you will be able to calmly walk with your Yorkie in any busy, noisy place. By the way, it is better to carry these fragile passengers in the car itself on a special removable dog seat.

Yorkie resting on a pillow

Two friends

Super mini

The smallest representatives of Yorkshire terriers are super mini or micro Yorkies, whose weight is a maximum of 1.5 kg.

Super mini Yorkies need increased care and attention, since such a tiny size of the dog causes a number of difficulties in their maintenance and care:

  1. You should not leave your pet alone at a height, such as on a sofa, because it may fall and damage bones.
  2. Families with small children who, through carelessness, could harm the pet should not get such a dog.
  3. Particular difficulties are associated with breeding such dogs - the critically small height and body weight of Super Mini Yorkie bitches do not allow them to successfully bear and give birth to healthy puppies, therefore only strong and healthy males can participate in breeding.

Micro Yorkshire Terriers are more likely to get sick and have problems with the musculoskeletal system, in addition, their life expectancy is much shorter than that of standard Yorkies.

Care and maintenance

As soon as you bring your Yorkshire Terrier puppy into your home, immediately provide him with food and toilet areas. They must be constant, otherwise the dog will start to get nervous. Choose a warm area in the room for him, and place a small playpen with bedding and an impromptu cozy crib there.

Yorkshire terrier and cat

The puppy must be vaccinated. The first vaccinations are given at about 2 months of age. Walking can only be done after all necessary vaccinations have been completed. At first, it is advisable to take the puppy outside 1-2 times a day in warm, but not hot weather, for 10-15 minutes. The number of walks and time outdoors should be increased gradually. It is advisable to take an adult dog for a walk at least 3 times a day for half an hour.

Yorkshire terriers living in country houses spend much more time outdoors, of course, and usually realize when it’s time for them to rest. But if you notice that your pet is too playful and overexcited, take him indoors, give him water at room temperature and try to unobtrusively, with the help of affection, lure the dog into his rest area.

Yorkshire Terriers require regular nail trimming, eye washing, teeth cleaning, ear cleaning, and bathing. None of these procedures are without their vagaries, so you will need persistence and confidence in your own actions.

A dog's nails should be trimmed every 2-3 months. It is better to do this after swimming. Use quality scissors designed specifically for this procedure. You should always have a styptic pencil or silver nitrate on hand. If you accidentally injure your pet, they will help heal the wound. For those who are not confident in their professionalism, it is better to contact a grooming salon. Everything there will be done efficiently and carefully.

Yorkie washing

In the morning and evening, clean the corners of your dog’s eyes with a damp cloth or a special cotton swab. It is also suitable for cleaning ears. Take brushing your pet's teeth seriously, otherwise your Yorkie will develop tartar and caries. This threatens that by the age of three his teeth will become loose, and by the age of five he may remain completely toothless.

The Yorkshire Terrier requires constant and careful care for its extraordinary silky coat. Bathing, combing, cutting – for some reason Yorkies don’t particularly like these procedures. Long-haired dogs should be bathed once a week, short-haired dogs should be bathed once every 2-3 weeks, and brushed 2-3 times a day and once every two days, respectively. All this is not very difficult to do on your own, but if bathing is followed by a curly haircut, then you can entrust the entire range of work to a grooming master.

Before bathing the dog, it should be thoroughly combed, then placed in a bath with water at a temperature of 34-35 ° C. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub to prevent your dog from slipping. It is better to wash your pet with a special “dog” shampoo. After the procedure, wrap your Yorkie in a towel and take him to a warm room. When it dries a little, you should comb it again and, armed with sharp scissors, trim the constantly growing hair in the area of ​​the pillows and anus (for hygiene), and carefully shorten the hair at the tip of the ears. If your Yorkshire Terrier is long-haired, distribute his combed hair proportionately on both sides and shorten the ends just above floor level. The advantage of Yorkies over many other dog breeds is the fact that they practically do not shed.

Oh cookies

The Yorkshire Terrier has its own relationship with food. It is quite common for him not to lick food dishes to the bottom, as most dogs do, but to eat exactly as much as he considers necessary.

You can feed your Yorkie homemade food or buy food in specialized stores. Homemade food should include beef and chicken (raw, but scalded with boiling water), offal, buckwheat, rice. Among fermented milk products, and Yorkshire terriers do not really welcome them, kefir, cottage cheese, and fermented baked milk are recommended. Vegetables and fruits, both raw and boiled, are treats for these dogs.

There are a number of foods that should be excluded from your Yorkshire Terrier's diet. Among them are fried, fatty, smoked products, semolina and oatmeal porridge, baked goods, sausage, fatty cheese, butter, mushrooms, cabbage, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts.

Yorkies often suffer from lack of appetite. Your dog's desire to eat may disappear completely if for some reason you suddenly change the composition of the food. Do not cancel your usual food immediately, just gradually, in small portions, replace it with other ingredients. It is better to feed a Yorkshire terrier 2-3 times a day, not counting the symbolic treats that can be given to him for decent behavior.

Russian salon

Russian saloons, or “mermaids,” are one of the latest varieties of Yorkshire terriers. This species was bred in Russia and resembles several small breeds of dogs, including Yorkies, and at the same time is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. The color is dominated by red shades: from wheat to cognac and even red.
  2. Some individuals have a mixture of white or black on their paws, tail and ears.
  3. The ears are triangular, erect, covered with short, smooth hair.
  4. The coat is thick, evenly distributed over the body, muzzle, head and limbs.

This variety of Yorkie has an undercoat, but during the cold season the dog still requires warm clothing.

Yorkshire Terrier Health and Diseases

The Yorkshire Terrier, like any other dog breed, is susceptible to certain diseases - congenital or acquired. These dogs have a predisposition to certain diseases. Thus, already at a very early age (from birth to 4 months), a Yorkie can experience such a dangerous and common illness among this breed as hypoglycemia - a rapid decrease in blood sugar. Its symptoms are drowsiness, trembling, vague behavior, convulsions, weakness, and decreased body temperature. The puppy may fall into a coma. As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, stabilize your dog by rubbing honey on your puppy's gums and contact your veterinarian immediately. Hypoglycemia also occurs in adult dogs, but much less frequently.

Yorkies, like all terriers, are predisposed to many cancers (especially blood and stomach cancer). Studies have shown that cancer occurs most often in females over 11 years of age. On average, Yorkshire terriers live up to 12-15 years.

These tiny dogs have fragile bones, which increases the risk of injury to the neck, hip, and knee. They are also genetically predisposed to retinal dysplasia.

Another unpleasant disease is neurodermatitis, which threatens to ruin your pet’s luxurious coat. A sick dog constantly licks itself, as a result of which its hair begins to fall out. This condition can be caused by stress, nervousness or extreme boredom. First, change your home environment and change your dog’s lifestyle. In some cases, the veterinarian will prescribe melatonin.

Yorkies easily overheat in hot weather and then feel unwell. In cold weather they will need protection. In cold weather, it is better to dress them in warm clothes, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

Owners of mini (or toy) Yorkshire Terriers, whose weight is less than 1.8 kg, should be prepared for the fact that they are sicker than standard-sized dogs, as they have a weakened immune system. The lifespan of such Yorkies is 7-9 years.

Some owners are concerned that their pet is too large. This can be due to either the dog being broad-boned or being obese, although the latter is rare. If your Yorkshire Terrier weighs more than 4.3 kg, it is best to consult a veterinarian to determine its weight and proportions.

If the problem is obesity, your Yorkie will have to go on a diet. The amount of food should be left the same, but replace some of the high-calorie foods with vegetables (broccoli, carrots). You can purchase special low-calorie foods. All dietary changes should occur gradually. At the same time, you need to increase the amount of physical activity. For example, if your dog is used to walking for 20 minutes, increase the duration of exercise to half an hour.

Reproduction and lifespan

Small dogs often live longer than large ones. The Yorkshire Terrier faithfully serves its owner from 13 to 15 years. There are individuals that live up to 16 years. The breeder must be well aware of the standard of this breed. Dogs that meet the following requirements should be selected for mating:

  • Their ears are V-shaped and stand erect.
  • The coat is straight, very smooth (and if the dog has not been cut, then curly).
  • Their weight should not exceed 3 kg.
  • The male and female must be sexually mature - no younger than 1 year and no older than 7 years.

On the 3rd day of estrus, the bitch can be taken to the male. He will sniff her and begin to try to woo her. Sometimes, due to her health worsening during menstruation, the bitch can push him away. Then the breeder will have no choice but to postpone their mating.

The birth of a female Yorkie should be performed by a professional, as it is often problematic. The mother dog is very affectionate and caring. She must feed her offspring for at least 1.5 months.

How to choose a puppy

Despite the fact that there is no shortage of advertisements for Yorkshire terriers for sale on the Internet, choosing puppies based on photographs is unwise.
To purchase a healthy, cheerful Yorkie with a real pedigree, you need to verify everything personally by going directly to the nursery, to the breeder. It is not so easy to find a professional, responsible breeder right away. It will be better if it is recommended to you by a veterinarian whom you trust, or by friends who have already used his services. You can also meet the breeder at a dog show. When you arrive at the kennel, first of all make up your mind about the dog breeder himself. If in front of you is a person who is ready to answer any of your questions in detail and knowledgeably with undisguised enthusiasm, in his speech you can feel a genuine love for animals, he himself is interested in what conditions his pet will live in - you can safely start choosing a puppy.

Actually, puppies at the age of 2.5-3 months are not much different from each other, so take a good look at his mother, who should be nearby. If she evoked a feeling of beauty, look at the photo of dad. Both parents must have documents issued by the Russian Cynological Federation, which confirms their pedigree, and also represents at least three generations of ancestors.

If everything is in order with the documents, watch the Yorkshire Terrier puppies themselves. You need an active, strong guy who shows interest in everything that surrounds him. He must move confidently, while his back must remain straight. The nose should be black, cold and moist (warm if it has just woken up), the gums should be juicy pink. Check your tummy - there should be no swelling in the navel area. The coat should be straight, black with brown-golden markings, and its texture should already feel silky.

After examining your chosen one, all you have to do is make sure that the puppy has a mark. As a rule, it is located in the groin area or on the inner surface of the ear and consists of letters and six numbers indicating in which nursery it was born and under what number it is registered in the club. The brand number must appear on the dog's documents. Also, the puppy must have a veterinary passport with notes on the set of vaccinations that it is required to have by its age.

You need to be especially careful when buying mini Yorkies. Most of the fraud happens with these puppies. Under the guise of a Mini Yorkie, they often sell simply unhealthy small dogs, and some puppies are deliberately underfed by unscrupulous breeders. You can buy such babies only from dog breeders in whose reputation you are absolutely confident.

Disadvantages in the color of the Yorkie

Disadvantages of the Yorkshire Terrier color include excessive blackening or, on the contrary, too short a saddle length, leading to an almost red color. This is due to the fact that black saddle color can vary greatly. In some cases, the dog will be almost black with traces of red color on the legs, under the tail and faint spots above the eyes. In others, the saddle cloth is so small that the dog looks almost red with a dark stripe on the back. Sometimes the black saddle color can look almost tan. Such a wide range of variations in black-and-white color is associated with the action of special modifier genes. These are genes that can modify the action of the main gene, but manifest themselves only in the presence of the main one (in this case, the pair of genes sa sa aa).

It should be noted that the question of the presence of separate genes responsible for the development of tan and saddle-back colors is controversial. For example, one of the main luminaries of dog color genetics, K. Little, who worked in the middle of the last century, considered the saddle color as a result of the combined action of tan genes and modifier genes. Robinson, Willis and a number of other later authors unequivocally stated the presence of specific alleles for the saddle color. At the moment, a specific gene for black-and-white color has not yet been identified using precise molecular genetic methods, but researchers do not deny its presence. Moreover, it has been suggested that there may be several alleles for such an effect (SMSchmutz, 2005).

Common color faults in the Yorkshire Terrier are light or even whitish tan marks . They are determined by a number of genetic factors that affect the distribution of red pigment.

Photos of Yorkshire Terrier puppies

Biro - Yorkie and Shoko - Yorkie

This subspecies also differs from standard Yorkshire terriers in its color - there are no black hairs in the coat.

They are usually chocolate-white in color with golden tints . Also, Biro-Yorks are distinguished by the fact that their size and weight are slightly larger than necessary, so this subspecies is not included in the breed at all.

Recently a Choco-Yorkie was bred, which is not included in the breed standard. From the name it becomes clear that the specificity of the Choco Yorkie is the chocolate color of the coat.

It can be from light milky to dark chocolate . In addition, the color must be uniform.

Yorkie food

A balanced diet is important for both puppies and adult Yorkies . They eat little by little, but the food must contain enough nutrients.

What to feed your Yorkshire Terrier? Yorkies should eat special dry food designed for Yorkshire terriers or small decorative breed dogs, canned food, and natural products.

Products Yorkshire Terrier consumption

  • bones;
  • pork;
  • sweets;
  • potato;
  • fresh bread;
  • legumes;
  • raw fish;
  • juice;
  • raw eggs.

It is important to follow the diet: puppies are fed 6 times a day at first, and the number of meals is gradually reduced. By 10 months, Yorkshire terriers are accustomed to feeding twice a day and this schedule continues throughout their lives.

Number and change of teeth

Yorkies' teeth begin to grow 2 weeks after birth.

First, 2 canines appear on each jaw, then premolars and incisors - 12 on each jaw and by 1.5-2 months there should be 28 milk teeth.

If the puppy has an incomplete set of teeth or their number exceeds the norm, there may be problems with the bite or growth of the molars in the future.

The change of teeth begins at 3 months; at 6-8 months, a Yorkie should have 42 molars: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars and 10 molars.

What subspecies are there?

The variations of Yorkshire Terrier breeds are quite inconsistent. On the one hand, they all have a lot in common with the classic look, and on the other hand, they are distinguished by their original color and other little things that make them so special. Therefore, everyone who is looking for a four-legged friend will be able to find the cutest candidate.


At its core, the Biewer is the rarest and most unusual breed found in cynology. They are distinguished by their bright color - on the head there is a combination of gold, white and black, and the body is usually black and white.

Having carefully studied their pedigree, you can notice several characteristic features:

  • height about 22 centimeters;
  • weight from 2 to 3.5 kilograms;
  • flat, small head;
  • muzzle of medium length, slightly flattened;
  • movable neck;
  • straight teeth and scissor bite;
  • small dark eyes;
  • ears set high and close;
  • torso with deep chest;
  • tri-color head color, and white paws and belly.

An adult Biewer is not at all aggressive and is excellent friends with children. A frisky dog ​​loves attention, so he can be trained quite well if he has a positive relationship with his owner.


The only disadvantage of this breed is difficulty in combing. Like all Yorkies, the Biewer is not short-haired, and to avoid problems when caring for the animal’s coat, it is better to immediately cut it short.


In the stud book, the Golddust is also called “White Gold Biewer.”

She is very young, but is rapidly gaining popularity among dog breeders due to the following qualities:

  • wool is white-chocolate-golden in color;
  • lifespan 12–15 years;
  • weight no more than 5 kg;
  • height within 20-25 centimeters;
  • strongly built skeleton.

The agile Golddust combines the ideal qualities of a decorative dog breed:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • mischievous disposition;
  • good-natured character.

Unlike some other decorative dogs, this breed has a fairly stable psyche. Therefore, pets are incredibly inquisitive, smart and sociable, they easily make contact with a person (even a stranger) and are always very attached to their owner.


The Biro breed was created by famous German breeders Roberto Kra and Birgit Rösner, from whose initials the acronym-name of this type of dog was formed. This species is also quite young; only a few nurseries are breeding it.
But the bright appearance of the pet was remembered by many thanks to the following nuances:

  • long thick hair, parted along the line of the crown;
  • small and flat head with a short muzzle;
  • small, erect, v-shaped ears;
  • not a massive neck;
  • compact body, with a well-designed lumbar and hip area;
  • straight paws covered with thick hair;
  • tail set high;
  • chocolate-white-gold shade, symmetrical coloring;
  • height up to 22 cm with a maximum weight of 3.1 kg.


The main difference between this breed is the absence of a characteristic golden hue on the head. These dogs have strict standards - any deviation from the above points can be regarded as a flaw.

Puppies are characterized by calm behavior, so they get along with other pets without problems.


Having identified a desire to get a Yorkshire Terrier dog, the question invariably arises: should you take the standard option or give preference to the small representatives?

Miniature Yorkies differ from classic representations in their most modest size - their weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Given the growing interest in this variety, it is important to take into account all the pros and cons of the breed:

  • not intrusive and less emotional;
  • tolerate long journeys well;
  • very clean, quickly accustomed to the tray;
  • have a less dense coat and do not shed seasonally;
  • have high intelligence and are easy to train;

Unfortunately, not all Mini Yorkies can boast of excellent health - congenital defects are common, which can occur at absolutely any age (for example, hypoglycemia).

Such dogs require a delicate attitude, because they can accidentally get injured when jumping or during games. In addition, such a pet eats little, but can be picky about food, so it is important for the owner to carefully monitor the animal’s diet.


Mini Yorkies are also not suitable for breeding. Due to their miniature size, pregnancy and childbirth pose a serious burden on the body and can cause death.

Super mini

Over time, the standards of mini Yorkies have undergone changes and a separate subspecies has been developed - “super-mini”. This is a tiny creature that 100% fits the definition of a pocket dog, but at the same time has serious health problems.

The main characteristics of such a unique breed are very contradictory:

  • weight up to 1.3 kg, and height no more than 20 cm;
  • short and elastic body;
  • straight paws, straight tail;
  • medium-sized muzzle;
  • widely spaced ears;
  • shiny, flowing fur.

One of the main advantages of the breed is its calm and affectionate character. Yorkie babies get along well with other animals and become very attached to all family members. But, despite their good disposition, pets are often capricious and have a hard time withstanding loneliness.

Like their older brothers, they are susceptible to congenital diseases and run the risk of injury if overactive.

Baby face

The central feature of the baby-face variety comes down to the obvious discrepancy between the parameters of the head compared to the usual standards - about 1/3 of the part.

Many consider the baby Yorkie format to be incorrect, based on such features as:

  • round head;
  • short muzzle;
  • ears are set below forehead level;
  • large bulging eyes;
  • upturned snub nose.

Despite the popularity of the subtype, the baby face is not recognized among active fans of the breed, and the specific muzzle is considered a real defect (only the American breed standard recognizes them) . Therefore, in the homeland of the breed, in England, experienced breeders try not to breed dogs of this subtype, because this unusual head shape is transmitted through males.


In addition, due to the unusual skull, the animal’s teeth will be small and susceptible to falling out, which forces one to exclude solid foods such as crackers and bones from the pet’s diet. In addition, it is worth periodically paying attention to the treatment of gums and systematically brushing your dog’s teeth.


The Chork breed was developed by crossing a Chihuahua and a Yorkie, and therefore contains the most striking features of these pets.

The result may turn out to be completely unpredictable, so the standard can only be summed up on the basis of such parameters as:

  • weight at least 1.5-2 kg;
  • different colors, the presence of mestizos;
  • small, well-built body;
  • small head, usually raised high;
  • Regardless of whether the Chorkie is smooth-haired (or even almost bald) or long-haired, its coat is always straight and soft.

Representatives of this subtype are very smart, but extremely stubborn dogs that are difficult to train.

Chorks have no sense of fear, so you should take good care of your pet, as they love to explore everything around them and risk finding a lot of problems.

According to reviews from dog handlers, such pets can even attack dogs that are twice their size, so it is important for the owners of these Yorkshire terriers to promptly stop the freedom of their pets during a walk.

Read about other mestizos here.


Such an unusual color is nothing more than a weakened black gene. Previously, such puppies were sold as breeding stock.

Now the chocolate-colored , born from purebred parents, is considered a real exclusive due to the following details:

  • average muzzle size;
  • expressive hazel eyes;
  • color can be from milk to dark chocolate;
  • flat skull;
  • wide set of medium-sized triangular ears;
  • narrowed lower jaw;
  • straight and long body;
  • withers and croup are on the same line;
  • short and well-set limbs;
  • long tail (latest fashion).

Overall, these are cute and friendly four-legged friends. By nature, they are not aggressive, they willingly go into their hands and allow themselves to be stroked by strangers. The character is affectionate, unobtrusive.

Sometimes they have too active behavior, which is why they can often injure their paws.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The advantages of the terrier are its loyalty and determination. These are lively, active and curious dogs who love people. They are friendly and playful, sometimes persistent in the absence of proper attention. The terrier is a clean dog that goes to the litter box without any problems.

Despite its size, the Yorkie will be an excellent guard, no matter how incredible it may sound. The Yorkie does not shed and does not smell like a dog - an excellent option for allergy sufferers .

The little Yorkie will allow himself to do his hair, cut his hair, and even dress himself up in jackets and pants.

Of the disadvantages of the breed, only a few can be noted:

  • a lot of time and effort goes into grooming;
  • dogs are very fragile, you need to be extremely careful;
  • In winter, Yorkies will need clothes and even shoes for walks;
  • A huge disadvantage is the high cost of the dog.
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