Character of dachshunds: who is better to take a bitch or a dog?

The dachshund has always been considered one of the best hunting dogs. It was bred in the 16th century to fight animals living in burrows that were harmful to agriculture: foxes, ferrets. But soon this breed became popular in many European countries, as it was distinguished by its intelligence, energy and devotion.

The dachshund is still very popular today among both hunters and amateurs. Breeders know that this breed causes few problems and does not require special care. Dachshunds have good health, but due to their unique build, they can experience problems with the spine. In this regard, some physical exercises are contraindicated for them. The dog's diet should also be controlled - you should not overeat.

Description of breed and character

The specific elongated body with short legs allows the dachshund to penetrate into the deepest burrows. Strong claws on her paws also help her in this. The dachshund has very powerful front legs, a massive chest, and an elongated body. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are hanging, the eyes are brown. Thanks to its bright and different appearance, it is difficult to confuse a dachshund with someone else.

This breed can hunt hares, rabbits, badgers, ferrets and other animals. She is an excellent hunter with a very keen sense. At the same time, this is a very playful, intelligent and loyal helper who gets along well with other pets. The attitude towards children is calm, without aggression.

Origin of the Dachshund breed

The Dachshund breed itself has a long history - they were depicted on their papyri by the ancient Egyptians more than 2,000 years ago.
As a breed in its roots, it descended from short hounds - it has a hunting disposition and a keen sense of smell, excellent hearing and a strong grip. The Dachshund breed was formed as such on the territory of the German states. Until 1500 - 1700, mentions of it are found in ancient chronicles. With the development of feudalism, it migrated from Germany to Europe, where its hunting qualities were appreciated, and the breed itself was recognized as independent. Already in 1880, a standard for this breed was developed and since 1883 its first tests have been carried out in artificial burrows, and since 1870 the first breed standard has been adopted.

To briefly describe this breed, the dachshund is not only ready for contact with its owner, it constantly feels the need for it. See and follow on his heels, listen to every word of the owner and catch his every gesture of attention. But if you deprive the dog of this and do not give it due attention, then it will become angry and gloomy.

What to consider when choosing a dachshund breed

There are both short-haired and long-haired dachshunds. Due to the external differences between the varieties of this breed, care is also different. Long-haired, unlike short-haired, needs frequent brushing.

Since this is a hunting breed, during walks it is necessary to provide it with an environment where it could express itself as a hunter. It is advisable that your walks include swimming. Dachshunds have a very long body, which puts a lot of stress on the spine. Swimming helps your dog strengthen his back muscles.

Dachshund: types and types

According to modern classification, 9 varieties of the breed are officially recognized: 3 based on coat characteristics and 3 based on size.

Smooth-haired dachshund

This is the most common and ancient variety of the breed. There is a version that the smooth-haired dachshund was bred by crossing a pinscher and a basset hound. Its main features are a long, elongated body, short, hard hair that fits tightly to the skin. It is shiny, thick, up to 2 cm long. Skin lesions are noticeable on the paws.

The smooth-haired dog seems clumsy, but it is very active, playful, and has not lost its hunting skills. It is popular due to its high intelligence, independence and attractive appearance. Caring for this variety is simple - the wool can be easily wiped with a damp cloth.

Photo of the smooth-haired variety.

Smooth-haired dachshunds

Longhaired dachshund

After crossing smooth-haired dogs with cocker spaniels, a long-haired variety of dachshunds appeared. Its characteristic feature is its unusual coat. The coat and undercoat are also smooth and adhere well to the skin. It is especially long at the bottom of the tail. There are featherings on the paws, fringe on the ears and neck.

The long-haired dachshund is now popular as a decorative pet. It is rarely used for hunting. Their long, soft fur gets tangled quickly. But the beautiful appearance of these dogs is appreciated. Coat with a silky shine, smart eyes, big ears - many people like this.

Photo of the longhaired variety.

Longhaired dachshund

Wire-haired dachshund

This is the rarest variety of the breed. Just as smart and quick-witted, it differs from the standard dachshund only in its specific appearance. She has a hard, shaggy coat that looks like wire, and the undercoat is thick and dense. The hairs on the head become especially brittle. The eyebrows are bushy, and the muzzle appears square due to the characteristic beard and mustache.

The wire-haired dachshund appeared after crossing smooth-haired dachshunds with terriers. Therefore, they have improved hunting qualities. It is more often used for hunting than other varieties. The hard, dense fur does not get wet and protects the animal from sharp branches.

Photo of the wire-haired variety.

Wirehaired dachshund

Varieties of dachshunds by size

Dachshunds are small dogs, their weight does not exceed 9 kg, and their height at the withers is 27 cm. But there are several varieties in size.

  • Standard rates are the most common. These are the dogs that can often be found in the city or countryside. They come in smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired varieties.
  • The dwarf dachshund was bred for more efficient hunting, since the standard dachshunds could not fit into all holes. The parameter by which an animal is assigned to this group is not the size, but the volume of the sternum. For such small dachshunds it is 30-35 cm. Unlike standard representatives of the breed, they are more cunning, aggressive and intelligent.
  • The rabbit dachshund was bred in the 19th century specifically to hunt rabbits. To do this, they crossed Toy Terriers and Small Pinschers. In order for the dog to crawl into the narrowest holes, we reduced its size. This mini dachshund weighs no more than 4 kg and has a chest circumference of up to 30 cm.

Dogs of the mini variety appear small even in comparison with other representatives of the breed.

Dachshund mini

What to look for when buying a puppy

It would be good if the dog's pedigree is known. When the puppy turns 2 months old, it is put up for sale. What points should you pay attention to when choosing a dachshund:

  • Eyes and nose. They must be clean, without discharge.
  • Gait. It is imperative to observe how the puppy moves. Movements should be free, without lameness.
  • Tail. The owner must run his hand over the puppy’s tail to determine the presence or absence of deformities. In a dachshund, the end part of the spinal column will be straight, without a bend.
  • Habits. The owner must pay attention to how the dog behaves with people and animals. If you are getting a puppy to participate in exhibitions, then you should pay attention to a calm dachshund. If for hunting, then it is better to give preference to the most courageous and active baby.
  • Floor. This matters because males are more aggressive, especially towards other dogs, and they have better stamina. Bitches are most often playful and flexible. Therefore, it is better to choose a male puppy for hunting.
  • Vaccinations. You need to ask the seller if the puppy is vaccinated. If not, then the dog should receive all necessary vaccinations.
  • Leather. It should be clean, without wounds, scratches, cuts and dandruff.
  • Back. Ideally, straight, without tubercles or depressions.

How to choose a dachshund puppy

He is so unusual, long, with short legs and charming ears that stretch along the floor. With curious eyes and a wet nose. But how to choose the right dachshund puppy so that there is no disappointment later?

Boy dachshund puppies and girl dachshund puppies behave the same. They are curious, loving and friendly. Who should I choose? Each of them has its own positive qualities and disadvantages. In puppyhood, their behavior does not differ much; they are equally playful and active. And they equally need education. And only from adolescence will you notice the difference.

When choosing a future pet, watch how the kids behave - they should not be hyperactive, but not particularly sleepy.

At this age, puppies are always plump, but make sure they are not overly well-fed. But too thin babies are also bad.

You should also know in advance for what purpose you have a puppy, whether you will show it at exhibitions or whether it will be an ordinary house dog.

Perhaps you want to start breeding a breed, then, of course, you will need a girl dachshund .

And when hunting, a dachshund boy - they are more courageous and decisive, they know how to take the initiative, and they hold their prey more tightly.

If you just need a pet, experienced professional dog handlers advise - take the puppy you like without looking. And then the gender of the dog will not matter. But if the breeder only shows babies of one gender, you may want to hold off a little when you have a choice.

In addition, there are different dachshunds - large, small, rabbit. There are specially bred decorative dogs - very elegant, chiseled, beautiful.

Recommendations for the future owner of a dachshund

The owner should also think about his home when the puppy is at home. You will need to remove all cords and wires, wash all shoes and hide them.

You should definitely consult a veterinarian about your dog's diet. It is necessary to monitor the diet and prevent your pet from overeating. Dachshunds should absolutely not gain excess weight, as this will create a greater load on the spine, which will lead to health problems. It is advisable to feed her in portions, twice a day.

Also, we should not forget that heights are contraindicated for dachshunds. They are not allowed to jump from tables, chairs, sofas, or bedside tables.

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?

The question is often asked: at what age is it better to adopt a puppy? The question is not the simplest. A lot depends on this. On average, it is optimal to take it after one and a half months. Especially if the puppy has a pedigree. He still won’t receive the documents before.

In addition, if you are adopting a puppy for the first time, it is better not to rush. Let him be with his mother. It is difficult to raise very young children. Especially if you have no experience in raising a puppy.

There is one more nuance. Pure breed dogs generally do not have as good health as mixed breeds. Another reason to wait until two or even two and a half months.

It's better to let him suck his mother's milk. It strengthens the immune system well, just like in humans. And it will be stronger in the future.

But it’s not worth slowing down for several months. The sooner you take him, the sooner he will get used to you and consider you a leader. This is especially true for large breed dogs.

But again, don’t rush to take the little ones. Wait two months at least. They're just tiny, you can't handle it. What if he gets sick and then what? The older the puppy, the lower his risk of getting sick.

There is one more point. Puppies from 4 months of age have a period when they become firmly attached to their owner. What I mean is that such a puppy will love and respect you, but his owner will always remain the one with whom he spent that very period.

You can never say exactly when it will come. Therefore, to be sure, never give puppies up to a year to anyone for a period of time, for example, on vacation. When you return, he has already “chosen” his owner. And there's nothing you can do about it.

And of course, ask about vaccinations. Vaccinations for dogs are MANDATORY. So that even you don’t have any doubts about this.

In advance, even before purchasing a puppy, go to the veterinarian, and he will tell you everything - what, when and how. Maybe the owners will vaccinate themselves, or maybe you yourself will have to take the puppy to be vaccinated.

Just don’t be present during the procedure itself! The puppy may associate you with pain, and nothing good will come of it. I foolishly attended the ear cutting operation of my boxer. You would know how she changed her attitude towards me!

It seems like everything is on this topic. And be sure to take a puppy!


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