What is the difference between a purebred dog and a mongrel: is it possible to love someone more

So, you have decided to get a dog, but you just can’t decide whether to get an ordinary mongrel and help another living soul find a home, or get yourself a purebred puppy, protecting yourself from the consequences that street dogs frighten. Let's figure it out together.

Proponents of selective breeding have been arguing for many years with those who say that mongrels are tougher, smarter and healthier than purebred dogs. This has already given rise to many myths that need to be cleared up.

Keeping a purebred dog is more expensive.

If you buy a puppy from a good kennel, it will really be expensive. The price of a purebred puppy is directly proportional to the fashion for the breed. Puppies of breeds that have already lost their former popularity (dachshunds, German shepherds, poodles) are relatively inexpensive. Another thing is the fashionable breeds - Jack Russell terrier, corgi, Akita Inu, Tibetan mastiff, Samoyed husky, etc. - here you will have to fork out some money.

Obviously, a mongrel can be picked up on the street for free or adopted from a shelter for a nominal sum. If you keep a pet for the hobby, and not for breeding and exhibitions, then the maintenance of any dog, regardless of breed, will be the same. Every dog ​​needs food, bowls, a leash, a collar, a bed, preventative vaccinations, treatment for parasites, and treatment in case of illness.

However, with a mongrel you can expect a very unpleasant surprise - it is possible that, having saved on buying a puppy, you will have to seriously spend money on the treatment of chronic diseases or viral infections, after all, life on the street is life on the street. Be prepared for this.

How to determine a dog breed from a puppy

Finding out the signs of being a puppy is much more difficult than recognizing an adult dog. Therefore, if a puppy does not have documents with a pedigree, then it is difficult to determine its breed and officially such an animal is considered outbred.

Determining the breed of a dog

Unfortunately, even if you turn to a professional for help, you won't be 100% sure whether your puppy belongs to a certain breed or not. The fact is that even professionals cannot always determine the breed of small puppies. All standards given in the literature apply to adults, but puppies can change, and very dramatically, as they grow older.

There is an option to determine the breed using various programs and tests or by posting a photo of the pet on specialized forums. Although this will not help you find out the puppy’s breed 100%, you will receive certain information and will already know in which direction to move next.

Recommendations for determining breed

  1. To make your task easier , if you are completely desperate to determine the breed, you might want to take a DNA test. Yes, this is not a very cheap pleasure and not all breeds can be identified by such a test. Today, not all breeds are in the database, but a DNA test can identify the most popular breeds and make your task easier.
  2. To determine at least the group to which your pet belongs, determine its natural instincts. Conduct a psychological test that will help determine whether your pet belongs to the shepherd group or whether it is a tame dog.
  3. Dog handlers and veterinarians cannot know all the signs of a dog breed and their varieties, but they will help give a rough guide in which direction to move, even if they have not encountered this species before. A good dog trainer or veterinarian will have a better chance of identifying your dog's characteristics and assessing its temperament much better than you can.

Mutts are healthier than purebred dogs

It seems that the outbred puppy has gone through strict natural selection, so he has strong immunity and iron health. While purebred dogs inherit a predisposition to various diseases.

For example, spaniels can have ear infections, Labradors can have hip dysplasia, bulldogs and Pekingese can have breathing problems, and boxers can suffer from deafness. Sometimes Yorkshire Terrier and Shar Pei puppies have a whole bunch of different diseases. At the same time, there are breeds with good health: terriers, poodles, Alabai, huskies, Australian cattle dogs, papillons, etc.

It must be remembered that the condition of the pet largely depends on the quality of life. Any dog ​​will live long and happily if the owner loves it and can provide decent living conditions.

Who to choose: tips from a dog handler

Experts recommend focusing on the needs of the future owner. If he wants to participate in exhibitions or plans to breed dogs, it is worth buying a purebred animal with a good pedigree. This choice is also justified when the owner needs a special dog with a well-predictable character. For example, Labradors or Newfoundlands are ideal as guide dogs for the blind.

Any animal is suitable as a pet. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you should pay attention to the puppy’s parents. You can also take an adult dog into your home. In this case, outbred animals have an advantage: they get used to a new home and family more easily.

If the owner is not able to provide expensive maintenance for representatives of some breeds, it is worth adopting a mongrel. She only needs proper feeding and annual vaccinations - she won’t need frequent trips to the veterinarian. Outbred animals are healthier and have better immunity; they are less likely to suffer from arthritis, paralysis and gastrointestinal diseases.

It is difficult to talk about general health. Purebred animals are only more prone to certain diseases that may not manifest themselves, while you can pick up a sick pet off the street, the treatment of which will take a lot of time and effort.

Mutts are loyal and naturally intelligent dogs.

Mongrel dogs are historically focused on survival, so they show ingenuity and cunning in difficult situations. They can be trained, but at the same time they do not want to please the owner, like their purebred brothers, but try for the sake of delicacy. The mongrel always takes care of himself. She can bark loudly, guarding her territory, but on the street, if the owner is attacked, she will run away. This is how the instinct of self-preservation manifests itself.

Guard dogs are inferior to mongrels in the ability to decide something on their own. But in case of danger, they will give their lives for you - this is how the breeders bred them.

The breed in this case is a guarantee of character and exterior.

Alphabetical list of dog breeds

All representatives of the same breed will be similar to each other. Both in appearance and in character. This is their advantage: you can always choose a dog to your liking.

In the case of a mongrel, you always get a “pig in a poke” - you don’t know what to expect from the dog in terms of character and psyche, whether this animal will be aggressive or cowardly, what size a small puppy can grow to, etc. But at the same time, a mongrel is always an original beauty and individuality.

Which dog to choose: purebred or mongrel?

“The best time to choose a dog is when the right dog becomes available.” This statement perfectly reflects reality. After all, it happens that all you have to do is see a tiny puppy, and that’s it. It becomes clear that this love is forever. Today there are many purebred and outbred dogs. Each of them is good in its own way. But how to choose a dog that will meet the wishes and requirements of the future owner? After all, future dog care and education will largely be determined by this choice! Also the future training of the dog. The first, and easiest thing, is to decide on the choice of a purebred or outbred animal. To do this, you need to compare your needs, wishes and capabilities with the character of the future pet. But let's look at this issue point by point and in order.

TOP 10 most interesting mestizos of different breeds.

Which dog to choose, taking into account future behavior.

Who is better? Purebred dog or mongrel? After all, you can raise an excellent companion dog from a mongrel. But if you are purchasing a puppy for a specific purpose? For example, if for security or hunting, then this is not the best option...

You can choose a large dog. It should be remembered here that such dogs require a more serious approach to their upbringing. They not only need more food, long and frequent walks. But also in compulsory training with a professional dog handler. In public places, such a dog must always be on a leash and muzzle. Regardless of upbringing. Since such pets often protect their family members from imaginary enemies.

Yes, mongrels are universal, capable, if necessary, of guarding a house, performing in a circus, or herding sheep. Many mongrel and mixed-breed dogs are intelligent and intelligent, loyal and predisposed to learning. But any purebred dog can easily outperform most of its mongrel counterparts in some ways. After all, her ancestors were engaged in one thing for more than one generation. The big advantage of purebred dogs is that the future owner already knows the appearance and some of the character traits of the pet. Of these animals, it is easier to choose a dog “for yourself.” It is also worth taking into account the temperament and size of the future pet. Therefore, if you are planning to develop working qualities, it is better to choose a purebred dog.

Difficulties in raising a mongrel are associated with another factor. They may have a highly developed passive-defensive reaction, i.e. cowardice. Hence, raising a dog will have a number of features. And the dog’s training in a number of commands will be influenced by corresponding behavioral stereotypes. And this can ultimately affect the result of training the puppy. Therefore, it is quite difficult to reliably predict what a puppy will grow into.

You can choose a dog based on health.

Now, regarding health. Many people believe that mongrels are healthier and more resilient than purebred dogs. And in fact, this is often true. In this case, no special conditions are required. They are unpretentious in food, and have much better health than their purebred counterparts. Since they, unlike purebred animals, are devoid of most genetic and hereditary diseases. Which are a consequence of inbreeding.

But let's say you took a puppy from the street at the age of a month or two. His health may already be seriously undermined by unfavorable factors. After all, the beginning of life for most mongrel dogs can hardly be called cloudless. Most dogs had poor quality and irregular nutrition. And a large number of internal and external parasites in the mother of the puppies. Therefore, the lack of normal conditions in the first days of life affects the animal’s immunity. But even proper care for a dog in such a situation does not guarantee good health. Therefore, choosing such a dog means dooming yourself to constant visits to the veterinarian.

Yes, and adult mongrel individuals living on the street, just like their purebred counterparts, suffer from diseases and even die. It’s just that no one is keeping track of their numbers.

When choosing a dog, you need to pay attention to its health. After all, there are a lot of diseases with a hidden course of the disease. Healthy dogs are active and playful, with a moist and cool nose. The coat of such animals should be thick, shiny, without scuffs or bald patches. But even if the animal is externally healthy, it would be a good idea to contact an experienced veterinarian after the purchase.

What else should you consider when choosing a dog?

There is also an opinion that keeping a purebred dog is quite expensive, but you can adopt a mongrel for free and feed it with anything. But a dog is not a pig and not a garbage can into which all waste can be thrown. Any dog, be it a purebred dog or a mongrel, needs high-quality and nutritious food and vitamins. Also, mongrels need to be vaccinated, visit a veterinarian, and undergo training with a dog handler. Buy toys, collars, leashes, shampoos for her, in general, everything that is necessary for a normal life. Caring for a dog should not depend on the purity of its breed! And training the dog will also not make any fundamental differences.

Where is the best place to buy?

But where is the best place to buy the perfect dog? Nowadays, it has become very prestigious to give a home to animals. Including those who, for a number of reasons, lost their former owners. Typically, this is an opportunity to choose a dog from a shelter.

What if you need a dog of a famous breed, with a pedigree and a titled origin? Then it’s best to contact the kennel club. There they will not only help you choose a dog, but will also provide you with advice on keeping, nutrition and care. And besides this, they also guarantee the purity of the breed.

You can also purchase a dog from breeders. After visiting the nursery, you can choose a puppy whose character seems most attractive to you. Puppies living in a kennel are often healthier physically and psychologically. Since they are in their own microsociety from an early age. Each breeder, as a rule, ensures that all veterinary measures are carried out on time for the animals. Such as deworming (getting rid of worms) and vaccination.

You shouldn’t think that mongrels are worse in everything. On the contrary, such animals are very loyal and affectionate to their owner, especially those who have already been betrayed by people. These dogs are smart and quick-witted, as street life has taught them a lot. And if you provide proper dog care and education, your dog will faithfully serve you all its life. Therefore, you just need to decide what you expect from such a dog in the future. And make your choice.

Choosing the right dog for yourself is quite possible. You just need to remember one important rule. No matter what difficulties we encounter along the way of keeping and raising dogs, we are responsible for those we have tamed.


Cynologist instructor Yagovitina Yu.A.

Mongrels are smarter and more savvy than their purebred counterparts

It is often believed that mongrels are very amenable to training, however, we note that this is not an entirely correct opinion. Scientists have found that representatives of the border collie breed are rightfully considered the smartest dogs, but note that most owners of mongrels assess their level of intelligence and amenability to training as quite high.

Due to their lifestyle and character, mongrels are quite sociable and playful animals, they love attention, almost always make contact with people, and these qualities are certainly important in teaching and training a pet.

It is better for yard dogs to live on a chain or in an enclosure than in an apartment

This misconception is especially true for large dogs. In fact, when it comes to caring for mongrels, they are no different from their purebred counterparts. Any puppy can be raised into a wonderful companion, even without any training.

The mongrel is initially aimed at adapting to environmental conditions, so it clearly understands a person’s mood. If you're not in a good mood, she won't bother you. At the same time, unlike many purebred dogs, mongrel dogs are distinguished by affection, tenderness and responsiveness to the owner and his family. And if the dog has already lived on the street, you will not be able to find a more grateful, devoted and loving creature in any kennel.

How to tell by appearance whether a puppy is purebred and what breed it is

As for puppies, great difficulties arise here. The appearance of puppies is often very different from adult animals, and there are simply no characteristics characteristic of the breed yet. The exception is the cubs of some easily recognizable breeds, for example, Shar Pei or Dachshund.

Golden Retriever puppies are very similar to each other and to their parents.

In addition, all puppies have severely disturbed body proportions: a large head and paws, a spherical belly. Breeders of specific breeds are well aware of all the nuances of the appearance of puppies, but in order to consult with them, you must at least guess what breed the baby belongs to. Here, online information resources will again come to the rescue: sites and forums of dog lovers, photographs of puppies of different breeds.

In the case of a second hand purchase, you will have to rely on the assurances of the owners or the appearance of the puppy’s parents (if you are lucky and manage to see them).

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Puppies that are not distinguished by “pure” blood may turn out to be prettier than purebred ones

To guarantee that you will receive a purebred puppy, you need to choose it from a nursery with a good reputation and carefully study the pedigree and other documents that are included with the purchase. In practice, it is when buying purebred puppies in dubious places that the majority of buyers are deceived, with mixed breeds or mongrels being passed off as purebred animals.

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