Everything about Putin’s dogs: where is the Labrador Connie, is Buffy friends with Yume, the fate of the poodle Tosi

An absolutely unique animal. This is not said for the sake of saying something nice. The dog is distinguished by good health and a stern character.

The shepherd dog is a primitive breed. Primitive in the sense that it was practically not affected by selection changes. The animal is little known outside its homeland. In Bulgaria she has no equal in terms of working qualities.

Origin of the breed

Among breeders of the breed there are several theories regarding the origin of the dog.

One of them says that the Bulgarian Shepherd Dog was used by the inhabitants of the country already in the 5th century. At the same time, the first breed standard was approved. Very different from the usual FCI standard.

“The dog accompanying the flock must be large. Have a massive head and strong legs. The dog's color is spotted. The wool is long." — Excerpt from the regulations established by Ruler Sandilkh. The regulations describe the Karakachan Shepherd Dog. Modern dogs are almost no different from those described by Sandilkh.

The second version is more logical. The roots of the Bulgarian Shepherd go back to ancient times. In those days when the Thracians inhabited Bulgaria and part of Turkey. Numerous tribes left behind a legacy: Thracian horses and dogs. Hence the second name of the breed - Karakachan. The second name of the Thracian tribes.

These tribes were engaged in sheep breeding. In the summer we lived in the Rhodope Mountains, located on the territory of Bulgaria. They needed strong and brave dogs. Those that are not picky about natural and living conditions have developed protective qualities.

Strong and hardy Karakachan shepherd dogs began to be used to guard sheep

According to the third version, the roots of the breed go back to Turkey. This is explained by the fact that Bulgaria was a Turkish part for some time.

Stefan Popov is a breeder of Bulgarian Shepherds. He lives in the town of Pazardzhik. And he claims that this city became the birthplace of the breed. At the beginning of the 20th century, sheep farming in Bulgaria began to die out. Shepherd dogs were out of work. Their numbers have declined sharply. And only at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries was it possible to revive the breed. Stefan was one of those who contributed to this.

Outside of its homeland, the Karakachan Shepherd Dog is not particularly popular. You can purchase a puppy in Russia only from one nursery. The cost of a baby starts from 45 thousand rubles.

What is the name of Putin's favorite dog?

Connie Polgrave is a jet black female Labrador. Confirmation of the purity of the breed is the pedigree. Through a retriever club, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations bought the puppy as a puppy and was raised in the rescue dog training center until 1999. It was presented to Vladimir Vladimirovich as a gift by Sergei Shoigu.

During her long life in the presidential family (1999 - 2014), she often appeared on the pages of periodicals. In one of the issues of Ogonyok magazine, Connie became the hero of a comic book. She was assigned the role of adviser to the head of state, with whom he discussed matters at the state and international level.

The book “Connie Tells” is dedicated to Putin’s Labrador dog in the photo. The animal tells on its own behalf about the life of its owner. The work was published in English to help children learning the language.

Every resident of Russia learned about Connie on the day of the parliamentary elections, causing the candidate's family to be late to the polling station. The dog gave birth on a significant day for the Putin family, which they proudly announced in public. On December 7, 2003, 8 Labrador puppies were born. Two babies were presented as a gift to the Australian President Kleistil, the rest were distributed into the caring hands of the Russians.

Two years later, Putin's dog in the photo was presented by the press as a possible successor to the president. The comic idea was enthusiastically received in the media and was discussed for a long time. Journalists and political figures, in particular, Igor Semenikhin and Yulia Latynina, declared their readiness to vote for the four-legged candidate.

The scandalous bloggers went further and organized a virtual vote, during which it turned out that more than 40% of voters are ready to see Connie as V.V.’s successor. Putin. The list of positive characteristics of the shaggy-haired official included the following:

  • reliable comrade, time-tested;
  • noble origin;
  • mother of many children.

Unfortunately for everyone, the Presidential Administration was impartial and stated that it did not accept Labrador’s candidacy. Having deservedly received more than half of the votes of Russian citizens, Dmitry Medvedev won the elections.

Which dog did Putin receive so much attention? Perhaps not one. To confirm this, there is a monument to the “first dog of Russia”, which was erected by residents of St. Petersburg in 2007. Between two houses on Primorsky Avenue, a monument with the figure of man’s best friend was erected on the playground, preserving Connie’s name for history. As Ekho Moskvy reports, this is how city residents strive to protect the area for children’s active pastime from compacted development.

Breed standard

The Shepherd Shepherd is not recognized by the FCI. There is only one standard, adopted in 2005 by Bulgaria. Description of the breed according to the standard:

  • General form
    . Tall, well built dog. The articles are proportional, the backbone is strong. The muscles are powerful.
  • The minimum height for a male is 65 cm. For females - 63 cm. The upper height limit for males is 78 cm, for females - 75 cm. The weight category for males is from 45 to 60 kg. Bitches are lighter - from 40 to 55 kg.
  • Head
    . The skull is massive and wide. The muzzle widens towards the base, the cheekbones are almost undeveloped. The line of the head and the line of the muzzle are parallel to each other. The ears are hanging, low set, lying close to the head. Small eyes set deep. Eye color is dark brown. The nose is large with wide nostrils. The jaws are well developed and very strong. Number of teeth - 42 pieces. 20 in the upper jaw, 22 in the lower jaw. Short and powerful neck.
  • Torso
    . The withers are developed and muscular. The chest is wide, well developed, round in shape. The back is straight and long. The stomach is taut. The croup is rounded and wide. The tail is hook-shaped, length to the knee joint.
  • Limbs
    . The shoulder is massive and wide, the front legs are rounded. The fingers are tightly clenched, the claws are strong. The thighs are muscular and wide. The hind legs are long and massive. Often there are 1-2 extra toes on the hind legs.
  • Wool
    . There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the breed. In the first case, the length of the coat is more than 12 cm. In the second, it is from 9 to 12 cm. The undercoat is well developed.
  • Color
    . Bicolor: dark or red oblong spots on a main light background. Large, clearly defined.
  • Any deviation from the standard is a fault of the breed.

The Bulgarian Shepherd breed standard is accepted only in Bulgaria itself

IMPORTANT!!! The Bulgarian dog has been known since ancient times. Its standard is not accepted by the FCI.


This working dog has a thick and dense coat. The coat is made up of straight and coarse hair. They have an average length of at least 7 cm. The undercoat is well developed. This coat requires regular brushing. It is necessary to accustom the dog to this from puppyhood, so that in the future this procedure does not turn into torture for both the owner and the animal.

Another unique feature of this breed, which will not allow it to be confused with any other. Shepherds crop one ear of their faithful four-legged helpers. For males - right, for females - left. This is explained by the desire to combine control over the natural set of the ears, which must certainly be drooping, and the strict expression that is achieved by cropping. In puppies that are being prepared for a show career, the ears are kept in their natural state.

Character of the Bulgarian Shepherd

Dogs of one owner. Representatives of the breed are loyal to all family members. They tolerate the people around them. They love only the owner and are loyal only to him.

A characteristic feature of the breed: the Karakachan dog does not like to be touched. He tolerates affection from his owner, but with difficulty. He does not allow others to approach him, let alone allow himself to be stroked.

Bulgarian Shepherds must be able to work among their own kind. They are taught this from childhood. Non-conflict with other members of the pack is the main principle of successful work. All adult dogs get along well with each other. If a small puppy refuses to accept the general rules, he is mercilessly culled. This is cruel, but this is the position of the breeders. Bulgarian Shepherds are bred for herding work, and the characteristics of the animals must correspond to this.

Qualities required for herding dogs:

  • distrust of strangers;
  • loyal attitude towards livestock and other dogs from their pack;
  • obedience to the owner;
  • courage;
  • the ability to protect one’s territory;
  • protective qualities.

This is how Ivan Sharkov describes the true Bulgarian Shepherd. The son of the legendary breed breeder Hristo Sharkov, he is a fan of his work. The attitude towards the breed and its own representatives is very reverent. Ivan believes that the Bulgarian dog breed is intellectually developed. He understands everything perfectly. She doesn't have to say it twice. In fields where flocks of sheep graze, repetition is not appropriate. Sometimes it can be a matter of life and death literally.

Bulgarian Shepherd guards a flock of sheep

Courage is a distinctive character trait of Karakachan dogs. Sharo, Ivan's dog, recently confirmed this. He saved the owner from the bear. He himself was seriously injured, but survived.

These dogs are loyal to children. They tolerate their caresses, although they themselves do not reciprocate. Representatives of the breed cannot be called nannies.

Pros and cons of content


  • excellent security qualities;
  • lack of aggression towards children and pets;
  • stable nervous system;
  • unpretentiousness in terms of nutrition;
  • the absence of a disease such as hip dysplasia, which occurs in many dog ​​breeds;
  • ease of caring for animals;
  • withstands adverse weather conditions (heat, cold, snow, rain, strong wind);
  • absence of genetic diseases.


  • cannot be kept indoors;
  • should not be left alone with young children;
  • cannot be kept on a chain;
  • the dog cannot do without walking;
  • not every person can train a shepherd;
  • the dog cannot be kept in an area that is often visited by strangers;
  • any aggression towards a shepherd dog on the part of the owner will lead to serious consequences, so hot-tempered people should not get an animal.

Karakachan dog: features of the Bulgarian Shepherd

Bulgarian kucho (translated from Bulgarian as a dog) have a number of features:

  • Bitches protect flocks from wolves and jackals.
  • The task of male dogs is to protect them from people.
  • Bitches are more aggressive and courageous. Their disadvantage is weakness.
  • Males are strong and physically resilient. The significant drawback is that they are quite lazy.
  • Animals have one ear cropped. This is done so that from a distance it is clear whether the person in front of him is a male or a female. For females, part of the left ear is cut off, for males - the right. The procedure is carried out during puppyhood. Its roots go back to the distant past. Previously, this was how domestic dogs were distinguished from stray dogs. Now there are no homeless Bulgarian Shepherds, ear cropping has been preserved.

Care Tips

Next, you will learn whether the dog is difficult to care for, what is required to maintain the health of the shepherd, and how often certain activities should be carried out.


Since the dog has a considerable length of fur, grooming it is mandatory if you do not want long hairs to be scattered not only around the yard, but also throughout your house. To maintain an acceptable appearance, the dog needs to be combed at least once every 3 days . If you do not do this, tangles will begin to form, which will not only spoil the appearance, but will also significantly complicate this procedure.

During molting, the procedure is carried out daily. For this process, you should choose special brushes designed for large shepherd dogs with dense, thick hair.

It is necessary to bathe a wolfhound only in extreme cases , when the dog is too dirty, or when there is excessive secretion of sebum in hot weather. Frequent water procedures are very harmful to the animal, as the protective fatty shell is washed off, which protects the fur from getting wet and the skin from various parasites.

Learn more about proper dog care at home, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of a paw washing device.


The claws only need to be inspected occasionally to detect the presence of injury in time. There is no need to trim the claws, as the animal will wear them down during active walking. If the enclosure has a hard floor (concrete, tiles), then problems with overgrown claws will definitely not arise.


If you can brush the teeth of an adult pet, then this will be your victory, since such shepherd dogs, although devoted to their owner, will not allow them to cross the line of what is permitted, so it is better not to take risks.

It is enough to regularly examine the oral cavity, exercising extreme caution, and also give your pet toys that will soften and remove tartar. If you have problems with your teeth, it is better to consult a veterinarian for advice.

Eyes and ears

The ears need special attention as they need regular cleaning. This is done with the help of cotton pads and special lotions, which should be purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. This procedure is necessary in order to exclude infection with ear mites.

As for the eyes, if you notice white mucus, swelling of the eyelids, or if the lens is cloudy, you should contact your veterinarian. You cannot “treat” a dog yourself, as you can harm the animal or cause an outburst of aggression in your direction.

Security qualities

Absorbed with mother's milk. Ideal watchmen. Able to resist wolves, jackals and bears. They will defend the flock from strangers.

The Bulgarian Shepherd is loyal only to its owner; it perceives the rest of the family as an object of protection

If some person, out of inexperience, decides to approach a shepherd with a Bulgarian Shepherd, he will be met with loud barking and attempts to bite. He understood and walked away; the dog would immediately lose interest in the stranger. He will stop barking and will just watch. The warning turned out to be useless, the man continues to move towards the owner. A sharp and powerful push will knock him off his feet. Without the shepherd's command, the animal will not bite; it will simply pin the slow-witted and persistent stranger to the ground.

Where did she come from?

The breed begins its long history from the Balkan Peninsula during the Middle Ages, to be more precise, from the territory of modern Bulgaria. The "karakach" had two important functions - to serve as a guard and escort for the tribes of nomads of the same name and to play the role of a stern shepherd dog for local shepherds.

Indeed, it is rare that a predator will decide to attack a flock when such an impressive dog is its guard. During stops, shepherd dogs guarded the sheep, driving away strangers and predators, and if necessary, they readily entered into battle with wolves and bears. Moreover, thanks to their natural skills and developed senses, they easily “sorted” their sheep from others. The puppies learned all this as they grew up, helping their older brothers work.

Where to buy a puppy

On the territory of the Russian Federation this idea is difficult to implement. The only kennel that breeds Bulgarian Shepherds is located in Moscow. She is the official representative of the Bulgarian nursery Ticho Elit.

Puppies are easy to train

Puppies are purchased when they are 2 months old. At this age, babies already have the necessary vaccinations, are examined by a veterinarian and weaned from their mother.

Training and education

Famous Bulgarian breeders Ivan Sharkov and Stefan Popov consider Bulgarian dogs to be very smart. They are easy to train. It all starts in childhood, when the baby is taught to live among other representatives of the breed. First they are littermates, then they become adults. In addition to social adaptation, education begins. The puppy needs to learn to obey its owner and obey him. Without obedience, good teamwork is impossible.

Puppies are accustomed to flocks and other livestock from childhood. They see it every day, it becomes part of life once and forever.

Care and feeding

Bulgarian Shepherds easily adapt to their environment. They are not whimsical. These dogs need a spacious enclosure and fresh air. Living in an apartment is torture for them.

Before 2 months, you should not separate puppies from their mother to gain strong immunity.

Representatives of the breed are fed either natural food or dry food. The following products are allowed:

  • boiled lean meat;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • vegetables: carrots, zucchini, boiled cabbage;
  • fruits: apples;
  • dairy products: low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat and mild cheese, milk for puppies up to 3 months;
  • chicken eggs: up to 2 pieces per week;
  • boiled sugar seeds. No more than twice a month;
  • boiled fish, removed from the bones.

It is forbidden to mix natural food and dry food. The latter should be super premium or holistic.

Breeding Features

When breeding, special attention is paid to males. If there are minor exterior defects, dogs are discarded and not allowed to participate in breeding work. The cost of such animals will be lower, so if you purchase a pet for your soul, you can save money.

Despite not meeting the standard, culled shepherd dogs are still distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, so they gladly accept the role of a service dog.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that the impressive dog from the Bulgarian lands is not for everyone. Beginners and families with small children should consider other options.

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