We eliminate the influence of toxins in the dog’s intestines with Smecta

Absorbent agents are often used in the treatment of functional stomach disorders. Smecta for dogs with diarrhea: dosage per kg of weight and how to give the drug to a pet - these questions often worry all pet owners. This medicine effectively protects the gastric mucosa due to its enveloping effect. That is why it is used for various types of food poisoning, bloating, diarrhea and other functional stomach disorders.

The absorbent helps remove toxins and pathogens from the gastrointestinal tract, which accelerates the restoration of normal functioning of the body. However, it should be noted that diarrhea can be evidence of a variety of pathologies. In order to achieve the desired effect when taking the drug and not harm the pet’s health, it is necessary to identify the main cause of diarrhea.

What is Smecta?

The antidiarrheal and adsorbent drug is a powder based on dioctahedral smectite. The substance is obtained from white clay, deposits of which are located in Sardinia. Unlike kaolin, diosmectite of volcanic origin has a wider spectrum of action.

The powder obtained from clay minerals belongs to the class of aluminum and magnesium silicates. It is highly absorbent, so it is not taken at the same time as other medications. When treating with antibiotics and antiviral drugs, Smecta should be given to a dog with diarrhea no earlier than 2 hours after taking the medication.

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Kuzmenko Olga Olegovna

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Diarrhea can lead to dehydration in the animal. Diarrhea can also cause serious complications that can worsen the animal's condition. To prevent the development of intoxication, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner.

How to breed “Smecta” for a dog?

The dosage is individual for each animal, but the powder is completely diluted.

The Smecta package contains several sachets containing a dose for a one-time dilution.

Heat the water a little, measure out 50 ml. If you don’t have a special measure, you can do this: pour 10 teaspoons of water into a glass (one will contain 5 ml) or pour a quarter of a faceted glass (the capacity of this one is 200 ml up to the top strip). Pour the entire contents of one sachet into the water and mix well. Please note that the powder does not dissolve, so do not use too much force!

What does the medicine contain and what is its pharmacological effect?

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the presence of the active ingredient diosmectite - a compound of magnesium and aluminum. It has an enveloping effect, due to which the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach are not exposed to the negative effects of bile, acids and toxins. In addition, the powder contains auxiliary components and flavorings.

The medicine contains substances only of natural origin. However, before giving Smecta to a dog with diarrhea, you should take into account the presence of contraindications in the animal. A safe dosage per kg of weight is 1-2 ml of a diluted solution. If diarrhea is caused by a viral infection, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

The drug has an absorbent property, due to which all pathogens and toxic substances are removed from the digestive tract. Taking Smecta does not affect intestinal motility and does not cause negative reactions in the body.

If the animal’s condition does not improve after using the medicine, diarrhea may be a symptom of severe poisoning. In this case, you must urgently contact the clinic.

How to calculate the dosage correctly?

Smecta powder is dissolved in warm boiled water at the rate of 1 sachet of medicine per 50 ml of liquid. The drug must be stirred well: it does not dissolve very quickly.

The dosage for dogs is as follows:

  • large pets are given 50 ml of Smecta 3-4 times a day,
  • medium dog breeds 25 ml,
  • miniature pets are given 15 ml of medicine,
  • for a puppy you need no more than 10 ml of the prepared solution.

In case of severe intoxication and diarrhea, the dose of the drug can be doubled, but even in this case you should consult a specialist.

Is it possible to give Smecta to a dog?

Loose stools and intestinal disorders can be caused by various reasons. This may be due to overeating and stress, an allergic reaction and the action of pathogens. If the animal has a rumbling stomach or increased gas production, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, the sorbent can quickly and effectively eliminate these symptoms.

Veterinarians recommend giving Smecta to a dog when vomiting after overeating, as well as for food allergies. The medicine acts effectively as part of complex therapy for acute and chronic diarrhea.

Only a veterinarian can determine how much Smecta can be given to a dog. If long-term treatment is necessary, the specialist calculates the dosage and frequency of administration.

Indications and contraindications

According to the instructions for use for dogs, the main indications are:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Bloating.
  3. Stomach ache.
  4. In case of poisoning (food poisoning), nausea, vomiting.
  5. Esophagitis.

Absolute contraindications to taking Smecta are:

  1. Intolerance to components.
  2. Intestinal obstruction.

It is forbidden to give medicine if:

  • Diarrhea is accompanied by severe incessant vomiting. Usually this symptom indicates damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The puppy cannot eat or drink on its own. Diarrhea dehydrates the body, and if there is no way to replenish the water balance, the animal may die.
  • The dog's condition is deteriorating. If the body temperature increases, seizures and other symptoms appear, it is necessary to stop treatment and contact a veterinarian.
  • There is blood in the stool. This indicates bleeding in the intestines, which requires immediate contact with the clinic.
  • The animal has not been vaccinated for a year. Diarrhea can be a symptom of serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

What can replace Smecta for a dog?

If the owner does not have this medicine in the first aid kit, in case of profuse diarrhea (incessant loose stools with the release of watery feces), the dog can be given any analogues that have adsorbing properties:

  • activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of animal body weight),
  • polysorb (1 tsp powder per 10 kg body weight),
  • enterosgel (1 tsp suspension for small, 1.5 for medium and 2 for large breeds),
  • enterodesis (20 ml solution for small dogs, 100 ml for large dogs).

Activated carbon is the most popular: even exceeding the sorbent dosage will not cause any side effects.

Smecta is a universal adsorbent intended not only for people, but also for the treatment of diarrhea in animals. If the pet owner is completely sure that diarrhea and vomiting are caused by food poisoning or stress, self-treatment with the drug is allowed. When indigestion is caused by intoxication with potent poisons or a severe viral infection, urgent assistance from a veterinary specialist is needed, otherwise you may lose your four-legged friend forever.

Smecta for a dog with diarrhea or vomiting: dosage, how to give

The powder for preparing the suspension is sold in sachets with a portion of the medicine, designed for dilution in 50-100 ml of warm water. The solution must be stirred to a homogeneous consistency. The individual dosage is calculated by the veterinarian, taking into account the weight and condition of the pet.

The standard dosage at one time is 1 ml per kg of weight. If it is not possible to calculate the exact weight of the dog, the following scheme is used:

  1. Large breeds 50 ml.
  2. For a medium-sized animal, 20-25 ml.
  3. For a small breed dog 5-15 ml.

The smecta for puppies is calculated in the same way as for animals of small breeds.

Before diluting Smecta for dogs, it is necessary to lavage the animal’s stomach. The procedure allows you to flush out the most toxic substances from the body. This will help speed up the action of the medicine and increase its effectiveness.

During treatment, you need to stop feeding for 10-12 hours, but access to clean drinking water should be constant. It is recommended to give the medicine 5-6 times a day for 3-7 days. The veterinarian establishes an individual dosage regimen.

Indications for use of Smecta

The antidiarrheal drug Smecta is sold in a regular “human” pharmacy. The medicine is produced in the form of a beige powder containing processed aluminum and magnesium silicates. The medication is used to eliminate the following symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders:

  • heartburn,
  • colic,
  • bloating,
  • diarrhea.

Smecta has a beneficial effect on irritated mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping and strengthening them. In addition, the drug has an adsorbent property, absorbs and removes toxins from the body. The powder is packaged in paper bags of 3 g, before using the medicine it is dissolved in warm boiled water: 50-100 ml of liquid is needed for 1 bag of the drug.

Faced with the problem of gastrointestinal disorder in their pet, many owners do not know whether their dog can have Smecta? The drug is perfect not only for people, but also for treating dogs .

However, therapy with Smecta is unacceptable for:

  • intoxication with potent toxic substances,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • mechanical damage to the intestinal walls,
  • internal bleeding.

In these cases, in principle, it is impossible to self-medicate; it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

What side effects may occur?

Smecta consists of natural components, so it has virtually no side effects or contraindications. However, even this safe drug can harm the dog if the permissible dosage is exceeded. The only consequence is constipation, which goes away after stopping the medication or reducing the dose.

If constipation continues for more than 8 hours, you need to give the animal a little Vaseline oil. If you are prone to constipation, it is advisable to use other drugs with a similar effect.

Purpose and effect of the drug

Smecta can be called a harmless and safe remedy. This drug can be given to a puppy without fear, at least it will not make it worse. Smecta is a widely available drug both in terms of prevalence and price. Just one caveat: the drug is designed for humans, so it does not contain instructions for treating animals.

The drug is available in powder form with a pleasant, sweet odor. The color of the powder is beige-brown, the consistency is homogeneous. Packaging is done in sachets for single use. Smecta has no contraindications or side effects, however, manufacturers admit the possibility of individual intolerance to the components.

Note! To use Smecta, it must be diluted in water. Taking the drug in dry form significantly reduces the degree of absorption; it is also easy to choke on the powder.

Diarrhea occurs due to more active work of the intestinal mucous membranes. By producing mucus, the body strives to protect tissues from injury and further irritation. The reaction of the mucous membranes may indicate the presence of toxins, parasites or an object that mechanically injures the intestines. The condition can be greatly complicated by dysbiosis, since diarrhea intensifies if the microflora does not resist harmful bacteria.

Smecta has two main effects:

  • Envelops the intestinal walls, protecting them from further irritation.
  • Eliminating toxins accumulated in the intestines.

Note! The sorbent binds toxins and quickly removes them from the body with urine.

Please note that during the treatment of the acute stage of diarrhea, it is better not to feed the dog. Food that enters the intestines will irritate the intestines even more, which will lead to a worsening of the condition and the threat of dehydration. It is worth understanding that in the acute stage the intestines swell, that is, swell, so even a small amount of food will cause harm.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs with Smecta is safe and allows you to prevent another problem - disruption of peristalsis. This mechanism is optimal if the causes of diarrhea are not fully known. Under some circumstances, even gentle therapy can lead to stopping peristalsis. In this case, you will be faced with another, but more serious need - starting the work of the gastrointestinal tract. There are drugs that stimulate intestinal contractions, but such treatment is always carried out “at random”. If the animal is weakened, the gastrointestinal tract may not work at the same level.

Important! Do not use Loperamide without a doctor's prescription! This drug does not treat diarrhea; it stops intestinal motility.

Smecta is prescribed for both treatment and prevention. Typically, the drug is used to eliminate an acute condition or the consequences of a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Such disorders include diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. Constipation cannot be treated with Smecta, as is the root cause of the disorder.

The only side effect that may occur when the dose of the drug is overestimated is constipation. If this happens to your pet, do not panic, just stop giving Smecta or reduce its intake to half the dose. In such a situation, stopping diarrhea and fluid loss is more important, especially if the dog is on a starvation diet. If constipation does not go away within 6-8 hours, you can give your dog some Vaseline oil.

Note! Smecta should not be taken immediately after taking other medications. Due to the absorbent effect, Smecta can reduce the effectiveness of drugs and therapy in general.

Cost of the medicine, its analogues

The instructions for the drug indicate that Smecta is intended for people. However, it is actively used in veterinary medicine and is used for similar problems in dogs. The cost of the medicine in a regular pharmacy is 15-30 rubles. For an animal, it is better to choose a medicine without flavorings.

If there are contraindications or if this medicine is not available in your home medicine cabinet, you can use another remedy that has the same properties.

Similar composition:

  1. Neosmectin.
  2. Endosorb.
  3. Diosmectite.

The method of using medications is the same as for Smecta.

Analogues in action:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterosgel.

To calculate the dosage when treating dogs, consultation with a specialist is recommended. Veterinary analogues include Vetsorbin and EnteroZoo. These medications are made specifically for use by animals, but they are expensive.

How to give smecta to a puppy

A puppy with diarrhea and nausea can be given Smecta in small quantities. The method of preparing the suspension for young animals is somewhat different.

You need to dilute Smecta for a puppy according to the following scheme:

  • Take ½ or 1/3 sachet of powder.
  • Dilute Smecta with a small amount of boiled water at room temperature.

The consistency of the finished product should resemble liquid sour cream.

How much Smecta to give to a puppy with diarrhea at a time depends on its condition and weight. For young individuals of small breeds aged from 3 months to six months (Spitz, Yorkie, etc.), 0.3-0.5 ml of suspension can be used. For large breed dogs (Sennenhund, Labrador, etc.), the dosage is calculated according to the same scheme as for adult animals.

Smecta is given to the puppy at regular intervals. The interval between doses should be at least 1.5 hours. An overdose can lead to the development of constipation or bezoar.

It is more convenient to give the prepared suspension to puppies, as well as to adult dogs, using a syringe (without a needle).

Details about treatment with Smecta for dogs

Four-legged friends require special care and responsibility on the part of humans. Dogs, like people, are prone to poisoning, indigestion, and even intoxication.

Modern medications that are also suitable for humans can help relieve or cure symptoms. One of the universal remedies in the fight against intestinal ailments and poisoning is Smecta sorbent.

Is it possible to give?

The digestive system in dogs differs in the level of sensitivity compared to humans. Some breeds are quite prone to digestive disorders and indigestion, meaning some dogs may suffer from diarrhea without any particular reason.

For diarrhea

The main causes of diarrhea that require treatment are: poor-quality foods, a sudden change in the usual diet, stressful situations, overeating, food or other allergic reactions of the body, as well as poisoning.

Smecta is an affordable drug developed for people; accordingly, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. During intestinal disorders, the drug can and should be given to the dog.

In terms of its composition, Smecta is safe, since it consists of a compound of aluminum and magnesium, does not have a systemic effect on the body and is excreted in its original form. Due to its enveloping structure, the drug protects mucous membranes from the effects of toxins, acids and bile.

The drug can even be used to treat puppies.

Thanks to its adsorbing effect, the medicine collects and removes microorganisms and germs, improving the functioning of the mucus secreted by the stomach. The most important advantage of the product is that it does not affect the peristalsis of the animal’s intestines.

It is necessary to give your dog Smecta if diarrhea began due to overeating or eating low-quality foods that provoked irritation of the mucous membranes with toxins.

Important! If there is blood in the animal's stool, you should contact your veterinarian and avoid self-medication. Such symptoms may indicate bleeding in the mucous membranes.

During treatment of diarrhea, the dog should not be fed to avoid irritation of the stomach mucous membranes. The duration of the regime cannot exceed 48 hours.

In case of poisoning

Poisoning of an animal can be different, the most important thing is to recognize its presence in time and take action.

Smecta can become an additional component in the complex treatment of an animal in case of intoxication, but the medicine will not be able to cope with it on its own.

The drug is suitable for eliminating the causes and treating food poisoning, removing toxins from the body. To avoid poisoning, the dog’s diet must be balanced; you should not give the animal expired or missing food.

Reference. Some types of poisoning are characterized by the presence of convulsions and loss of coordination. Self-medication will only be a waste of time. With such symptoms, the animal requires the help of a doctor.

When vomiting

Food poisoning is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. Such a reaction of the body is absolutely acceptable and is protective.

Thus, the body independently tries to remove contents from the digestive tract as quickly as possible so that toxins do not have time to be absorbed. The animal must be given both the drug itself and a sufficient amount of water to prevent dehydration.

In case of poisoning with chemicals, poisons, acids and alkalis, immediate medical attention and prompt medical treatment will be required.

Other cases

Indications for the use of the drug are sufficient to alleviate the dog’s condition and provide treatment, including:

  • acute and chronic diarrhea, which can occur due to medications and allergies;
  • infectious diarrhea, in which the drug acts as an adjuvant;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • stomach upset caused by a lack of enzymes.

Attention! The drug must be given in the form of a suspension, diluting the powder with warm water in a ratio of 1 g per 40 ml of water. For large dogs, 3 g of the drug (one sachet) is needed per dose, for medium dogs – 2 grams and for small dogs – 1 g. For more details, see the instructions for use.

The amount of liquid may be slightly reduced in cases where the animal has strong resistance to taking the drug.

Pregnant and lactating

Smecta can be given to pregnant and lactating dogs without caution, since the components of this medicine are not absorbed into the blood, and therefore cannot harm the fetus or pass into milk.

The presence of toxicosis in a dog can cause diarrhea, in which case the drug will help remove the symptoms and alleviate the dog’s condition.

For lactating and pregnant dogs, the medicine is recommended in cases of: diarrhea caused by food poisoning, allergies or intestinal infection, heartburn, belching, bloating.

It is important to observe intervals of 2 hours when the drug is used in parallel with other medications.

Breed characteristics

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug for certain breeds. When giving medication, it is important to understand the symptoms in order to exclude contraindications to taking the drug.

If an animal has an intolerance to any component that is present in Smecta, then you can try replacing the medicine with an analogue. There are no indications for use based on the dog's breed.


If symptoms of poisoning occur, the dog must be given first aid.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  1. Decreased body temperature.
  2. Loss of coordination.
  3. A lethargic, apathetic state (or vice versa, excessive excitability is not characteristic of the animal’s behavior).
  4. Coughing or wheezing when inhaling.
  5. Profuse salivation.
  6. Bleeding from mucous membranes.
  7. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  8. Severe thirst (typical of poisoning).
  9. Rapid dehydration.
  10. Pungent odor from the mouth.

A fairly common phenomenon is protein oversaturation of the body, as a result of protein and protein poisoning. This occurs when the animal's diet consists primarily of meat. Such poisonings pass quickly and do not require special treatment; you just need to change the animal’s diet.

During food poisoning, as well as as adjuncts for other types of poisoning, a number of different agents can be used.


The drug is tasteless and odorless and is a sorbent. Entrosgel cleanses of toxins, removes food allergens, heavy metal salts and medications and has a fixing effect. Effective for food poisoning, it will become an auxiliary substance for treatment during more serious poisoning.

In general, the medicine contains many advantages and helps restore the animal’s body. The disadvantages include a ban on the use of the drug during poisoning by a certain group of poisons - cyanides, as well as acids and alkalis.


The drug has a loose structure, making it easy to use. Dogs can be prescribed for food poisoning, as well as intoxication of the body caused by acids and alkalis, or taking other medications.

It has an acid-neutralizing, enveloping, adsorbing effect. The medicine preserves the physiological acidity of the stomach, forms a protective layer on the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as a sorbent and quickly removes toxic elements from the body.

Phosphalugel can be used for pregnant and lactating dogs.

No disadvantages have been identified, except for rare intolerance to some components of the drug.

Activated carbon

It is the simplest and most accessible type of medicine. Adsorbs toxins and harmful microbes, preventing them from entering the blood. Does not contain foreign auxiliary elements, which ensures the absence of contraindications for use.


The drug is available in powder form and can only be taken orally as a suspension. Covers a wide range of diseases, including poisoning, intestinal and viral infections.

In case of intoxication, it can be used as a solution for intestinal lavage. The composition of the medicine is absolutely safe; it can be used even by pregnant dogs and puppies.

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