Where to send your dog on vacation? Selecting options

Vacation is the most long-awaited period for a working person, because at this time you can go on a trip, see new cities and countries. As a rule, preparations for departure begin long before it occurs. If your family has a pet, you should take care in advance about where to leave the dog while on vacation or just for a long period. You will find the answer to this question in our article.

Where can I leave my dog ​​while on vacation?

You're going on vacation: what to do with your dog?

If you have close relatives with whom the animal is easy to contact and who agree to take care of it, consider yourself very lucky. But there are other situations.

When planning your vacation, don't forget about your four-legged friend!

To put it briefly, you have five options for where to place your dog or cat during a long vacation:

  • give to relatives or close friends;
  • invite them to live in your apartment and take care of the animal;
  • arrange private foster care in an apartment or use the services of a pet sitter;
  • enter into an agreement with a pet hotel;
  • take your pet on a trip with you.

When choosing an option, it is important to minimize stress for your pet

Accommodating an animal during the vacation period is quite a troublesome undertaking. We invite you to consider in detail all the positive and negative aspects of each option, and also tell you about all the intricacies of adopting a pet. With the help of our article, you will not only be able to choose the most suitable option for your four-legged pet, but also avoid possible difficulties.

Whatever decision you decide on, you will want to feel confident that your pet will be comfortable and safe at all times.

Drastic changes in a pet's life can affect its health

Note! You should not place your dog anywhere if she is a puppy, sick, pregnant or in heat. Before you go on vacation, take your animal to the veterinarian for examination. It is not easy for both dogs and cats to endure separation from their beloved owners, therefore, against the background of stress and a change in environment, an exacerbation of some diseases is possible.

What is better: leave the animal in a pet hotel or give it to foster care?

Pet care services are provided by pet hotels and private individuals. Of course, for such organizations and citizens, caring for a dog is an activity that brings in a stable income. Therefore, the choice of a place where the dog will temporarily live must be approached responsibly and carefully. You should not choose an establishment where accommodation will be cheaper, because the health and peace of mind of the dog should come first.

How to bury a dog correctly in the yard of a house

Each owner must decide for himself where his animal will live. But it is worth noting that pet hotels are specially equipped for receiving animals, but conditions may not be created for a regular foster care facility.

Note! Many hotels employ professional veterinarians and dog handlers. For an additional fee, they will work with the dog and teach commands.

But even in home foster care, dog sitters fully care for their pet. All their attention is directed specifically at the dog, and in hotels where several animals are temporarily housed, attention cannot always be paid to just one pet. In addition, after being constantly with the pet, the dog sitter will be able to advise on how best to develop it.

Option #1: Leave the dog with relatives or friends

Think about who you can trust in your loved ones and invite them to spend a few weeks with your pet. There may be people around you who have long dreamed of having a pet, but doubt whether this option is suitable for them. In this case, people will find it pleasant and useful to be with your dog.

Of course, you must provide detailed instructions to these people regarding the personality traits and maintenance of your pet. It is imperative to provide them with all the necessary supplies for the dog: a supply of food and treats, a leash and muzzle, toys, a bed, a set of first aid medications (don’t forget to write the dosage of the medications), as well as the addresses and telephone numbers of the veterinary clinic and animal hotel (on case of emergency). For your part, you must promise not to be late and to return for the animal exactly at the agreed time.

The pet will always wait for your early return

Idea! If your dog does not eat dry food, you can prepare meat and vegetables yourself and freeze them in portions.

Separately, you should discuss how the new owner should behave if the dog does not obey or plays around and damages furniture and things. Promise your friend or relative to pay for any damage caused to avoid unnecessary penalties for the animal.

Gratitude for caring for a pet can be material

If none of your loved ones agrees to adopt a dog, offer them a financial reward or provide some kind of service in gratitude for fostering them. On the one hand, your loved ones will be able to receive additional finances, because money in our time is never superfluous. On the other hand, you will pay much less compared to the cost of a pet hotel or foster home.

Your relatives and loved ones can become friends with your pet

How to properly prepare a dog for moving?

Preparing for your dog to live with your loved ones should begin several weeks before departure. Tell the future owners about the dog’s character and take several walks together. Does your loved one feel confident? Ask him to walk the dog on a leash, play with it, and give a few commands. Look at how the dog behaves, whether it listens to another person, and whether it shows aggression or anxiety.

To keep your pet from getting confused, help him establish communication

The next stage is a visit to the house of the future owner. If the dog is already familiar with the future owner, this will be a big advantage and will simplify your task. If the dog has not been in this house before, it may show increased interest or, conversely, nervousness. Let her look around and calm down. Let the future owner play with her again, feed her, and give her a few commands. It would be right if you came to visit several times, leaving the dog with your loved one for a short time. This way they can get used to each other faster.

If the acquaintance was successful, on the day of departure you must bring to the new home in advance everything necessary for the animal’s stay. Leave your dog something that reminds you of you. Next, you must independently bring the dog to the new owner and be sure to bring it into the premises. You only need to transfer the animal in the apartment. Don’t make your farewell long and emotional: animals quickly read our psychological mood. The dog will experience stress during the move in any case, so do not aggravate its condition with your tears. On the contrary, try to be positive. Don't wait longer than 10 minutes to say goodbye. After about half an hour, call the new owner and ask about the condition of the animal. If everything went well, you can safely go on vacation.

You should start preparing for your dog's relocation in advance.

We are looking for help from relatives and friends

The optimal solution, which is available to almost everyone, is to place the dog with people they know well during the holidays. While you're away, you won't have to worry about your pet, whether it ran away, went hungry or was left unattended. Many owners do not even consider this option according to the logic: “who needs someone else’s dog.” However, you can’t even imagine how many people want to have a pet, but do not allow themselves to do so due to a low degree of responsibility, financial situation or constant business trips. It will do you no harm if you call people (whom you trust) with an offer to take a pet during your vacation. Naturally, along with the dog you must provide food, accessories and fulfill the conditions of a temporary guardian. It is important to adhere to the strictly agreed terms of your absence.

Another option that not everyone considers is temporary residence of your relative or close friend at your home. Naturally, you must completely trust the candidate and be confident in his responsibility. Teenagers who want to escape from the supervision of their parents almost always react joyfully to such a proposal. Of course, you need to talk to the young carer's parents and agree that the child will be at home at night.

Important! It is not recommended to leave puppies and young dogs on vacation, even if the departure period is short.


So, the first option is to temporarily place your pet with friends . First of all, you need to obtain the full consent of the temporary guardians and discuss all the conditions. The move should be planned in advance, and preparations should begin 1–2 weeks before departure. Be sure to take a few test walks with your future guardian to see how responsive your pet is to commands and communication. Ask a friend to play with your pet, walk with him on a leash, and observe how excited the dog is.

The second stage is a visit . Once in an unfamiliar environment, the dog will be curious or nervous, it all depends on the type of psyche and level of socialization. It is important to take into account all the nuances if other animals or small children live in the house. In a stressful environment, a dog may behave unconventionally, start snapping or become afraid. As a rule, already at the stage of the first visit, it is obvious whether the pet will be able to adapt to the change of environment.

Important! Be sure to inform the temporary guardian about the pet's habits, especially if they can be considered harmful. Discuss what to do if the dog begs from the table, does not follow commands, climbs on furniture, chews something, etc.

Be sure to agree that the dog will not be punished and that you will pay for all damages (if necessary). Moving is a stress that most dogs can handle, but punishment, especially physical impact, is taboo. Only the owner can train and punish a dog!

If negotiations on the above points were successful, you can get ready for the road. Try to organize a few outings together before leaving. At the appointed time, take your pet to the guardian yourself, do not pass the leash on the street. Move all your pet's personal belongings to the temporary home in advance. Don't forget to leave something that has your scent. Don’t drag out goodbyes, don’t cry, and don’t make a tragedy out of your breakup. Be positive, spend 5-7 minutes with your pet and walk away.

When you go out the door, or better yet, onto the street, you can give free rein to your emotions, but escalating the situation in the presence of a dog is unacceptable. After 10-20 minutes, call the temporary guardians. If everything goes smoothly, go home and pack your bags.

With guests

The second option is more suitable for emotional dogs. As long as the animal remains in a familiar environment, its stress levels are lower. However, there is one very important nuance in this option. Most dogs protect their territory, and when deprived of the owner (as support), the four-legged dog can fall into extreme aggression.

If you have decided to have a dog guardian live in your home and have found a suitable candidate, make sure that:

  • You can trust the person, because the pet and all your things will remain in the house.
  • The candidate is not afraid of dogs and will be able to fend for himself if necessary.
  • The dog calmly reacts to the guardian’s instructions (shows responsiveness).
  • The candidate understands the basic principles of communication with a dog and is ready to be responsible for its comfort and safety.

The preparation technique is similar to that described above. Start by taking walks together and inviting your guardian to visit. Try an experiment - have a friend open a closet and take something while you are in another room. Ask to feed the dog, send it to its place, and prepare some food for yourself. Quite often, dogs behave calmly when the owner is in the house, but as soon as he leaves, they do not allow the guardian to take a step. That is why during preparation you need to conduct another experiment - leave home, leaving your pet and guardian tete-a-tete.

Dogs of some breeds have a highly developed instinct of protection and do not hide it. Four-legged animals do not allow the guardian to move around the house unattended, much less touch anything. In this case, the option of temporary residence at your home should be excluded!

Option #2: Invite someone to live with your dog in your apartment

If among your friends there are people who need temporary housing, you can offer them to live at your home, provided they look after the dog. This option is suitable for people looking for rented housing, students living in a dormitory, as well as for anyone who would like to change their environment and live separately for some time.

Being with your dog can be an interesting experience.

If you are leaving for a long time, you can try to rent it out at a reduced price, again subject to supervision of the animal. This option is not the simplest and most reliable, since strangers will live in your house and use your things. The search for tenants must begin in advance. No one can guarantee that the tenant’s plans will not change on the eve of your departure. However, if you are comfortable with this idea, be sure to use the services of a real estate agency and enter into a legal contract.

The dog needs time to make friends with a new temporary neighbor

Preparations should also begin several weeks before departure. Invite the candidate for accommodation to your home, introduce him to the dog, and take several walks together. There is a peculiarity in the psychology of dog behavior: the animal feels like a master in its territory. Left alone in his home with a stranger, the dog may begin to show aggression, defending its territory. Be sure to give the future owner and dog some time alone. Let the future owner feed the dog and play with it. After which this person must show the dog that he will use your things: let him open the closet and take something out of it. The result of such meetings should be confidence that the dog is not aggressive and listens to commands. If your dog's behavior is unfriendly, the idea of ​​a loved one living in your home should be abandoned.

Established contact with a dog can be the beginning of a great friendship.

If your dog tolerates loneliness well, try to arrange with family or friends to come to your house twice a day, walk the dog, feed it and play with it a little. If a dog accepts such a guardian, it will be a very successful decision.

During the owner's absence, the dog should be walked in its usual way.


When leaving a dog with family or friends, you must be sure that all family members agree with this decision and no one shows hostility towards the animal. The guardian who will care for your dog must not only love animals, but also have the skills to interact with them correctly. There is a possibility that your pet may be sick, and a person who does not understand animal psychology may simply not notice this.

Sometimes leaving a dog in the care of relatives is not an option

If the host family has small children, pensioners or seriously ill people, it is also better to refuse such dog ownership. In this case, one of the options below will suit you.


At the end of the last century, owners of four-legged human friends did not have much choice. But now - in the period of a market economy - the question: where to leave the dog while on vacation in Moscow is solved almost by itself. There are not so many options:

  • leave at home under the supervision of friends;
  • give for home foster care;
  • leave it at the zoo hotel.

There is another option - take your pet with you. But this is a topic for another conversation.

Option No. 3: private foster care, babysitting services

Overexposure is a pet hotel at home. You negotiate the characteristics and conditions of keeping the animal and pay for these services. Overexposure differs from a pet hotel in that the animal will be kept in an apartment, without an enclosure. It is permissible for several animals to be housed at the same time. Some people living in private houses equip special cages for overexposure and in this way earn additional income.

Before giving your dog for foster care, you must vaccinate him in advance. You must have documents in your hands confirming that you are the owner. The animal must be microchipped or branded.

To find a person willing to foster a pet, you can:

  • use ad sites;
  • contact an animal protection organization or volunteer group in your city;
  • ask for help in local social media groups.

Come home to the future owner, see in what conditions your dog will be kept.

Cruella De Vil (“101 Dalmatians”) is an example of a not-so-suitable pet sitter

Signs to watch out for

  • the appearance and neatness of the guardian, his psychological qualities and experience in communicating with animals;
  • cleanliness in the apartment, absence of unpleasant odors and garbage;
  • conditions for keeping, the presence of a separate room for possible isolation of any animal;
  • availability of a first aid kit for emergency veterinary care;
  • availability of feed supplies.

Fully discuss all aspects with your guardian and do not hesitate to ask questions. As a rule, the person involved in foster care approaches the care of the animal very carefully and also asks many questions and offers to conclude an agreement. A truly responsible guardian will not foster a sick or unvaccinated animal.

Guardians tend to feed the animals the same food. If your dog suffers from food allergies and requires a separate diet, discuss this issue in detail.

Be sure to clarify the issue of vaccinations and tolerance to different types of food

Some dog breeds cannot tolerate being around other animals and exhibit possessive qualities or aggression. Also, some dogs’ psyches are structured in such a way that they become very attached to their owner and require increased attention. In such cases, it is better for you to use the services of a pet sitter - a person who understands the behavior of dogs and who will only monitor your animal. If the dog's character allows him to get along with other animals, the guardian can take several pets for foster care.

Be sure to conclude a foster care agreement with the future owner and show it to a lawyer. Only a correctly drafted document will have legal force.


This establishment has only 12 rooms, which guarantees attentive attention to every four-legged guest. Everything in the rooms is made of environmentally friendly materials: walls, furniture, toys. And, of course, no cages or glass partitions! On the downside: this is a hotel for both dogs and cats, and only small and medium breeds are accepted here. Of the variety of rooms, dogs can only be accommodated in the suite (cost from 850 rubles per day) and deluxe (from 1,200 rubles). The price includes feeding, games, photo reports, nanny supervision, and in the deluxe package there is also 24-hour supervision by a veterinarian.

Address – Nizhegorodskaya street, building 29-33. Nearest metro stations: Nizhegorodskaya, Novokhokhlovskaya (MCC), Aviamotornaya

Option number 4: use the services of a pet hotel

An animal hotel is an establishment staffed by specially trained people who understand the psychology of dogs and cats. They will keep your animal in comfortable conditions, take care of it, walk it, feed it, provide veterinary and hygiene services.

Advantages of dog hotels

  • Dogs are walked at the hotel twice a day. In most cases, cat enclosures are two-level: on the first floor there is a toilet, a feeding trough, a drinking bowl and a place for games, on the second there is a house for sleeping and resting;
  • the animals are kept in individual enclosures, and if your pet requires special care, the hotel staff can fulfill your wishes. Dogs and cats are kept separately so that the animals do not experience constant stress;

In the right pet hotels, the likelihood of stress for your pet is minimal

  • in the hotel, animals are under constant supervision and roam in a fenced area, which prevents accidental escape;
  • pet hotel employees bear full responsibility for the life and health of your animal, which is transferred to the hotel only after concluding an agreement;
  • the main difference between a pet hotel and a foster home is the constant presence of a veterinarian who can provide emergency assistance to your pet;
  • For an additional fee, the staff of the pet hotel will help your animal feel more comfortable: for example, they will scratch him the way he likes, or play exactly the games he is used to. If you wish, you can additionally order dog grooming services, work with a dog handler, and delivery of the animal to the hotel. In pet hotels it is possible to conduct daily photo and video reports that will help you keep abreast of the dog’s life. Some pet hotels provide services for installing 24-hour web cameras in their enclosures.

A pet hotel is a way to arrange a vacation not only for yourself, but also for your pet

Note! If your vacation falls during the period of mass vacations, for example, during the summer or New Year holidays, it makes sense to book a place in a hotel for animals in advance.

Video – Hotel for dogs

Tips for choosing a pet hotel

  1. Carefully study the reviews about this organization. Inspect the place where you plan to keep the animal, pay attention to how the staff treats other animals, and whether the enclosure will be spacious enough.
  2. Notice what other animals look like.
  3. If your animal is not examined by a veterinarian upon arrival at the hotel, this should alert you.
  4. It is not advisable to choose a hotel located in an ordinary apartment in a multi-storey residential building. It's harder to keep things clean in a tight space.
  5. Pet hotels are often set up at veterinary clinics. On the one hand, this guarantees emergency medical care, on the other hand, there is a possibility of getting an infection from sick animals that are brought to the reception (if the reception room is located near the hotel).
  6. The best option would be to choose a hotel located in a separate building.

Some pet hotels offer clients luxury service.

Of course, keeping a dog in a pet hotel will cost more than overexposure - this is the main disadvantage. Keeping animals in separate enclosures can also be considered a disadvantage of pet hotels. If your dog is bored without communication, it is better for you to consider the option of foster care in a private apartment.

Looking for outside help

The easiest way is to turn to people who live in your neighborhood or often keep you company on walks. It will be very good if your dog and the pet of the temporary guardian walk together for a long time and know each other well. Make sure that the person you entrust your dog to has dog care and training rules that are acceptable to you and your pet.

When approaching neighbors, make sure that the candidate really loves dogs and knows how to handle them. You should not trust your ward to young or large parents, pensioners, or unfamiliar teenagers. Discuss with the candidate his work schedule and pace of life, make sure that your dog will not become an object of “show-off” or entertainment. It is important to observe the candidate on a walk with a pet; some, even physically strong people, cannot keep a dog on a leash... simply because they do not know how.

Preparing for departure if you decide to leave your dog with a stranger will take longer. However, this procedure should not be ignored. If the temporary guardian takes his task lightly, you will see it right away. Do not demand too much from the candidate, much less sincere love for your ward. You must be sure that the pet will be in a comfortable and safe environment, in most cases this is enough.

Paid foster care

Paid foster care is a hotel for domestic animals. You leave the ward to a temporary guardian and pay for the requested services. The pros and cons of this option are very vague and depend more on your dog's temperament:

  • The pet will live in the company of other animals, which is unacceptable for dominant individuals.
  • The dog is not kept in an enclosure and can come into contact with other animals and people.
  • Usually animals are walked in groups and not for long.

When choosing overexposure, read the requirements; this indicator alone can clarify the seriousness of intentions. A responsible guardian does not accept foster care without vaccinations, untreated against parasites and unsterilized animals . An adequate condition would be to provide your own, reliable ammunition, including a muzzle. Bowls are usually your own, as they are processed and disinfected in a way convenient for the caregiver. A responsible owner of a foster home is always interested in the characteristics of the character and maintenance of the animal, declares his conditions and insists on concluding an agreement at the first meeting.

Feeding conditions are negotiated separately. In most foster homes, dogs are fed the same, which is not always suitable for the owner. If your dog suffers from allergies or intolerance to certain foods, this nuance must be discussed in advance. Your task is to visit the foster care facility several times and remove all the nuances for yourself:

  • Cleanliness - don’t expect perfect order, but inspect the floors; there should be no food residues, traces of feces, etc. on them.
  • Odor in the home - you should be alerted by the smell of urine and feces, household chemicals.
  • Food supplies - If animals are fed natural food, make sure food is stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Availability of an emergency first aid kit .
  • Having a room to isolate the dog , for example, if it shows aggression or becomes apathetic.
  • Cleanliness and neatness of the guardian.

Stipulate in advance the terms of drawing up an agreement on the transfer of the animal. Get a copy of the document and consult with a lawyer about its legal validity. Please note that a signed document that is not drawn up according to the rules of record keeping will not help you in any way if problems arise.


The services of a pet sitter are the same as foster care, but with the condition that there are no other charges living in the home besides your dog . For animals with weak psyches, this option is more acceptable. In addition to the conditions described above, discuss a walking and feeding schedule with the temporary guardian. Find out how long the pet sitter is at her main job and which veterinarian she usually sees. It is important to clarify whether the guardian will be able to provide first aid to the pet if necessary.

Find out whether the pet sitter takes care of animals with medical care and, if so, find out exactly how the premises are disinfected. Even if your dog is vaccinated, this does not guarantee that he will not contract the virus.


A zoo hotel is a temporary shelter for animals with boarding conditions . In this option, both pros and cons are obvious. Let's start with the advantages:

  • Such establishments (boarding houses, hotels) are opened by people who have extensive experience in keeping and raising dogs.
  • The hotel staff usually has a dog handler who is responsible for pets during walks.
  • Dogs are walked in groups on leashes or in a fenced area.
  • The animal is under constant supervision.
  • In case of an unforeseen situation, the pet will receive modern assistance from a qualified specialist.
  • The dog is delivered to the hotel after the conclusion of a legally valid agreement between the private person and the service provider.
  • Service providers are responsible for the health and maintenance of animals in the hotel.
  • Animals live in enclosures, which reduces the risk of escape.
  • Hotels (usually) have strict quarantine conditions and only vaccinated animals are accepted for temporary stays.
  • For an additional fee, many boarding houses provide the service of installing a webcam in the pet's enclosure.

If your dog requires ongoing medication, diet, or other specific care, pet hotels can accommodate these conditions. Be prepared to be denied services if your pet looks unhealthy , is infected with parasites, has received vaccinations less than 3 months (before the expected date of departure), is in heat or pregnant, or shows aggression towards other animals or people.

It is worth understanding that the tactics of running a business related to keeping animals have nothing to do with the rule “the customer is always right.” A temporary guardian primarily cares about the safety of animals that are already in foster care. This may seem like a disadvantage to you, but it is the right position. Negative points include:

  • Keeping in an enclosure is unacceptable for “apartment” and sofa dogs.
  • Group walking can be a problem for decorative dogs and pets with a lively character.
  • Lack of careful grooming.
  • Lack of communication – not suitable for highly social and owner-attached animals.

As you can see, there are more pros than cons. Temporarily keeping an animal in a hotel eliminates almost all possible risks associated with escape or health problems. Naturally, such services cost money, and a lot of it. The higher the level of care for guests, the higher the price tag. Payment is usually made daily, you leave the entire amount (for the duration of your vacation) and pay extra for the provision of additional services if they are required.

Important! Be sure to save the receipts or receipts received after making payment for services!

Option #5: Take your pet with you on your trip

Going on vacation with your pet will help your dog avoid separation stress, but it will also add extra hassle for you.

Going on vacation with a dog is a responsible decision

  • Daily animal care will take up some of your time. In addition, a dog on vacation, just like at home, requires regular supervision;
  • Not all animals tolerate transportation easily. Some pets, like people, find it difficult to adapt to new climatic conditions;
  • if the animal gets sick during the trip, you will have to seek emergency veterinary help, which means additional costs and loss of time that you could spend on rest;

When planning a vacation with your pet, prepare its documents

  • Before the trip, you must complete special documents and get the necessary vaccinations. If you are traveling to another country, you will need to obtain an international certificate. Each state has its own rules for importing pets; it is better to know about these features in advance;
  • For the trip, you will need to buy a special bag or carrying bag, as well as organize a place for feeding and taking care of the animals’ natural needs. This is especially difficult to do on a train or bus, when a large number of people are traveling in a fairly cramped space;
  • not all of your travel companions will like being around an animal, and some people may even have allergies;
  • Before choosing a holiday home, you should notify its owners that you are taking an animal with you. Some hotels do not allow dogs or cats. Not all owners of private houses and apartments will agree to such a neighborhood. You may have problems with the owners if the animal ruins something in the apartment.

There are both pros and cons to traveling with a dog.

Leave the dog at the dogsitter's house

You can also ask a friend or relative to take the dog into your home. This will be more comfortable for your friend or relative as he/she can sleep in his/her own bed and do household chores. This is a great option for both you, the dog sitter and the dog itself, especially if they are acquaintances and know each other well.

But remember that not all animals are comfortable being left outside the house without their owner, so the pet may become agitated. And when you return, this may put your dog sitter in an awkward position. We advise you to bring your pet to visit him in advance so that he gets used to the people and surroundings of the new home and does not worry while you are away. It is also important to introduce your dog to the pet sitter's pets, if you have one.

Before your trip, be sure to make a list of things to bring with your dog. These are the essentials: a bed, bowl and food, as well as a favorite toy or calming item like your T-shirt. Leave detailed instructions for caring for your pet, including all emergency contacts.

Is it possible to leave an animal alone at home?

As a rule, a vacation trip involves a long absence of the animal's owners. Neither a dog nor a cat can spend a long time alone. The animal needs to cope with its natural needs, drink clean water and eat fresh food. Therefore, overexposure should be taken care of in advance.

Unfortunately, there are situations in life when you need to urgently leave home, and there is no time left to give your pet to relatives or to a hotel.

Leaving your pet alone at home while on vacation is a last resort.

Ensuring maximum dog comfort and safety

  1. Provide the animal with as much supply of dry food and clean water as possible. You can use modern gadgets - purchase automatic feeders and drinking bowls that regularly provide the animal with food and water as needed. You are required to always keep a sufficient supply of dry food at home.
  2. Some small breeds of dogs are trained to relieve themselves in the diaper, so these hygiene items should be left in sufficient quantities. If you also need to leave your cat at home, fill her litter tray with fresh litter.
  3. Take care of the animal's safety: remove all objects that could injure or entangle it. Close the toilet lid and trash can. Remove plants that may be toxic to animals. Turn off electrical appliances.
  4. If there are several rooms in the apartment, close those in which the animal could damage something or get injured. Provide the animal with access to its sleeping place. Leave your pet plenty of his favorite toys.
  5. Give the apartment keys to your relatives or friends as soon as possible so they can visit your dog. Remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed!

A dog locked alone for a long time can restore order in the house.

Why can't a dog be left alone at home even for a day?

It’s not for nothing that four-legged pets are called man’s best friends. Unlike cats, they become attached to their owner, not their home. Because of this, any separation becomes a real test for them. If the owners go to work, then time seems to stop. Even such hours of waiting are painful, let alone a long absence during vacation.

Despite this, dogs have to be left alone during workdays. For this reason, dog experts recommend instilling good manners from early childhood. A puppy left at home should not disturb the peace of neighbors by barking or howling. Leave the house for shopping or to the nearest park, gradually increasing the walking time. This way the pet will get used to the absence of the owner during working hours. Remember that up to six months, the time of solitude should not exceed 2 hours.

Don’t forget about regular walking. As animals age, it becomes more difficult to control their bladder. They need to be walked more often than usual - or taught to use a litter box.

But the main reason for the unacceptable loneliness of an animal is the stress that it can endure while locked up and without people. Particularly sensitive pets may not fully recover from such a shock. This will greatly affect their health - both mental and physical.

"Walking Dog"

The most popular dog boarding and walking service conducts a strict selection of “dog sitters.” Out of 100 applicants, 4-5 people get into the team. Then the dog sitters undergo a short training course, and only then their advertisement is posted on the website. The price does not depend on the weight of the dog, as in hotels, but on its activity and the number of walks. For a lap dog, with whom you don’t need to walk at all, a day will cost 690 rubles, for those who need 2 walks of 45 minutes - 990 rubles. And for caring for hyperactive breeds, such as the Jack Russell Terrier, you will have to pay 1,190 rubles per day. Feeding, including homemade food, is included in the price. All you need to do is leave all the necessary products to the sitter and explain what your pet likes.

The dog sitter can take your dog into his home (often these people have their own animals at home), or he can live with you until you return from vacation. The price of the issue does not change. In any case, you will receive regular photo and video reports about feeding, washing paws and other joys of your friend.

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