If a tumor has opened. Interview with a leading oncologist

Oncology is a disease in which some cells of the body grow uncontrollably into surrounding tissues. The tumor is sometimes limited to one area, and sometimes affects the entire body.

The exact causes of oncology in animals have not yet been established.

Mammary cancer

The most common type of cancer found in unsterilized cats.

It is characterized by the appearance of lumps (tumors) inside the animal’s mammary glands, which gradually increase in size and can open in the final stages of the disease.

Sterilization is a method that will almost 100% protect your animal from this type of cancer.

Causes of cancer development

The exact reasons for the development of oncology have not yet been identified. Veterinarians believe that in most cases, the predisposition to cancer is inherited. Development factors also include long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, etc. This type of cancer, such as lymphoma, is more often observed in pets suffering from the immunodeficiency virus or coronavirus infection.

Oncology can develop after vaccination. A lump often forms at the injection site, which after 2-3 months begins to transform into a tumor, so it is better to remove any tumors as soon as possible.

Skin cancer

Keep an eye on emerging growths on your pet’s body, because many of them tend to become malignant. If any formations appear, contact your veterinarian.

Types of tumors such as carcinoma and adenocarcinoma affect the epithelial cells of the skin and internal organs.

Skin cancer in cats is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth; if the lungs are damaged, it becomes difficult for the animal to breathe. When the gastrointestinal tract is damaged, constipation and vomiting appear, and the size of the abdomen changes.

Main types of tumors

Now let’s look at the main types of cancer tumors: where and what kind of tumors can appear, what clinical signs they are characterized by.

Lesions of the mammary glands

Yes, breast cancer is a scourge not only of modern women. This type of cancer is also common in cats. Animals aged 10-14 years often become ill. Siamese get sick more often. If a cat has her ovaries removed before her first heat, the likelihood of the disease is reduced to almost zero. In rare cases, this type of cancer can even affect cats.

Research shows that 85% of mammary tumors in cats are malignant adenocarcinomas. In the other 15%, there are papillomas of the milk ducts, sarcomas and adenomas. They appear in the form of swellings that can be felt in the thickness of the mammary glands.

Oncological lesions of the liver

Liver cancer is also quite common in cats. But primary oncology of this organ is extremely rare. In more than 90% of cases, it is only a consequence of the introduction of metastases through the bloodstream (secondary cancer). Typical varieties are hepatocarcinoma and adenoma. The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • Apathy, lack of appetite.
  • Jaundice develops quickly.
  • When palpating the right hypochondrium, there is a pronounced pain reaction.
  • Ascites (edema of the abdominal cavity) is likely, accompanied by a sharp increase in the size of the abdomen.

Oncology in the stomach

First, let's look at stomach cancer as the rarest type. It is known that mainly animals aged ten years and older are affected. Most often, three types of tumors are detected: mastocytomas, adenocarcinomas and lymphomas.

The clinical picture is quite blurry:

  • Apathy, lack of appetite.
  • Possible vomiting.
  • Diarrhea, characterized by melena (i.e. black, half-digested blood).

Without medical attention, tumors in the stomach lead to the death of the animal from massive internal bleeding. In addition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract greatly weaken the pet’s immunity. To prevent bacterial diseases, Cephalexin (an antibiotic from the cephalosporin group) may be prescribed. It is good not only for its high efficiency, but also for its low number of side effects.

Neoplasms in the intestines

Intestinal cancer, which is much more common in cats, manifests itself in a similar way:

  • Its characteristic symptom is diarrhea, but, unlike the first case, there will be a lot of fresh, red blood in the stool. She simply doesn’t have time to digest. Subsequently, diarrhea is replaced by frequent constipation.
  • Since the intestine is noticeably larger in area than the stomach and its compensatory mechanisms are more reliable, clinical signs develop much more slowly, but in almost all cases, progressive exhaustion is noticed in the animal.

Alas, by their nature, intestinal tumors are most often adenocarcinomas, that is, very aggressive and rapidly spreading neoplasms.

Squamous cell oncology

Squamous cell carcinoma should also be described in more detail because of its specificity. In cats there are three types:

  • Most often, squamous cell varieties affect the mucous membranes of the mouth and the skin on the animal’s face. This is the most common malignant tumor in cats.
  • Squamous cell type of oncology, which appears as a result of exposure to solar radiation, is not uncommon.
  • Lenticular discoid dyskeratosis, also called Bowenoid carcinoma. It can be found on any part of the animal’s body, but the process of its development is extremely slow.

Signs of the disease include the appearance of “warts,” swellings and lumps on the skin and mucous membranes.

Bone cancer

Bone cancer in cats is not very common, but such pathologies are extremely difficult. The tumors that cause the disease are classified as chondrosarcomas. They appear as follows:

  • Lameness and pain in the affected limb.
  • If jaw cancer has developed, you can easily see clearly visible swellings and bumps on the surface of the bone tissue.

All forms of bone cancer are extremely dangerous for the life of the animal. To eliminate them, a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is used, as well as (if possible) surgical excision of the affected tissue.

Skin cancer

Skin cancer in older animals is detected with sad regularity. As a rule, melanomas and melanocarcinomas occur. They appear as follows:

  • Strange bumps and swellings appear on the skin.
  • It is possible that many new birthmarks may spontaneously appear or the size of existing ones may increase.
  • The cat constantly bites and scratches the areas that bother her.
  • Quite often, baldness, bleeding, etc. develop.

Neoplasms in the lungs

Lung cancer often develops in cats living in large cities. The “cleanliness” of the air contributes to this. Tumors, as a rule, are the same aggressive adenocarcinomas. Symptoms are vague:

  • Cough, wheezing in the chest.
  • The animal quickly loses stamina and begins to choke after running for just a couple of minutes.
  • X-rays reveal multiple (or single) darkening.

Neoplasms in the lungs are a consequence of cancer tumors already existing in the body; primary cancer of the lung tissue in cats is extremely rare.

Oncology of the uterus

Uterine cancer is a “privilege” of mature cats and older animals that have already given birth. As a rule, adenocarcinomas develop. They often metastasize and quickly spread throughout the body. Clinically, the disease manifests itself in the form of small “nodules” visible on x-rays in the thickness of the organ wall; a strong increase in the abdominal cavity is possible (due to a swollen uterus). In severe cases, they grow rapidly, and the condition of the sick animal greatly deteriorates. Thick exudate and blood may be released from the external genitalia (due to the destruction of tumors).

Neoplasms in the kidneys

Kidney cancer is in many ways similar to liver oncology; nephrocarcinomas and adenomas most often develop. The symptoms are similar to those that appear with “ordinary” kidney diseases:

  • A sharp increase in thirst and an increase in the daily volume of urine.
  • Possible dropsy of the abdominal cavity.
  • Intoxication phenomena quickly increase, the animal develops exhaustion, and the condition of the skin and coat worsens.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of cancer in cats can manifest themselves in different ways and depend on the type of disease. What you should pay attention to?

  • the animal has suddenly lost weight;
  • lymph nodes have noticeably enlarged;
  • there was a strong and unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • the pet’s behavior has changed, fatigue and drowsiness, apathy have appeared;
  • lameness appeared;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from any part of the body;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • it became difficult for the animal to breathe;
  • lack of appetite

What does cancer look like in cats? Pay attention to the appearance of bumps and various wounds (of unknown origin) on the animal's body.

Spots on the skin, non-healing ulcers in the mouth, nodules or lumps on the body may appear - all this is a reason to consult a doctor, because the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chances of defeating it!

Prevention measures

There are no 100% methods to prevent cancer, but following some recommendations will help significantly reduce the likelihood of the disease:

Balanced diet

  • high-quality, balanced nutrition;
  • regular treatment against parasites;
  • timely vaccination, scheduled visits to the veterinarian;
  • limiting sun exposure;
  • sterilization carried out before the first heat;
  • refusal of hormonal drugs to normalize sexual behavior;
  • activities aimed at strengthening the immune system;
  • care and good attitude towards the pet, protection from stressful situations.

Cat cancer cannot be dangerous to humans. According to numerous studies, the owner cannot become infected from a pet, regardless of what type of tumor and at what stage it is detected.

Diagnosis of cancer

If there is any suspicion of the presence of a disease, the following studies are carried out:

  • Blood and urine tests to evaluate organ function.
  • X-ray. Helps detect the presence of metastases in the animal’s body.
  • Ultrasound. Using this method, the presence of a tumor can be detected.
  • Biopsy. This is done in different ways: tumor cells are taken using a special syringe or endoscope, or during surgery material can be taken for examination. This is the most accurate method for diagnosing the disease.

Advanced stages and survival time

Veterinarians, as a rule, refuse to operate on breast cancer in cats in the last stage, since in this case the probability of success is very low. The best thing that can be done here is to allow the pet to live out its allotted time, surrounding the animal with care and love, and then humanely euthanize it, saving it from a painful cancer death. The approach of this sad moment can be tracked by a number of signs:

  • the tumor rapidly increases in size;
  • inflammatory process and pain of the neoplasm and adjacent areas;
  • the cat stops eating, quickly loses weight, lies around a lot, and has limited mobility;
  • the tumor is opened.

It is usually difficult to say exactly how long a particular animal diagnosed with cancer will live - it depends on many factors, such as age and general condition of the body, the stage of the disease and the rate of its progression, etc. Approximate forecasts regarding how long a cat has left to live can be given by the veterinarian who is seeing her.

At the initial stage of the disease, the cat may not have any specific symptoms, with the exception of small nodules in the abdominal area, which, as a rule, go unnoticed by the owner.

Usually the general condition of the animal changes when the process has gone too far. In this case, the pet will eat poorly, quickly lose weight, and lie more and more in a secluded corner, trying to hide from others.

From the side of the tumor the following is observed:

  • rapid increase in size;
  • signs of the inflammatory process;
  • breaking through ulcers;
  • bleeding;
  • soreness.

Just like in humans, cat mammary cancer has several stages. The method of treatment and prognosis for recovery depend on this.

Main stages of the disease:

  1. First stage. Lymph nodes in cats are not changed in size. In the area of ​​the mammary gland there is a small compaction of soft consistency. The animal allows you to touch such a tumor, since it does not yet feel it.
  2. Second stage. The consistency of the tumor becomes denser. But there is no metastasis yet.
  3. Third stage. The lymph nodes become inflamed and increase in size, the tumor also grows. The animal gets angry when they try to touch the tumor, because it hurts even from the most gentle touches.
  4. Fourth stage. This is the last stage of cancer. The cat is emaciated, the tumor has significantly increased in size. In this case, even surgical intervention is not a guarantee of an optimistic prognosis. And not every veterinarian will perform an operation in such a neglected state. Usually painkillers are prescribed, or it is recommended to euthanize the cat.

In the first and second stages, doctors give favorable prognoses. In this case, the tumor can be defeated through surgery or conservative treatment. The third stage is also not a 100% guarantee of death. But the last stage of cancer in cats leaves no hope for recovery.

At the time the disease develops, the cat may not yet show any symptoms. The only thing that will be noticeable is the presence of small nodules in the abdominal area. But the general condition of the animal will change only when the process has already gone too far. The cat will refuse to eat, stop leading an active lifestyle, and will constantly retire to a place where no one touches it. The appearance of the pet will also change - it will rapidly lose weight.

Since the symptoms of cancer are extremely similar to a number of other health problems, owners need to carefully examine their pet. Only in this case will it be possible to understand in time that the cause of the cat’s illness was a tumor.

The following changes in the neoplasm indicate an oncological nature:

  1. Nodules or bumps rapidly increase in size.
  2. Formations are growing.
  3. The development of the inflammatory process is obvious.
  4. Ulcers begin to break out.
  5. Seals cause pain to the animal.
  6. Bleeding begins.

By taking the necessary measures at the initial stage of the disease, you can hope that the cat will live for many more years. Unfortunately, the first stage is most often neglected. Therefore, more than 60% of cats who have had a tumor removed will experience cancer again. No less sad is that breast cancer is a rapid process. Therefore, doctors often predict a fairly short life span for a cat - no more than a year.

It is difficult to say how long cats live during intensive treatment. If pet owners make every effort, the animal can live 2-3 years.

In the video, veterinarians talk about the treatment of mammary cancer and the prognosis for this disease.

The disease may not appear for many years. Its symptoms are as follows:

  1. 1. The first sign is the appearance of small dense formations. They are located in the breast area. They do not bother the cat and are not felt during palpation. During this period, it is impossible to determine whether the tumor is malignant or whether it will increase in size or remain within the same boundaries. From the moment a compaction is discovered, it must be monitored.
  2. 2. If your pet’s tumor has increased in size and doubled in size in a month, then there is every reason to suspect cancer. The tumor may appear as a thickened rash, which as it grows can increase to the size of a lump.
  3. 3. At the next stage, the tumor opens, bleeds and has an unpleasant odor. At this moment, the cat feels pain in the mammary glands.

Animals constantly lick the affected area, which worsens the situation as ulcers occur. Every day the pet feels worse and worse: it loses weight, strength decreases, and chronic diseases become acute.

Main stages of the disease:

  1. 1. First. The pet's lymph nodes are not changed in size; in the area of ​​the mammary gland there is a slight compaction of soft consistency. The cat allows you to touch the tumor because it does not feel it.
  2. 2. Second. The tumor on the breast is becoming denser, but there are no metastases yet.
  3. 3. Third. Lymph nodes increase in size, become inflamed, and the tumor increases. When touching a neoplasm, the animal becomes angry, as it feels pain even from light contact.
  4. 4. Fourth. This is the last stage of breast cancer. The pet is exhausted, and the tumor has increased significantly in size. At this stage, even surgical intervention does not predict a favorable outcome. Typically, veterinarians will prescribe pain medications or advise euthanizing the cat.

In the first and second stages, experts give favorable prognoses. The tumor can be eliminated with surgery or conservative therapy. The third stage also does not mean the death of the pet.

If the tumor has burst, it should not be touched, as this could trigger the process of metastasis.

The lifespan of a cat with mammary cancer depends on a huge number of factors. Only a veterinarian can give an approximate prognosis after a biopsy.

When cancer is diagnosed and treated at an early stage, the one-year survival rate reaches 70%. Only 5% of pets live more than a year from the moment the disease is diagnosed at the last stage.


After the disease is diagnosed, one of the types of treatment (the most appropriate in this case) is prescribed.

  • Seizures in cats - main causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment and choice of drugs (110 photos)

  • Polycystic kidney disease in cats - causes, diagnosis and symptoms of the disease. Treatment options and prevention of kidney disease (95 photos)

  • Tartar in cats - signs of the disease and methods of fully treating tartar (125 photos + video)

Treatment methods are often combined. The success of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the animal’s immunity and your attitude towards treating your pet.

What is oncology

By nature of origin, cancer is an autoimmune process that develops as a result of disruption of the immune system, as well as molecules of the genetic code. Pathological tumors are formed from a small number of cellular structures that have changed their DNA. Over time, the neoplasm increases in size due to the multiplication of modified structures.

Regular examination by a veterinarian is the key to a healthy cat.

As the oncological process develops, modified cells rupture the primary tumor and spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and lymph, affecting once healthy tissue. This form of the disease is called metastatic.

Note! Lung cancer in cats overwhelmingly contributes to the development of bone cancer.

At first, the body’s protective functions are able to suppress and cope with toxic substances released as a result of the activity of atypical cells, but as the cat’s tumor develops, the immune system stops fighting and coping.

The life expectancy of a domestic cat diagnosed with cancer depends on the initial health of the animal, the type and stage of development of the disease, as well as the treatment methods used.

Molecular structure of atypical cellular structures


With this method of treatment, a toxic drug is infused intravenously to destroy cancer cells.

The medicine used for this type of treatment is prescribed only by a veterinarian, as well as the regimen and duration of treatment.

During chemotherapy, the animal may experience hair loss, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and lethargy.

What are the predisposing factors of the disease?

In most cases, it is impossible to accurately answer the question: “Why did the cat get cancer?” However, there are many predisposing factors that lead to cancer:

  • poor immune system;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • regular poor quality nutrition;
  • microtrauma of internal organs;
  • passive smoking (tobacco smoke is very harmful to the body of cats);

  • insufficient physical activity and poor lifestyle in general;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • constant stress;
  • bacterial, fungal and viral infections;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • polluted ecology.

Photos of cancer in cats

Read here Hyperparathyroidism in cats: how to treat and how to identify the first symptoms. Tips and recommendations from veterinarians on how to cure hyperparathyroidism (110 photos and videos)

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Purulent seals

A pathological process with pus is cancer at the last stage. The owner is prohibited from squeezing out or piercing the guard himself, as there is a possibility of touching nearby organs. If a tumor on the cat’s abdomen has ruptured, then it is necessary to carefully treat the wound with a non-alcohol disinfectant and consult a doctor.

It is impossible to save your four-legged friend in this case. You can only relieve his pain with medications or save him from further suffering through euthanasia.

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